In the forest, eight ninjas wearing Yunyin's forehead protection were gathering together, and a very familiar girl was knocked out and tied up.

"Brother Troy, the man has already caught him. But the beast ran away, what should we do?"

"It's just a fox, don't worry about it. We just need to bring this woman back."

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man in his forties. He had short purple hair, three lower eyelashes on each eye, and several scrolls around his waist. He was wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform with a white cloud hidden suit on the outside, and a yellow scarf around his neck.

He is the person in charge of this operation, Yun Yin Shangren Troy.

Only he knows that what Yun Yin's high-level officials really want this time is the method of raising and nurturing ninja beasts in the kingdom of beasts, as well as the secret techniques of beasts passed down from generation to generation.

Before the Kingdom of Beasts was destroyed, there were a total of four major families.

They are the Tamamo clan that raises ninja foxes.

The Fengyan clan that raises ninja pigs.

The black family that breeds ninja bears.

And the Inuzuka clan that breeds ninja dogs.

Ninja beasts bred by these four families are not only proficient in human nature, they can cooperate with their masters in various tactics, and more importantly, they are combined with secret techniques to greatly increase their strength.

Therefore, although the Kingdom of Beasts at its peak was not as shocking to the ninja world as the Kingdom of Uzumaki, it was also a country with great reputation.

But it's a pity that the country of beasts is only a small country after all. Although it is very good at cultivating ninja beasts and has cultivated a lot of chunin jnin, but because there is no shadow-level powerhouse to sit in the town, it is the nearest rock hidden Village and Yunyin Village have been targeted.

It's nothing more than what exactly happened.

I only know that after Konoha intervened, the Inuzuka clan migrated from the kingdom of beasts to Konoha.

Probably, it seemed that these four families were planning to carve up the kingdom of beasts in a peaceful way.

But I don't know what happened, and the Kingdom of Beasts was destroyed overnight by Yan Yin and Yun Yin's people. So far, except for the Inuzuka family that has successfully settled in Konoha, there is no news about the other three major families.

The animal breeding methods and corresponding secret techniques of these three schools are naturally lost.

If it ends here, and no one of you can get it, it may be fine.

But the only remaining Inuzuka clan was taken away by Konoha without a single soldier, while Yanyin and Yunyin didn't get anything, which made people feel unbalanced.

Especially after seeing the potential of the Inuzuka clan, Yan Yin could hold back, and Yun Yin was almost jealous.

Who in the entire ninja world doesn't know that Yunyin Village has the least blood stains, let alone any secret art family.

This has also become a heart disease of Raikage in the past.

But this time I got the news, according to some residual documents snatched from the Kingdom of Beasts before, Yunyin's high-level officials confirmed that the white fox should be the moonlight fox bred by the Yuzao clan with secret methods, so the identity of the girl naturally does not matter. And metaphor.

It must be the orphan of the kingdom of beasts who was secretly sent outside before being destroyed.

If they, Yunyin, can get what they want from the girl, then Yunyin will have his own "Inuzuka Clan".

This is no small matter!

If it wasn't for some accidents in the country that caused Lei Ying to lead people into a fight with a very special curse spirit, otherwise there would be far more people coming this time.

But the people in the village seem to overestimate the survivors of this kingdom of beasts.

After Troy found the trace of the other party, he caught it with almost no effort, although an animal ran away.

"Why is there no news about Bakai's group? And where is Volui?"

Troy looked at the sun, frowned, a little dissatisfied.

"Bakai's group has not contacted other people for a long time, and it seems that something went wrong."

"We found footprints in two directions before, so Vorui went to check in the opposite direction. Strange, there is no one there, Vorui should have come here at this time."

valley trough

Troy thought for a moment.

It may be a coincidence that Bakaj's group is alone, but now that there is no news from Waruy, we have to be more vigilant.

And at this moment, a mouse got out from the grass, and after sniffing the scent, it ran straight to one of them.

The man hurriedly grabbed the mouse and explained: "This is Volui's Ninja Beast. It is usually only used to deliver messages. It seems that he has encountered some trouble."

After speaking, he took the note from the mouse's foot, opened it, and his face immediately changed color.

"What's wrong?"

"Worui said that the three of Makai were killed, and the enemy was three men and a kid in his early ten years... He has captured the kid and is going to test the enemy's reality."


Troy was furious all of a sudden.

Knowing that three companions have been lost, he still dares to stay alone. Is this because he is too confident in his own strength, or is he just stupid?

Do you think that if you catch a little ghost as a hostage, you can get away with it?

This is too naive!

So he made a decisive decision: "Which direction did Volui go?"

"That's right."

"Take this woman and don't disperse. Let's go and check the situation together."

Out of caution, Troy chose the safest course of action.

Unless there are so many of them encountering large forces from other major ninja villages, they can advance, attack, retreat or defend, and there is no need to be afraid of anything.

So if you really encounter any special circumstances, crushing with force is enough.

He couldn't say wrong with this idea, but it saved a certain commander in disguise a lot of time and energy, and saved him from searching everywhere.

After a while, they made a discovery.

"Brother Troy, here! I found Volui..."

The deep voice of his companion made Troy's heart sink.

He walked over and took a look, and his bad premonition came true.

Troy was brutally murdered here, even his head was cut off.

"This idiot!"

Troy couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart, but then his anger surged up.

No matter who the other party is, he must make the other party pay the price!


Moving forward again, this time they came to the place where Shinji and the others had just rested, and found three other corpses here.

"damn it!"

"The temperature of the fire is still very high, which proves that they haven't gone far, find them for me, and pay with blood!"

"Yes, let them pay with blood!"

Just as the group of Yunyin ninjas were yelling slogans angrily, Shinji, who was hiding in the tree on the other side, showed a nasty smile while stroking the soft fur of the white fox next to him.

The white fox who came to ask for help was very human, knowing that only he could save his master, so he lowered his head cooperatively and did not dare to resist.

It is estimated that these Yunyin ninjas never imagined in their dreams that the animal they never cared about would actually bring them a crisis of death.

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