I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells

Two hundred and eighty first chapters perish together

Just when Sasuke was easily abusing vegetables, darkness quietly enveloped Daimyo of the country of salt who was lying on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Hey hey, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

Hearing the voice below him, the daimyo of the Kingdom of Salt, who was originally humming, was overjoyed, "Help me kill them, ten times! I will prepare ten times what you want for you!"

"I thought you were a smart person at first, but I didn't expect to say such stupid things. Being able to save you is because you still have value, and you still expect me to help you with your life? Forget it, I still Let's go, anyway, it's just a matter of finding another partner."

"Wait! Just this little brat, help me kill this brat, and then take me out of here. I will do my best to cooperate with you whatever you want!"

The Daimyo of the Country of Salt stated his final condition.

He was beaten so badly, he must make the other party pay the price!

Since the guy who came to rescue him was not willing to take risks, it would be no problem to just kill this little devil!

The deformed man hiding in the ground thought about it, if it was just this way, it would not be a loss if the country's big names could be obedient in the future.

To put it bluntly, it was just dealing with a kid, and the guy he was afraid of was not here.

So this deal can be accepted!

Quick fix!

The big deal is that after hiding for a while, he doesn't believe that anyone can find him.

"Okay, remember what you said."

"We have cooperated so many times, which time did we break our promise?"

The daimyo of the country of salt hurriedly said, but there was no response.

Because the shadow under him has disappeared and moved elsewhere.

An evil hand suddenly protruded from the ground, grabbed Sasuke's ankle, and tried to drag him into the abyss.

But with a bang, Sasuke turned into a stake.

It's actually a substitute technique? !

The freak was surprised.

"I have been on guard against you for a long time, the guy who hides his head and shows his tail!"

Sasuke appeared from another direction, and hit him directly with a powerful fireball.

The actions of Baihu and Shinji before have shown that they did not find the wrong person.

Then how could Sasuke, who had witnessed how Tamazamo was captured with his own eyes, not be wary of this move.

It's just that his big fireball hit it, but it didn't have any effect.

The dark shadow on the ground has long since disappeared.

"Hehehe, the brat is pretty ruthless."

over there!

According to the direction of the voice, Sasuke quickly threw out three kunai and nailed them to the wall.

His judgment was very precise, and his shots were decisive enough.

But a strange scene happened, the three kunai shot at the shadow of the wall were quickly swallowed by the darkness.

Then the shadow moved quickly again, and soon disappeared.

"From the initial attack to the subsequent sound, the enemy relies on that shadow, that is to say, as long as I lock on to that shadow, I can..."


A shadow quickly approached him.

While being vigilant, Sasuke threw his shuriken from time to time to test, but he couldn't stop the shadow from approaching quickly.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Sasuke thought of Shikamaru's shadow imitation technique, but what he saw was obviously different.

Seeing that the shadow was about to come under his feet, Sasuke immediately jumped away out of caution and came to the roof.

But at this moment, a short, deformed figure seemed to have been waiting for a long time.


"Hey hey, I finally caught you, you smart brat!"


The freak man seized the opportunity and locked Sasuke directly from behind.

It turned out that the shadow that Sasuke had been staring at just now was actually just an ordinary shadow made by the deformed man from a high place with his clothes.

Sasuke was so confident in his own judgment that he didn't even discover the real location of the other party.

Sasuke, who was put together, looked ugly, but he didn't give up.

He tried to struggle, but the opponent's strength was obviously superior to his, and he was locked and unable to exert normal strength, so it was difficult to get rid of the opponent.

"You don't need to struggle any more, kid, let's think about it when we get down there, hehehehehe."

With a strange smile, a shadow appeared again under the deformed man's feet, and then slowly sank into it with Sasuke.

Sasuke knew that once the opponent succeeded, he would have no power to fight back.

So what can he do?

In an instant, Chidori's neighing sound resounded in the Daming Mansion.

A dazzling thunder appeared in Sasuke's hand.

"Oh? There is also such a killer ninjutsu. It's really an extraordinary brat, but it's a pity. How can you hit me?"

The deformed man stuck tightly to Sasuke's back like a koala, not giving him any chance to fight back.

But Sasuke's expression at this moment was extraordinarily calm.

"Hold on tight, but don't let go."

"What? Brat, are you scaring me? I can..."


Sasuke pierced his abdomen with Chidori without hesitation, and then stabbed the enemy who was close to his back!

Even the deformed man didn't expect that the brat in front of him would use such a ruthless method of killing each other!

Is he really not afraid of death?

Wow, a mouthful of blood spurted out, the deformed man couldn't hold on any longer, and immediately let go and ran away.

If he didn't let go and let that brat do this again, he would probably really fall here completely.

"You lost."

The thunder light went out, and Sasuke pulled his hand out of his body, bringing out a large amount of blood, which made the deformed man's eyelids twitch.

This brat is a fucking lunatic!

The deformed man held his wound stabbed by Chidori, cursing in his heart, his face was very ugly.

But he had to admit the fact that he was indeed frightened by the other party's crazy behavior.

"Hmph, so what if you hurt me in this way? It's still you who will die in the end, and I don't need to do anything."

The deformed man could see the seriousness of the injury at a glance, and this kind of penetrating injury itself was fatal, not to mention the violent lightning that was attached just now, the tissues inside his body must have been destroyed in a mess.

Leaving it alone like this is a dead end.

Thinking of this, he stopped talking to the other party, but immediately came to Daimyo of the Country of Salt, and wanted to take him away.

It has been delayed for such a long time, and it is uncertain when that kid's companion will come back, so there is no need to risk his life.

"That kid is dead, hurry up and follow me."


Seeing the ugly face of the deformed man wanting to kill, the salt country daimyo wisely didn't make any further demands.

Seeing that the other party was about to escape, Sasuke was a little impatient and wanted to stop him.

But just half a step forward, the whole person fell forward powerlessly.

But at this moment, a figure instantly appeared in front of Sasuke, gently supporting his fallen body.

Reverse spell - cure!

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