After some 'friendly' conversations, Toto agreed to Shinji's request very 'happily'.

It's like when a big guy breaks into your house with a Gatling, just to grab a lollipop...

Can you not agree to that?

Take a hundred willings!

At this moment, he couldn't get mad at all, because he didn't have any qualifications and abilities to challenge Shinji.

So the rest is very simple.

The base left by Orochimaru has all kinds of facilities in it, and Dou is also proficient in medical ninjutsu, so the transplant operation was completed on the same day.

He didn't dare to make any small moves during the whole process, after all, his life was still in the hands of others.

And unlike Orochimaru, he has no attachment to Sharingan.

The operation went well, but under Dou's prudent request, he rested for three days to observe the situation.

In case there is a rejection reaction and something goes wrong, it can be remedied.

Otherwise, he just can't tell how many mouths he has.

Fortunately, the problem that Dou was worried about did not happen. After Itachi's eyes were transplanted to Zuo Zhuo, they fit just like his own eyes, without any adverse reactions.

So three days later, Shen Si kept his promise, didn't do anything to the bag, and took people away.

Orochimaru is not resurrected, he really doesn't care at all.

Even now, he can completely hang Dashewan without sweating.

Of course, Shinji didn't forget to warn Dou, don't mess around with the reincarnation technique.

As for whether this guy will listen or not, that is beyond his control.

After transplanting Itachi's eyes, Zuosuke's strength has grown tremendously again!

The Kaleidoscope Sharingan has also become an eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, so you don't have to worry about blindness anymore.

Moreover, the child's power has increased dramatically, even with Chakra, it has increased a lot.

This is actually quite six ways, after all, "Eyes Ninja Legend", changing to a pair of S-level eyes, doubling the combat power is not too much~

Shinji also found an opportunity to test Zuosuke's strength at this time.

Well, it can probably hang hundreds of Naruto. (Without using the power of Nine Tails)

If the current Zuozhu explodes with all his strength, he will definitely be at the shadow level, and the only thing restricting him is chakra.

Kakashi was deeply touched by this.

"It seems that you are going to say goodbye and go back to Konoha to take revenge?"

After gradually understanding his own strength, Zuo Zhu didn't want to involve Brother Shinji and others, and he wanted to take revenge with his own hands.

So Zuo Zhu took the initiative to find Shinji and explained his intention.

And Shinji already knew that Zuo Zhu would do this.

He didn't refuse straight away, but after carefully looking at Zuo Zhu, he said, "I have a test, if you can pass, I will let you go. You can do whatever you want at that time, and I will never interfere."

"What test?"

Zuo Zhu seemed full of confidence, and agreed without hesitation.

"Kill 300 spell spirits, and a super spell spirit."

"This is your test."


Zuo Zhu didn't even hesitate, and agreed directly.

Members who signed the contract to join the Cult of the Evil God also had the function of teaming up with each other, and the curse soul value obtained by killing the curse spirit could be shared equally.

And no one else needs the curse soul value, only he needs it.

This means that Shinji can vote in vain once!

Every time Zuo Zhu kills a curse spirit, he can share half of the curse soul value, which is cool~

He is now drawing a lottery for the lack of curse soul value. After the construction of the field of "no lower limit spell" is completed, he can focus on improving.

"Brother Shinji, I'm ready, where are those monsters?"

"Where is it? Look for it yourself! You said it's a test, and whether you succeed or not depends entirely on you. The deadline is one month."

"I see."

[Sharingan Ghost] has been returned to Shinji, the only way Zuo Zhu can think of now is to obtain information through the underground gold exchange.

This is all learned from Shinji's side.





"Hahaha, drink! Art is explosion!"

In the sky above Wuyin Village, Didara riding a clay bird was laughing loudly while throwing bombs down as if he didn't want money.

On the ground, Terumi Meiya was about to be crushed, but there was nothing he could do with Didara in the air.

So what about Mizukage?

It is only useful if you can hit the enemy.

Gaara, who has lived here for a long time, finally stepped forward when he saw the village being destroyed but could do nothing.

He controlled the sand to form a protective wall, blocking a large number of clay bombs.

This undoubtedly cheered up the hearts of all the Kirigakure ninjas who were fighting.

But it was too early to be happy.

"Taste the big guy!"

A c3.18th was directly dropped from the air by Didara, and it rapidly grew in size during the fall.

If it falls in the middle of Wuyin Village and explodes, it can basically declare gg.

Countless innocent villagers will die.

I love Luo and I don't need to worry about it. After all, strictly speaking, the people here have nothing to do with him.

But during this period of time, the people here are really helping him integrate into his new life.

Although his character has always been so bad, no one gave up on him.

So he immediately mobilized all the chakras, and sent all the sand and soil he could control, even the gourd used for self-defense behind him into the air.

"Empty sand defense wall!"

Gaara yelled with a ferocious face, this move has exhausted all his chakra.



c3. No. 18 exploded, but all the aftermath was blocked by the empty sand wall.

No one in the village was injured or killed.

Countless people looked at the man who stepped on the sand and flew into the air. They all knew who saved them.

Then they saw that the person who saved them suddenly fell from the sky powerlessly.

They shout Gaara's name loudly...

"Ah, it's so noisy, who is calling me?"

"Could it be that Shuhe guy came out again?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, anyway, I have already done everything I can do. Isn't it ridiculous that a monster can save people?"


Gaara felt himself falling into a cool and soft embrace, and immediately opened his eyes.

"Good job, Garo. Leave the rest to us!"

Ghost Lantern Moon conjured a head out of the water, and put Gaara on the ground.

It turned out that it was Man Moon who saved Gaara in time with the technique of hydration.

At this time, other people also cast admiration and gratitude to Gaara.

Because it was Gaara who saved everyone, including their families.

A completely different feeling began to wander in Gaara's body, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"So this is what it feels like to be recognized? Naruto, I seem to understand..."

Gaara stood there blankly, watching the rows of people blocking him behind him, dealing with the bombs in the sky and the puppets on the ground, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

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