"Tell me, what's going on?"

Shen Si didn't want to pay attention to it at first, otherwise he wouldn't have allowed the other party to arrest the woman and the white fox.

But there is no way, there are always people who probably have enough life and want to have some fun.

"Don't kill me, you can't kill me..."

Hei Pi No. 2 seemed frightened, saying these two sentences over and over again.

"The pain deepens"! "


Shinji didn't do anything, just helped the opponent's sense of pain to increase several times, and then he held the pitch-black spear and stirred the wound twice, which immediately made him howl with bursting eyes.

"Can we talk now?"

"I'll tell you! I'll tell you whatever you want."

"Very well, I wouldn't have suffered if I did this earlier."

As the effect of Shenji's [Curse] just now disappeared, Heipi No. 2 finally stopped crying and howling.

After panting for a while, he said: "A few days ago, Yunyin received a report that he suspected that a girl who could turn into a white fox was found near Hualiu Village... The high-level officials speculated that the target might have been extinct. People from a certain clan in the Kingdom of Beasts, that's why Raikage-sama sent us over to investigate the situation."

"After we confirmed his identity, we immediately started chasing and arresting him, but the other party took advantage of the loopholes and escaped several times. Later... everything that happened later was a misunderstanding."

"Bakay only provoked you because he was in a bad mood, absolutely no malice!"

In order to survive, Black Pi No. 2 started to open his eyes and talk nonsense.

Shinji glanced at the other party, "What's your name?"


"Huh? Makai? Then what's your relationship with that Bakai?"

"Ah, he...he is my cousin. But we are not close at all. He often beat me when I was a child, and even robbed me of candy."

Boil his makabaka!

It's so true.

Shinji was speechless, and no longer entangled in this matter, "Tell me about the kingdom of beasts in detail, and you can recognize each other's identity based on that reason? Transfiguration can also be done. Bar."

"I don't know the specific news about the Kingdom of Beasts. I only know that the people there are divided into several clans, and each clan has its own Ninja Beasts that are good at keeping in captivity, as well as Ninjutsu that cooperate with each other. Then for some reason, they were suddenly The country has been destroyed. As for this woman, we were not sure at the beginning, but the red crescent mark on the fox's forehead seems to have a lot of background. Because of this, we identified the target and started arresting her."

Like beans poured out of a bamboo tube, Makai told all the information he knew.

Shinji noticed that when the other party mentioned the kingdom of beasts, the woman who seemed to have resigned to her fate suddenly stared at Makai with hatred, as if there was something inside.

However, he was not going to investigate any further. This kingdom of beasts had nothing to do with him after all.

However, just when he was about to solve the trouble, the girl with a swollen face on the left side suddenly broke free from the rope on her body, and rushed towards the cloud ninja fiercely.

Looking again, it turned out that the white fox behind her had woken up and bit off the rope for her.

After the conversation just now, she has understood.

These people are not in the same group as those who arrested her just now, so her sudden outburst may not be intercepted.

And she also recognized one of them, the man who fought the monster that day in the ruins of the Red Mansion.

However, she already has the will to die, and now she just wants to kill the Yunyin ninja in front of her, and complete the limit one-for-one.

Grain weed

In this way, when we get to the bottom, when we see other clansmen again, we won't lose face of the Yuzao clan.

It's just a pity that the revenge of destroying the country cannot be avenged.


The girl's hands suddenly turned into animal claws, mercilessly cutting open Makai's neck.

Makai, who didn't expect such an accident to happen, instantly widened his eyes, trying to cover Bobo's bleeding neck with his hands, but he couldn't do it, and then he died unwillingly.

After killing the last Yunyin ninja neatly, the girl turned around and rushed towards the white fox.

Not being blocked is the best result she can think of. In this way, she must at least rescue Jiaoyue, even if she can only escape one...

Because she knew that she could not be the opponent of the man in front of her no matter what.

In the ruins of the Red Mansion that day, the aftermath of the battle between the other party and that monster almost involved her, almost leaving her dead.

With a swipe, the girl easily cut the rope that bound the white fox with her claws, and said anxiously: "Qiaoyue, run away and leave me alone!"

It's just that the white fox refused to listen to her master, bared its sharp teeth instead, and stood in front of the girl.

"Jiaoyue, be obedient!"


The girl moved her arms around the white fox's neck, "Okay, even if we die today, we will die together!"

This bond between man and beast is very enviable... no wonder!

Because Shinji and the others had long ignored the two of them and began to prepare the ingredients.

So the two of them actually acted in an embarrassing and bitter scene for nothing, making people unable to help but guess that in this world, there is probably no one they care about.

The girl was at a loss as she hugged the white fox's neck, with a dazed expression on her face.

No one paid her any attention at all.

She tried to take the bright moon back slowly, back, back again... Then she turned around and ran, running as far as she could.

When he looked back again, Shinji and the others had already disappeared.

"Is it running out?"

The girl couldn't believe it, and she didn't come back to herself until the white fox kept licking her hand.

The danger is not lifted yet.

Although the previous Makai did not tell lies, he concealed a crucial piece of news, that is, after the girl's identity was confirmed, the three people who were sent to arrest her were not just Makai!

"Let's go, Bright Moon."

Knowing that she might have misunderstood Shinji and the others, the girl touched her swollen face subconsciously, but she still didn't dare to go back, but fled further away with the white fox.

Not long after that, three ninjas wearing Yunyin's forehead protection appeared here one after another, "Huh? Strange, why does the target go east and then west for a while, is it turning in circles?"

"Maybe it's trying to confuse us in this way."

"It's possible. It's been so long. Why hasn't there been any news from Bakay's team? Those bastards don't want to take credit for the mission, do they?"

"I don't dare to borrow their guts. Do you really think that everyone else is dead? I think they may be in trouble. That woman is a survivor of the kingdom of beasts anyway. It's normal to be difficult."

"It doesn't matter, I'll go to the east to have a look, and you guys chase to the west. If there is a situation, send a signal flare."


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