In the country of marshes, in the shrine where the bodies of monsters are sealed.

In order to prevent variables from happening, Mr. Enemy simply rushed through the space crack and came here again at the fastest speed.

Then he returned his body to Shanhu.

After Shanhu opened his eyes, he took a step forward subconsciously, but because his consciousness and body were out of sync, he fell directly to the ground.

As Mr. En controlled his body more times and for more time, Shanhu felt more and more that this body did not belong to him, and the delay in giving orders became more and more obvious.

This couldn't help but make him look ugly, and he didn't feel in the mood to talk when he got up.

Mr. Di naturally knew why Shanhu's face became so ugly.

However, he was not going to explain any more, as long as he got the body of the monster in front of him, he could get away from it.

All problems will be solved by then.

And his 'keeping promise', I believe it will also make Shanhu trust him more.

"Woman, unlock this seal, don't think about playing tricks."

Ziyuan bit her lip, "The seal here was done by my mother herself. I am not capable enough, so I can only wear away the key marks bit by bit. This will take a lot of time."

Mr. Di took a look at her, "I'll give you three days, if you can't solve it, you will die."

Ziyuan said very simply: "If you can't do it, you can kill me now."

Shanhu immediately grabbed Ziyuan's neck and lifted it up.

Shanhu's three eyes fixedly stared at each other without saying a word, which put tremendous pressure on Ziyuan to die.

"Believe me, sometimes death is not necessarily relief, but the beginning of pain."

Ordinary people may not be able to bear the pressure and beg for mercy directly.

But Ziyuan didn't, because she was mentally prepared to face the end of death from the very beginning.

She ran away, her struggle was just not wanting the monsters here to be released.

So she was not afraid of death, but just looked at him calmly with a purple face.

Gradually, Zi Yuan's hands fell limply to her sides...

There was a flash of anger in Shanhu's eyes, even an ordinary human woman dared to go against his will.

As soon as he exerted force with his hand, he wanted to pinch the opponent's neck directly.

But suddenly, he found himself losing control of his body again.

"Calm down, don't forget why we took so much effort to bring this woman here?"

Mr. Enemy's voice sounded immediately.


Shanhu snorted coldly, but didn't intend to kill any more.

Seeing this, Mr. En returned the control of his body to Shanhu.

Shanhu shook her hand in disgust and threw Shion out.

Zi Yuan, who fell to the ground, immediately began to cough violently. People who have not experienced it will not understand the terrifying feeling of suffocation.

"How many days can you unlock the seal here?"

After Ziyuan recovered for a while, Shanhu asked again.

"It will take a month at the fastest."

Shanhu was about to be laughed out of anger, "Ten days, if you can't untie the seal within ten days, I will slash your face every hour, and if you can't untie it, start from the toes, one One cut off."

Ziyuan wanted to say something more, but Shanhu kicked her into the ancestral hall.

Zi Yuan who smashed into the ancestral hall opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

But it was worth it, she managed to win ten days, maybe even more.

If no one can find this place to save her before she can't hold on anymore, then she will choose to die here.

Unlock the seal?

She wasn't prepared to do this from the start.

It's just that I still have to do what I should do, so as not to implicate her in anger.

"Mom, bless your daughter to defeat these monsters."

Ziyuan held the relic bell left by her mother in her hand, then sat cross-legged, and began to connect the seal here.

Suddenly, a purple-black light enveloped the entire ancestral hall, full of malice and ominous atmosphere.

All of a sudden, the Shanhu outside couldn't see the situation inside clearly.

Even with Mr. En's eyes, he could only see Ziyuan sitting cross-legged on the ground with a solemn look.

Unknown is probably the way to describe this situation.

They also don't know whether Ziyuan is trying her best to lift the seal, but at least the light and shadow special effect looks a bit like it.

It's only about ten days, and Shanhu is ready to wait here.

Once the ten-day deadline is up and the seal is still not released, he will definitely make the other party regret cheating himself!





On the other side, Shinji, who just cleaned up a nest of curse spirits, also received a letter from Tsunade asking for help.

He has no interest in Shion being captured by monsters.

Just from Tsunade's description, he probably guessed that the monster might be the special curse spirit that escaped last time in Yanyin Village.

Shinji still remembers that Mr. Enemy's golden cicada parasitized on that guy's body when she escaped her shell.

He really doesn't have any interest in rescuing Ziyuan, but he wants to completely eradicate the two super-level curse spirits, Mr. Di and Shanhu.

And once the other party releases that troublesome monster, it might be really troublesome.

Shinji thought and thought, and finally decided to go and have a look.

Just at this time, Zuo Zhu had just killed the last level 2 curse spirit with the Kusanagi sword.

"A Fei, how far is it from the country of the swamp?"

Leaning on the tree and obsessing wildly, Ah Fei, who was about to fall asleep, woke up suddenly, and then hurriedly took out the map.

"Let me see, the country of the marsh, the country of the marsh... Oh, I found it!"

"After crossing two small countries from here, we will be the country of marsh. Huh? Are we going to the country of marsh?"

Their original destination was not there.

"The plan has changed. I will go to the country of marsh first, and I have to speed up."

"Huh? Oh..."

Ignoring the playful A Fei, Shinji jumped down from the rock, snapped his fingers and crushed all the corpses on the ground.




At the same time, Tsunade is rushing to the ghost country with Shizune and Sakura.

During the rush, Jing Yin and Xiao Ying blamed themselves very much, thinking that they were useless, and actually let the target of this mission save their lives in turn.

Otherwise, everyone might have died at the hands of monsters.

"Master Tsunade, we will be able to rescue Shion, right?"

"Of course, if I can't save that little girl, I won't drink anymore."

Tsunade didn't know whether it was to comfort his disciples or to set a flag for himself, but he made such a heavy oath.

But this also shows Tsunade's determination!

After that fight, Tsunade also knew how difficult the opponent was, and she couldn't guarantee that she would be able to kill the opponent.

But if you catch the opponent by surprise and snatch him out, you still have some confidence.

She was just worried that her call for help would not catch up in time.


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