I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells

Chapter 289: A Corner of Thunderstorm and Thunder Rhinoceros

"Lei Dun Thunder Rhinoceros!"

Auteuil is crazy, desperate to turn the tables.

The violent thunder attribute chakra formed a shell of energy on him, like a huge thunder rhino running wildly!

At this time, the double-sided battle ax in Auteuil's hand is the horn of Thunder Rhino!

In the process of running, for some reason, he suddenly remembered that when he challenged the Fourth Raikage back then, he relied on this move to hurt Raikage-sama, and got Raikage-sama's approval.

Although at that time Raikage-sama didn't use his full strength.

The huge momentum attracted almost everyone's attention.

Even Shinji looked sideways, as if he didn't expect the other party to have such a killer move.

He tried to block the opponent with a series of blood crystal walls, forcing the opponent to slow down.

But the fearsome Thunder Rhino can't stop once it's running!

bang bang bang!

One after another, the blood crystal walls were easily smashed into pieces.

This kind of power... Shinji doesn't seem to have the confidence to bear it down.

But the question is why did he carry it hard?

""lethargy"! "

The invisible power of the spell acted on Aotei's body instantly. Although he tried very hard to resist, he still slowly closed his eyes.

Then the Thunder Rhino running wildly crashed out like a train that got out of control.

Shinji easily left the opponent's attack line.

boom rumble...

Countless trees were smashed to pieces, and ditches two meters wide were plowed on the ground.

It wasn't until Auteuil crashed into the mountain abruptly that he managed to wake up.

wheeze... wheeze...

Auteuil kept panting heavily, and the thunder light on his body had dimmed.

The move just now consumed a lot of chakra in his body.

But the effect was extremely poor, and it didn't work at all.

And he couldn't figure out what ninjutsu the other party used to force him into a coma in the end?

It doesn't feel like an illusion, but there seems to be no other explanation.

what to do?

It is almost difficult for a ninja like him who follows the ninjutsu fighting genre to fight against powerful illusions, let alone guard against them.

Then the next moment his position was overwhelmed by a large number of blood spears!

At the critical moment, Auteuil escaped with a thunderbolt.

But before he could catch his breath, he found countless blood spears floating in the air completely surrounding him from all directions.

"There is not much chakra left in the body, what should I do?"

Auteuil frowned, but he was confident that he could rush out, but then what?

The difficulty of the enemy far exceeded his imagination.

Maybe all of them will be wiped out here.

As for the mission of this trip, it is even more impossible to complete.

"Perhaps... at least someone needs to pass on this information."

Such an idea suddenly popped up in Auteuil's mind.

It's not that he is greedy for life and afraid of death, but that if he doesn't report the specific situation back to the village, there will be another loss like this.

"Have you thought about your last words?"

Shinji stood quietly outside the 'encirclement', it could be said that he alone was an army.

Valley wishes

"Stop talking nonsense, if you can do it, come and try it!"

With a roar, Auteuil raised his legs and rushed out. The already dim thunder light on his body brightened again like a flash of light.


"Confinement"! "

Auteuil's sprinting pace stopped abruptly in an instant!

Then it was completely submerged by blood spears all over the sky.

After nearly a minute of bombing, Shinji chose to stop.

As the dust dissipated, the situation inside was also exposed.

Auteuil, who is wearing the armor of thunder escape, is still alive? !

Although the Thunder Dungeon Armor was almost broken, and there were many injuries on his body, not only did he not have a single fatal injury, even the skin trauma did not look that serious.

But in fact, the poison in the blood spear has been successfully injected into his body.

"This kind of muscles and bangs are indeed quite hard..."

Seeing this, Shinji couldn't help muttering.

In such a comparison, Raikage's hardness must be strong but not weak, difficult to deal with.

In just a few seconds, the thunder light on Auteuil's body finally disappeared completely, and the whole person's complexion was also very disheartened. It was obvious that so many attacks just now had overdrawn his chakra and vitality.

But even in such a desperate situation, he still took firm steps, from walking fast to running...


It was rare for Shinji not to stop him, allowing Aotei to successfully rush in front of him, and then raised the bumpy double-sided battle ax in his hand.

Ten Strokes of Curse Waluowaluo!


The snakeskin sword in Shinji's hand swung out first, first easily cut off the double-sided battle ax in the opponent's hand, and then cut off Auteuil's neck precisely.


Blood splatter!

The look in Auteuil's eyes quickly dissipated, and the whole person fell to the ground with a plop, and there was no more sound.

All that was left was the devastated battlefield around him, proving that he is a powerful ninja... no, Shinji thinks he is more like a warrior.

And at this moment, Hiduan has also successfully killed two Jonin, and is chasing and killing the remaining few rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

Shinji was not interested in this, so he let him go.

Walking to the broken beheading sword stuck on the ground, he untied the [Stomach Bag of a Thirsty Man] hanging from his waist, and then poured the blood inside on it.

The beheading sword that had absorbed enough blood began to recover quickly, and it became intact after a while.

Shinji nodded in satisfaction, first put the [Thirsty Man's Stomach] back in place, and then pulled out the beheading sword and swung it around twice.

The knife must be a good knife, but it's too brittle!

Egg hurts!

Shinji began to think about whether he should take the Kusanagi sword back from Sasuke, and use it himself after the spell is melted.

But looking at Sasuke, this kid is already in such a miserable state, and he is still working so hard, I really can't bear to cheat him again.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later, anyway, I will get used to it, after all, it is a 'broken knife'!"

As soon as Shinji finished tidying up, Hiduan killed all the remaining people, and then performed a rare and serious ceremony to sacrifice them all to the evil god.

At this moment, Yuzao crocodile looked quite embarrassed, even the white fox next to her was cut twice in order to protect her, and at this time, blood was dripping from the wound.

Yuzao's distressed tears flowed down, as if Jiaoyue was about to die.

Shen Si couldn't stand it anymore, so he simply walked over and gave the white fox Jiaoyue a reversal spell - cure, and its injury was cured in a blink of an eye.

After all, as a pet, this fox is quite smart, and he doesn't hate it, which is why he is willing to treat it.

Didn't I see that even Yuzao, who was crying with joy and hugging the white fox, didn't get this treatment.

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