Just now, Mr. En felt the strong struggle from the soul of the monster.

It seems that if it continues it will do some kind of irreversible damage to it.

Mr. Enemy had no impulse, so he stopped attacking.

He guessed that this seal is likely to be connected to the monster's body, or even use the monster's body as the core energy source.

So each of his attacks is actually weakening the power of the monster's physical body.

Even in the worst case, if he forcibly destroys the seal, the monster's body will also be damaged.

It has to be said that Mr. Enemy's guess is very accurate.

Maitreya Priestess sealed the monster's body here in the first place, trying to use this method to continuously extract the power of the monster, so as to completely destroy it.

So if there is no correct way to open the seal, forcibly cracking it by force will only destroy everything.

Mr. En, who realized this, felt very unhappy.

Unfortunately, he couldn't get fit again.

Because from the very beginning, the other party told him to find a priestess named Shion before he could get what he wanted.

It's just that Miko Shion seemed to realize the crisis in advance and escaped.

This caused him to come to the country of marsh "pretending to be smart".

"If it is violently destroyed, the body of the monster sealed inside is likely to be destroyed as well. So we must find that witch."

"Huh? Didn't it go around and then go back? It's this time, where can I find it?"

Shanhu was speechless. Isn't this embarrassing him like a fat tiger?

"Going back to the ghost country, since it's a deal, no one can take advantage of me."

Mr. Enemy also became ruthless.

If the 'death' woman dares to deny her account, then he is not easy to mess with.

. . . . . .


Just when the ancestral hall of the Marsh Country was almost destroyed, Ziyuan suddenly felt a palpitation and couldn't help holding her chest.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Tamazao Hotaru asked nervously, as if she was afraid that Ziyuan would just go by like this.

Because if something goes wrong, she will be completely cold!

Selling her to Yunyin Village is not just talk!

"Someone attacked the seal left by my mother just now. They must want to completely resurrect the monster."

Ziyuan's expression was very serious, and anxiety and anxiety were hidden in her eyes.

"Ah? So what should we do? Isn't it too late now?"

Tamamo Hotaru was also numb.

How to save the world and put yourself back in it?

Ziyuan shook her head, "The other party seems to have stopped violently breaking the seal, because once the seal is forcibly broken, the monsters sealed inside will also be severely injured in an instant. This may not be the result that the other party wants."

"Huh~ That's good."

"The bad news is that now only I can open the seal left by my mother. That is to say, from now on, the other party will look for me like crazy."

"Uh... that's really bad news. But don't worry, since he accepted your commission, that guy Shinji won't ignore you. Don't look at how they look like good people, in fact... um , and it’s not really a good guy. But...uh, I mean, they’re all very powerful, and as long as they’re around, no one can take you away.”

After hearing these words, Ziyuan was also a little dumbfounded, "Are you sure this is comforting me?"

"Oh, that's not important. In short, put your heart back in your stomach. Instead of worrying about those enemies who want to release monsters, it's better to pray that the person who responds to you will bring more money, otherwise the two of us will definitely It's ugly to die."

"Not so..."

"Hehe, you'll know when the time comes."

. . . . . .

In a tavern in the country of birds, the table in front of Tsunade was full of empty wine bottles.

"Master Tsunade, I can't drink any more. We've almost run out of funds for this trip." Shizune kept persuading.

"It doesn't matter if the flowers are over, hiccup~ come, let the teacher smell one."

Tsunade, who was drunk, hugged left and right, and took advantage of female disciples from time to time.

Where did Sakura experience this kind of thing? She struggled desperately, but compared with Tsunade who possessed strange powers, she was a weak little girl.

So after a while, he lay down dizzy and let Tsunade take advantage.

You have to know how excited and excited she was when she knew that she could worship Tsunade as a teacher.

Although she felt sorry for Kakashi-sensei, she didn't hesitate at all.

As a result, after getting a little familiar with it, I realized that Konoha Princess Tsunade Hime, the legendary Konoha Sannin, is not only a gambling dog, but also an alcoholic!

Gambling dog + alcoholic + hooligan = Tsunade

The role model is broken!

It's also due to the fact that Tsunade is a woman, otherwise she would have been smashed to death by the boxer.

The reason why Sakura didn't escape now is just to stay with Tsunade and learn more skills, so as not to be left too far by Naruto and Sasuke.

"Made, it's really enviable!"

"Who says it's not~"

The guests at the next table looked envious and jealous.

Don't get me wrong, they are not envious of Tsunade being able to hug left and right, but they are envious of Sakura being held in Tsunade's arms.

If it were them, they would have been perfectly willing to drown in it and suffocate to death.

Sure enough, cuteness is useless in front of sexy.

Of course, they only dared to think about it in their hearts, and none of them dared to take action.

Because some people went to strike up a conversation because of their thick skin or money, but they were all thrown out of the tavern.

Without exception!

All the money these people carried was exchanged for wine and placed on the table.

After drinking until dark, Tsunade finally enjoyed himself.

With the support of Shizune and Sakura, she staggered down the street.

"Senior Jing Yin, didn't we come out with a mission this time? That's it...is it really all right?"

Shizune immediately sighed, "You have to believe that Tsunade-sama knows it well."

No wonder!

But in front of the newly recruited junior sister, she couldn't possibly tell Tsunade's unreliable side.

Of course, after getting along for a long time in the future, Sakura will naturally know what kind of person Tsunade is.

"Don't worry, send Tsunade-sama back to rest now. I have already left the code for the joint, and when the target arrives, it will naturally come to us."

"Huh? When..."

Sakura was taken aback, completely unaware when Shizune did these things.

Jing Yin smiled wryly, after all, whoever gets such an unreliable teacher will have to do everything possible to find out the gaps.

Don't ask, it's all an experience of tears!

"You'll know later, anyway... work hard, come on!"

Sakura nodded half-understood, her thoughts drifted away.

I don't know how Tsunade-sama develops, should I wait for Tsunade-sama to sober up and ask for some experience...

Sakura suddenly blushed.


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