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This meeting was just a coincidence, just like the last time.

Tsunade doesn't think there will be a next time in a short time.

Even if she was really unlucky, she didn't worry about anything.

Once the other party comes, the other party may not have exactly this need, asking her to repay the favor.

Secondly, if you can't avoid it, it will be bad.

Help if you can, but if you really can't help, can you still kill her?

In short, it is impossible to give money, and everything else is negotiable.

Sakura once again saw the shamelessness of her new teacher, and was speechless.

Wei Guang's role model in his heart has been shattered.

As for Ziyuan, let alone, I feel sad for myself.

"Ahead is the Daming Mansion. Are we going to rob this place? No way, teacher! Although this place is very rich, are we doing this..."

Xiao Sakura looked at the majestic mansion in front of her, and quickly persuaded her to not take this crooked road!

Tsunade shook off Sakura's hand angrily, "What are you thinking! Could it be that in your heart, your teacher is a robber who will rob ordinary people if he has no money?"

Sakura quickly shook her head.

Although it is not necessarily robbing ordinary people, it is entirely possible to rob the rich and help the poor!

At this time, Sakura didn't believe in Tsunade's character for a long time, and seriously doubted that she could do such a thing.

Tsunade had no choice but to explain: "We are not robbing, but borrowing. Borrowing, understand?"

Sakura nodded, and then took out a bunch of IOUs from her pocket, "Understood, just like before."

Tsunade fell silent for a moment.

How embarrassing and embarrassing the look must be.

Because what Xiao Sakura took out were casino usury IOUs that she 'accidentally' owed when she came out this trip.

Of course, Tsunade never thought about paying back such black-hearted money, and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

As expected of you, Tsunade!

"It's different, I borrowed it in the name of Konoha this time, and I can ask Hokage for reimbursement after Konoha returns..."

Tsunade's mouth is very stubborn, but her eyes are wandering, which shows that she also has no idea.

But after thinking about it, when I go back, I guess Jiraiya will also become Hokage. Isn't it easy to reimburse a little mission expenses?

So she didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately led the people inside.

"Stop whoever comes!"

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Daming Mansion, he was stopped by the guards.

Fortunately, when he came out this time, Tsunade's mission was complete, and he directly took it out to prove his identity.

"We are ninjas from Konoha. We are performing a confidential mission and need to meet the daimyo."

The two guards were stunned when they heard this.

What did the Konoha ninjas come to their country of birds?

They also couldn't tell whether the other party was real or not. They only knew that the Land of Fire was a superpower that their entire Bird Country couldn't afford to offend.

Not daring to be negligent, one of the guards immediately said: "The previous daimyo Olu-sama passed away not long ago, and the next daimyo or daimyo agent has not yet been elected."

Tsunade naturally heard about this, so he said along the way: "Who is the person who can make the decision in the mansion now?"

The guard hesitated for a moment, but said truthfully: "Master Dalu's son, Master Lu, is currently living in the mansion, and he is also a candidate for the successor of the next daimyo."

"Then please inform me."

Tsunade doesn't care who becomes the daimyo of this country, she only knows whoever lives here is the richest person in this country.

Soon the guard returned with good news.

"Master Lu invited a few guests in to have a talk."

"Thank you."

Tsunade led the people in just like that swaggeringly, with a calm face.

On the contrary, the three women who followed her were very uncomfortable and a little guilty.

Because they all knew that Tsunade came here for nothing serious, it was all for borrowing money.

There is no one to borrow money from the Daming Mansion.

Except for Tsunade, it is estimated that there is no second such thing in the entire ninja world.

In a magnificent reception room, Tsunade and his party were able to meet the so-called Master Sagi.

It was a handsome young man with a warm but sincere smile on his face, which made people feel good at the first sight.

"Distinguished guest from Konoha, I don't know why you came here this time?"


"Please call me Lu. The young master is just a joke used by his subordinates when my father was still alive. It can't be taken seriously."

It is really impressive to be so modest and courteous at such a young age.

Now even Tsunade is a little embarrassed to cheat... Ahem, I asked to borrow money.

Seemingly seeing that Tsunade's eyebrows were slightly troubled, Sagi asked the other people in the room to leave for the time being very reasonable.

"But, Master Lu..."

"Don't worry, since you are a distinguished guest from Konoha, how can it be against me, go down."

Unable to resist him, several guards had no choice but to leave first.

Before leaving, he gave Tsunade and the others a helpless look.

If they hadn't known what kind of person Master Lu was, they would have suspected that this was a beauty trick deliberately sent to their door.

"Can we talk now?"

Under the curious gaze of the other party, Tsunade gave up his heart, and it was considered a fight.

"We came out this time to carry out a confidential mission. If we fail, the whole world may be in danger of being destroyed..."

Tsunade began to work on the art with a serious face. uu Reading www.uukanshu.com

Anyway, she didn't lie.

And as she narrated, Master Lu's complexion also became serious, only Ziyuan and the others were very embarrassed.

"So how do you need us to cooperate? It is a matter of life and death for all human beings. There is still some awareness of this. Please, Tsunade-sama, just give orders."

Looking at the other party's sincere expression, Tsunade said without changing his face: "We are professionals in combat. It's a pity that after the last battle, we lost a lot of things, including our supplies and equipment. "

"So this time we came here, hoping that your country can temporarily borrow some supplies from us, and then repay them when we return to Konoha."

It sounds nice, but they are actually asking for money.

Even Lu was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the previous topic would be raised so high, and it turned out to be because of this yellow and white thing.

The gap is really too big.

But Lu immediately reacted, "It's just a little property, why do you need to pay it back. As long as it can help everyone not to be harmed, it is worth ten times and a hundred times. Please wait a moment, I will send someone right away..."


Everything was going well, and Tsunade could take the money and leave immediately.

The result was a sudden change!

The door of the room was pulled open forcefully from the outside, interrupting Heron's words.

Hong Ming walked in from the outside with an ugly expression on his face.

"Master Lu seems to have forgotten one thing. You are only staying in Daming Mansion temporarily, not the owner here. You have no right to control all property in Daming Mansion."

"What's more, a few swindlers made up a ridiculous story and tricked you around. It's a bit embarrassing to Lord Big Lu!"

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