I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 223: Living in wealth and not knowing how to be blessed

The moment Yang Ruoqian heard this question, he was silent.

Short-term goals and long-term goals?

Tactical losing money and strategic losing money?

The former is to complete the book loss task of this quarter as much as possible, and the latter is to create a perfect loss-making industrial chain with an internal circulation as much as possible to achieve the effect once and for all.

But...Mr. Yang is a decent person after all. Saying this directly will not have a good impact. You need to consider your words and express your meaning tactfully.

Yang Ruoqian took a tactical sip of water, cleared his throat, and then said: "The short-term goal is to find some projects that no one has noticed but have certain potential."

"Actually, there are many artists and actors who have no potential to become famous, but they have been buried due to various reasons. This is what I want to do."

"For example, the prototype of the script for "The Dragon Son Who Protects the Country" was a street novel that was thrown in the corner of a website. But when I filmed it, it became a hit and made our actors famous by the way."

"Another example is Shang Qianyu. Before she applied for the job at Kuaiguang Group, she was rejected by Yuefu Group and Tianyue Group. But when she came to us, she also shined."

"Such examples are common in Kuangguang."

Yang Ruoqian's words wildly hinted at his competitors, and he spared no effort to share his successful experience: "As long as you take a long-term view and don't focus on the people, it's very easy to start a business."

Hurry up and let those of you analysts who are highly paid and do nothing to open their eyes and catch the fish that slip through the net. Don't always let the fish that slip through the net leak to our company, okay?

Da da da……

Duan Run, who was holding an electronic pen, nodded repeatedly while listening, indicating that he had memorized it.

Moisturizing his throat, Yang Ruoqian continued: "The long-term goal is actually very simple. That is to make the company form a healthy system as much as possible, so that capable artists can enjoy the resources they deserve according to their abilities."

"Everyone knows that concentrating all traffic on one person is easier to create, has lower management costs, and has a longer life cycle. But Huiguang Group is an enterprise that focuses on long-term development, so we hope to look further."

"In the long run, a company should shoulder responsibilities rather than just focus on making profits."

"Similarly, we will try our best to dig out those works that are buried in the dust - now is the era of traffic, and the wine is afraid of deep alleys, but I think that a good work should not be buried in the dust. A corner that people care about.”

"Whether it is a work that makes people excited, a work that makes people laugh, or a work that is thought-provoking, as long as it has its own value, Kuang Guang will try his best to dig it out."

“Maybe if we do this, we won’t be able to make as much money as other normal companies, and we may even lose money, but I still hope to give everyone who has a dream a chance to realize their dream.”

Yang Ruoqian, who went round and round about the core idea of ​​"I want to lose money" and finally expressed it, let out a long sigh of relief.

It’s so difficult to come up with a reason for the central idea of ​​wanting to lose money!

After saying it, the whole person's mental state improved a lot.

Duan Run, who was taking notes in front of him, suddenly stopped with the pen in his hand. He had interviewed so many people over the years, and this was the first time he was so shocked by the interviewer's words that he almost lost his composure.

Give everyone...a fair chance to realize their dreams? !

Digging out buried works and showing them to the public? !

Even if you lose money, you won’t hesitate!

Kuaiguang Group, no, Yang Ruoqian's pursuit is so lofty, and his ideological level is so high?

Duan Run could even hear his own heartbeat beating loudly at this time.

After all, he was a senior editor. He quickly adjusted himself and began to record what he saw and heard on his tablet.

"Perhaps all of us have wrongly blamed Mr. Yang."

"Everyone is trying their best to judge his success by the money he earns, and measure his works by the box office. But from his own point of view, this is tantamount to a humiliation."

"Every time at this time, Mr. Yang would act very happy, but in fact, he was in pain inside."

"He suffers from the fact that no one understands his spiritual pursuit, and he can't understand why everyone gathers around to congratulate him for trivial profits."

"Even in the dead of night, Yang Ruoqian, who is surrounded by pain, will always think about a question - is my spiritual core too vulgar?"

After a pause, Duan Run wrote impassionedly.

"I have seen many, many bosses. Some of them package lending as high technology, and it makes them painful to make money in front of the public."

"There are also companies that, in the name of environmental protection, cut corners and skimp on accessories in their products, but prices have risen year after year."

"But Mr. Yang is different from these people. He only has a simple dream. He does more than anyone else and says less than anyone else."

"I believe he is different from those capitalists with loud slogans - because I have visited Kuaiguang Group, I have seen their offices, and I have seen their employees. Their eyes cannot deceive."

As he wrote, Duan Run even felt his eyes starting to get wet, and a warm fire was burning in his heart.

Just like watching those hot-blooded novels and cartoons when I was young, my whole body was on fire.

He has long been accustomed to seeing all kinds of darkness in the entertainment industry, and has long been able to get along with the world like a fish in water.

But who says fish swimming in sewage don’t yearn for a clean pond?

Duan Run can't do it himself, but that doesn't mean he doesn't respect the young man in front of him who is working hard for this and is far ahead of him.

Swish, swish, swish...

After speaking, Yang Ruoqian fell silent and looked at Duan Run with his eyes, wanting to see how the old editor would react after hearing his nonsense.

But the more he looked at Yang Ruoqian, the more confused he became. The less he understood what the editor of Jinwo Media was doing and why it took so long to write a few sentences.

Aren't you surprised at all by a company that "doesn't want to make money"?

Don’t you think the fancy stuff I’m talking about is funny at all?

As for my successful cases and profit model, don’t you want to ask more about the details and internal logic?

The living room has been silent for seven or eight minutes, but the pen in Duan Run's hand shows no sign of stopping.


Yang Ruoqian, who had been stabbed in the back countless times, was frightened and immediately realized that what Duan Run wrote was definitely not what he expressed!

In order to make up a suitable excuse for his goal of losing money, he had just accidentally raised the idea of ​​​​the whole thing a little higher.

Is Duan Run making a fuss out of this?

Yang Ruoqian, who had a strong sense of crisis, immediately began to remedy his mistakes. He smiled and said: "Chief Editor Duan, in fact, what I just said is the literal meaning. You don't need to make a deeper interpretation!"

Duan Run nodded repeatedly with a serious expression: "Mr. Yang, don't worry, I completely understand your thoughts."

Sure enough, Yang Ruoqian was worried that he would confuse him with other boundless capitalists who were always talking about cheating.

This young boss doesn't understand anything, he just understands too much.

But in Duan Run's writing, there is only one word, truth!

All the glorious deeds and lofty pursuits of Kuaiguang Group will be reported truthfully.

Seeing Duan Run's knowing expression, Yang Ruoqian was completely desperate.

What do you understand?

Do you understand what you understand?

You also reassure me that you have completely given up on me!

Yang Ruoqian just felt vaguely uneasy, thinking that Duan Run might have made a mistake, but now he was 100% sure that the old editor had made up a lot of stuff that he shouldn't have made up.

It’s over!

How to remedy this?

This is already the last problem. If we don’t fix it, it will be too late!

However, before Yang Ruoqian could think of the answer, Duan Run's recording stopped. He stood up and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, the formal interview questions for you are over, but I still have two more personal questions about you. It’s a small question, could I take you a few more minutes?”

Mr. Yang, who was already desperate, felt as if he had been granted amnesty after getting the chance to remedy the situation, and repeatedly said: "It doesn't matter. If you have anything to ask, just ask."

"Okay, have you ever watched the movie "Black Robe"? From your personal point of view, do you think it's good to watch?"

As soon as this question was raised, Yang Ruoqian's mind flashed to the scene of a huge crowd of people in the cinema on the day the movie was released.

The scene of the crowd being crowded and everyone discussing the plot animatedly is still vivid in my mind.

Thinking about that scene, he still feels extremely heartbroken.

No matter how good the movie is, Yang Ruoqian cannot act without conscience.

Moreover, expressing dissatisfaction with one's own movies in a timely manner may arouse the disgust of passers-by - everyone should hate the boss who stands and talks without pain, right?

It should be able to ruin some of the popularity with passersby.

Yang Ruoqian forced himself to frown: "I've seen it, I don't think it looks good."

Duan Run looked like "I understand again" and began to take shorthand on the tablet.

"Even before the movie started shooting, interviews were unanimously negative, and even if he didn't like to watch it, Mr. Yang still pushed against everyone's opinions and promoted the movie, without letting his personal likes and dislikes influence the decision."

"All his actions show that Mr. Yang is a person who combines knowledge and action."

Yang Ruoqian looked at Duan Run's vigorous writing and fell silent again.

He wanted to ask at this time: Editor Duan, how long have your symptoms lasted?

No, this interview can't go on any further.

Any remedial measures are just Yang Ruoqian's wishful thinking. No matter what he says, Duan Run will understand him the way he wants to understand.

The best remedy now is to end the interview and cut the loss in time.

Duan Run seemed to see that Yang Ruoqian wanted to leave. He immediately stood up and asked the last question with a smile: "Mr. Yang, what do you like to do to relax on weekdays?"

Yang Ruoqian, who knew that the more he spoke, the more mistakes he would make, simply chose to remain silent this time, looking at Duan Run with a smile on his face, without saying a word.

I don’t even have to say anything directly, what else can you do to me? !

It's such a simple question, and I didn't say a word. You can't just make something up out of thin air, right?

At most, it can be said that Mr. Yang doesn't like others to pry into his privacy.

Looking at Yang Ruoqian who was smiling but always silent, Duan Run nodded slightly, lowered his head and recorded the last question of this interview on his tablet.

"I seemed to have asked a very stupid question."

"Because the answer to this question is so obvious - does such a person need to say more about his preferences?"

"Struggle to realize his ultimate ideal is what he likes!"

“I am obviously rich, but I don’t think it is a blessing.”

"If he didn't have this kind of awareness, how could he carve out a bloody path for himself and so many struggling people in the cruel entertainment industry?"

After finishing writing, Duan Run's face was rosy, with a satisfied smile on his face: "Thank you for accepting this interview."

Yang Ruoqian, who had chosen not to say a word, finally broke down when he saw Duan Run's state of fear of dying every morning and evening.

I am still too young and underestimate these literary workers.

Do you think not talking will help?

There is also a way to write without speaking!

Even if you just give him a look, he can give you a 300-word reading comprehension article!

Duan Run has already believed what he believes in and has formed a logical closed loop that is self-consistent. It is useless to say anything else.

"There will be a set of shots to be taken later, please remember to let us know when you have time."

Yang Ruoqian, who was still frightened, asked cautiously: "There won't be any more interviews in these scenes, right?"

"No, I will edit the interview content and some shots to make the final content more lively and interesting." Duan Run said with a smile, "Thank you very much for your cooperation. I also learned a lot from this interview. .”

Just don’t do interviews, just don’t do interviews!

Yang Ruoqian, who had his meaning misinterpreted in person, was completely afraid of Duan Run.

If we continue the interview, the final product may not be directly transformed into a science fiction film.

"You're welcome. I want to thank you. Then I'm leaving. Bye!" After Yang Ruoqian said this, he left the living room and hid in his office.

Horrible, terrible.

No wonder so many people hate being interviewed and dislike reporters.

It turns out there is a reason.

I entertained your interview team with delicious food and drinks, but you actually wrote all over the interview script!

It’s not true to speak truthfully, nor to speak ironically, nor to remain silent in the end.

No matter what he did, it was wrong, and Yang Ruoqian really couldn't afford to offend him.

The power of a literati's pen is sometimes more powerful than the barrel of a gun. The barrel of a gun kills people the most. This thing kills people and kills people.

If you can't afford it, just hide!

Looking at Yang Ruoqian's back as he hurriedly left, Duan Run felt moved while sighing with emotion.

Mr. Yang is obviously so busy with work, but during the interview he kept saying "I have time" and "just ask", giving full respect to everyone in the interviewed team.

Duan Run nodded slightly, asked the photography team to follow him, turned around and walked out of the living room.

"Xiaoxia, Xiaoye. Let's go and interview the employees of Kuaiguang Group... Well, let's start with the security guard guarding the gate!"

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