Yuzao scorpion seemed to be leading the way in a low mood, but suddenly heard a lot of footsteps behind him.

Turning around to see, it was Princess Chunming who was chasing after her with her guards and the little boy before.

"Yes... sorry, I was too sad just now. But I have figured it out now, this country needs me, the people here need me, so I must not be the first to fall!"

Tamazamo was very surprised, but at the same time a little happy.

"It's very kind of you to think so."

Princess Chunming looked at Yuzao who was really happy for her, feeling ashamed and comforted in her heart.

Then she looked at Akagi Shinji, and said seriously: "Mr. Akagi, if I want to hire you to rescue those villagers who were captured by monsters, can I?"

In just a short moment, Princess Chunming seemed to have matured suddenly, growing a lot.

The tone of the speech is very sincere, no longer boasting, only know how to draw cakes.

Shinji glanced at her, "Yes, but I have to wait until I complete the last commission. Besides, I'm not sure if I can find those monsters, if I can't..."

"I understand, in fact, Mr. Akagi is very grateful for agreeing to my unreasonable request. As for the reward, I will try my best to meet your request."

Shinji didn't refuse, "How much money do you have with you now?"

Princess Chunming was stunned for a moment, and then immediately asked the guards to take out all the money.

After some inventory, a little embarrassing.

"Only... only 850 taels. I spent all of it to sneak into the caravan in disguise."

That's just one of the reasons.

Another more important reason is that she had no savings at all before returning to China.

She is the proton of the previous daimyo of the vegetable country who stayed in other countries!

"This is something my mother left me, and it should be worth some money."

As if thinking of something, Princess Chunming quickly took off the pendant from her neck.

Shinji glanced at her several times, probably never seen such a poor princess.

But forget it, he was also going to find trouble with those curse spirits, so it doesn't matter if he rescued them.

"Forget about the pendant, the 850 taels will be regarded as a reward, no matter whether it is successful or not, it will not be returned to you. How about it, can you accept it?"

Princess Chunming didn't know that the other party was doing this intentionally, and she was very moved in her heart.

"Thank you, Mr. Akagi. You are really a nice person..."

"Stop, stop! If you dare to say that I am a good person, I will leave now, and you can save the person yourself."

After finishing speaking, Shen Si grabbed the money directly, turned around and left with a dark face.

Princess Chunming looked aggrieved, she didn't know where she offended him.

When Yuzao sent out the good card before, she was still immersed in her own world and didn't hear anything at all.

If she had heard it, she would definitely not have made such a low-level mistake right now.

Fortunately, there is still a good sister Tamazamo.

After Tamazamo gave her a brief introduction to the "rules" of Shinji's hometown, Princess Haruna finally knew where she was wrong.

But who would rather admit that he is a bad guy than accept the title of a good guy.

Although she couldn't figure it out, she didn't dare to mention it again.

The deeper you go along the way, the more dire the situation becomes.

Knowing that even the five major countries suffered heavy losses in this curse disaster, one can imagine what would happen to a small country like Dangcai Country without much military power when it encountered such a "natural and man-made disaster".

If it weren't for these curse spirits who left for unknown reasons in the end.

It is estimated that there are no living people left in the Kingdom of Vegetables at this moment.

After about an hour or so, they finally arrived at the residence that Tamazamota had purchased a long time ago.

Gu Yu

And then...no more!

It's already a scorched earth, everything has been burned up.

Yuzao was dumbfounded on the spot!

Although she already had some bad premonitions before coming here, when this kind of thing really happened, she still received a strong shock.

No more, all the capital she had left here to make a comeback was burned away.

Even Shinji frowned tightly, feeling very upset.

Although I know that I can't blame the other party for this kind of thing, but when I think that I offended Yun Yin, I wasted so much time and energy to come here, but in the end I got nothing...

Isn't this disgusting person!

Yuzao gnawed hard and led Haoyue to search continuously on the scorched earth, and finally only dug up some residues that were not completely burned, which proved that she did not find the wrong place, and it was here.

However, until the fur on Jiaoyue's body was all dyed black, she couldn't find the jade plaque she hid here.

"I'm sorry."

Yuzao opened his mouth, wanting to explain something for himself, but finally held back an apology.

Shinji sighed in his heart, and nodded helplessly without saying anything.

And just when Yuzao's hands and feet were numb and didn't know what to do, Jiaoyue next to her suddenly yelled at her twice, and then slightly lowered her head to show her the crescent moon mark on her head.

"Huh? What are you doing, Jiaoyue?...Ah! I see!"

The belated Yuzao crocodile suddenly shouted, turning grief into joy, "Jiaoyue is the royal family among the moonlight foxes. When there is moonlight, they can sense the position of the fox fairy with the help of secret methods. So as long as we wait until night, we will We will definitely find it!"

Although it sounds like a lie, Shinji, who doesn't want to leave empty-handed, can only choose to trust her again.

Everyone looked at the sky and found that it was not too early, so they simply found a place nearby to rest temporarily.

Gradually the sky darkened, the moon rose and the sun set.

"Are you ready, Bright Moon?"

Jiaoyue jumped out of Yuzao's arms, showed her prototype, and let out a long howl at the bright moon in the sky.

Then the crescent moon imprint on the forehead of the bright moon attracted a ray of white moonlight, and then reflected it in a certain direction.


"It's over?"

Yuzao nodded uncertainly, "Yes."

"What about that thing?"

"In that direction..."

"In that direction? How far away?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea???"

Tamazamo was embarrassed again, even a little autistic.

According to normal circumstances, if the distance is relatively short, the moonlight in the sky will directly reflect a beam of moonlight on the position of Hu Xian Ling after blending with the mark on the head of the bright moon.

But the moonlight reflected just now pointed directly in a certain direction, and disappeared because of the distance...

"Because the distance is too far, the moonlight after casting the secret has disappeared before reaching the location."

"That is to say, the jade tablet is likely to be taken away by someone?"

"Well, it should...it should be like this."

"Is it too late for me to blow your head off?"


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