Shinji directly and mercilessly exposed Danzo's conspiracy.

What face-to-face confrontation is just a trick to survive.

Once he and Hiruzaru Sarutobi really met each other, the two old guys only needed one look to unite immediately.

After all, no matter how disgusting Danzo is, many things he does are indeed for the village.

It was precisely because Sarutobi Hiruzen knew this that he would always tolerate him and pamper him.

So the scene of mutual conflict that Sasuke wanted to see was almost impossible to happen.

And with Shinji's reminder, Sasuke also reacted.

That's right, no matter what Danzo said, the Sharingan on this guy is enough to explain everything.

This kind of person must die!

"Magic · The Art of Hanging!"

At this time, Sasuke's physical strength and chakra were not much left, so instead of continuing to use Susanoo and Amaterasu, he used an illusion first.

In the previous illusion duel with Itachi, Sasuke made great progress.

In addition, Danzo didn't expect that Sasuke, who was chatting well just now, would suddenly attack, so when he reacted, he found that he had been tricked, and his whole body was pierced by the illusory wedge and he couldn't move.

But despite being sudden, this level of illusion is not enough for Danzo.

Not to mention that he himself has a wealth of experience in breaking free from illusions, but the increase in mental power brought to him by the sharing eyes he transplanted to his body is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Although almost most of the sharing eyes have been permanently closed

So it was almost just a dazed effort, and Danzo broke free from the illusion, but it was enough for Sasuke.

Chidori sharp gun!

A lance-shaped Chidori Lightning instantly pierced through Danzo's heart.

Because it is Muji ninjutsu, it can be cast instantly, and combined with the previous illusion, it caused Danzo to die extremely aggrieved.

He probably wanted to yell, "Little brat, you don't talk about tolerance! How dare you sneak up on a bad old man!"

But he died without saying anything.

"Is he really dead this time? I can see that the sharing eyes on his arm have been closed."

"Not yet, don't forget this guy's right eye that has been covered with a bandage. That is the eye that was taken from Uchiha Shisui, and it also contains the strongest illusion that can change people's will-Bie Tianshen. But before Already used it on Sasuke in battle."

"Use it on me?"

"That's right, but it seems to have been deciphered by Itachi's backhand on you. The sharing eye of the dead crow on the ground is the other eye left by Shisui for Itachi, and it also contains the art of other gods. So It should be that Danzo’s control over you was overwritten by the new will modification command. Otherwise, you would have been directly reduced to the opponent’s puppet.”

Sasuke was startled for a moment, then he remembered the dead crow on the ground, and Danzo's panic at that time.

Hearing Brother Shinji's explanation, he immediately understood everything.

At this time, Danzo, who used up the last Sharingan, also appeared in front of everyone again.

I saw a vicious and crazy look on Danzo's face.

Since he is doomed to die today and cannot leave alive, at least this group of people must be buried here.

Otherwise, not only Hirazan would follow in his footsteps, but Konoha would also suffer a more serious crisis.

Maybe this is the last thing he can do for this village!

Kill the danger here!

Danzo, who was ruthless to others and even more ruthless to himself, poured all the remaining chakra into his hands, and then slammed the wall next to him.

His resurrection in this position was carefully selected.

As the wall cracked, the sealing technique inside was also exposed.

Upon seeing this, Danzo directly pressed his hand up, and then the whole base began to tremble, and the surrounding walls fell off one after another.

It was only then that Shinji and the others noticed that there was actually a super-large sealing technique arranged here.

This may be the last defense method of the entire base!

"This time, Danzang can no longer be resurrected. Let's make a quick decision to avoid more accidents in Yechangmeng."

At this moment, Shinji really wanted to kill Danzo with one move, but looking at Sasuke at the side, he still held back.

With him and Ah Fei around, no matter what kind of danger, they can deal with it.

Sasuke nodded, lightning flashed in his hands, and all the birds neighed.


Sasuke decided to use this technique to send the opponent on the road.

However, Danzo, who had activated the last resort of the base, stood motionless as if he had completed his mission, and let Sasuke, who was running wildly, pierce his body directly with Chidori.

However, in order to take the last step, he still dodged as much as possible, not letting his life die instantly.

Danzo began to vomit blood, but he didn't care, he just stared at the kid in front of him indifferently.

With such terrifying strength at such a young age, if time goes on, it will be the next Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi, and even surpass them.

And such a genius hates Konoha because of the extermination of the clan.

So never let him survive!

Danzo's eyes revealed a stern look, and he tore off his clothes abruptly, revealing the imprint of Risixiang carved on his chest.

This is his last hole card!

"Come to hell with me, Sasuke Uchiha!"

While vomiting blood, Danzo activated the Li Sixiang Seal on his body, and activated the Li Sixiang Seal!

At this time, Sasuke, who was aware of the life-and-death crisis, only felt his scalp tingling, as if someone had been pricking his head with a needle.

"You must escape, or you will die!"

After this idea came up, Sasuke immediately pulled out his arm, but there was no time for him to escape right now.

Besides, where can I escape?

When the seal of Risixiang on Danzo's body exploded, it seemed to fill in the last blank of the internal seal of the base.

No one would have imagined that Danzo actually engraved a larger imprint of Li Sixiang in this root base, and he himself is the key to activate it!

Ever since, with the outbreak of the nesting doll-like double seal and four-element seal, the entire foundation was instantly swallowed up!

In order to drag Sasuke and others to die together, Danzo did not hesitate to sacrifice everyone who was still alive in the base.

Perhaps in his view, all these sacrifices are worth it.


A huge round ball appeared in Konoha Village, and the black four-image mark still appeared on the surface of the ball.

The power is about ten times that of Danzo's "self-explosion" in the original book!

At that time, Payne Human World just came here, ready to capture the souls of root members and obtain confidential information.

As a result, it was directly swallowed up by this super-large Li Sixiang seal in the next moment, without even leaving any scum.

People can't help shouting: "Is this also under your calculation? Danzo!"

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