After satisfying his desire to gossip, Shinji looked at Zuozhu who was beside him.

"After listening for a long time, you probably understand what's going on."

"This guy is terminally ill, and Tong Li is almost exhausted. Now he is almost a dead blind man who is about to lose his sight and is terminally ill."

"He probably originally wanted to wait for you to grow up enough to be qualified to walk in front of him before ending all of this."

"But looking at it now, he probably can't wait. So I hope to see you."

"You have two choices now. One is to turn around and leave without caring about this man's life. If you choose this, I will take you away. No one can hurt you."

"And the second choice is that you stay. You brothers will resolve those grievances face to face. But let me state in advance, if you choose this, no matter what happens next, I will not intervene. You are very I might die here. Don't look at this guy as if he is dying, but even I need to go all out and deal with it seriously so as not to overturn."

"Then choose, whether to leave or stay?"

"A friendly reminder, no matter what choice you make, after this guy dies, I will tell you all the hidden truths."

As soon as Shen Si's words fell, Itachi's face changed slightly, "You promised me not to say anything."

"Yes, but you are going to die, and the previous agreement will naturally become invalid."

Shinji took it for granted, and just couldn't get Itachi out of it.

Yes, people are dead, but also ask others, is it possible?

If possible, Itachi really wanted to kill this guy now, and then fulfill his last wish.

But with this body, he couldn't do it.

In other words, even at the peak, winning or losing is unknown.

Shinji Akagi, this is the only person Itachi can't see through, other than the leader of the Akatsuki organization, and he doesn't have any confidence that he can defeat him.

Without any hesitation, Zuo Zhu directly said, "I choose to stay."

This is a very left-handed choice.

Now that it's all here, how could he run away in a hurry without doing anything?

He wanted to know what this man was going to do when he saw him?

At the same time, I also want to prove that I am no longer the waste that was weak enough to be carried by my brother.

For this reason, even if he died, he had to stay.

Shinji had guessed the answer a long time ago, so he nodded, "Since you have chosen, don't regret it. After the end, I will come back to collect his body, or collect your body. Of course, it is also possible to dig a hole and take your body away. The two brothers are buried together. The final result is up to you, and I'm leaving."

It's not that Shinji doesn't want to watch this classic battle.

It's just that his existence will make itachi unable to let go of his hands and feet, and it's not easy to let it go too obviously when he releases the water.

Anyway, he has the child of heaven, so going outside will not prevent him from becoming a qualified audience.

I went outside, found a good location, turned on perspective and farsightedness, and then took out the leftover popcorn and soda from the [Shadow Pocket]...

In the base, there are only two brothers who have been loving and killing each other.

Zuo Zhu wanted to ask Itachi full of questions, but was interrupted by Itachi.

"Although it's a bit faster, time doesn't give me a chance to wait any longer. Come on, let me see your growth during this time. If your size is still at the time of the last meeting, then I will take the first step Send you to see your father and mother..."

"Don't mention them! You are not qualified!"

When the topic of parents was mentioned, Zuo Zhu immediately entered a state of rage, and his eyes turned red.

No matter what difficulties this guy Itachi has, the death of his parents is an unchangeable fact.

Sangouyu's Sharingan opened instantly, and a Chidori sharp gun directly pierced the Itachi who hadn't finished speaking, and his heart was chilled.

The corner of Itachi's mouth was bleeding, but his face remained unchanged.

"It's disappointing to be so easily provoked by the enemy, my stupid Odoudou."

After speaking, the whole body turned into a group of crows and flew away.

It turned out that it was just a crow clone of Itachi.

But Zuo Zhu was not surprised, he appeared behind the stone chair strangely, pulled out the Kusanagi sword and pierced the Itachi hiding here again!

"No fool can be fooled every time, my brother."

"Really? Then why don't you take a look behind you?"

Itachi, who was pierced by the Kusanagi sword, suddenly smiled, and pointed behind Zuosuke.

Zuo Zhu didn't even think about it, he immediately waved his hand and shot the chidori sharp gun behind him.

Another ferret gets penetrated...

"Good battle response, you are indeed much more decisive than before, but this is far from enough. Let me see what else you have learned by being around that guy?"

The two pierced itachis disappeared again, and when Zuosuke raised his head again, he found that Itachi was sitting perfectly on the stone chair not far in front of him, as if he hadn't moved from the beginning to the end.

It turned out that the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two just now was just a duel in the illusion world.

Zuo Zhu was also aware of this, but he didn't know when he got the illusion. It might be that he had already been caught after he stepped into this space.




Outside, Shinji yawned boredly.

The two guys stood facing each other not far away, motionless, it was really boring.

This is completely different from the kind of duel he expected, the kind of fight between brothers.

But he also knew that this was an illusion duel between Itachi and Zuosuke.

In the original book, Zuosuke went to Itachi for revenge after he was fully prepared, and relied on the curse seal to crack Itachi's monthly reading and bounce back, which caused Itachi to bear a great burden from the beginning.

But right now Zuo Zhu doesn't have this homework to copy.

After all, Zuo Zhu didn't know anything and was brought here directly by him.

Orochimaru has long been turned into a dead snake, and it is not known whether he will be resurrected at this moment, and it is naturally impossible for Zuozhu to have any curse marks on his body.

So does it mean that the left assistant is doomed?

How can it be!

Don't look at Shinji leaving so happily before, in fact, before coming here, he lent the [Sharingan Specter] that he got back from A Fei to Zuo Zhuo for self-defense!

After all, the current Zuozhu is still too young, even if the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is awakened, it is not enough to see in front of Itachi.

How long has itachi been awakened?

How long did Zuo Zhu wake up?

So Shinji chuckled, waiting for Itachi's expression after being deflated.

And he didn't make him wait too long, he saw Itachi suddenly snorted through the child of heaven, and then covered his left eye with his hand.

Just now, he used monthly reading.

In the end, what I didn't expect was that Zuo Zhu used an unknown method to crack it and bounced back, causing him to suffer severe injuries in an instant and lose a lot of physical strength.


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