With the perspective of God, the child of heaven began to search for traces of the enemy inch by inch.

He even saw the underground Shanhu through his clairvoyance ability, and he was quickly shuttled to escape, but he didn't find any monsters or Mr. Enemy.

It was as if it had completely disappeared.

"This guy has a lot of life-saving methods..."

Shinji chuckled lightly.

I still remember the first time I saw Mr. Enemy, his strength made him frown.

But when he possessed the child of heaven and learned the no-lower-limit technique, he was already able to defeat the opponent in a head-to-head battle!

This is the gap.

Counting it, this is already the second time he has defeated Mr. Enemy.

There will be a third time in the future.

And Shinji felt that next time, he would never give the other party the possibility to escape.

Stretch out your right hand and aim at the ground in front of you, and you are ready again!


The energy wave that can even cut space at will broke through the ground without any hindrance, and then locked on Shanhu who was fleeing quickly.

Under the watchful eyes of the children of heaven, even in the ground, Shan Hu still has nothing to hide.

It's just that the vibration from the ground alerted Shanhu in advance, and at the critical moment, he chose the most correct choice.

A large amount of magma sprayed out from the crater on his head, and the mantra was released as if it cost nothing.

"The field expands, and the two prisons burn the river!"

Shanhu released the domain as quickly as possible, and then Shinji's energy wave bombarded the domain's shell.


After only resisting for a moment, Mingzhuohe, the two prisons in Shanhu's domain, was penetrated by Xu Shi.

A domain with stronger internal defenses means weaker external defenses.

Those trapped in the realm have difficulty escaping, but those outside have the opportunity to enter.

But very few people choose to do so.

Because once you break into someone else's domain, it almost means handing over your own life and death to someone else's control.

However, Shanhu took advantage of this mechanism. When the domain was penetrated, he left directly from under the domain, and then plunged into the ground without even thinking of looking back.


Shinji's attack set off a huge explosion in the ground, causing the surrounding ground to shake like an earthquake.

And the piece of ground that was bombarded collapsed in an instant.

It's a pity that Rang Shanhu escaped.

After all, the farsightedness and clairvoyance of the child of the sky also have limits. In addition, Shanhu fled desperately without hesitating the power of the spell, and now there is no trace of him.

He didn't eat any of the two pieces of fat, which made him somewhat speechless.

But even if he did it all over again, he would still choose to kill Mr. Enemy who was parasitic on the monster first.

But it will be more cautious, and no longer give the other party a chance to escape.

In contrast, the threat posed by Shanhu is much smaller than that of Mr. Enemy.

"Can you still feel the breath of the monster?"

Shinji suddenly looked at Shion at the side and asked.

Since Mr. Enemy and the monster have become one, it is possible that this woman will know something.

Hearing the question, Ziyuan was stunned for a moment, and then she tried her best to sense it.

Without the seal of the bell, her ability is no less than that of her mother when she was young.

"No, I can't perceive anything. The remaining monster breath here is too strong."

After a while, Ziyuan shook her head.

Shinji didn't expect much from her, so he wasn't disappointed.

In fact, even if there is no residual monster aura here, Ziyuan still cannot perceive the existence of Mr. Enemy.

Because Mister Enemy had already wiped out all his aura and sense of existence with the annihilation spell.

Since Mr. En dared to hide in the body of the black-skinned guide, it meant that he was absolutely sure of avoiding any detection.

Sure enough, Shinji and the others didn't find anything until the end.

They could only leave with Zi Yuan.

Along the way, the black-skinned guide became more and more enthusiastic. He turned into a hundred thousand whys, and wanted to know whether the legends about monsters were all true?

Ziyuan really didn't want to talk to him, but when she heard that he led Shinji and others all the way here, and finally saved her, she could only be patient and tell him some stories that could be told.

In fact, this is also good, to save the other party from making up some unwarranted things without knowing it.

This can be regarded as rectifying her mother's name.

What made Ziyuan feel even more complicated was that the future of death she predicted on the spot...was changed!

Not only did she not die, she also successfully 'destroyed' the monster with the help of these people.

That's something even her mother couldn't do.

She used to think that the future cannot be changed, but now she finally knows that the future is not static.

Even the future she saw may not be correct!

Because in the future of death she had seen, people like Shinji did not exist at all.

It was Tsunade who finally found her and fought the enemy to the death.

But in the end they all died in the hands of monsters.

This is the future that was supposed to happen.

But when she met Shinji and his party, everything changed...

Because they didn't like the climate of the marsh country, they parted ways after returning to the town.

Shinji will lead people to the next location, continue to clean up the curse spirits, and strive to build a field of [No Lower Limit Spells].

Ziyuan is planning to go back to the country of ghosts and continue to be her maiden.

By the way, tell Konoha what happened.

She still doesn't know that Tsunade has taken people to the country of ghosts.

After everyone left, the black-skinned guide still had some regrets, regretting that he was not appreciated by the other party, and that he had soared into the sky since then.

But he is already very satisfied, not only made a lot of money, but also learned many real stories about monsters.

Then he had an idea to rebuild the destroyed ancestral hall and use these stories to make a tourist attraction.

He believes that it will definitely attract a lot of people to come!

But the premise is that he can open up the middle road and remove the dangers along the way.

That is to say, there is no such thing as internet celebrity at this time, otherwise Heipi is very likely to create the first internet celebrity attraction.

But when he was studying how to do it with great interest, his body froze suddenly, and then he showed an expression of disbelief, and then he fell to the ground with a plop, twitched twice, and was silent again.

And the monster that quickly devoured Heipi's entire body twisted and turned into Mr. Enemy's appearance again.

What kind of ambition was completely wiped out.

"Shinji Akagi, sooner or later I will make you cry in pain in front of me, and make you regret coming to this world."

Mr. Di's eyes couldn't help showing a breathtaking coldness.

He will repay the humiliation twice!


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