I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 240 You’d better pay me for my eyes that haven’t seen “Titanic 2”!

Xiao Liu Film Studio.

As usual, Liu Bi and his colleagues were looking for movies with the potential to be made into hit videos in different corners of various online platforms.

Not only domestic movies and TV series, but also foreign blockbusters or bad movies.

"I feel like there aren't any new movies to complain about recently, and the video data has dropped a bit." Liu Bi looked at the computer and picked his teeth with a toothpick, saying bad news, but with a relaxed expression.

Last month, they received a sum of money from Kuo Guang and Yue Fu respectively and exceeded the KPI. The pressure this month was not too great.

Moreover, the video explaining the movie "Black Robe" itself is popular enough that major platform websites and advertising sponsors have given a lot of money.

Even if I don’t get a single order this month, I won’t be without food.

If it were in the past, several people would have started crying for their father and mother.

"The commentary on the suspense film I did last time was not very good. Who would have known that the film was unfinished... I really can't do TV series that are not finished in the future. Who knows whether it will start high and then go low?"

"I'm watching this newly released movie at double speed, and the reviews are mediocre. If it's as bad as "Fortress", I won't worry about the number of views."

"It's like this. It's hard to find a bad and innovative movie these days."

"It would be fine to make a good movie like "Black Robe Inspection Team"..."

"Stop dreaming, we may not be able to make a movie like this in a few years or more. It's good that we can catch the limelight and make a lot of money... Look at other up owners, I heard that they have begun to receive court summons. ”

"Hey, hey, don't talk about it for now. Come over and watch this movie. I think it can be made into a video."

As soon as they heard that there was money to be made, Liu Bi and the others were no longer sleepy. They immediately gathered around and looked at the screen curiously.

I saw a few large words written on a somewhat dated promotional poster, "Titanic 2".

The movie poster shows a large ship rolling in strong winds and waves. The surroundings are pitch black, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and lightning flashes across the sky, illuminating the ship's hull extremely clearly.

The protagonists who occupy the most prominent positions on the poster all look frightened and panicked.

It looked like a very ordinary and normal movie poster, but the three people present noticed something unusual in it.

"Isn't this background a bit too rough?"

"Why don't I know any of these leading actors?"

"'Titanic 2' is such a big statement, but why haven't I heard about this movie being released in theaters? Am I ignorant?"

It stands to reason that a normal movie will be released on major online platforms after it has been released in theaters and made enough money at the box office.

"Titanic 2" sounds awesome just by the name... But why have several of these film critics who hardly miss any movie or TV series never heard of this name at all?

Liu Bi was surprised and looked at the movie release date.

The time displayed above was actually three days ago!

"What the hell? Is this really a recent release?!" Liu Bi, who was well-informed, was also shocked. "Hurry up and check the movie details page to see which film company's masterpiece it is."

Turning to the details page and carefully looking at the production company and production team, Liu Bi and the others finally determined that this was a small, unknown company that hired an unknown director and several unknown actors. Weird movie.

How dare such a strange lineup bear such a big name?

"Shelter company? What the hell, I've never heard of it... I'll go to Sky Eye to check the equity structure of this company."

Liu Bi turned on his phone and checked the equity structure of the shelter company.

In the column for the largest shareholder with the largest number of shares, the words "Kuoguang Entertainment Media Co., Ltd." are clearly written.

With a full 51% shareholding, it can be said that he is the actual controller of the company.

"Damn it, it's actually a branch of Kuai Guang Group?" Liu Bi immediately expressed his understanding of the film's motley production team, "But why is this film not promoted and not in theaters?"

The Kuaiguang Group itself is an emerging company, and the actors used in the filming of "Black Robe Inspection Team" were all 18th-level actors. Except for the director team who are somewhat famous, the rest of the people in the entertainment industry are basically in a state of no one like them.

Now when we make a new movie and replace the director with an unknown person, there doesn’t seem to be much of a logical problem.

With the mentality of watching an art film, Liu Bi solemnly clicked on the movie. While clicking on it, he said: "The Kuaiguang Group must have their reasons for doing this. Let's watch this movie first." It’s not too late to draw conclusions.”

Gold cups and silver cups are not as good as the audience's reputation. In the eyes of the public, anything produced by Kuangguang represents a high-quality product.

Several others also nodded seriously, and even opened the memo, intending to take notes while reading it.

Film reviewers like them, in order to make their film reviews as "hard-core and objective" as possible, will not skip watching the movies and TV series to be reviewed, so as not to miss some important information and be dismissed by the audience who have watched it carefully. Face.

But for the sake of video production efficiency, they usually play these movies and TV dramas at double speed.

But this time, when they saw that the producer was Kuai Guang Group, they unanimously decided not to double the speed and watch every detail of the movie carefully.

After a dozen seconds of credits, the official content of the movie appeared on the screen.

Floating in the water with extremely rough texture is a large cruise ship with extremely rough modeling. On the deck of the cruise ship, the male protagonist is waving his hands to say goodbye to his family.

Just from such a small fragment, Liu Bi and others had already noticed something was wrong.

Liu Bi patted his colleague on the shoulder and asked strangely: "Did you forget to adjust the image quality? Why does it feel a bit blurry to me when I look at it?"

"No, the default is the highest quality!"

"I feel that this may be the Kuangguang Group trying a new shooting technique. Maybe they want to use this blurry image quality to express some deeper inner emotions."

"I think so too. With the technical capabilities of the Kuaiguang Group, it is definitely impossible to create such a retro scene..."

"It's possible, write it down first."

After finishing their thinking, they looked down.

At the same time, a lot of barrages floated over on the screen.

"Congratulations on discovering the treasure of the town station!"

"I finished watching this movie yesterday, and I felt uncomfortable all night. I didn't watch it all day today, and I felt uncomfortable all day long."

"Come here because of its reputation!"

"To tell you a ghost story, this movie was made by the same company as "The Black Robe"."

"Damn it, this picture quality, what year is it today?"


Liu Bi looked at these barrages, and the feeling that something was wrong that had been lingering in his heart became more intense - as the up owner of the film review area, he has a high degree of understanding of the current hot memes and the strange and strange abilities of netizens.

The content of these barrages seems to be compliments or neutral complaints, but if you take a closer look, you feel that it is not the case.

Two other colleagues who were watching the movie suddenly couldn't help but frown: "In order to commemorate the first anniversary of the Titanic's accident, the cruise ship was specifically renamed Titanic 2?"

"The name of this ship is Titanic 2?!"

No, there are too many shortcomings!

Would anyone really name their boat this way? There is nothing wrong with commemorating the 100th anniversary of the shipwreck and commemorating it, but it would seem a bit too magical to go to sea with the same name.

"Is there a deep meaning in this name?"

Liu Bi suppressed the doubts in his heart and watched the movie more seriously.

The plot of this movie is very simple. The protagonist of the movie built Titanic 2, but in order to sail on time on the 100th anniversary, the ship launched its maiden voyage without any inspection.

The heroine on the ship received a phone call at the same time. Her father warned her that there were melting icebergs on the ship's route and asked her not to go.

The heroine said confidently: "It's okay, our boat is strong."

Seeing this, Liu Bi finally couldn't help the emotions in his heart, and he opened his mouth to complain: "God, the boat is strong! Could it be that someone told you that your house had an earthquake, can you still say that my building is strong? What kind of logic is this?!"

Why do you feel that the IQ of the characters in the movie is not on the same level as that of normal humans?

Now Liu Bi and the others no longer even have the illusion of hypnotizing themselves - this is a big bad movie!

With such a cliché and such a crappy development, you can guess what will happen in the next plot.

Sure enough, not long after, Titanic 2 lived up to expectations and hit an iceberg. The hull leaked and it was about to sink.

Perhaps because the crew really couldn't come up with any special effects of ship damage, they simply created a scene where a lot of pots, pans, tables, chairs and benches were flying everywhere in the cabin...

The intensity was as intense as a young couple having a fight at home.

Liu Bi could see that the crew, which was severely underfunded, wanted to work hard to bring out the tragic atmosphere, but moviegoers could only feel a sense of absurd comedy in these scenes.

I don’t know why, but I don’t feel a sense of urgency when I see the protagonist and heroine panicking and trying to save herself on the broken ship. Instead, I feel like laughing.

Judging from the feedback from the barrage, this kind of funny reaction is a common situation.

"Hahahaha! I laughed like a pig!"


"No, the ship is half sunk. Why is there not a drop of water in the cabin?"

"Maybe the water got into the director's head."

"Holy crap, I didn't expect that the elevator on this ship could still be used."

"If nothing else, as a comedy film it is absolutely qualified, 233!"


As the movie continues, the cruise ship is already half submerged.

The hero and heroine once again lived up to expectations. In a lot of bloody coincidences, they missed several important escape opportunities and were trapped at the bottom of the cruise ship by the cold water.

Seeing that the seawater is about to cover your mouth and nose!

The two rummaged through boxes and cabinets and found a diving suit, which they hurriedly put on for the heroine.

Seeing that the male protagonist was extremely cold, the heroine quickly said, "I'll let you wear the diving suit for a while!"

The male protagonist immediately refused and said: "No, take off your diving suit for me now. I will drown before freezing to death."

The heroine added: "It's okay. The oxygen bottle in the diving suit has enough oxygen. We take turns breathing oxygen. You can't drown!"

The male protagonist flatly refused again: "No, I will freeze to death before I drown!"

Liu Bi has been watching movies for so many years and has watched countless bad and bad movies, but when faced with this plot, he was still stunned and couldn't close his jaw.

No, as a protagonist, is it really appropriate to have such a low desire to survive? ?

The key is that it really comes up with a set of closed-loop logic!

At the so-called climax of the movie, the barrage density has completely reached its peak, and all the viewers are either complaining or bursting into laughter.

It's a wonder that a disaster movie can produce such an effect.

Finally, at the end of the movie, the heroine actually watched the hero drowning in the cabin. During this period, she kept cheering and encouraging the hero, but she refused to give him even a breath of oxygen.

Seeing the male protagonist being drowned, Liu Bi and the other three finally couldn't help it and laughed together.

The barrage was also shaking with laughter.

"I will recommend this movie to my girlfriend tomorrow!"

"After watching this movie, I burst out laughing."

"To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the silence of the Titanic, you just sink another one as a commemoration, right?"

"One thing to say, this movie is bad, but it's very creative and fun to watch."

"Ahhh, director, please forgive me for not having seen this movie!"

"By the way, have you listened to the ending song of this movie? It's surprisingly good. It can be said to be the only advantage of this movie."

"It's so weird, let me watch it again..."

After all, he is a professional film critic. Unlike the audience, Liu Bi quickly grasped the unusualness of this movie.

Although it was a bad movie, they actually used double speed and had the patience to watch the entire movie without any peeing during the whole process.

You can even laugh out loud from time to time due to the hard-working acting skills of the leading actors.

When a movie is destined to fail to reach the upper limit of the same theme, perhaps it can go in the opposite direction and try to challenge the bottom line...

Judging from the score of the movie "Titanic 2" that broke through the 3.0 mark, it is undoubtedly an absolute bad movie.

But judging from various viewing data, its popularity is not low.

"I seem to understand a little bit why Kuangguang Group wants to invest in this movie..." Liu Bi nodded, "I feel like this movie will definitely be a hit once it is narrated."

"Okay, Brother Big, then which series should we put this movie in? Is it a recommendation for good movies or a complaint about bad movies?"

Liu Bi was in a dilemma for a while.

Put this movie on your recommendation list? Although this movie looks funny, just like its rating, it is definitely not a good movie.

Complaining about bad movies?

This is fundamentally different from the traditional disgusting bad movies...

Liu Bi thought for a few minutes and suddenly slammed the table: "How about we start a new series called Funny Zone?"

"I feel like the Kuaiguang Group didn't give much attention to "Titanic 2". We helped promote it. By the way, we took advantage of this opportunity to enrich our columns, show goodwill to the Kuaiguang Group and expand the breadth of our videos. Kill two birds with one stone!"

Since they had a pleasant cooperation with Kuaiguang Group last time, they still have a good impression of this entertainment company with a good reputation.

"Indeed, it's a pity that this bad movie was released silently...with a little publicity, it's destined to be a hit!" (End of Chapter)

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