I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells

Chapter 212 Children and things are really annoying (please subscribe at the fifth watch!)

"What happened to that brat outside just now?"

Fei Duan wiped the blood with his clothes casually, and asked nonchalantly.

At this time, Ah Fei suddenly came over, "Could it be...the illegitimate son of Senior Shinji? Haha, just kidding..."

Black Flash!



When Sasuke was hesitating whether to continue, he saw a figure crashing through the wall, and Pia slammed face down in front of him with a grunt.

He recognized the guy instantly.

Isn't this one of the two people who went in just now?

This is too cruel...


A Fei barely raised his head, and stretched out a hand towards Sasuke.

Sasuke struggled for a while, but he was still going to help him up first.

Then I heard a shout from the broken wall:

"Get out of here quickly! Next time you dare to talk nonsense, your teeth will be smashed!"

"Alright, Shinji-senpai~"

One of Afeiha's carps stood up straight, then ran back with a whimper, not looking injured.

Sasuke's complexion turned dark immediately, feeling that these guys are very abnormal!

But when A Fei stretched out his hand just now, Sasuke noticed that the other party also had the same mark as Shinji Akagi on his hand, presumably they all belonged to some organization.

So he walked back again, ready to fight Shen Si to the end.

Before I knew it, it was late at night.

Although Sasuke had been hungry all day and was also cold all day, it aroused his stubborn temper and his expression became calmer.

And there is a terrible fact that most of the Uchiha clan have this personality...

Inside the house, the three of Shinji were eating barbecue.

After getting along for a long time, occasionally A Fei would secretly lift up a corner of the mask, and then stuff food into his mouth as quickly as possible. For details, please refer to Kakashi eating.

"Oh, it's hot, it's hot...it's hot, it's hot."

"Hahahaha, you deserve it!"

The way Ah Fei was so hot and danced was so funny that it immediately aroused the merciless ridicule of the other two.

When Ah Fei finally swallowed the barbecue, he was almost half dead.

I don't know why, Shinji always felt that this guy seemed to enjoy the feeling of being a 'Fei'.

Although wearing a mask, you can be yourself seriously.

If possible, he even hopes that A Fei can always be A Fei and not become the person under the mask.

But that's probably just wishful thinking... alas.

"That kid seems to be sitting outside."

"Let him go, don't worry about it, we'll be leaving tomorrow anyway."

Hi Duan picked up the chopsticks, then put them down again, turned around and picked up the Bloody March Scythe.

"what are you doing?"

"Anyway, I'm leaving tomorrow, I'm going to kill that little devil, annoying!"

Shen Si was speechless, "You... Forget it, I'll send that brat away. Every day he knows he's going to cause trouble for me."

Shinji stood up, put on his clothes, and opened the door.

Sure enough, Er Zhuzi sat outside, motionless.

"Come on, let's talk."

Erzhuzi followed behind without saying a word, but Shinji noticed that Erzhuzi's expression seemed a little bit wrong.

Thinking again that Erzhuzi probably hadn't eaten for a day, and was kicked into the lake by him in the morning, without even changing his dry clothes, he knew what Erzhuzi was probably going to be right now.

But knowing is knowing, but sympathy and concern are neither.

If you give up early, it will be fine.

"Right here, what do you want to ask?"

After taking Sasuke to an empty place with no one there, Shinji was ready to quickly dismiss the trouble.

"I want to know that man... Itachi why on earth would he do such a thing?"

Sasuke's complexion was a little abnormal at the moment, and his voice was weak, but his tone was firm.

Shen Si didn't bother to pretend, and said directly: "I was fooled by someone, but he thought it was the best solution at that time, so he did it."

Some unexpected answers made Sasuke stunned for a moment.

"I do not understand..."

"It's right if you don't understand. Now you, the sooner you understand, the sooner you will die. That guy didn't tell you the truth to protect you."

Shinji curled his lips, as if he sneered at someone's actions.

"protect me?"

Sasuke was a little dazed, and then recalled the horrible scene of that night. He had a severe headache, which made his expression somewhat hideous.

In the past five years, he has been supported by his hatred and revenge for that man.

As a result, someone told him now that Itachi didn't tell him the truth to protect you and him. In fact, there was something else hidden. How could he believe it? !

But there was another voice in his head telling him that maybe this was true.

Believe and disbelieve, the two voices kept fighting in his head, making Sasuke feel like his head was going to explode, and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

"The truth...what the hell is it? Tell me."

"After you know the truth, the world view you have established now will probably collapse directly, and if you are not rational enough, you may die in an ugly way. Even so, do you still want to know the truth?"

"I want to know!"

Sasuke raised his head sharply, his eyes were red and bloodshot.

Shinji noticed that at this time, Sasuke's eyes were already in the state of Ergouyu's Sharingan, and he had upgraded from single Gouyu to Ergouyu.

Sure enough, anything about Itachi was a huge mental stimulus for Sasuke.

Especially the fact that Itachi killed the whole clan, leaving only him alive.

"Okay, since you want to know so much, let me tell you."

"The truth is..."


Sasuke fell directly to the ground, although he was still trying to keep his eyes open, trying to hear what was behind him.

But he could only see Shinji's mouth opening and closing, but he couldn't hear anything in his ears, and then he fell into a deep sleep.

Sasuke had quite a lot of experience this day. He endured hunger and fell into the icy lake to blow the cold wind for a day, and then he was stimulated to open Ergouyu Sharingan, and his spirit was already exhausted.

It was completely expected by someone to pass out at this time.

In other words, even if Sasuke can persist for a while, he will quietly use the [curse] to make Sasuke fall asleep.

Because there are some truths that the current Sasuke is not qualified to know, it is too cruel.

"I've already said what the truth is. It's you who didn't persevere. Don't blame me."

After leaving such a sentence, Shinji turned and left.

But after walking not far, he turned back again.

"What a hassle..."

With a grunt in his mouth, Shinji picked up Sasuke roughly, and held it under his arm.

At this moment, Sasuke's forehead was hot, and he was still talking nonsense.

Children and the like are really the most annoying!

Shinji's figure gradually faded away.

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