I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells

Three hundred and twentieth chapters heroine

"Hahaha, I want to take advantage of my mother, I am! Let's see if I scare you to death this time!"

Moxi, who had tricked her twice in a row, was in a good mood.

Humming an unknown cheerful ditty, he left the director's room.

Shinji, who hid in the dark and witnessed the whole process, hesitated for a moment, but still followed.

Although this special curse spirit named Moxie seemed to be different from those curse spirits he had met before.

But he wasn't sure if it was the appearance of the other party's disguise.

But to be honest, what the other party did before was not offensive.

On the contrary, that shit director is really disgusting.

But even so, Moxi didn't kill this person, she just punished him a little and then left.

This is somewhat inconsistent with the description of the massacre that happened here some time ago.

"Is it really not her? But there are other curse spirits hidden?"

Shinji was a little unsure.

The detection range of [Greedy Eyeballs] is also limited. It is not realistic to use this method to find the murderer in a country.

And what if the murderer wasn't the curse spirit?

After all, the water in this circle is so deep and turbid, no one knows whether it is a person or a ghost, a curse spirit or a dog hiding under the water.

It is not impossible if one of the colleagues has killed him because of jealousy.

Shinji hid it very well, and did not arouse the other party's vigilance along the way.

After finally confirming the opponent's whereabouts, he quickly disappeared into the night.

the next day.

A piece of gossip news spread across most of the country in the blink of an eye.

It is said that the famous director Feng Dan had a stroke in the night, and he was rushed to the hospital when he was discovered in the morning.

But many people said that Director Feng Dan didn't actually have a stroke, but an evil!

Because when someone saw Director Feng Dan being taken away, he repeated the words "monster" and "civet cat face" with a dull expression.

Reminiscing about the popular stars who died tragically before, the term 'monster kills' became so popular that everyone was in danger.

After Shenji heard the news, he thought that Mo Xi would be in trouble.

It turned out that the assistant director directly took the crew's funds and ran away that day.

I don't know if it's because I'm afraid of reprisals, or if there are some things that cannot withstand investigation.

The directors and assistant directors were all gone, and even the funds were taken away, and the production crew that was filming fell into a state of suspension in an instant.

Fenghua Xiaoxue who received the notification was very speechless.

Why did she choose to join in and act as the heroine knowing that the director of this movie was a pervert?

It was because I liked the script and wanted to take a gamble.

After all, director Feng Dan is a lustful person, and he is quite capable.

For this reason, not only did she cut her salary for the role, she even only received a small upfront deposit for the film.

This is a good time, not only the project needs to be yellow, but even the salary does not know who to turn to.

I was distressed, and things suddenly took a turn for the better.

. . . . . . .

"Is everyone here?"

"Everyone is here except the director and assistant director."

"Okay, just let me know."

Kamioka Kichizo, who was dressed like a dog, immediately cleared his throat, picked up the horn, and said to everyone in the crew: "I am Kamioka Kichizo, from Kamiao Film and Television Entertainment Company. I believe everyone has already understood what happened inside the crew. I have heard about it. The reason why I am standing here now is to tell you that those rumors are true! Director Feng Dan went to the hospital, and the assistant director took the opportunity to take the money and run away!"


Everyone was in an uproar.

"Quiet, quiet!"

Kamioka Kichizo wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then continued: "But there is one thing you can rest assured, that is, the crew will not be disbanded for the time being. Our Kamiao Film and Television Entertainment Company will take over this project..."

Although Kamioka Kichizo's ability to escape with words is mediocre, he managed to win people's hearts back by relying on various promises.

However, the last announcement really made many people look surprised.

"...All the shots taken before are cancelled, and the filming will start according to the new script. Also, I would like to introduce to you, this lady is one of the heroines of the new script. The new script focuses on the dual heroine route, Barbara..."

The so-called Miss 蛍蛍 is actually Yuzao 蛍 who drove the ducks to the shelves.

Right now, she is standing by the side without love, waiting for everyone's scrutiny.

Whether to say it or not, just based on this appearance, everyone seems to understand why the script was suddenly changed, and then a double heroine was created.

It sounds nice, but in fact, I want to use Fuji Fuxuee to raise my position.

So everyone was watching Fuji Fuyuki's expression vaguely.

I thought I could see a big show, but I didn't expect the other party to admit it without saying a word?

After the show ended, Fuji Fuxuee, who was about to leave, was called to a stop. After all, they belonged to the same company, so Kamioka Kichizo told her the truth.

"I'm sorry, I should have notified you of this matter in advance, but after all, it happened too suddenly, and we are going with the flow."

"Miss 蛍盍 is a new artist signed by our company. This time, I brought money into the group. This film can be brought back to life thanks to others, so the script must be changed, and I can only wrong you. But the boss asked me to ask You, I will find a way to make up for you next time, I hope you can be more generous."

Fenghua Xiaoxue has long been aware of these shabby things.

There must be disappointment, after all, this can be regarded as being stabbed in the back by his own company.

But the more serious ones don't count.

Even thinking about it better, she is still the heroine of this movie, but she has become one of them, and she can get a lot of money afterwards, which is not a loss.

It's nothing more than being stepped on to the top, she has already prepared for this in her heart.

So I didn't say much, and left after expressing that I would cooperate well.

Seeing that the other party is so sensible, Kamigang Kichizo put down the big stone in his heart, otherwise it would be really ugly to make a scene.

As for what he said before, it is indeed true.

Originally, this project had been completely aborted, and no fool would take over at this time.

Shinji, however, sees this as an opportunity.

As long as they take the opportunity to hype it up again, Yuzao can immediately use this shortcut to become famous.

In order to be able to elicit the goal of this mission, this operation is nothing at all.

As for the promised funds...

Give a part first and restart the crew.

The rest will be delayed, anyway, after completing the task, they will leave directly.

He doesn't care who the next pick is.

It would be a good thing for everyone to find out the murderer one day earlier.

Yuzao was the first to disagree with this weird idea, but unfortunately the objection was invalid, and somehow she became the heroine of the movie.

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