I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells

Chapter five hundred and fifth hole card

The task [Uchiha's Revenge] rewards 300 bond points!

Now another task of [Wooden Juicer] is triggered, rewarding 100 bond points!

In addition, he originally had a bond value of 191 points with A Fei

That is to say, as long as he completes these two tasks, he can reach the bond value of 591 points and complete the second stage bond task with A Fei.

Then you will be able to get 30,000 cursed soul points and the [Realm Construction Scroll] X1 that Shinji has been thinking about!

So what are you waiting for.

Shen Si directly grabbed the two people who were sleeping on the ground and threw them to A Fei's feet, and made an excuse for A Fei, "The abilities of these two guys are quite interesting, maybe they can be sold for a good price, you put them away first, don't lose them .”

Ah Fei was thinking that after everyone had left for a while, he would sneak back and take them away.

In the end, he didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly, and he didn't need to try his best to think of excuses. People were thrown directly at his feet, so how can we push it out?

So Ah Fei responded directly, and took the two unlucky guys on the ground into the Shenwei space.

As for selling money or something

Unless he is crazy, he will sell a wooden ninja for money!

At worst, I will think of an excuse and say that I accidentally lost it.

Although such an excuse is very clumsy, but Ah Fei knows well that Shinji will not bother with him because of such a trivial matter.

And when A Fei gleefully hacked the person, Shinji immediately heard the notification that the task was completed.

"Very good, I got 10,000 cursed soul points and 100 bond points!"

Shinji felt very refreshed, without feeling any guilt at all.

He had already guessed what A Fei wanted the Mudun ninja to do, but it was just to squeeze a juice, and he couldn't die, so what was there to be afraid of.

"The only thing left is Hiruzaru Sarutobi"

After hearing Sasuke's muttering, Shinji shook his head, "It's not over yet, Danzo is not so easy to deal with."


Sasuke was stunned for a moment, then immediately looked at the wall, only to realize that Danzo's body had disappeared at some point.


Sasuke subconsciously thought of a possibility.

"It's not a clone. You did kill the opponent once just now, but you didn't really kill him. But I think this guy will appear soon, because even that ability can't delay much time."

Sasuke didn't understand much, but he chose to trust Brother Shinji.

Since the opponent is not dead yet, wait a little longer and kill again!

If it doesn't work once, it's twice, if it doesn't work twice, it's three times, four times, ten times!

Keep killing until the opponent can't be resurrected.

Seemingly realizing that Shinji and the others had no intention of leaving at all, Danzo finally couldn't afford to wait anymore, turned into reality in the illusion, and reappeared in front of Sasuke.

"Sure enough, he didn't die, what kind of ability is this?"

Sasuke's eyes flashed, a little curious, but he didn't expect the other party to tell him.

But who would have thought that Danzo had no intention of hiding at all.

Probably because I thought my actions just now had been seen through.

Otherwise, how to explain why these people didn't leave after killing him, but continued to wait where they were?

I saw that Danzo untied the bandage wrapped around his arm little by little, revealing the pale skin inside and the densely distributed hair on it.


"I wanted to take this opportunity to feign death to escape, but since I have been seen through, I can only choose to keep you all."

"Are you surprised? It's not easy to collect so many Sharingan, thanks to your good brother."

"There are indeed many good things left by the Uchiha clan, especially a forbidden technique called Izanaki, which can break the boundary between illusion and reality, turning reality into fiction, and turning fiction into reality, it is incredible !"

Perhaps because he couldn't get used to Danzo's costume B, Shinji mercilessly exposed his pretense.

"It is rumored that Izanaki is one of the ultimate pupil techniques of Sharingan. This technique can convert all unfavorable factors, including death, into dreams in a very short period of time. At the same time, the caster's attack and other events that are beneficial to the person are transformed into a real technique, which is a technique that can freely switch between dreams and reality, and belongs to the "perfect pupil technique."

"But the price is that the eyes after the operation will be permanently blind. Even if you have collected so many Sharingan, how many times can you cast Izanaki?"

Danzo's face was gloomy, and Sasuke noticed that one of the sharing eyes on Danzo's arm had been permanently closed, which seemed to be the price Brother Shinji just said.

At this time, Sasuke was extremely angry in his heart. He never imagined that the other party not only used his brother to slaughter the Uchiha clan effortlessly, but also dug out the eyes of all the clan members afterwards, and then transplanted them disgustingly. When it comes to yourself? !

This kind of thing is simply unforgivable!

"Don't worry, it's enough for me to bury you here before these eyes are exhausted."



Now that he decided to fight to the death, Danzo no longer held back, and immediately psychic out the nightmare!

"Wind Escape · Vacuum Waves!"

With the cooperation of the nightmare, Danzo, who was already extremely proficient in air escape, immediately released a powerful ninjutsu.

The huge wind blade like a sickle weasel severely cut Sasuke's Susan.

Susan, who is only in the form of a half-body skeleton, was actually cut open by Danzo's sharp wind escape ninjutsu? !

Sasuke's face was gloomy, and a lot of pupil power and chakra began to pour into Susan.

I saw that the original half-body skeleton began to change immediately. Not only was there more flesh and blood on the body, but it was also covered with a thick layer of armor.

After transplanting Itachi's eyes and witnessing Itachi's death in front of his own eyes, Sasuke's pupil power has completed several surges.

And the lesson Itachi taught him with his life in the end was not wasted.

At this time, the half-length Sasuke who has completed two evolutions on Sasuke is the best evidence!


Under Sasuke's counterattack, Danzo, who couldn't dodge, was directly smashed into meat paste by Susan's fist.

But the next moment, Danzo used Izanaki again, erased the death, resurrected, and then launched an attack again.

"Wind Escape·Vacuum Jade!"

Astonishingly powerful like a rocket launcher, the huge high-pressure wind ball that could instantly smash the enemy into pieces slammed on Susan, causing Sasuke to take a few steps back, but he was able to prevent it after all.

Although he has died twice, Danzo's expression remains calm.

Because he still holds the biggest hole card in his hand that can turn defeat into victory!

You must know that even if this hole card could easily allow him to sit in the position of Hokage, he never chose to use it.

It's just that right now he hasn't figured out who to use this hole card on.

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