I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells

Chapter 225 The Disciple Thinks the Teacher Is Not Useful

Time passed quietly, and Konoha hadn't been this lively for a long time.

The joint Chunin exam also kicked off.

During the first written test, Shinji didn't go anywhere, except to eat and sleep and beat Hidan.

Don't ask Fei Duan why he was beaten, just ask if he is idle, and the beating is over.

So that after Fei Duan was beaten, he went to beat A Fei, but every time it was A Fei who yelled miserably, but in fact it was Fei Duan who suffered.

This made Fei Duan very depressed.

So inexplicably, he went to find trouble with Ghost Lamp Full Moon.

Ghost Lantern Moon wasn't used to him, so the two fought hard.

One of these two people has an immortal body, and the other can hydrate, so they don't have to worry about killing people.

But the problem is that the result is the same, but the process is completely different!

Every time after the fight, it was a tie, and then Fei Duan went back covered in blood, Ghost Lantern Moon raised his water glass with a pale face...

This left Fei Duan speechless.

Why is it always him who gets hurt every time?

Soon, the results of the first written test came out.

Half of the 170 people were wiped out directly...

"...At first I thought it might be over this time. Naruto, who doesn't know anything, just handed in a blank paper, but fortunately, the last question is a test of team cohesion, so that idiot Naruto passed by mistake."

Sasuke was babbling about what happened during the written test to Shinji, completely unaware of why he, who is normally aloof and aloof, would always have a sense of intimacy when facing each other, and was willing to keep a lot of words in his heart , tell the other party.

If Shinji were to answer this question, he would definitely say: "It's the Sharingan ghost, I hide the Sharingan ghost on my body."

No way, this thing is a powerful curse condensed from the dead souls of the entire Uchiha clan.

There must be some breath of Sasuke's parents in it, and it's normal to get close instinctively.

Otherwise, with Sasuke's personality, not only would he not talk so much, but he would not easily trust a stranger.

It can only be said that this is life.

If Shen Si hadn't dug up that treasure map back then, he might not have the troubles he has today.

"I can understand your feelings. When there is an idiot teammate in the team, you always have to find ways to pay for the stupid things he did."

Saying that, Shinji raised his head sadly, looking in a certain direction.

At this time, Fei Duan, who was fighting with Ghost Lantern Moon, couldn't help shaking his body, and the offensive immediately came to a halt, allowing Ghost Lantern Moon to seize the opportunity to smash Fei Duan's head with a pair of knives and flounder flounder!

On the other side, someone and Sasuke were still showing sympathetic eyes because of the sympathy they had just aroused.

That's right.

Even though Sasuke was thrown into the hospital twice, Shinji never sympathized with Sasuke.

But because he knew that Sasuke had an idiot teammate who liked to make trouble, he gave a sympathetic look.

"Hey, I have suffered the pain that life shouldn't have at such a young age, and I have wronged you."

Shinji sighed empathetically because of a certain Hidan.

"Mr. Akagi really understands me."

"Call it Big Brother, Mr. is a bit of a character." (It's Big Brother, not Big Brother, don't get it wrong)

"Well, Shinji... Big Brother."

Shinji suddenly felt that Erzhuzi seemed to be more pleasing to the eye.

"The next exam is to inform you to gather in the Forest of Death the day after tomorrow?" Shinji suddenly remembered something and asked.

Sasuke nodded, not knowing why.

"For the sake of calling me big brother, let me remind you. This Chunin exam may not be peaceful, so be careful and don't show off."

Because there are some things that cannot be told to Sasuke for the time being, Shinji just mentioned Sasuke vaguely.

However, Sasuke obviously didn't understand his intentions, instead he said confidently: "Mr. Kakashi is teaching me an extremely powerful ninjutsu. After I learn it, I will definitely get the first place in this Chunin exam." .”

Then pass the test and join Brother Shinji's cult of evil spirits!

The latter sentence is what Sasuke really wants to say, but it's too early to say it now, and it is easy to leave a bad impression.

Shinji smacked his lips twice, wanting to say that I didn't mean that, but after summing it up, it's fine.

Some things can't be changed even if Sasuke is told, because the current Sasuke doesn't have that strength.

And after Sasuke left, Shinji seemed to be still thinking about something, and stayed where he was.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Aren't you coming out? If you don't come out, I'm going back."

A figure flashed past behind the tree and appeared in front of Shinji.

"It turned out to be Konoha's copy ninja Hatake Kakashi, don't you know that it is very impolite to eavesdrop on other people's conversations in the dark?" Shinji looked at the person coming, and said slowly.

"I didn't know that my fame had already spread to Kirigakure, which is far above the sea. Although what I did was indeed a bit disgraceful, I ask Advisor Shinji Akagi to understand how a teacher cares about his disciples."

Although Kakashi's tone was very casual, the meaning revealed in the words was already very clear.

I know who you are, so don't try to trick my disciples!

As for Kakashi's appearance, Shinji was not surprised. It can even be said that he thought Kakashi would come to him earlier.

This is Konoha, Sasuke's whereabouts cannot be hidden from anyone.

Fortunately, some dangerous conversations had already been carried out when no one was around, and now Sasuke of course knows what to say and what not to say, so there is no need for Shinji to worry about it.

In fact, Shinji wanted to tell Kakashi that no one wanted to steal your disciple, but your disciple thought you were useless as a teacher!

And the sadder fact is that this is a fact!

Kakashi now has nothing worth teaching others except that he can use Chidori's move.

Of course, some basics, experience and so on are excluded.

Look at the three disciples of his seventh class...

Sasuke was abducted by Orochimaru.

Naruto and Jilai also ran to gather wind.

Even Sakura, who is the most teacher, couldn't help but worship Tsunade as a teacher and learn medical ninjutsu.

None of the three disciples were taught by him.

It can be seen that Kakashi's teacher is really hard to describe.

He is very conscientious and does not hide his secrets.

It's really not this material.

"I see, it's understandable, but next time, you can be more open and aboveboard. Anyway, there is nothing shameful, so why bother to sneak around."

Kakashi who was ridiculed was not angry, but pretended to be stupid and said along with the words: "That's great, next time Sasuke comes over, I will come to visit together."

"what ever."

Looking at the other party's frank expression, Kakashi was a little vacillating.

Could it be that he guessed wrong?

What is this guy trying to do by approaching Sasuke?

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