Zuo Zhu raised his head abruptly, and spit out two words with cold eyes, "Konoha!"

Although it was the Uchiha clan who wanted to launch a coup first, it was indeed the high-level Konoha who finally killed everyone in the Uchiha.

The tragedy that happened to Itachi is also a choice between the village and the family.

It's just that Itachi chose righteousness and chose to bear all the sins by himself.

What Zuo Zhu wanted was simpler, just a complete home.

It's just a pity that it can no longer be realized.

After seeing Zuo Zhuo's appearance, Shinji immediately knew what kind of mentality he was in now.

Immediately said: "Don't let hatred blind your eyes."

Zuosuke said indifferently and coldly: "So this is why Itachi has been refusing to let me know the truth? Even if he is dead, he must protect Konoha, and he doesn't want me to take revenge."

"Yes, you're right. Itachi spent the first half of his life guarding Konoha, so of course he doesn't want his younger brother to take revenge on the village he guarded. That's the last thing he wants to see. In addition, do you think the Why are you able to survive? The entire Uchiha clan is basically dead, why leave you as a single seedling? Don’t those big men know the truth that if you cut grass but don’t eradicate the roots, you will be born again when the spring breeze blows?”

Shinji looked at Zuosuke seriously and said: "In the transaction back then, one of the items was that your life safety must be guaranteed. Due to the huge pressure brought by Itachi, Konoha's senior management had to agree. But the premise is The last Uchiha survivor in the village is a person who knows nothing and will not hate the village."

"Not telling you the truth is protecting you, otherwise you would have died long ago."

The truth is often cruel...

Zuo Zhu suffered several huge blows in a row today, and his face has become very pale.

But the Uchiha clan is all stunned and iron-headed. Once a decision is made, the eight-tailed beasts can't pull it back.

"No matter what, I must make Konoha pay the price!"

Zuosuke, who didn't have much sense of belonging to Konoha, immediately made a decision.

Shinji frowned slightly, "Itachi wouldn't want to see you do this."

"Then stop me after he comes back alive."

"Boy, don't be too arrogant. I really think no one can control you now, do you?"

Shinji grinned, stretched out his right hand and rubbed Zuosuke's head vigorously.

This trick is called rubbing the dog's head in anger!

Zuo Zhu... didn't dare to resist.

He doesn't have the strength and ability to resist now.

But this trick finally made him clear his head.

"Listen, I will choose to tell you the truth because I think you are entitled to know what happened that year. Instead of trying to transfer all your original hatred and regret for Itachi to the next target. Revenge is not the life you live Meaning, at least not the only one."

"in addition,

There is a wrong and a debt, and I generally like to reason. I won't stop you from taking revenge, but before that, you have to make a clear distinction, who is the target of your revenge? "

"There are so many ordinary people among Konoha, do you want to kill them one by one? Even that idiot Hidan now knows how embarrassing it is to attack ordinary people. Don't you even kill him?" Can't compare?"

Zuo Zhu finally listened to what Shen Si said, nodded immediately and said: "I know what to do."

"You know shit! I guess you were the first to kill the Third Hokage?"

Zuo Zhu paused for a moment. Although he didn't speak, this performance already explained everything.

But Shinji looked at him with a look of hatred and said: "Use your brain, Sarutobi Hiruza must be responsible for that incident back then. But there are a few guys who deserve to die!"

Zuo Zhu thought for a while, and several names immediately popped up in his head.

The Uchiha clan will go to the night of genocide, and some of the high-ranking Konohas have played an undisguised role!

In contrast, these people are the most damned!

In the beginning, Zuosuke really had the idea of ​​directly destroying Konoha completely.

However, under Shinji's crooked theory, he gradually calmed down a bit.

Seeing that Itachi wanted to protect Konoha until his death, Zuosuke was going to seek justice and an explanation from Hokage and the others so that no other innocent people would be implicated.

This is a very important mentality change.

After all, the Zuo Zhu in the original book is much more extreme than the current Zuo Zhu.

So Zuo Zhu took a deep breath, "I will definitely make those guys pay the price."

This time, Shinji didn't stop him.





A few days later, Assistant Zuo buried Itachi with his own hands.

Before that, after several times of persuasion by Shinji, Zuosuke, who was a little bit overwhelmed by the hurdle in his heart, still took out Itachi's eyes.

And the reason given by Shinji is also very realistic, the pair of kaleidoscope Sharingan itself is a 'gift' prepared by Itachi for Zuosuke.

Even if Zuo Zhu didn't take it away, he would definitely be targeted in the future.

So in order not to disturb Itachi, it is absolutely necessary to take out the Kaleidoscope Sharingan and keep it safe.

One day in the future, Zuo Zhu will also experience blindness.

Then you can make the most of it.

On the other hand, doesn't Zuo Zhuo want to continue to take revenge on those people?

What could be more satisfying for Zuo Zhu than taking revenge with Itachi's eyes? !

In the end Zuozhu was convinced, but he didn't want to transplant Itachi's eyes yet.

In front of Itachi's grave.

Zuo Zhu's face was cold, and there was a lingering sadness in his eyes, as if he had become more mature overnight.

How much he hated Itachi before, how painful uu reading www.uukanshu.com is now.

After a long time, Zuo Zhu put down the flowers, turned around and left slowly.

"The real revenge starts now."

When Shinji brought Zuosuke and Hidan and others reunited, everyone could see that Zuosuke was different.

Although the former Zuo Zhu also had a cold look, but most of the time he pretended to be on purpose, which belongs to the category of playing handsome and pretending to be cool.

But right now, Zuo Zhu is completely like a different person, with an appearance of not getting close to strangers.

It is from the heart to reject people thousands of miles away.

Fei Duan asked curiously, "What's wrong with this brat? Why does he turn dead face after going out for a trip?"

Shen Si thought, you really guessed it!

Although it's not that my mother died, but my brother died, and I also found that I hated the wrong person and found the wrong target for revenge...

Anyone who changes will have a heart breakdown and a big change in personality!

"Something happened, don't mess with him for the next few days. Besides, I won't go to the Jade Country, go directly to the Sound Country."

"The country of sound?"

"Oh, it was originally called Tianzhiguo, but was later taken over by Orochimaru, so it was renamed Otonoguchi. I'm going to see if the dead snake is really dead."

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