I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells

Chapter 222 Secret Talks (Add 9/10 for the lord Nangong Bingz!)

As soon as Markey came in, he reported his family name, and directly stated that the next thing needs to be explained to Mizukage alone.

The implication is that the guy next to him, hurry up and get out!

Terumi Mei couldn't help but cast a glance at Shinji, meaning: "You really hit the mark, and it came so fast, what should I do?"

Shen Si returned a look, "Don't worry, I'm here, leave it to me, and see how I fool him to death."


Ma Ji met the dog and man in front of him and ignored him directly, and started flirting there, and couldn't help coughing lightly, reminding the other party that he was still there.

"If you have anything to say, the person next to me is my exclusive consultant. Generally, you need to ask his opinion for more important matters, so there is no need to shy away from it."

The more formal Terumi Mei said, the more speechless Maki felt.

What kind of exclusive consultant is this? Could it be the mistress Mizukage found for him?

No wonder his face looks pale, presumably the daily workload should not be low, and he is very tired.

Thinking of this, he doesn't know why there is still a little bit of envy in his heart...

Of course, these are just his thoughts in his heart and have not been revealed on the surface.

He pondered for a while, since the other party has said so, there should be no problem, anyway, he will not say it clearly, and even if it is really spread, he will not admit it, and he can still blame it.

"It's like this. Kazekage-sama is thinking about the friendship between our two countries for generations, and mutual exchange of needs... So I want to further deepen the alliance between Sand Gakure and Kirigakure."

As soon as Markey opened his mouth, he belonged to the old diplomat, and all kinds of nonsense came out of his mouth.

Although the relationship between Sand Yin and Kirigakure is not a deadly feud, the relationship between them is not good. On the contrary, it is very tense, and there have been frictions between them many times.

All these things disappeared from Ma Ji's mouth, and those who didn't know thought how good the relationship between their two families was.

Not only Shinji was speechless, but even Terumi Mei frowned.

Upon seeing this, Ma Ji knew that the Mizukage in front of him didn't like to open his eyes and talk nonsense, so he immediately changed the subject and said:

"Actually, those promises made by Konoha, we, Sayin, can also fulfill them, and even do better."

"I once heard that the support personnel sent by Konoha to the country of water seem to be some 'decoration', never willing to contribute, and will only run away when things happen..."

Speaking of this, Maki noticed that Terumi Mei's complexion instantly became very ugly, as if recalling some not-so-good things.

He immediately felt confident, and added a bit of confidence to the next lobbying.

No way, who told Konoha to be so unreasonable in this matter, if he doesn't seize this opportunity, kill Kurokonoha to death, and win Kirigakure over, then he will be in vain today!

"Because of this, you were very angry and flew into a rage, and wrote a letter to question Hokage. But if it were our Saken people who went there, on behalf of Kazekage-sama, I guarantee that such a situation will never happen!"

"After all, as the head of the five great ninja villages, Konoha values ​​his own reputation and face far more than the interests of his allies. In this regard, we Shayin don't have so many worries, and the people are very simple and honest. As long as it is Our friends, we shall never let a friend go hungry while we have a morsel to eat."

I have to say that Markey's hand is really beautiful.

While discrediting Konoha, he also raised himself infinitely.

Of course, these are just blowouts at the moment. Whether it is really useful at the critical moment, we will have to wait and see, but at least it shows the attitude.

Even Terumi Mei couldn't help but relax a lot after hearing this, mainly because this respectful attitude is very important.

If she hadn't known the other party's sinister intentions in advance, she might really want to try the alliance with Shayin.

But now...

"I already know Fengying's kindness. On behalf of the entire Wuyin Village, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you for the help you are willing to give us. I just don't know what price we need to pay for this help?"

No matter which world it is, there will never be such a good thing as a pie in the sky.

If someone helps you regardless of the cost and does not ask for reward, then either the person is your parents, or they have other plans, and the plans are very big!

Everyone is an adult, and everyone knows that there will be no free lunch.

In this regard, Maji is no exception, he smiled and said: "It is a bit too serious to say the price, in fact, it is only necessary that Mizukage-sama can stand on our side in the next Zhongnin exam , and not favoring Konoha."

"In addition to the promises just now, there will be more 'rewards' to offer afterwards, and you will never be disappointed, Mizukage-sama."

It's time to start to look poor!

But he didn't speak clearly.

Terumi Mei pretended to be puzzled and asked: "What does it mean to be on your side in the Chunin exam? A mere Chunin exam shouldn't require the two of us to join forces, right?"

"That's hard to say..."

Ma Ji said vaguely: "We are also planning ahead. After all, the joint Chunin exam is held in Konoha, and the host is Konoha. Even the invigilators are Konoha's people. fair."

"So if any friction happens accidentally, we come from a long distance and we are weak, so we will be powerless to resist. But if we are united, our strength will be stronger, and then even if something happens, Konoha Don’t dare to go too far.”

Another friction, another resistance, another joint...

The implication in Markey's words is actually quite obvious.

So under the signal of Shinji's eyes, Terumi Mei nodded lightly, and said: "What you said makes sense. In fact, I also worried about these problems after I brought people here. If that's the case, please go back and tell Kazekage. Said that I agreed on behalf of Kirigakure, but first of all, I have to ensure the safety of these people I brought. Since I brought these people to Konoha, I have to bring them back safely, I hope Kazekage can understand."

When Ma Ji heard this, his heart immediately relaxed, and there were a few sincere smiles on his face, "Please rest assured, Mizukage-sama, we Shayin will not easily put our allies in danger."

Terumi said inwardly, "I believe in your evil!"

This group of black-hearted guys are more sinister and cunning than the last!

"Better so..."

At the end of the conversation, Shinji, who was pretending to be a wooden man, finally spoke without speaking.

"Mizukage-sama, just received a secret report from the village, saying that we were attacked by a large number of curse spirits again. Although relying on the strength of unity to repel the curse spirits, a large number of houses and buildings were destroyed, and the number of people was even greater. There were heavy casualties, and a batch of supplies is urgently needed, you see..."

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