Lin Beifan was taken aback, this name is a bit ominous!

Looking at the opponent's body shape, Lin Beifan felt even more ominous because it matched the name completely!

Could it be that character in history?

"Your real name is An Lushan?" Lin Beifan asked.

The other party lowered his head, cupped his hands, and said: "How dare you lie to your majesty, my minister is indeed called An Lushan! This name was given by my parents. May I ask your majesty, is there anything wrong with this?"

An Lushan felt uneasy, always feeling that His Majesty looked at him with something different and creepy.

Lin Beifan shook his head: "There's nothing wrong, I just like this name!"

Lin Beifan sat back on the throne, looked at the person in front of him who was very similar to the memory with great interest, and said with a smile: "In the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, as long as you dare to recommend yourself, I appreciate you very much! What achievements and abilities, just say it! Otherwise, I don't trust you to hand over the soldiers and horses!"

An Lushan said loudly: "Your Majesty, I have practiced martial arts since I was a child, and now I have the strength of a first-class peak master, which is only half a step away from innate! Don't look at the size of Weichen, it is actually caused by practicing kung fu. It doesn't affect leading troops to fight! Ordinary blades can't hurt a humble official!"

"In addition, I have been familiar with the art of war since I was a child. I have been in the army for 8 years. I am currently a general of martial arts, leading 5000 troops, and guarding the northwest of the capital! I have always wanted to make contributions. Please give me this opportunity!"

At this time, General Chai Yulang said: "Your Majesty, this man is familiar with the art of war, brave and good at fighting, and is an enemy of thousands of people. He is indeed a rare general who can be reused!"

At this time, it was impossible to stop Lin Beifan from sending troops, so he could only introduce a good general to him to reduce casualties and losses.

Lin Beifan clapped his hands and shouted: "Okay! Even Uncle Chai strongly recommends you, it seems that you are indeed a talent! Then, I will temporarily designate you as Zhenbei General, a third-rank official, and lead 200,000 troops. Kingdom, lay down a huge territory! I will reward you for your meritorious deeds on the day of your triumphant return!"

An Lushan was overjoyed: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness, I will definitely live up to my expectations!"

An Lushan took over the soldier talisman, immediately counted the soldiers and horses, and set off to the Mo country in a mighty way.

At this time, the news that Lin Beifan was going to send troops to attack the Mo country quickly spread throughout the world.

Everyone was stunned.

"Leading troops to attack Mo country at this time, have you lost your mind?"

"It's clearly because of the loss of soldiers and generals in Mo country, and the lack of defense, so I can't help but send troops!"

"But is the Mo country so easy to fight? Even if they lose 200,000 soldiers, they still have 400,000 soldiers and horses, the total is more than our Xia country! The whole country is mourning at this time, and they are extremely sad. If you provoke them, aren't you looking for death? "

"Even me, a plain-headed commoner who doesn't understand the art of war, knows that the Mo country is not easy to fight, and it will hurt you if you fight! What kind of brain-dead person is this, to make such a decision?"

"I heard that in order to send troops, even the great general Chai Yulang, the pillar of the country, was dismissed!"

"Good guy! Just a few days after he took the throne, he dismissed all the two pillars of the country. It's just a mess! A foolish king, a big foolish king!"

"With such a foolish king, Xia Kingdom is hopeless!"


Everyone shook their heads and sighed.

In front of the General's Mansion, the old Prime Minister Xiao Guoliang came to the General and said anxiously: "Your Majesty sent troops to attack the Mo country, and it is obvious that he is attacking a rock with an egg. Why don't you persuade him?"

The general spread his hands and smiled wryly: "The old man has already persuaded me, so the officer was dismissed by him, and even the soldier amulet was taken back! What do you think I can do, I am also very desperate!"

"Ah? You were dismissed too?" The old prime minister was dumbfounded.

The general nodded and sighed.

"Now, what should we do? The victory rate is very small. It's okay to win, but once you lose, you will be lost!" The old prime minister was very anxious: "How about... let's go to the palace together and persuade Your Majesty?"

"Don't waste your time, he can't listen to anything now!" The old general waved his hand feebly: "Don't think so much, the old man just wants to get drunk now, come and drink with the old man!"

This battle quickly spread to the desert country.

In the palace, the emperor of Mo Kingdom was startled and angry, and raised his eyebrows: "How dare he? He is a small country, and he dares to send troops to attack our country at this time. Does he really think that there is no one in Mo Country, so he is easy to bully?"

The ministers smiled wryly: "Your Majesty, I can't figure out why they dare to send troops at this juncture. Normal people can't do such a thing! But they have indeed sent troops, and they are approaching the border. The situation is very critical!"

The emperor of Mo Kingdom said without hesitation: "Immediately send troops and generals to gather 200,000 soldiers and horses for me... No, 300,000 soldiers and horses, let's fight head-on! I want to keep all of his 200,000 soldiers and horses!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" All the officials responded.

At this moment, an urgent report came from outside.

"Report! Urgent report! Xia's 200,000 troops have already arrived, and the two cities have fallen!"

The emperor of Mo Kingdom and his ministers turned pale with shock: "So soon?"

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