He took a breath of the slightly cold morning air, and then said after a while, "That is to say, all this is just a misunderstanding? The East family made a mistake, and we made a mistake?"

The captain lowered his head, "Yes, my lord! Jon came here and said that the villagers came too early, and Master Jason didn't want them to gather here and cause misunderstandings in Winterfell, so he personally took these people there. A lumberyard wasteland."

Well, although this is a bit absurd, Ed Stark didn't expect this Lord Jason to be so hot, but after only two days, he has already recruited so many people to work in the lumber mill.

But thinking that he had already promised the other party to let him recruit people on his own, and he did this kind of thing, Ed couldn't blame anything.

On the one hand, he ordered half of the guards to stay on the city wall, and the other half of "One Five Three" went back to the room to rest.

Ed Stark also returned to the main castle.

"Father, what's going on?" Robb came towards him, neatly dressed, followed by his good friend Theon Greyjoy.

"My lord, did the savages attack the winter town?" Theon was wearing leather armor, holding his treasured bow in his hand, and carrying a quiver on his back. Please let me take someone out of the castle to annihilate these bastards!"

"No, there are no savages, it's just a misunderstanding!" Ed shook his head, beckoning the two to go back, and explained what had just happened.

"Robb was speechless when he heard it, smashed his mouth, and finally could only say, "Master Jason really likes to surprise people!"

"Hmph, it's just money, building a lumber mill can make such a big battle!" Theon curled his lips in disdain, "Those who didn't know thought he was going to build his Starfire City!"

The misunderstanding was resolved, and Winterfell returned to calm.

It took Jason Liu half an hour to reach the wasteland where the logging farm was built. After dozens of minutes, more than 2,000 villagers arrived.


Jason Liu got out of the carriage, looked at the already lit sky, and let out a white breath.

It was still a bit cold in the early morning in the north. He was wearing thick thermal clothes and a black bearskin cape with bright and smooth fur. This was made by Lena and Masha for him. The bearskin was also in the market town after all. Bought.

With such high-end fur, Jason Liu can only wear it in Westeros. If it is brought back to modern times, it will be difficult to explain.

Dick and the others also wore thick woolen sweaters, with field camouflage on the outside and black stab suits on the outside.

As the bodyguards of Lord Jason, Dick, Kent, Chris and Rubin closely followed their own adults, staring vigilantly at the more than 2,000 people gathered on the vast wasteland opposite.

Luckily, Jason Liu didn't want to go to the villagers to put on a show of fun with the people. He stood by the carriage and looked at Jon, McCann, Bud and Marbu from a distance, and led the soldiers to maintain order. Some of the masons shouted loudly, letting the villagers whose names were named by Jon enter the divided team.

Tollante, the old mason, brought in from Bidong Market Town - several masons, and a few more from nearby villages, and finally made up more than 20 people.

The more than 2,000 people will be divided into 20 teams, each of which has nearly 100 people, and is directed by a mason to work.

Now they're splitting everyone up.

Shouting, scolding, and urging continued to sound, causing people in the whole wasteland to scream and neigh, plus the cries of the children who were brought, it was really messy.

Jason Liu, who was standing in the distance, couldn't help but grin.

Fortunately, after more than an hour in a mess, the sky was completely bright, and the villagers were also divided into 20 teams. Basically, they were divided into a team according to the people of each village. If you are divided into teams, you will have to go to noon.

The villagers who were divided into teams each divided an area, separated by dozens of meters from each other.

However, as those old women and weak men and women who were recruited in, set up dozens of large iron pots in the open space, the jumping red flames licked the bottom of the pot, the onions and carrots in the iron pot, There were even some diced meat tumbled in the thick soup.

The smell began to permeate the surroundings. The villagers who arrived early in the morning had their stomachs empty and smelled such a strong aroma. All of them stared at the dozens of steaming giants in the middle of the field. pot, keep swallowing saliva.0

There is nothing special about breakfast, just a thick soup with onions, carrots and a small amount of diced meat, and toasted bread,,, and Jason Liu thinks it should be more appropriate to call it a flatbread.

Because there are too many people, it is impossible for everyone to eat at the same time, so they can only be divided into several batches and take turns.

Jason Liu asked Bud, who was in charge of cooking, to convey his order that the women and children would eat first, and the men would take turns to eat later.

Because looking at the dirty children leaning against their mothers in the cold morning wind, Jason Liu didn't let these little guys starve and freeze, so he gave the order to let the women and children eat first .

Bud took a few soldiers and loudly announced his orders in the crowd, expressing that Lord Jason sympathizes with your children, so women and children are especially allowed to eat first.

Originally, these children were extra, and he didn't need to take charge of the meals at all, but since these villagers brought the children, Jason Liu couldn't let the adults eat, so he just let the children watch?

Not bad for the food anyway, whatever!

Those farmers and wives who brought their children to work were still very uneasy, worried that if they brought their children here, they would make Lord Easter angry, but Lord Easter graciously agreed to let their children follow them. The villagers 0.7 were very moved and happy to eat by themselves.

There were bursts of cheers, and these poor people did not complain at all about the order to let women and children eat first.

After all, most of them are brought by their families and only keep their children at home, so they are a little worried.

After all, there are not many people in the village now. Those savages and robbers who do not know when they will appear to attack the village and leave their children in the village are not as safe as bringing them to a place with a lot of people.

Seeing their wives and children holding steaming bowls and gulps of browned bread in their hands, those farmers finally had a smile on their always sad faces.

I am very grateful to the kind and generous Lord Jason, and secretly decided that when I work later, I must work hard, so as to be worthy of this kind and generous Lord Earl.

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