"More importantly, this kind of protective equipment is much lighter than full-body armor, and doesn't affect activities at all,,," Kent's face was full of joy and admiration, shaking his arms and blowing rainbow farts happily.

"My lord, when will you bring back some more? My soldiers and I also want to wear full-body protective equipment like this, so that we won't be worried about being injured in future battles!" Marbu looked at Dick and the others warmly. The equipment on the four of them can't wait to pull them off immediately and put them on themselves.

Jon, Bud and McCann are also shocked and envious, they also want such full protective equipment.

After all, wearing such a set of equipment, to a large extent, you don't need to worry about the enemy's sword slashing, as long as you hold a weapon to attack.

It's a life-saving weapon!

"Don't worry, you will all have them in the future." Jason Liu opened his mouth to appease the other subordinates, but finally warned, "This kind of protective equipment only reduces the probability of you being slashed by swords, and can't really prevent you from getting hurt. , So, even if you put on such protective equipment, you must be careful in battle, and you must not be careless."

"Yes, my lord!" Jon, McCann, Marb, Bud, Dick, Kent, Rubin and Chris replied respectfully.

They also know that such protective equipment is not omnipotent. It can only protect against sharp weapons, but cannot block blunt weapons.

Even agile swordsman masters can seize the opportunity to pierce the sword through the connection gap of the stab-proof suit, so the stab-proof suit is useless.

What's more, if the enemy uses more people to besiege you, your fists are hard to beat with four hands, and you can easily be taken down by the opponent.

Therefore, wearing such a full set of protective equipment is really not invincible!

Let Jon, Bud, McCann, and Marb continue to train with their soldiers, while Jason Liu, with four guards, went to the warehouse to prepare gifts for the Stark family.

After all, the banquet was about to be held soon, and he had to make preparations. He only had to wait two days later to officially announce his appearance as the Earl of Starfire City in Winterfell, where the nobles gathered in the north.

The business is getting bigger and bigger, and the reputation has been spread to the seven territories by the merchants from all over Westeros, with the goods he brought from modern times.

Presumably, even the nobles in the castle have more or less heard of it, or they have used the goods they brought.

I just don't know how many nobles have heard his name.

After all, many people only care about whether the products they use are good or not, but they don't care much about where the products are bought from.

In this regard, Jason Liu also does not care.

Compared with being ship by the rich and powerful of Westeros, he hopes that he can keep making a fortune in silence and do business with merchants all over Westeros in a low-key manner.

It's just that this is basically impossible, because the goods he brought from modern times are too popular, and he makes more and more money and becomes more and more famous.

His earnings will grow in an even more horrific way as he presents his well-prepared wagons and solar-powered lighting for the aristocrats of Westeros. Fat sheep!

If you want to keep a low profile, you can't hide it!

Those who are jealous of his ability to make money will not be indifferent.

Wealth has always moved people's hearts!

Capital theory says that with 20% profit, it will be active. With 50% of the profit, it will take the risk. With 100% of its profits, it dares to trample on all human laws.

With a profit of 300%, it dares to commit any crime in the world, and even risk hanging its head.

Money wealth has always been accompanied by greed and blood.

Jason Liu will not overestimate the integrity of the powerful and powerful people in Westeros. This thing is like a chamber pot. Take it out and use it when you need it, and throw it away when you don't need it.

He has always not only speculated on others with the greatest malice, but was even a little worried in his heart, if he made more money, would even the noble Stark family give birth to the heart of a triumphant ship,,,

This question Jason Liu couldn't be sure of, and didn't have an answer to until it happened.

What he can do now is to continuously expand the strength of his subordinates and ensure that all evil thoughts are interrupted.

It's just that now his storefront and small castle are too close to Winterfell, so close that he doesn't dare, and the Stark family will not allow him to continue recruiting and recruiting troops.

It's too taboo to engage in military power under the Stark family's nose.

-0 for flowers....

He didn't want to give the Starks an excuse to get them on him!

Therefore, if you want to continue to develop and have the power to protect yourself, it seems that it is absolutely impossible to continue to stay on the side of Winterfell.

Perhaps, he should seriously find a piece of his own territory and develop his own power.

Such a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, Liu Jie was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing bitterly. He is a businessman who wants to do business and make some money. He is just thinking about setting up a site. own power?

Am I making more money and getting more and more inflated?

Well, it is!

And this is not a problem of inflation or not, but a person who has stepped into a different class will naturally encounter different problems and challenges. In order to deal with these and protect their own interests from being damaged, of course, they will take the initiative to find ways to solve them.


This is the same as those who start a business, and the goal of starting a small business may be profit.

After the company made a profit, he wanted to make it bigger and stronger and make more money.

When the company became bigger and stronger and made a lot of money, he began to think about how to keep the company alive.

At this time, the company began to continuously invest, develop new businesses, invest everywhere, spread more and more booths, and finally became a large group.

Step by step from a small company to a large group at the end, this is because the level is different, and it is pushed forward by the new problems and challenges encountered.

Jason Liu also has a bit of this feeling of being pushed forward.

Unless he can give up the huge profits of the goods in his hands!

Otherwise, it is impossible to dispel others, especially in this feudal and barbaric society with weak laws.

If he doesn't want to be robbed of his interests by others, or even slaughter the people around him, he can only accumulate strength to protect himself and resist.

In order to protect oneself and even have the ability to resist, it is necessary to continuously strengthen one's own strength, specifically, to expand military strength.

Only when he is strong and strong, others will be afraid and dare not attack him.

Thinking like this, Jason Liu couldn't help lying in the chair, stretched out his hand and pressed his forehead, smiled wryly and said to himself, "Mum, the more you think about it, the more complicated it becomes, I actually just want to do some business ah,,, "Seven

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