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"Wandering ninja again?"

When Tsunade heard this term now, his expression was not very good-looking.

The main reason is that the wandering ninja, an unpopular profession, was played by someone.

The stray ninjas of other people are slightly better than Omura's cannon fodder if they are exhausted.

Then what?

Has anyone ever seen such a kage-level powerhouse become a wandering ninja?

It's outrageous!

"Say! Why do you pretend to be a monk?!"

Tsunade looked eager to try, as if the other party dared to tell a lie, she would send him to death with a punch.

Meng Zong was already scared out of his wits, Tsunade just threatened casually, and he himself said everything like beans in a bamboo tube.

Including how he brought people to pretend to be monks to deceive Hong Ming's trust, and how he planned to use Hong Ming's hand to seize the power of the Bird Kingdom.

Hong Ming, who heard these words not far away, had an extremely ugly expression, just like his dead parents.

He originally thought that he was dedicated to the country and had a clear conscience in everything he did.

Only now did I realize that I had been bewitched by villains all along.

In vain he still regarded the other party as a confidant, but it turned out to be like this!

What made him even more unable to face the dead Lord Great Heron was yet to come.

"Did you kill my brother?!"

Master Lu suddenly ran over excitedly and questioned the other party loudly.

"Your brother? So that's how it is... Hahaha, I never thought that after planning carefully for so long, the problem would come from here."

Meng Zong suddenly guessed something and let out a miserable laugh.

It turned out that he had already arranged everything. After assassinating Lord Dalu, he immediately carried out the assassination of his heir, Master Lu according to the plan.

On the premise that no one doubted him, everything went smoothly.

Logically speaking, at this time, the Country of Birds should be handed over to Hongming as a matter of course, and then he only needs to wait for an opportunity, and then get rid of Hongming, and then he can quietly seize the entire country.

But what he didn't expect was that Master Lu, who was supposed to be dead, appeared in front of everyone the next day without any injuries, and even strongly wanted to take back the title of daimyo.

Meng Zong originally thought that his subordinates did not handle the matter well, which led to the other party's narrow escape.

In order not to arouse suspicion, he kept a low profile for several days.

It wasn't until now that he realized that the person he sent that day had indeed succeeded...

"You...you are... the ibis?"

Hong Ming finally came to his senses and was greatly surprised.

"That's right, it's me."

"Your brother Lu He..."

"Didn't you already hear that my brother was killed? Because I was the first to find out afterwards. In order to find the murderer who killed my father and brother, I hid my brother's body, and then I'll pretend to be my brother and investigate secretly."

Zhu Lu told her story with red eyes, and when she looked at Meng Zong, her eyes were full of hatred.

After Hong Ming finished listening, he immediately slumped on the ground powerlessly.

Few people know that Master Dalu actually has two children, a boy named Lu, who is his elder brother. A girl named Toki, is the younger sister.

Brother and sister are twins, and they look very similar.

This is why Toki was able to camouflage so well later.

And Hong Ming, who is Lord Great Heron's trustee, naturally knew about it, but he just didn't think in that direction.

In the end, it was almost a big mistake!

"I'm ashamed to see Master Dalu!"

The blow Hong Ming received was too heavy, and he instantly aged by more than ten years.

But now that the real culprit has been caught, Toki no longer needs to continue playing the role of brother.

Then at this moment, Hong Ming stood up unsteadily, holding a steel knife in his hand, and walked towards Meng Zong.

"Hongming! What are you going to do! Have you forgotten how I supported you behind your back all these years? You actually want to kill me?! You think you killed me,

Can it be redeemed? I tell you, impossible! Although I killed the big egret, it is also inseparable from you! "

While Meng Zong attacked Hongming with words, he was lying on the ground and backed away with all his hands and feet.

But in the face of these shrimp and pig hearts, Hong Ming didn't say a word of rebuttal.

With a bang, the steel knife pierced Meng Zong's thigh and nailed him to the ground.

"I, Hongming, have been an upright person all my life, but I didn't expect that I mistrusted you as a treacherous person, and thus produced such a bitter fruit! I am ashamed of the trust that Master Dalu has placed in me. You are right, I really have a responsibility that cannot escape .So please go ahead, the old man will be there later."

As he spoke, Hong Ming drew out the steel knife and stabbed Meng Zong in the chest again.

At this moment, Meng Zong was also crazy. He knew that he was completely screwed this time, and the chance of surviving was too small.

But he would never approve of the way of death in front of him.

Although he has suffered heavy injuries at this moment, even a seriously injured ninja can explode with lethality that makes ordinary people terrified!

The moment the steel knife fell, Meng Zong took out a handful of kunai from nowhere, and shot it forcefully at Hongming's throat.

Although it is late, it seems to be the first to come.

It's just that Hong Ming, who already had the will to die, completely ignored Meng Zong's counterattack, and insisted on dying with him regardless.

Then there was a clang, and before the kunai pierced Hongmei's throat, Tsunade smashed it flying with a stone.

"No! You can't kill me!"

Finally, under Meng Zong's desperate roar, Hong Ming gritted his teeth and thrust the steel knife in his hand into the opponent's chest.

Blood splattered around, Meng Zong's eyes burst out, his mouth was full of blood and he wanted to say something, but his neck tilted and he died.

Just now Zhu Lu also wanted to avenge her father and elder brother with her own hands, but she really couldn't do it, so she let Hong Ming execute him.

Originally, she thought that Hongming and the murderer were on the same team, so she made things difficult for her and refused to give up the position of daimyo.

But looking at it just now, although the two know each other, they can't be regarded as a group.

In the final analysis, Hong Ming was also used, and he didn't know who he was.

As for those targeting, it may be more like a kind of hatred.

"Heron... Ibis, I have really suffered for you these days. I am sorry for the dead Mr. Big Heron, and I am sorry for you. I will have no face to face the many people in the country of birds. I hope that after I die, you can bear the burden. Take up the important task of governing the country and make this country better."

After finishing speaking, Hong Ming closed his eyes, raised his hand and wiped it vigorously on his neck.

However, at this time Toki rushed over with a brisk stride, and firmly grabbed Hong Ming's arm.

The sharp steel knife was pressed tightly against his neck, causing goosebumps.

Blood water has already flowed down the blade, dripping down.

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