"What's the matter, do you feel bad?"

"No way! You obviously didn't even frown when you hit such a heavy hand just now, but now I just kicked twice lightly. Your double standard is a bit too powerful."

Seeing this, Shen Si immediately initiated the mouth escape · yin and yang strange energy technique.

Immediately silenced Itachi.

"Do you still want to fight? If you don't fight, then leave quickly."

"Just wait, he will be able to stand in front of you again in less than a year. At that time, whether you are willing to give him your eyes or continue your 'brother revenge game' is up to you."

Itachi finally couldn't help asking again: "Who are you? What do you know?"

"The prophet of the evil god, Akagi Shinji, remember this name. I know far more things than you can imagine. How about it, are you interested in joining us? There is no future for staying in the Akatsuki organization. When the leader takes a group of you around to make gold every day, it's so low that it explodes!"

Shen Si casually assigned himself the position of 'prophet', in order to fool others better in the future.

No, even though I know it's impossible, it's not against the law to try.

Shinji Akagi?



Itachi was stunned for a moment, recalled carefully, and then suddenly realized, "You are the lunatic of the evil god who almost killed Kakutsu when we met for the first time, and then escaped twice under the invitation of the leader."

"Who is the lunatic? I warn you not to spout blood! The real lunatic of the evil god is over there."

Shinji pointed to Hidan, who was fighting passionately with Kisame, with an abnormally excited expression on his face.

Itachi thought for a while, and then said: "This only proves that the lunatic of the evil god sect may not be a person."


Swish! (sound of cutting air)


Although the knife fell to nothing, Shinji still pointed his middle finger at Itachi.

"It's decided, I must take revenge! Starting tomorrow, I will find all kinds of reasons to teach this kid a lesson, so I don't even think about getting a bite of food..."

Whoosh whoosh!

Itachi, who was almost stabbed and was not angry, suddenly threw three kunai, and then hit him.

"Hahaha, sure enough, no matter how much you pretend, you are still reluctant! I guess you must have been crying silently when you tortured Sasuke just now. Admit it, Uchiha Itachi, you are an out-and-out Damn my brother!"


Kaleidoscope Sharingan opens instantly!

Itachi, who was poked in the sore spot, seemed to have really broken his defense.

If Obito's Nirin is Lin, then there is no doubt that Itachi's Nirin is Sasuke.

As long as you grasp this point, even a calm person will become impulsive.

Monthly reading!

In an instant, the scene changed, and Shinji was pulled into the Tsukiyomi space and nailed to the cross.

But he didn't appear flustered at all, instead he looked around curiously.

"This is the world of Yuedu? It's interesting."

Itachi was surprised that the other party even knew about Tsukuyomi, but he still explained, and at the same time exerted pressure: "Yes, this is the world of Tsukiyomi. All the space, time, quality, etc. here are controlled by my will. No matter how No matter how strong the body is, or how agile the speed is, it is useless in front of Tsukiyomi!"

"Here, you will experience a thousand, ten thousand deaths. The time outside is only a moment."

"This is the last chance, tell me what is your purpose of approaching Sasuke? Why did Sasuke leave Konoha and appear here?"

It can be seen that Itachi is extremely serious.

So Shinji laughed.

"Before I answer your question, I'm also curious about one thing. Guess I'm a 'prophet' who claims to know everything. Why do I keep my eyes open when I stand in front of you and never guard against your illusions? "


"In addition, I will correct a mistake in what you said just now. This is the world of Yuedu, but everything here is not controlled by your will."

"Why don't you take a look now, whose Yuedu world is here?"

In an instant, the positions were reversed, and the Itachi who appeared on the cross showed an extremely shocked expression for the first time!

It seemed that there was a scene in front of him that he couldn't understand.

How can this be? !

His dominance in the monthly reading was actually deprived by the other party?

No, that's not it!

It was from the very beginning that his monthly reading was bounced back.

So the person who won the moon reading is not the other party, but himself!

The scene he just saw was just what the other party wanted him to see.

In other words, the other party was playing tricks on him!

"How on earth did you do it?"

After the initial shock, Itachi gradually calmed himself down.

If he is not very sure that the other party does not have Sharingan, he will doubt whether the other party has the same pupil technique as him, and the pupil power is still higher than his.

But that is obviously impossible.

Shinji smiled mysteriously, "This is the power of the evil god's prophet, you don't even understand it."

Indeed, after all, it is impossible for him to tell anyone the specific function of something like [Sharingan Specter].

【Writing Sharingan Phantom】

Introduction: A precious item condensed from a large number of undead of the Uchiha clan.

Effect 2: Rebound Moon Reading, automatically activated when attacked by Yue Reading, rebound once. Cooldown: 24 hours

Rather than saying that Shinji has never been wary of Itachi's illusion, it is better to say that he has been fishing for law enforcement, trying to lure Itachi to use Tsukuyomi on him.

Of course, it doesn't matter if Itachi uses other illusions.

I can't die anyway,

So the moment Itachi used Yueyong on him, the [Sharingan Specter] on his body was automatically activated immediately, bouncing Yueyong back.

And because of the particularity of Yuedu, even if he doesn't have Sharingan, he can use his will to dominate the entire Yuedu space.

Itachi, who was completely ignorant of this, naturally said accidentally.

"I was careless..."

Itachi sighed in his heart, ready to face countless death cycles below.

No one knows better than him that Yue Du is terrible.

After the end, the huge load and damage to the spirit caused by countless deaths will burst out all at once.

At least one month in a coma at least, and brain death on the spot.

Not to mention that he still needs to bear the backlash of Yuedu being cracked.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

Because the expected reincarnation of death did not appear, on the contrary, he came to Konoha at once, and then returned to Uchiha's residence in an instant.

The environment here really made such a deep impression on him that he couldn't forget it at all.

"It's really possible, so let's try this."

Shinji was excited to find that he was omnipotent in this space, just like a creator.

Any scene, as long as he can imagine it, can be perfectly reproduced.

So he built a Gundam...

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