I’m Going Both Ways On Game Of Thrones

Chapter 281 Bachelors are all single dogs

"Sir, these days, we have sent 200 people who are skilled in using gasoline saws to form a logging team. So far, the warehouse has been stacked with... The number of logs in the warehouse recorded above, and then said, "There are already 1,358,247 logs!"

It took less than a week since he issued the order to cut down nearly 140,000 trees. This efficiency is not slow.

After all, these workers have just learned to use gasoline saws, and some workers were accidentally cut by gasoline saws some time ago. When they use them again, other workers will naturally be very careful, and it is understandable that they are slower.

If it weren't for the fact that there were more than 100 large and small carriages in the warehouse over there in Hyundai, he would have planned to transport some of these logs back today.

However, it is still necessary to wait for Lin Xiaohan and Jiang Chuchu to negotiate the land price with the high-tech zone, and build a larger warehouse after buying the land.

This time, the warehouse does not need to be built as well as the previous ones. It only needs to build a thin layer of iron on it and support it with steel columns. It does not need to be too high, 4 meters is enough.

This should build quickly.

While planning how to build the warehouse on the Hyundai side, Jason Liu walked into the warehouse where the logs were stacked on the side of the logging farm.

Under a wooden shed in one area, nearly 140,000 woods with a diameter of more than 30 cm were all cut off by gasoline saws, leaving only one trunk.

Walking to the side, he touched the wet log cut, Jason Liu nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, according to this specification, continue to arrange people to cut trees in the wolf forest and pull back the cut logs. stacked in warehouses."

"Yes, my lord!" McCann and Bud nodded in response.

Recently, he stayed at the logging farm with McCann and managed thousands of people together. Jon had a slightly immature face, but now he has matured as a man, and no one will see him as a boy anymore.

Including Bud, McCann and Marb, who have personally experienced many problems and solved problems by their own abilities, these big boys have grown a lot.

Jason Liu is very pleased to see that they can become more mature and can assist him in more affairs in the future.

Throwing these four young people in a logging farm with more than 4,000 people is also the training that Jason Liu gave them. Nothing can train people better than hands-on practice.

Now it seems not bad, a few young people have learned a lot.

After leaving the warehouse, Jason Liu went to the logging farm hospital to take a look.

The workers who were seriously injured by the petrol saw were still lying on the specially set up beds in the hospital, watching the woman and a few children who came in with a nervous expression, which should be the wives and children of the man lying on the bed. .

Seeing the panic, awe, and anxiety in the eyes of these women and children looking at him in the ward, Jason Liu stopped at the door of the ward.

He didn't want to disturb these people in the ward. After all, in the eyes of these low-level civilians, his status as the Earl of Starfire City was too high. These people stood in front of him, and their hearts were more fearful and uneasy, for fear that they would offend the nobles. , and thus find punishment.

Although the workers of the lumber mill and their families believed that Lord Jason East was a truly benevolent and generous nobleman, when confronted with the high-ranking Lord Earl in person, these cowardly peasant and peasant women, still when

Jason Liu did not enter the ward again, not wanting these frightened rabbits to look like frightened rabbits, frightened women and children, he turned and left with Jon and them.

Boris has returned to Easter Hospital in the winter market town. The patients here have been handed over to two assistants sent there, as well as more than a dozen smart boys and girls recruited from the children of the lumber mill to help take care of them. patient.

In addition to the soldiers who were on duty to watch and follow the lumberjacks into the wolf forest for protection, there were more than 100 soldiers in the training queue on the cleared school grounds.

It's the kind of college military training taught by Jason Liu.

Simple, yet demanding teamwork.

After watching for a while, Jason Liu went to the next horse again. The 200 war horses bought from Stark's horse farm were all grazing.

The sound horses were pulled into freight wagons, mostly to pull logs, and a small number to pull stones and branches to the lumberjack's hut under construction.

After inspecting the logging farm once, seeing that Jon and the others were well managed, and emphasizing that the criminals who violated the law he made must be severely punished, Jason Liu got into the carriage and went back.

Back at the castle and just got off the carriage, Jason Liu looked at Boris with an anxious face from different places. You must know that since letting this honest and obedient tool man take charge of the hospital, Jason Liu almost didn't have to worry about the hospital. It shows that the tool man Boris did really good.

Looking at the thick dark circles on Boris's eyes, Jason Liu couldn't help laughing and teasing, Boris, it's good to love to learn new knowledge, but you have to pay attention to your body, otherwise you will be tired, East No one can take care of the hospital. It seems you need a woman who can take care of you every day!"

As we all know, the bachelors of the academy voluntarily gave up marrying a wife and having children, giving up their honorary titles, and devoting their whole lives to assisting lords in governing their territories and pursuing knowledge.

In other words, these bachelors are not close to women. Of course, there must be many bachelors who can't control themselves and secretly find women.

The representative figure is the former important minister in the city of King's Landing, the high-ranking scholar Pai Xier, this sanctimonious old guy, who pretends to be hunched over and old during the day, and looks like he is about to die.

In the evening (De Zhao's) immediately threw away the gray academic robe, straightened up, put on gorgeous silk clothes, and quietly went from the tunnel of the Red Fort to the women's branch in Jun's Landing to look for the girl.

In this regard, he is an old gamer of Master Pixier!

For decades, the practice is very concealed, except for the eight-claw spider' eunuch chief Varys, who is in charge of many intelligence, eyes and ears, other people have no idea that the high-ranking scholar who relies on the old and sells the old on the surface is actually full of male thieves and female #nuchang behind the scenes.

The oath made by the Xuecheng before granting the bachelor's status, where is the young girl incense from the major women's branches in Jun's Landing?

Didn't you see that even His Majesty Robert took the lead without returning home at night, lingering in various women's wards!

He is also considered to be the forerunner of the king!

Compared to the morally corrupted Master Peysir, Boris, an assistant bachelor who doesn't even have a bachelor's degree, actually abides by the rules of the academy very honestly.

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