"Hehe, where is the wild girl who dares to meddle in other people's business? Aren't you afraid to put yourself in it too?"

Huang Mao's mocking expression was performed so vividly that anyone who saw it would have the urge to hit him.

And his words have a second meaning, which is the aggressive method.

Cut off the opponent's retreat, and when the fear reacts, he finds that he has no way to escape, so he can only bite the bullet and negotiate.

This trick is extremely useful against those who are stupefied, or those who want to save face.

If you meet someone who is hot-blooded for a second, there is a way!

The boss of Yinzha, who was lying on the ground protecting his 'wife', suddenly jumped up and hugged Huangmao's thigh tightly, and he still shouted: "Hurry up, these beasts only pick on the old and weak, women and children. They are targeting Our family is here, we must not implicate you!"

As if receiving the signal, the woman who fell on the ground stopped in front of Huang Mao and the others, shouting hoarsely: "Please, take my child and run! Leave us alone!"

It's all a trick.

Yinzha Boss's performance was mainly to create an image of a man who is affectionate and righteous, and he revealed one thing emphatically, that is, despite the viciousness of these guys, they are actually masters who bully the weak and fear the hard.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be picking on the old and the weak, women and children.

This can invisibly add a lot of confidence to the target.

And what the woman said just now added fuel to the fire.

After all, the child's parents are still here, but anyone with a bit of conscience can't just run away with the child.

I don't know if it can be saved, but at least I must try.

After this series of routines, as long as they are not that kind of old Jianghu, they probably have to be recruited.

Yuzaoying didn't think too much about it, she walked out immediately and said, "I'll take care of this matter, hurry up and take your people away, otherwise this lady will be merciless in her actions!"

Just kidding, don't say that she is not afraid of these local ruffians, even if she really meets someone she can't beat, there are others.

If you have confidence, you will naturally be fearless.

When Huang Mao saw that this woman was so upright, he was also very happy.

After taking down these people, he must have a good time.

Even if you can't drink the soup, you must not let it go in vain.

So instinctively, he showed a sinister look, which made Yuzaoying's eyes turn cold.

"Hey, hey, I want to see you, how can you be merciless. Why don't you go back with me? My house has a very big bed, which is big enough for you to use it. Hehehe~"

court death!

The last person who dared to tease her like this, the grass on the grave is probably more than two meters high now.

"Bright moon, come on!"

Feeling the master's anger, after the bright moon fell to the ground, she immediately grinned at Huang Mao and the others and made an attacking gesture.

When Huang Mao and the others saw it, they immediately leaned forward and back with a smile.

"Pfft... No, you just let such a little thing bite me? I'm really scared~"

Under the ridicule of Huang Mao and others, the underestimated Bright Moon became bigger and bigger, like a calf.

Now Huangmao and the others finally stopped laughing.

Even the boss of Yinzha frowned.

After thousands of calculations, I still haven't figured out that this pet white fox is really a ninja beast, so what about the others?

Are these people really just ordinary people?

The boss of Yinzha began to feel a little uneasy.

However, it was too late, and Haoyue rushed towards Huangmao immediately.

Some flustered Huangmao subconsciously put his arm in front of him, and then began to curse in pain.

"Ah! Come and help me! Why are you standing there stupidly! Kill this beast!"

Yuzaoying originally just wanted to teach these people a lesson, but when she heard the other party call Jiaoyue a beast, she immediately became angry.

Jiaoyue bit off Huangmao's arm with one bite, and then dodged away before the other people's weapons fell.

"Ah! My hand, my hand! Kill it for me, kill them!"

Huangmao fell into a state of madness under the intense pain.

He no longer wants to play with this woman anymore, he wants to kill everyone and torture them to death.

But he was a little too high on the people around him.

As ordinary thugs, they are considered to be a relatively good group.

But compared to well-trained ninjas, they are nothing!

"Qiaoyue, use that trick to directly deal with them!"

Yuzao Ying, who was provoked and insulted repeatedly, was also moved to kill. Don't forget, she was a ruthless character when she was in the Red Mansion.

The power of the moonlight quickly filled the whole body of the bright moon, and then the bright moon made three return jumps in the air with one jump.

Jade algae flow secret technique · under the moon front claw!

Swish Swish Swish!

It was as if a ray of moonlight jumped several times in the air, and finally landed and turned into a bright moon.

But the four people brought by Huang Mao were all frozen in place.

In the next second, three red blood lines appeared on everyone's throats.


Hot blood sprayed out, and then fell to the ground unwillingly making a "ho, ho" sound.

Huang Mao, who was clutching his broken arm, was frightened and dumbfounded.

He finally realized that this was someone they couldn't afford to offend, so he looked terrified and was about to run away.

As long as you can escape, there is still hope!

With the ability of Yin Zha's boss, he will definitely find an opportunity to poison them all.

So what if you're not an ordinary person?

The same will be poisoned to death!

Then a huge force pressed on his back and threw him to the ground.

Huang Mao opened his eyes and saw that the white fox Jiaoyue had opened a mouth full of sharp teeth and bit his throat.

He subconsciously shouted, "Boss, save me!"

Jiaoyue's mouth stopped 1 centimeter outside this guy's skin, and it only took a light force to send him back to the west.

At this time, Yuzaoying walked over, "Say, what do you do, who is your boss?"

The boss of Yinzha and his 'wife' hugged each other tightly, pretending to be very scared, but his heart was very cold.

It's all at this juncture, what a bad thing!

And now, Huang Mao didn't care about anything just to survive, so he bit him out, and kept yelling: "Boss Yinzha, if you don't do anything, I'm going to die!"

In his opinion, the boss of Yinzha must be more than enough to deal with a beast.

What made him desperate was that the boss of Yinzha never said a word, and had no intention of saving him at all.

"Are you with them?"

Yuzaoying looked at the boss of Yinzha with scrutiny, a little uncertain.

The boss of Yinzha was very indignant, "I don't know them at all. They want to take my wife and children and sell them elsewhere. Now they want to drag us into the water and let us be buried with them. It's all this guy's fault." Conspiracy!"

Yuzao Ying nodded, thinking that it made sense.

Who would believe the words of a bad guy biting people in order to survive.


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