I'm Foolish, Send The Country At The Beginning, And Become An Emperor Through The Ages

Chapter 29 Money Is Not Money, Only When It Flows Is Money!

In the palace, the Yaoyao said angrily: "Lin Beifan, have you lost your head again and lost your mind? With so many people recruited and such a high salary, can your treasury support it?"

"I've already done the math. The monthly salary is more than 200,000 taels, which is 2.4 million taels a year. Your treasury can't sustain it at all! Change it now before it's too late!"

Lin Beifan shook his head: "No change!"

Yaoyao was anxious: "Why don't you listen to persuasion, I'm doing all this for your own good!"

"I did this after careful consideration! Only by doing this can the economy of Xia Kingdom be revitalized and prosperity be achieved as quickly as possible!"

Yaoyao anxiously said: "What deliberation, I think you thought it out by patting your head!"

Lin Beifan shook his head again, and said with a smile, "Do you know the troika driving the economy: consumption, investment and export?"

"What is this about?" Yaoyao said confusedly.

Lin Beifan sighed: "I knew it, I can't explain it to you economic idiot!"

"Damn it! How dare you look down on me, Yaoyao!" Yaoyao clenched her fists tightly, her eyes blazing: "If you don't tell me, how would I know?"

"Okay, I'll give you a brief explanation now!"

Lin Beifan coughed, took a sip of tea, and said, "You have also seen the economic situation in Xia Kingdom. The market is sluggish and people's livelihood is sluggish, because the people have no money in their hands!"

"So, if we want to revitalize the Xia Kingdom's economy, we must first let the common people have money in their hands! Therefore, I offer high wages so that the common people can make money and have money to spend!"

"Hmm, what then?" Yaoyao nodded repeatedly.

"Once the common people have money in their hands, they will naturally consume and buy things! Merchants are always needed to do business, so there are more merchants, and they do business with the common people. In this way, don't the merchants have money? "

"Hmm, what's next?" Yaoyao nodded again and again.

"Businessmen are rich, what do you think they are doing? Of course they continue to do business and continue to make money! If they want to make more money, they will definitely expand their business scale, and to expand their business scale, they will definitely need to hire more people! In this way, more common people will make money. Don’t you think so?”

"Yes yes yes... that's the reason!" Yaoyao nodded.

"When ordinary people make money, they must spend it again! Once the money is spent, it forces businessmen to grow stronger and hire more people to do business, and the cycle goes on and on..."

Lin Beifan spread his hands and said with a smile: "In the end, everyone has a job, everyone has money, and everyone lives the life they want. Isn't the economy getting better?"

"Everyone is indeed rich, but you are at a loss! Your treasury can't last that long at all!" Yaoyao said.

Lin Beifan shook his head: "Who said I lost money? I can collect money through taxes! The more money everyone earns, the more taxes they pay, and I will become rich, don't you think?"

Yaoyao was dumbfounded, and stammered: "Yes...that's the reason! But there's only so much money, everyone earns, who loses?"

"No one loses, everyone wins!"

Lin Beifan said loudly: "Because money is not money, it is just a medium for commodity circulation! It is only real money when it flows! The faster the flow, the more money, and the more everyone earns! If It's nothing if it doesn't flow! Do you understand what I mean?"

"I don't understand!" Yaoyao shook her head hastily.

She can understand every sentence of Lin Beifan, which is very reasonable, but she doesn't understand when they are put together.

If money is not money, what else is it?

Why is real money only when it flows!

The faster the flow, the more money, and the more everyone earns!

Money does not flow, it is nothing!

Yaoyao felt that she was suppressed by Lin Beifan's IQ, and said angrily: "Lin Beifan, can you tell me something that I understand?"

"Okay, let me give you a simple example!" Lin Beifan said loudly: "You see we have so many minerals, do we make money after selling them? After making money, we distribute it equally to every commoner, right? Earned all? What is this called, this is called export-driven economy, understand?"

"I understand this, wouldn't it be over if you said so earlier?" Yaoyao sat down obediently.

Lin Beifan stared at the sky speechlessly.

"What about the food?" Yaoyao said anxiously again: "Although you bought a lot of food from me, you still can't afford to support so many people! It will be finished in less than half a year, what will you do then?"

Lin Beifan said with a smile: "Half a year is enough! Because after half a year is the autumn harvest, we will have food for the autumn harvest!"

"But you can't grow enough food on the land of Xia Kingdom!"

"It's definitely possible! Except for the original farmland, other places are being reclaimed, and food can be grown, enough to feed the whole country! If you don't believe me, we can wait and see!" Lin Beifan smiled mysteriously.

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