I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 244: Don’t approve anything except money

Shengjing Haoyuan, Kuaiguang Group.

Today is the day for outstanding students to join the company.

Yang Ruoqian is now perfecting the last step of his arrangement.

In fact, Yang has been struggling for some time as to how to properly arrange this group of talents to maximize the loss-making effect.

Break it up and distribute it to different departments in the group?

Not quite.

Now that other projects are relatively mature and have a stable structure, adding a few talents will not only fail to act as a black sheep, but may also be assimilated by the old employees.

To take a step back, even if their ability is really bad enough to hold the company back, the destructive power of a few small employees on the project is so small that it can be ignored.

With the current financial resources of Kuaiguang Group, the free salary of a dozen gangsters is simply insignificant. Even if it is paid according to the maximum standard, the negative contribution to the third quarter will basically be close to nothing.

When they gather they are like a bunch of stars, when they are scattered they are like a sky full of shit...

They still have to come together to make a big difference.

Then just pack up these juniors and girls and find the most profitable cancer project and pack them in?

Not good.

In a mature project, both senior and middle-level leaders have a lot of prestige. A dozen people may sound like a huge force, but in front of so many veterans with achievements and qualifications, they may not create waves.

Most of the dozen or so students have pure and clean hearts and are extremely malleable. They cannot be easily allowed to learn from the old employees.

After thinking again and again, Yang Ruoqian suddenly thought of a very creative idea.

Give these juniors a new project to do!

But unlike previous projects, Yang Ruoqian has learned countless lessons and plans to do some tricks on this project.

A year ago, the naive Mr. Yang thought that as long as he set a wrong general direction and then hired a bunch of inexperienced employees to follow this direction, he would be able to achieve the goal of losing money.

During this period, Mr. Yang, who was full of confidence in the general direction, gave employees the green light everywhere, giving them people, money, and everything they asked for.

Judging from the results, this outdated and extreme thinking is no longer in line with the trend of today's times.

Yang Ruoqian had already hatched a new plan in his mind.

First of all, this project not only has no specific project, it does not even give a general direction. It only talks nonsense when assigning tasks and leaves employees to guess.

Even if there is no leader, the entire army will be annihilated, let alone if there is no leader now, the project will only become more chaotic and worse.

Secondly, the levels of more than a dozen employees are all the same. Before the project performance comes out, there is no distinction between superiors and subordinates.

Most of them are not familiar with each other. This arrangement is enough to carry forward the traditional virtue of "three monks without water" to the greatest extent.

Being the first to recruit hard was not enough. Mr. Yang, who had been repeatedly breached by his employees, had learned to be smart. This time, he not only had a primary insurance, a secondary insurance, but also an even more genius triple insurance.

That is the constraints from the group, or more accurately from Yang Ruoqian himself.

Once, after he decided on a garbage project, he would give employees whatever they asked for, and provide whatever help they needed...

But this time, everything is different.

Yang Ruoqian would not provide anything except unlimited funds. Not only would he not provide it, he would also impose numerous restrictions.

For example, projects cannot be outsourced, new employees cannot be recruited without approval from the group headquarters, other group projects are not allowed to intervene, etc. There are a series of big pitfalls.

Nothing will be approved except money!

Stuck your neck hard!

Be sure to make the entire project a complete headless fly!

To put it simply, Yang Ruoqian planned to use nonsense to start a new emperor's project, let a group of inexperienced newcomers work on this non-existent project, and did not allow them to ask for any help from the outside world.

I don't believe it!

Is there anyone who can perform in front of a bunch of air?

And most of these people are outsiders who don’t know much about the entertainment industry.

If this kind of project could make money again, it would be a bit unreasonable.

Thinking of this, Yang Ruoqian once again affirmed his intelligence - such a scheming and scheming thing would probably be quite explosive in any era, right?

"Jian Che, give me a squeeze. I'm really not dreaming, are I?" Gu Yongxin, who showed off in front of Yang Ruoqian in the gym last time, couldn't believe that she was directly hired. "Senior Yang waved his hand and said Are we all packed up and taken away?”

"Guidong really has such a great reputation?"

"Is this really where we will work from now on?"

Jian Che carefully looked around the office and sat down in his seat, fearing that he might accidentally damage something by moving too much.

"I've said it a long time ago... until things come to an end, we should try our best to persevere."

"No, no, no, that's not what I'm most worried about right now!" Gu Yongxin sat down at her workstation with a look of horror on her face, "I did such a bad job in the interview, will the seniors hold grudges and arrange for me to sweep the floor, cook, and clean the table?" Are you alive?"

Jian Che, who had found a job, was in a rare mood to relax. When he heard Gu Yongxin's horrified inquiry, he couldn't help but laugh.

Not long ago, a dozen or so anxious people just entered the company and were rushed to sign the labor contract like a duck before even saying a few polite words.

Along with the labor contract, three documents were issued - "Employee Code of Conduct", "Ideological Guidance" and examination questions based on these two documents.

Employees who fail to pass the exam cannot officially participate in work and can only be punished by taking a paid exam and cannot work until they pass the exam.

If you never pass the exam, you will have to keep studying for the exam and never be able to work.

After failing several times and finally passing the exam, a group of people finally sat in this extremely spacious office.

After Jian Che finished laughing, he comforted: "I think you have time to worry about whether the leader will give you small shoes to wear. You might as well think carefully about what tasks he will assign to us."

"Have you seen the treatment in the contract? How arduous is the task to be worthy of such treatment?"

"If we fail to complete our mission, we will really be kicked out."

Gu Yongxin cheered up: "Yes, the company will definitely not pay me a high salary to wash the toilet. This is such a waste of money! Who can afford a salary of 11,000 yuan!"

If you want to find a toilet cleaner, you can do it for a few thousand yuan. You don’t need many benefits, so why pay tens of thousands of dollars?

What does this mean? It means that the seniors believe that each of them can create at least 10,000 yuan worth of value to the company every month!

"I'm so nervous right now." A gentle boy next to him pushed up his glasses and added, "I actually have almost no understanding of the entertainment industry. What if I accidentally screw up my work?"

"What are you afraid of? The group will definitely send a big boss to lead us. How can a group of newcomers take charge of such an important project just after they come up?"

"Yes, look at our position arrangement. Everyone is at the same level, which means there must be a leader coming. Otherwise, how will we allocate work?"

"When the time comes, we will do whatever the boss asks us to do. Even if he deliberately makes things difficult for me, I will admit it! Such a high salary, such good benefits, it's just a pair of shoes, I can wear them!"

"Hey, look at the corporate WeChat account, our mission is here!"

The noisy people immediately calmed down and stopped chatting. They immediately took out their mobile phones and clicked on the document sent by Yang Ruoqian personally in an attitude of preparing for the college entrance examination.

This is a piece of information that can determine your future life even more than the college entrance examination!

You must read it carefully before the group leader comes over.

A group of people who don't even know much about the entertainment industry suddenly come to one of the top entertainment companies in this city or even the province. They don't have enough ability, but they have to correct their attitude.

Gu Yongxin, who thought she had left a very bad impression on her leadership, had an extremely positive attitude towards work and carefully browsed the document as quickly as possible.

"1. Project background and goals. Kuaiguang Group is a company specializing in the entertainment business, with 1 year of rich industry experience and. In order to adapt to market changes and customer needs, the company decided to launch this project, aiming to use new methods to Improve the work and adaptability of new employees and achieve the dual effects of talent training and profitability.”

A lot of nonsense, very good... As expected of a big company.

Gu Yongxin complained in her heart and continued to look down.

“The main goal of this project is to complete the preliminary development work of the project within 5 years, achieve independent profit and loss balance within 10 years, and achieve profitability within 20 years.”

Seeing this, Gu Yongxin suddenly realized that there was something in this project document that seemed not to be consistent with common sense.

Generally speaking, even if you want to talk nonsense, it can't be complete nonsense, right? !

At least the project goals must be clearly stated!

For example, specific goals such as creating an original music variety show.

Just saying a goal of how much money you want to make is too broad... Better to say, which project is not established to make money?

The document sent by Yang Ruoqian is among the best in nonsense literature. Reading the full text, it does not even provide any useful information to the employees.

The originally lively atmosphere in the entire office suddenly fell silent.

Everyone was shocked by this unusual project from the beginning.

"2. Project organization and responsibilities."

"This project is under the responsibility of an 18-person project team. There is no project leader or project management office. The project team itself is responsible for its own overall coordination and self-supervision and management..."

"This project has also established the following groups or teams, each responsible for different work contents..."

"3. Project progress and milestones..."

"4. Project risks and countermeasures..."

After reading four paragraphs of nonsense, Gu Yongxin, who had just graduated from college and was excited to join society and work, was completely stunned.

Let’s not talk about whether there will be big trouble if there is no leadership at all in a project, and even supervision is self-supervision...

Four paragraphs of content, more than a thousand words in total, and they didn’t even mention any items!

What about the project?

Gu Yongxin couldn't stand it any longer, put down her phone, and turned to ask Jian Che, "Do you understand this project document?"

Even if you read it to countless people and read it countless times, it is impossible for anyone to understand it. Jian Che shook his head in confusion: "I don't understand the entertainment industry. I feel that what Senior Yang wrote is too profound."

Gu Yongxin yelled in her heart - Don't say you don't understand the entertainment industry, even I, who understand the entertainment industry, don't understand anything!

Isn’t this a matter of the entertainment industry? It's obviously a problem with the project document, right?

No, you can’t think like that.

Think calmly and analyze this seemingly strange project document from different dimensions.

What kind of enterprise is Kuaiguang Group... How could it make such a low-level mistake?

Combined with the fact that Yang Ruoqian unexpectedly recruited them into the company as a package, judging from the contract benefits that are much better than those of ordinary companies, perhaps this project is not as simple as imagined.

Deep meaning, there must be deep meaning hidden in the seemingly nonsense project book!

As long as the deep meaning can be deciphered, all problems can be easily solved.

Gu Yongxin calmed down and turned to ask other people in the office: "Where are the bosses? Is there anyone who can understand this project document?"

This is the first project that their project team has entered the company. If they are stumped by the project document before the project even starts, their future future in the group will be in doubt.

However, to her disappointment, almost everyone shook their heads quickly.

"I don't understand!"

"I don't understand it either... I don't know what we are going to do after reading it."

"Why doesn't the group send a leader?"

Gu Yongxin covered her forehead and decided to use her last weapon - to bring in reinforcements.

She made several copies of the document as quickly as possible and sent them to her professor, her parents, and her classmates who were thriving elsewhere.

There is only one question, what is the hidden meaning in this project book?

Soon, the professor's reply arrived: "Who wrote it? Just reread it, it's hopeless."

Before Gu Yongxin could be stunned, other people's answers came one after another.

At a cursory glance, they all contained answers similar to "The Riddler gets out of Gotham", "It is recommended to ask the person who wrote the project book directly", and "You don't have to do the project if you don't want to do it".

Grass! No one is reliable!

Aren’t you talking nonsense too?

He died before the off-field assistance was launched, and Gu Yongxin did not dare to ask the group. Her temper was already bad, and her head was hot, and she became jealous.

Anyway, the project book didn’t explain it clearly, so I just pretended that I didn’t understand it and took it at face value!

No matter what you do, as long as you can make money, even if you don't follow the leader's wishes in the end, at least it's not a mistake and you can be more or less accountable.

Anyway, the capital budget given in the project book is very sufficient.

But... if you want to make money, you have to have an expert who knows the business.

Although she, Gu Yongxin, usually pays attention to the news in the fandom, and even had an unforgettable past of chasing stars in high school, an outsider who has not systematically studied will always be an outsider. There is no need to watch a few more movies and learn about the gossip of a few stars. Got the lowdown.

So Gu Yongxin planned to first find the person who knew a little bit among the 18 classmates, and then implement the project around his plan.

In any case, you must first have a clear goal and a top decision-maker.

Gu Yongxin looked around again and asked: "Boss, who among you is more familiar with various businesses in the entertainment industry? For the sake of our future, although the company has not assigned us to superiors and subordinates, I still recommend that everyone follow the first project Those who know how to do it should leave. Infighting at this time will only harm everyone."

However, to Gu Yongxin's surprise, the classmates expressed their agreement with these words, but none of them spoke. Instead, they stared at her blankly.

After being stared at for a long time, Gu Yongxin's scalp was numb. After a while, she reached out her hand in disbelief and pointed at herself.


Isn't it? I, a fool like me who doesn’t have half a bucket of water, am actually the most knowledgeable person here? !

How else to do this project?

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