The fact that the five major powers united instantly shocked the entire ninja world, and the establishment of the ninja coalition was in full swing.

Then there is the protection of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and trying to find the Three-Tails who may not have been succeeded by the Akatsuki organization.

Little did he know that Sanwei had already been taken away by someone as if he were a pet.

With the last ray of chakra sucked into the Golem of the Outer Way, Akatsuki has completed the collection of 7 tailed beasts.

Then Didara asked this 'Uchiha Madara' who was hiding his head and showing his tail with a half-smile, and asked him whether his next goal was to choose Sanwei or Kyuubi.

Then they chose not to participate in the next mission on the grounds that they had just captured Eight-tailed Jinchuriki.

The purpose is to let this 'Uchiha Madara' show off well, don't think that with such a name, you can prostitute them for nothing.

Obito naturally saw the intentions of these people, he did not refuse, nor could he refuse.

Otherwise, these people who have finally gathered together will fall apart immediately.

But this kind of thing didn't bother him.

"Next, I will go to catch Sanwei alone. You can take advantage of these few days to rest well, and you will be busy again soon."

Obito obviously had plans in advance.

. . . . . . .

The Country of Eggs is a very interesting small country.

The majority of the nation is engaged in livestock farming, 99 percent of which involve egg-related animals.

Such as chicken, duck, geese, quail, ostrich, etc.

So here you can see all kinds of eggs and egg dishes.

Shinji, who has been tense for a long time, finally relaxed after completing the construction of [Boundless Space].

It can be said bluntly that he is almost invincible!

I happened to pass by here, so I stopped to rest for a while.

"Why is that guy A Fei always appearing like a ghost recently? Does he have something to hide from us?"

Fei Duan stuffed dishes made of ostrich eggs into his mouth unceremoniously, and said in a tone of "I suspect he has someone outside".

Shinji swallowed the fried egg in his mouth, he could probably guess what was going on.

With Nagato dead, the Akatsuki organization lost its cohesion and became a mess.

Ah Fei must be busy gathering people, so he would play and disappear from time to time at the risk of being discovered.

It's understandable.

But, he certainly couldn't say that.

So Shinji nodded, and said: "I also found out, you think this guy A Fei is in love, right?"


Tamazamo and Sasuke on the side all sprayed out all kinds of egg flowers in their mouths, which was very spectacular.

Of course, Fei Duan definitely didn't think so, because they were all sprayed on him!

"Are you two courting death?!!!"

Fei Duan was so angry that he almost wanted to kill someone, but after seeing Shinji still sitting here, he reluctantly did not do it.

It's definitely not because he is not sure that he can continue to handle Sasuke like before, absolutely not!

"A Fei? Just him? Can a woman like it? Who would like a man with a mask!"

Tamazamo drank his saliva and took the lead in expressing his thoughts.

Sasuke nodded subconsciously, thinking she was right.

Although he always thought women were troublesome, he didn't think A Fei could attract any women.

"What's wrong with the mask, don't you think wearing a mask is super handsome?"

Shinji retorted bluntly, Ultraman, Masked Rider, and Dinosaurs were all his childhood dreams, so handsome!

(It's a leather case, not a mask!)

Anyway, he felt the same.

Yuzao covered her face weakly, now she understood why she was so good-looking, but this bastard just didn't want to.

It's just aesthetically different!

Then Ah Fei scratched the back of his head and came in from the outside.

"What are you talking about? It's so lively."

"A Fei, you came back just in time. We were just discussing whether a man wearing a mask is handsome or not, and whether any women would like this question!"

Shinji ignored the winks from Tamazamo, and cut straight to the point.

In fact, Ah Fei has been back for a while, and he heard what he said just now outside.

I have to say that when he heard Shinji say that, he was a little moved in his heart.

That was something Kakashi would never say to him in his life!

So after solving the case, Shinji Akagi is my lifelong friend of Obito.

What Kakashi, go to hell!

"This? Hehe, I don't know, I'm just used to it. If I take off the mask one day, I'm afraid I'll scare you."

"That's not true. As long as you still think that you are A Fei, no matter what the face under the mask looks like, or it will turn into someone else, it's actually the same."

Ah Fei always felt that there was something in Shinji's words just now.

In fact, this was not the first time he suspected that his identity had been exposed long ago, but he couldn't think of a reason.

Maybe you can find a chance to try it out.

Ah Fei smiled silly, didn't let anyone get off the stage, and quickly skipped the topic.

After finishing the meal, he went directly to Shinji and said that he had something to do.


"What's the matter, hesitating, just say something."

"Can you give me Sanwei?"

"Strange, what's the use of that little bastard?"

"Uh, do you have to say it?"

"I'm really curious. It's okay. If you don't have a good reason, you can make it up slowly. Don't worry."


Sure enough, it didn't go so smoothly!

Ah Fei took a deep breath, and felt that it was almost time for a showdown.

"Actually, before I joined the Cult of the Evil God, I had another layer of identity."

"A member of the Akatsuki organization?"

"As expected, you already know."

"Just guessing, then what?"

Ah Fei was speechless, but continued: "The name Ah Fei is also fake, in fact I am Uchiha Madara."

"Give you another chance to organize your language."

"Although you don't believe it, I am indeed that Uchiha Madara."

"Do you still want Sanwei?"

"Really, if you don't believe me, I can prove it to you, don't go!"

"Last chance, if you talk about Uchiha Madara with me again, I will hide Xiaobai in a place where no one can find it."

Seeing Shinji's serious expression, Ah Fei was numb, because he knew this guy was serious.

So he struggled for a while, "Well, although I am not the real Uchiha Madara, I am indeed a member of the Uchiha clan, at least I used to be."

"Well, that sounded good to my ears. So you collect tailed beasts to revive ten-tailed beasts?"

"Yes, huh? How do you know?!"

A Fei was shocked all of a sudden!

"It is rumored that the Sage of the Six Paths divided the ten-tailed chakra into nine parts, and finally formed nine tailed beasts. Do you still have to guess the purpose of arresting Jinchuriki everywhere?" Shinji gave him a disdainful look.

A Fei suddenly began to doubt his life.

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