I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 236 We live and die together with the group!

Yang Ruoqian felt dizzy as he saw that the company's development direction was once again out of his control.

But... the good news is that these employees all said that the company has encountered a big crisis and difficulty?

What kind of big crisis is it that the boss doesn’t know about, but all the employees below know about it?

How serious is this crisis, and how much money will it take to resolve it? Can you spend more money to settle it?

Mr. Yang, who had made a lot of money, once again showed an unusual way of thinking. He walked quickly to Lin Cao, who had just hung up the phone, and asked: "Old Lin, come here and have a heart-to-heart talk with me."

As soon as he said this, Yang Ruoqian couldn't help but complain about himself in his heart.

Why do I sound so old-fashioned when I speak...

Lin Cao looked at the time and saw that there were still a few minutes before getting off work, so he nodded solemnly and followed Yang Ruoqian to a deserted corner.

Mr. Yang, who knew nothing, pretended to know everything: "You are considered an old employee, tell me."

"Don't worry, Mr. Yang, I have already contacted several employees at Yue Mansion who are dissatisfied with the current situation." Lin Cao, who was pulled out to talk alone, felt honored and patted his chest and said confidently, "When the time comes, we will be able to break the news internally. Break the news and find out the information. I guarantee that your losses will be minimized!”

Speaking of this, Lin Cao sneered again: "I have long expected that Yue Mansion is not a good bird and will not let me live a good life in Kueiguang so easily..."

"Fortunately, I left a lot of hands and a few nails in the Yuefu Group to deal with possible troubles at any time."

"Now it can finally come in handy!"

"Isn't it just a lawsuit? We will stay with it until the end. We will live and die together with the group!"

Yang Ruoqian looked at Lin Cao, who was getting more and more excited as he talked, and once again felt that his CPU was not enough.

You are more or less too crazy... you have directly made Anti-Yue Mansion your first goal in life, right?

And, what is that lawsuit about?

Why did it evolve into living and dying together?

At that time, Yang Ruoqian and Ding Daoyi explained that "the matter should be small and the time should be long," and they would try to delay the company's financial retreat as much as possible, and at the same time disgust the Yue Mansion.

Receiving money to discredit an opponent's film is ultimately a civil dispute, and because the definition of loss is too abstract, the amount involved will not be very large.

Why did it evolve into living and dying together? !

There should be no other lawsuits between Kuo Guang and Yue Fu, right?

If there is, Ding Daoyi, as the head of the legal department, will definitely inform his boss as soon as possible, so as not to be the last person in the company to know.

Damn it, someone must be spreading rumors in the company again!

Now these trouble-free employees are no longer content with just making up their own minds, and have even begun to fabricate facts, right?

Ding Daoyi knew the whole story completely. This rumor definitely did not spread from the Ministry of Justice...

After all, he is from the older generation, and judging from his past performance and personal professionalism, Ding Daoyi can't control his mouth.

A lawyer who can serve as a confidant to Shao Yiqi's father, I dare not say anything else, but his professional skills are definitely at the top of the industry.

So...who is spreading rumors?

The main reason is that no one else seems to know about this.

Yang Ruoqian thought about it and couldn't figure out what the problem was. He could only look at Lin Cao again and asked: "Old Lin, let's not talk about the matter itself... Where did you hear about such an important thing? ?”

Lin Cao was a little confused: "Ah, I heard everyone around me say that."

Everyone around me said so...

In less than an afternoon, you can't even find the source of the rumor?

Should the transmission be so fast?

Lin Cao looked at Yang Ruoqian's expression and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Could it be that...Mr. Yang actually doesn't want this matter to be spread?

Thinking about it this way, it does seem to make sense - not to mention ordinary employees, even the company's top executives are not of much direct help in matters such as litigation.

In addition to working harder and earning more funds for litigation for the group, ordinary people can only help the big bosses in the legal department by clapping and shouting.

Perhaps in Mr. Yang's view, instead of telling such a bad thing and making the whole company panic, it would be better to leave it to the legal department to deal with it and let others live their lives as they please.

In the past...was it not often that Mr. Yang could bear this kind of pressure alone?

The more Lin Cao thought about it, the more likely he felt that this was possible.

The company is in such difficulty, but Mr. Yang still doesn't cut benefits or lower wages, and even wants to secretly handle the matter alone.

What kind of magical boss is this?

It's really worth working for such a boss.

Mr. Yang really treats his employees as family members!

But this time, Lin Cao, who had always obeyed Yang Ruoqian's advice, decided to argue for once.

How could Mr. Yang be asked to bear these burdens alone every time that he should not bear alone?

It seems that these employees are so useless.

As the ancients said, a scholar will die for his confidant!

Lin Cao, who had been moved by himself, took a deep breath, stood at attention, and said in a loud voice:

"Mr. Yang, I think that as a group, as a whole, all employees have the responsibility to stand up when facing difficulties. How can we share the joys and sorrows? Don't worry, I know how much I weigh, and I will definitely Don’t interfere in any related matters.”

"We are only responsible for working harder to make money so that you can fight a good fight with peace of mind!"

In fact, many employees in the group have been waiting for this day - not waiting for something to happen to Kuaiguang Group, but waiting for the day when they can repay Yang Ruoqian.

Which migrant worker can be treated with such delicious food and drinks?

Yang Ruoqian was troubled by this embarrassing speech. He clasped his toes on the ground and said repeatedly: "Stop, stop, stop! The spirit is commendable, but the group has not reached this level yet, so you can just do whatever you should do!"

When he said this, Yang Ruoqian's mind was still spinning - where did the news leak out?

Speaking of backstabbing himself, Yang Ruoqian's first suspicion was Shao Yiqi... But when he thought about it carefully, it wasn't quite right.

A conservative and traditional person like Ding Daoyi would definitely not tell Shao Yiqi such a thing behind his back.

Then Shao Yiqi has no channel or opportunity to understand...

To put it bluntly, even if someone at the Legal Affairs Department accidentally let it slip, the version that came out wouldn't be so outrageous.

What went wrong?

Who is harming me?

Dare you to stand up and don’t backbite others!

Yang Ruoqian asked Lin Cao to play with snakes by himself and took the car home. All he could think about was this matter.

When he traced the incident back to when Shelter Company and Cheng Fang were filming "Titanic 2" together, Yang Ruoqian stood up from the sofa.

He figured out what was wrong!

At that time, he happened to be on the phone with Ding Daoyi to discuss matters related to the lawsuit. When he talked about the Yue Mansion, Cheng Fang happened to finish filming and walked up behind him without anyone noticing.

After all, it's not a confidential matter, so there's no need to avoid anyone.

Maybe Cheng Fang only listened to half of what was said and was far away, so he received the wrong message.

Cheng Fang gave all kinds of gifts as soon as he came up, and everyone paid for it. It was obvious that he was a very defeated... very generous person.

The two "hit it off" and had a partnership relationship with Cheng Fei, and he tended to support Cheng Fei's career.

Helping Kuaiguang Group is equivalent to helping Chengyu Media in Chengfei!

There is also a motive for the crime!

Is this family naturally at odds with me? When the younger sister comes, she stabs him in the back, and calls her older brother to join him. In the end, the whole family just does it together?

If you don't let Kuang Guang earn a lot of money, will you lose two kilograms of meat?

Yang Ruoqian is now almost 100% sure that it was Cheng Fang who listened half-heartedly to what others said and was eager to make contributions, which led to such a big oolong.

For such a small and broken thing, no one can get the Chengyu Group involved.

However... there is another question. Why did Cheng Fang's misunderstanding spread so widely within his company?

Yang Ruoqian gradually cleared his mind and sat on the sofa.

"Cheng Fang knows about it and must tell Cheng Fei about it. Cheng Fei knows... Well, who is Cheng Fei familiar with in the company?"

A name popped into Yang Ruoqian's mind.

Shao Yiqi.

However, why did Cheng Fei tell Shao Yiqi about this matter? They don't deal with each other.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, a very scary suspicion emerged.

"No, you don't want Shao Yiqi to contact his father's Gaoyao Group and get his father to intervene in this lawsuit, right?!"


Directly dragging Chengyu Group and Gaoyao Group into the water, it is another confrontation between Kuaiguang Group and Yuefu Group... Now things can't be trivial even if you think about it!

Even if all parties find out in the end that this matter is a mistake, they will definitely try their best to make the matter as big as possible!

Whether it's for profit or face, the scene is definitely not too small!

Thinking again about the strange phone call Shao Yiqi made in the toilet today, Yang Ruoqian's mind suddenly became clear.

Then he became furious.

"Shao Yiqi, you big mouth should really die! You actually colluded with Cheng Yu's people inside and outside to harm your father!"

"Very good, the best employee award for the next period will be awarded to you!"

"Don't you like colluding with Chengyu internally and externally? Let's be responsible for connecting with Chengyu in the new movie!"

Yang Ruoqian exiled Shao Yiqi to Chengyu Media several times to work with his enemies. He originally thought that he would change his ways, but he didn't expect that he would be cheating on him!

The company received a surprise bonus at the start of an already stressful third quarter.

"No, we must save ourselves." Yang Ruoqian originally planned to watch videos and play games, but seeing these close friends uniting to give him money, he really couldn't sit still at all. "We must start planning for a new science fiction movie immediately." shoot."

Based on the notes he took during the day today, Yang Ruoqian searched for related works on the Internet.

Famous author...science fiction...

After entering a few keywords, the search results came out immediately, almost all with the same name.

A science fiction writer affectionately called "Da Liu".

I heard that his works are so good that he was urged to update them by email from the president of a certain country... Judging from the quality and reputation of his works, they are on par with "Fortress", or even worse.

Very good, meets the requirements!

But just like "Fortress" is not the most popular and famous work in Jiangnan, Yang Ruoqian will not choose Liu's most popular work to make a movie.

Everything must follow Yue Mansion's old path of failure and never make its own decisions!

"Hmm... let's take this novel, "The Wandering Blue Star". It seems that the earth is about to face a doomsday disaster. One is an alien invasion, and the other is a solar helium flash."

"Read the plot of this novel a thousand times and see if anyone was sacrificed..."

Mr. Yang, who was in a hurry, did not have time to observe the specific content of this novel in person, so he could only find some key plot points through search.

Anyway, as long as the elements are comparable to "Magic City Fortress", it will be fine.

After looking at the search results, Yang Ruoqian nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right, the people in the protagonist group are dying hard, and the elements are right!"

The more Yang Ruoqian read the novel "The Wandering Blue Star", the more he liked it. The more he read, the more he felt that it was right for him. The more he read, the more he thought it was an ideal blockbuster.

"What other elements are there? Emotional scenes?"

"Are there any emotional scenes in "The Wandering Blue Star"?"

"The answer is...very good, great! It's completely right, everything is right!"

Yang Ruoqian was extremely excited.

I didn't expect to find a work that completely met my requirements so quickly - all the elements for "Magic City Fortress" to hit the market were gathered together!

Moreover, looking at the content of this novel, it is both a space elevator and a planetary engine. The scene is not small at first glance, and the cost is not low at first glance.

When I go to work tomorrow, I will immediately have someone contact the author of "The Wandering Blue Star" and buy the film and television adaptation rights at a high price!

For such a famous author, the copyright fee is a large amount, which is no longer the same as "The Dragon Son Who Protects the Country".

This alone is enough to give the company a big sigh of relief from its extremely rich finances.

The next day, Yang Ruoqian returned to the company and immediately contacted the employee in charge of copyright in the operations department and asked her to discuss the copyright transfer with the relevant publishing house.

After arranging the work, Yang Ruoqian sent another text message to Cheng Fei, intending to ask her to help find a director so that he could set up a crew.

In the past, whether he was filming "The Dragon Son Who Protects the Country" or "Black Robe Inspection Team", Yang Ruoqian always used Cheng Fei's crew.

But for this new movie, Yang Ruoqian plans to actually set up his own crew.

Being able to spend more money faster is one reason, and another reason is the related operations of copyright transfer fees.

If the Kuaiguang Group holds the copyright and transfers it to a crew from another company, according to the rules, the crew must pay a higher transfer fee.

In this way, Kuangguang Group would make another fortune, but Yang Ruoqian would definitely not agree to it.

Ding ding ding…

The phone on the table suddenly rang.

"Well, so fast?" Yang Ruoqian was stunned for a moment and picked up the phone, "Is the copyright matter process so simple?"

On the other end of the phone, the voice came from another employee in the operations department. She is responsible for the publicity work related to the shelter company.

"Mr. Yang, "Titanic 2" is released!"

(The screw factory hired me, which went smoothly. I went home and worked on the manuscript like crazy, barely catching up on the updates. I was exhausted and fell asleep... I withdrew the leave request.)

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