"Darkness is eternal?"

"Then it's up to me to dispel this dark sky!"

"The field expands...Three thousand curse worlds!"


Shinji, who has already expanded into one area, has expanded into another area? !

"This is impossible!"

Uxus instantly revealed an unbelievable look, but he still couldn't stop the second domain from unfolding.

A white and empty space began to reversely compress the dark sky of Uxus, and countless spells floated in it.

"I declare that this world is "Light"! "

As Shinji yelled out this sentence, the incantation symbolizing "light" among the countless incantations expanded rapidly, and then propped up the entire empty space.

The next moment, light began to bloom in the void space, that is the realm of light!

The dazzling light not only made Uxus extremely uncomfortable, but even the countless eyes of the Great Dark Sky were stabbed and closed.

It seems that the eternal darkness will be dispelled by the momentary brilliance!

Shinji unreservedly output all the magic power, Uxus's domain, the Great Darkness, began to be offset, and the darkness quickly dissipated.

In fact, Uxus's domain would not retreat so quickly, even if it was facing the Bright Curse Realm.

But the problem is that all the power of the Great Dark Sky had been applied to the Scarlet Doom, and when the Light Curse Realm exploded, he had no power to fight back.

"Damn! How could I lose to a human!"

"Come out, Great Dark Demon!"

The entire dark sky began to tremble, as if something extremely terrifying was being conceived.

Shinji knew that the other party was starting to work hard, and that big dark demon was definitely not simple.

If it were in the anime, he should be standing here stupidly at this moment, waiting for the opponent to release his big move.

But here is reality!

He would never be so stupid.

So his ultimate move also came!

"Curse: Golden Libra!"

An invisible powerful force suddenly appeared, causing Uxus to look terrified, but he couldn't move at all.

Then a huge golden scale appeared at the feet of the two, each occupying one side.

At this time, Shinji smiled slightly, and said loudly: "Deprive the opponent's domain!"

In an instant, the Great Dark Sky, where Uxus had already begun to collapse, dissipated directly. The big move that was brewing was also interrupted immediately.

And the golden scale has also undergone new changes. The Uxus end is sinking rapidly, while the Shinji end is rising high.

This means that both sides are no longer 'equivalent'!

If Shinji can't lower the scale on his side again, then what awaits him will be death.

The golden scale means absolute fairness.

Although the initiative is in the hands of Shinji, and he can arbitrarily deprive the other party of everything, the premise is that he can pay the corresponding price.

This price can be equal or exceeded, but it cannot be less.

Otherwise the Golden Libra will force him to pay the price.

However, Shinji wasn't afraid, but with a thought, he raised his [Blood Doom] as a bargaining chip on his own scale.

[Bloody Doom] and [Great Dark Sky] are both domains, and their strengths are almost the same, so the golden scale quickly returned to balance.

After the spell is lifted, all deprived things will be returned, provided the target is still alive.

"What is this? What did you do to me? Why did my domain disappear?!"

Uxus, unable to leave the golden scale, can be said to be shocked and angry at the moment!

He found that the development of things had begun to exceed his control.

It started when that hateful human being opened up the second domain!

Shinji smiled again, "Don't worry, the game has just begun."

"Deprive the opponent of the birth spell!"

Uxus' dark spells were instantly unusable.

And the price Shinji paid this time was the red blood manipulation!

The golden scale judges that the value of the two is 'equal', and once again restores the balance.

"Deprive the opponent of all the remaining magic power!"

The next moment, Uxus found that not only could he no longer use spells, but even the power in his body had disappeared.


Birth spells - ten-stroke spells were added to Shinji's side as a bargaining chip.

Although the value of all the remaining spell power of Uxus is still far behind the ten-stroke spell, as the [initiator], Shinji must ensure that the price he pays is equal to or higher than what he deprived.

And the value of the excess part cannot make the opponent's scale rise, this is the rule.

So even if there is a small loss, the balance between the two is restored again.

"Well...let me think about it, what else is worth taking away from you..."

At this moment, Uxus was numb, and it was the first time since he was born that he felt such a feeling of weakness and powerlessness.

He who has lost his strength is nothing!

"Wait! Let me go! There is no hatred between us, is there?"

Realizing that he had fallen, Uxus quickly surrendered.

He doesn't want to die!

And if it happened again, he believed that he would not end up like this.

Just give him one chance, just one chance...

"Although there is indeed no hatred between us, you should be well aware of the relationship between people and curse spirits, so I don't need any reason to kill you."

"That's right, but you didn't do it immediately, which means that you don't have to kill me. So what do you want? As long as I have it, I can give it to you. Even if I don't have it, I can go and get it back."

In order to survive, Uxus didn't even want his face.

How arrogant she was before, how embarrassing she is now.

But he couldn't care less.

Shinji thought for a while, "I don't trust you, in order to establish the most basic foundation of trust, I want you to pick out one of your eyes and throw it over."

When Uxus heard the words, without even thinking about it, he just gouged out his left eye, and then threw it over forcefully.

It's just an eye, and it can be cured at any time as long as he recovers his spell power.

After Shinji caught the opponent's eyeball, he smiled again.

In this way, the second condition for obtaining [Six Eyes] is only one eyeball of a super-level curse spirit.

He didn't expect at the beginning that the most difficult thing was actually the seemingly simple condition one, the value of 200,000 cursed souls was really getting less and less.

"Is it okay?"

Shen Si suddenly took out a [Curse Spirit Master Ball], "If you don't want to die, don't resist."

After speaking, he threw it at Uxus.

[Curse Spirit Master Ball] opened automatically the moment it hit Uxus, and then sucked Uxus in.

Shinji didn't really think about whether to use the other party to make [Curse Spirit Fusion Card], but since this guy is so cooperative, it's not bad to keep it as a backup first.

Just as he was thinking, [Curse Spirit Master Ball] suddenly spit out Uxus again.

Obviously this guy is very dishonest and has been desperately resisting.

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