I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells

Chapter 490: Underground Secret Base

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Shinji still remembers many speechless moments when he was watching Hokage.

Especially when it comes to transplanting eyes.

Good guy, just cut it out and stuff it in, even if it is replaced with a new one.

Isn't it a bit too casual!

It's outrageous!

Is it really unresolved medical ninjutsu?


Even if Shinji possessed the inversion technique to heal, he would not dare to change eyes for Zuosuke. After all, there are so many nerves in it, it would be useless to miss one.

So he remembered Orochimaru.

If you are looking for Tsunade, it will be troublesome, many things have to be explained clearly, and a favor needs to be wasted.

But the big snake pill is different.

This guy has always been very interested in Sharingan, even if he doesn't give him a penny, he won't miss this opportunity.

Of course, the premise is not to let Orochimaru do any tricks secretly.

Shinji felt that his deterrence was still a little bit, as long as he could find the old snake, he would be safe.

And if you want to find Dashe Wan, you must first find a person, Yao Shidou!

"I still don't think it's reliable. So many people can't find it, so you can find it as soon as you come?"

Fei Duan found a sense of presence.

He recently discovered that the bastard Shinji always walked very close to that guy A Fei, obviously I came first!

Fei Duan didn't know why, but he was just very upset.

"Do you really think we're here to try our luck? If I'm not sure, I'll make this special trip?"

Shinji looked down on Hidan confidently.

Thanks to his good cooperative relationship with the underground gold exchange, he got the information about Yaoshidou's whereabouts from there.

Since the failure of the plan to destroy Konoha, coupled with the 'disappearance' of Orochimaru, and the disintegration of Otonin Village...

Yaoshidou began to inherit the legacy of Dashewan.

During the years of following Dashewan, Dou not only clearly knows the secret research bases where Dashewan is located in various places, but also knows most of Dashewan's research results and where they are stored.

It can be said that Yaoshidou was the one who gained the most during the period when Orochiwan disappeared.

And after experiencing the initial confusion, Dou immediately made a decision, and then continued to work on the research topic of Orochimaru.

And this requires a lot of materials and equipment.

Dou is a wanted criminal on the wanted list, unable to purchase through regular channels, and finally can only find a way to use the legacy left by Orochimaru to buy everything he needs through the underground gold exchange.

This behavior naturally exposed his whereabouts.

It's just that the underground gold exchange itself is a neutral force that wanders in the dark area, so even if it has this information, it has no intention of betraying it to Konoha.

If they really do this, it means that the good word-of-mouth that they have worked so hard for so many years will return to before liberation, and those wanted criminals who cooperate with the gold exchange, whether they are wandering ninjas, will abandon them .

This is the most important reason.

However, when Shinji stated that he needed this information, the underground gold exchange only charged a part of the information fee, and handed over all the information such as the recent situation and location of the medicine master to him.

Who makes Shenji the irreplaceable and best partner of the underground gold exchange!

Pharmacist pocket... who is that?

So Shen Si already knew that Yao Shidou was hiding here, so he followed the clues to find him.

He knew that Orochimaru was definitely not dead, but he was not sure if he would be resurrected.

And once Orochimaru wants to do something, Dodo must be the one who cannot be avoided.

Worst of all, Zuo Zhu's eye transplant operation can also be handed over to Bao.

Kabuki is very good at medical ninjutsu, and knows most of Orochimaru's research like the back of his hand.

Rather than bothering to find Tsunade, he really would rather deal with Dou in advance to see if Dou has become a crazy little dragon man at this time.

"follow me."

Under the leadership of Shinji, the group of them passed through the lively country of sound,

Came to a barren ruins.

This is the former site of the original Otonin Village, but under the tenacious resistance of the last batch of Otonin, it has been completely breached by the Konoha Ninja, and a fire was set, and it was completely burned.

There were even rumors of haunting here afterwards.

Many people who wanted to come here to pick up cheap or curious people were scared to death, and fell seriously ill after returning home, and their lives went straight to half.

But according to information from the gold exchange, pockets haunt this area.

Well explained.

Going back and forth, playing tricks, scaring away some irrelevant people here.

As for the ruins here, where can I hide...

According to the character of the snake, the real secret research base is probably built somewhere underground.

Shinji suspects that Konoha's people didn't find the real place at all, they just wiped out Otonin Village and went back directly.

That's why Dou will stay here.

Only this one explains it.

Shinji began to use the perspective and long-sightedness of the child of heaven to find the secret base of Orochimaru, which is also the hiding place of Kabuki.

A few minutes later, did not let his preparations fail.

As expected, he discovered the underground space, and followed the underground space to find the passage leading to the bottom. uu Reading www.uukanshu.com

Then he withdrew his gaze, and didn't deliberately look for the figure of the bag.

Because he knows that he has found the right place, all that is left is to go down, and everything will be in front of him.

The entrance is very hidden, under a stone slab, there are a lot of blood spilled around it.

It can be seen at a glance that there is nothing here, and no one will be suspicious.

But Shinji already knew that the passage was under the stone slab, so of course he would not skip it, so he lifted the stone slab and threw it aside, revealing the hole and stone ladder below.

"There really is an underground space?"

Fei Duan was stunned for a moment.

"Maybe there are some traps down below. I'll go down first to open the way, and you guys will follow. If you don't want to go down, stay up there."

Shinji said this mainly to Yuzao W, and she really didn't want to go to that gloomy place, so she chose to stay there.

That's good, if someone comes, there will be a warning.

Just in case, Shinji also left the little turtle behind.

Although it has lost most of its power, it is still a tailed beast anyway, which is better than nothing.

Then he took people down.

At the same time, Dou, who was nervously doing experiments in the base, suddenly moved his ears a few times.

"The stone slab outside the entrance was actually lifted, and someone is coming down..."

"Did someone discover this place by chance again, or?"

"It seems that it is not safe to hide here. After these people are settled, we can change to another base to continue. Anyway, Mr. Orochimaru left so many secret research bases, and even many of them have not been activated yet. , now it all belongs to me.”

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