In fact, it can't be regarded as silent, after all, the two of them screamed a few times.

The atmosphere suddenly became very dignified and chilling!

At this time, Heitu was directly placed here, and she couldn't pretend that she didn't see it, because the corpse was right in front of her eyes, and the murderer couldn't be someone else.

What would people around her think of her if she did nothing? What would the people in the village think of her?

At that time, there will be some rumors, and in the end, even her old antique grandfather may ask her why she didn't avenge the dead.

As for what Jushi and Shuiguang did when they sneaked back...

Does that even matter?

When the boss doesn't protect his weaknesses, won't the hearts of the people lose their minds?

Most people are selfish, how many will think for others? It's not your parents!

"It's still too late... Although I don't want to say it, but from now on, any act of resistance by you will be regarded as an enemy of Yanyin Village!"

"Even if these two people came to trouble us first?"

"Since you can instantly kill them both in such a short period of time, why can't you give them a chance to survive?"

Shinji looked puzzled, "As soon as these two wastes appeared, they yelled for us to kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise we would kill everyone. They even insulted my little follower with foul language. This kind of scum-like thing, I Why do you have to be merciful and give them a chance to survive? If I were to treat you like this instead, what would you do?"

Hei Tu couldn't help sighing, "From a personal point of view, I might have made the same choice as you. But I'm sorry, I have to be responsible for the people I brought out. No one can kill people from Yanyin Village without paying the price.”

"It should have been like this a long time ago, come on, let the plot get back on track."

Shinji also laughed, this taste is finally right.

He can understand the other party's entanglement and final choice, because the positions are different.

But just because of the different positions, he will not be polite anymore.

"Catch them!"

Black Soil gave the order directly.

The Yanyin ninja next to him couldn't wait a long time ago, and immediately began to form seals.

Shinji also married a...

"The field is unfolding...the bloody doomsday!"


The turbulent sea of ​​blood swept out, violently beating against the shore.

In a blink of an eye, Kuroto and all the sand hidden ninjas were pulled into the domain by Shinji.

"What is this place?"

"It's so weird...Is it an illusion?"

"Pretending to be a ghost, watch me break it open!"

These sand hidden ninjas were a little flustered, and then released all the ninjutsu in their hands, but it didn't cause any effect.

Because Shinji was sitting on the bloody hand that seemed to be between heaven and earth.

Those attacks couldn't touch him at all.

And his attack has already taken effect from the very beginning.

"Don't panic, calm down! The enemy is up there!"

Kuroto was the first to discover Shinji's location, and then he gathered people's hearts.

With her words, the others stabilized as expected. This is the role of a leader.

"Damn it, do you think it's useful to hide so far? See, I'll get you right away..."


The Yanyin ninja, who hadn't finished speaking, exploded into blood mist under everyone's gaze.

"It seems that you are still not clear about your current situation, so I had to kill a few bugs to prove that what I said is true, I hope you can understand."

"Hehe, it's all fake, it's just an illusion, you can't scare me!"

Shen Si applauded when he heard the words, and then manipulated the blood in the guy's body to turn into a big sword, which went straight out of his head.

"Very well, another pioneer. So next, who is it?"

Suddenly, everyone fell silent.

Two companions died one after another, but they didn't even know how the other party did it.

At most, it can only be seen that it is faintly related to blood...

But there were no wounds on their bodies, how did the enemy control the blood in their bodies?

Is it possible that there is no need for any conditions at all, and it can be done directly through the air, or even through the human body?

Then fuck you, wait until you die!

Yes, that's right, you can wait to die.

In Shinji's bloody doomsday domain, anyone who doesn't isolate everything from the outside world immediately will be affected by [Blood Deception].

And in the domain, he can manipulate it as he likes.

"Your opponent is me!"

At this time, the black earth slapped the ground, used the earth escape · rock pillar to lift itself into the sky, and then began to form seals quickly.

Melting Escape·Greystone Sealing Technique!

Black concrete was spit out directly from Kuroto's mouth, and then directly enveloped the seemingly defenseless Shinji.

Although it is not clear whether it will work or not, Black Soil decided to give it a try.

However, she still failed, a large amount of blood condensed into a blood crystal wall, blocking all the concrete.

"Courage is commendable, so just choose a lucky audience at random to pay for your reckless behavior."


Heitu, who seemed to realize something, looked down suddenly, and then saw a person who was suddenly pierced into a hedgehog ball by the blood thorns that opened in his body.

Heitu bit his lip so hard that blood came out from the bite.

But she didn't give in because of this, instead she leaped vigorously, and when she was in the air, hard stones condensed on her right hand.

She knew that if she couldn't beat the opponent, everyone would still die.

So if you can't be a mother-in-law, you must fight to the death!

This is what Ohnoki taught her since she was a child.

Speaking of which, she can be regarded as a hero among women.

It's a pity that she was destined to meet an enemy she couldn't defeat this time.

Earth Escape·Fist Rock Technique!

Earth Dungeon Super Weighted Rock Technique!


Heitu's punch actually directly smashed the blood crystal wall, and then went straight to Shinji without losing momentum.

But Shinji just shook his finger lightly, causing the blood in her body to flow backwards.

Heitu's eyes widened immediately, and with a wow, he spat out a large amount of blood that surged upwards.

The whole person fell down powerlessly, and the rock fist in his hand naturally dissipated.

But just when she thought she would fall to her death, a hand grabbed her clothes from behind.

"Very good, I appreciate your courage more and more. Then the price is..."

"don't want!"

In the end, the heads of the three people soared into the sky in an instant, and the gushing column of blood was as spectacular as a fountain.

Heitu seemed to be completely dumbfounded, although she knew that her choice was not wrong, but looking at the people she brought, they died in front of her eyes one by one because of her. And still in this way...

She still received a huge shock!

The bad premonition came true.

This guy in front of her was really the kind she couldn't afford to mess with.

So, is she going to die too?

Heitu's eyes suddenly became a little dazed.

After all, Heitu at this time is just a teenage girl, not the future Tuying.

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