The news released last night has already become a hot search topic by this morning.

After experiencing similar incidents several times, Yang Ruoqian is no longer surprised that his company is on the hot search whenever there is news about something happening.

All sufferings become ordinary in the temper of life.

Yang Ruoqian walked towards the elevator while browsing various news about his movie on his mobile phone.

Although this kind of publicity event may bring a major publicity advantage to Kuaiguang Group at first glance, it is likely to make the movie gain huge popularity before it is released...

But after all, with the lessons learned from "Fortress", the audience will not be too carried away and will not open the champagne before the filming of the movie has started.

The Kuaiguang Group has never failed since it entered the entertainment industry. However, judging from the number of projects, the Kuaiguang Group has only launched three or four projects.

It's a good start and three or four projects have been successful in succession. Although it is commendable, it does not mean that future projects of Kuaiguang Group will be so successful.

Moreover, judging from all the projects of Kuaiguang Group, they can basically be regarded as “risk-taking”.

"The Protector of the Country", "Black Robe Inspection Team" and "Titanic 2" are all attempts to transcend traditional themes.

I keep winning, but winning is more abstract and scary—especially at the beginning of a project.

What if, what if, with the next project, Kuaiguang Group hits the bottom and rebounds?

What if you cooperate with them now and directly become the victim of a high-level takeover?

Therefore, many people are still in a state of mind that they want to follow up on Kuaiguang Group, but are afraid of losing all their money.

What's more, the science fiction theme in the domestic market is almost completely blank now, and everyone's discussions can only revolve around stereotypes.

"Ah, is Kuaiguang Group also going to play with science fiction themes?"

"How much money did "Black Robe Inspection Team" make them? Do they have enough funds?"

"Unless I plan to make a bad movie like "Titanic 2" again, I feel that the shooting cost will not be too low."

"It's definitely not the case. Haven't you noticed yet? If it's a normal movie, the Kuaiguang Group will do it personally. If it's a weird movie, it will be distributed by their shelter company."

"Yes, normal movies and funny movies should belong to two completely different departments in their group, with almost no overlap..."

"Does this mean that Kuaiguang Group is going to make a truly hard science fiction movie this time? Then it comes back to the old question, do they have enough funds? Don't make a mess because of cost issues!"

"Indeed, I personally feel that hard science fiction themes pay more attention to that indescribable 'future sense' than other themes. If it is not handled well, it can easily destroy the sense of substitution."

"Brother, what's the point of worrying about funding? There are banks and loans now. For such a big company, is it not easy to get some money together?"

"It's definitely not a problem to raise money. What if the movie accidentally fails? Wouldn't their entire company collapse immediately?"

"This is other people's business, you don't have to worry about it. All the audience has to do is taste whether the movie is good or not."

"It's hard to say, but Yuefu is pretty good. It has more directors and actors, and the script is written by a great author. Isn't it a hit?"

"I still believe in this company. I haven't missed every movie!"

"Haha, I'm not optimistic about it. Anyone who knows a little bit about science fiction themes can hardly be optimistic."


Looking at the discussion on the online social platform, Yang Ruoqian nodded lightly - as he expected, at this stage, although a small number of companies and investors completely believed in Mr. Yang who should not be believed, most people still Maintain a spectator attitude.

After all, the movie just said it would start filming, without even a trailer or inside information.

It is equivalent to an empty land where high-rise buildings are said to be built. There is not even a shadow of the foundation. It is difficult for people to pay for it just by talking about it in ppt.

"No, this example doesn't seem very appropriate...forget it, that's what it means."

Mr. Yang complained and turned off the phone screen, letting go of the feeling of fear in his heart.

Now the blind trust in Kuaiguang Group has not spread to the consumer group, which I have to say is a good thing...

If because of this wave of publicity, the movie is hyped before it even starts filming, it will make people look bad.

No...can't comfort myself.

As soon as the fluke came out, Yang Ruoqian immediately stopped this unsafe behavior.

In the third quarter, be sure to avoid any surprises!

Aren't there going to be speeches after the award ceremony? Aren’t there still interviews with various reporters? We must take advantage of this great opportunity to lower the audience's expectations for "The Wandering Blue Star" and even lower their impression of the film.

After finishing his draft, Yang Ruoqian walked into the elevator and walked to the door of the auditorium on the third floor of the hotel.

But who would have expected that the entrance to the auditorium and the entrance to the hotel would also be crowded with people.

In order to make the auditorium look less empty and awkward, Yang Ruoqian specially invited some celebrities and found some support...

All in all, these people were able to fill about 70% of the seats in the auditorium.

However, the current situation of the award ceremony is a little "small deviation" from what Mr. Yang had imagined before.

Because there were so many people, many people came here to check in in advance, grab seats in advance, and occupy the seats that originally belonged to the guests.

Fortunately, the VIP seats will have the names of celebrities on the seats in those seats. On this occasion, there will still be no people occupying seats that do not belong to them...

The problem is that the ordinary seats that are not VIP seats do not have names written on them.

Anyone who is present can sit down, first come first served, anyone who is late will be unlucky.

Now, the space in the auditorium, which was occupied by 70% of the seats, seemed not to be sufficient.

Chengyu Media's publicity and connections will more or less attract some viewers or business friends, plus a post that caused an uproar on Weibo...

Even before the official start of the awards ceremony, the auditorium was already packed except for the VIP seats.

Some of the trustees who planned to check in at the designated spot and clock in for work stared at each other outside the auditorium, mingling with the real audience who really wanted to enter the auditorium to have a look, which looked extremely funny.

Wearing expensive clothes, the caretakers who could neither enter nor leave were filled with tears in their hearts.

No, brother, since there are so many people attending this crappy award ceremony, why do you bother to ask for help?

It’s not an internet celebrity milk tea check-in spot, it requires long lines of people to enhance the atmosphere!

What's the use of finding so many people!

Do you have too much money and no place to spend it?

Although to find this kind of helper, you only need to visit the job market in Rijie and you can hire it for a whole day at an extremely low price, but the number is huge, and in order to maintain the grandeur of the ceremony, Yang Ruoqian deliberately paid more money to let They tidied up their appearance.

The clothes on my body are also expensive.

Spend so much money, and for what?

In order for them to stand outside the auditorium and not be able to get in?

Even if you invite the door god, you don’t need to invite so many people!

Yang Ruoqian looked at the crowded scene and sighed helplessly, feeling that no matter what he did, there would always be surprises that made people laugh or cry.

"Hi... uh, is there anyone? Who is the person in charge here?"

Just when Yang Ruoqian was about to squeeze into the auditorium, an inconspicuous voice came from behind. The voice was soft and soft, and would be quickly swallowed up in a noisy place.

But Yang Ruoqian was reminded by this voice.


As the organizer of the event, Yang Ruoqian seems to have not arranged enough on-site staff!

This was not because he was negligent - after all, in his imagination, all the people who came to the award ceremony were invited by themselves, and what they should do before entering and what they should do after entering the ceremony had been clearly explained.

With only one or two on-site staff responsible for deployment and coordination, the entire auditorium can be in order.

Recruiting more staff can indeed increase expenses, but Yang Ruoqian's energy at that time was focused on how to make the award ceremony grander, and he did not explain such trivial matters in detail.

As the real top person in charge, looking at the chaotic scene in front of him, Mr. Yang, whose life was not easy, sighed, looked back at the girl who spoke, and said: "I should be the one, what can I do for you?"

The girl is not tall, quiet and pretty. She wears fashionable clothes and popular accessories, and has a very good temperament.

"Hello, Mr. Yang, I'm here to receive the award... I just can't squeeze into the auditorium, I'm really sorry!"

Yang Ruoqian looked at the girl's appearance and his expression was stunned: "Are you the user who won the lottery?"

He expressed doubts at this time, not because he was surprised that the winner could recognize him - everyone could accurately find the two bosses who came as guest stars in the short clips in the movie. How could he not recognize them in real life?

Unlike celebrities, Yang Ruoqian doesn't have any idol baggage and doesn't wear heavy makeup for photoshopped looks when filming.

There will not be two images online and offline.

It's just... He vaguely remembered that the ID that won the award at that time was called "Get up and look at beautiful women and reward yourself fiercely", and it was also an abstract user with the avatar of a fat man with chest hair?

In Mr. Yang's impression, there is a 80% chance that this user is a big guy who picks his feet.

In order for the prizes to be truly distributed, Kuaiguang Group, the organizer of the event, will of course verify the user's personal information.

But small things like this are usually left to the people under your command to complete.

Yang Ruoqian was only thinking about how to spend money and how to make the award ceremony bigger. The status of a winner had little to do with him.

So when he saw the ID, he just smiled and handed over the specific matters to his subordinates.

But now, such a soft-spoken, pretty, quiet girl actually says that she is the winner? !

Is this the huge gap between online dating and dating?

Yang Ruoqian was stunned for a moment and blurted out: "I'm sorry, are you the user whose ID is 'Get up and watch the beautiful women and reward yourself'?"

"Get up and watch the beautiful woman and reward yourself hard." When the lady heard the name, she directly covered her face with her palms and said in a pleading voice: "Mr. Yang, I beg you, don't mention this ID, okay? I'm dead now." Got it!"

"My roommates all know my ID!"

God knows what kind of horrific "Internet violence" Yu Jingyu received after it was announced that she had won the award.

Even though everyone doesn't know what she looks like offline, this ID alone is enough to earn a lot of laughter from netizens.

For Yu Jingyu, this is not a prize, it is simply an execution scene.

If the prize wasn't a bit big, she really didn't want to embarrass this person by attending the event.

She originally participated in this event just for fun - "Black Robe Inspection Team" is so popular and the prizes are so good, there must be a lot of people participating in the event.

Besides, she didn’t have much background and didn’t know the big shots, so guessing the guest role was all based on intuition, which was just random guessing.

I didn’t even think about winning the award!

As a top model who can't even win another bottle, who would have thought that luck would really turn out this time!

So Miss Yu Jingyu's shameful ID was published.

The "enthusiastic netizen" who used this ID to run rampant on the Internet and major social media was forced to quit and be forced to die because of a ridiculous activity.

"Oh oh oh... I'm sorry." Yang Ruoqian always kept in mind the identity of his big boss and resisted the urge to laugh on the spot, "What do you call him?"

Yu Jingyu looked resentful: "My name is Yu Jingyu..."

"Okay, come in with me. There is a special seat for you." Yang Ruoqian nodded, "It's in the front row, in the middle VIP seat. Your online name is written on it."

In order to protect the privacy information of the winners and to be more open and transparent...the event organizers decided to use the winners' online names instead of their real names at the event.

Thinking of this, Yang Ruoqian mourned for this girl for three seconds in his heart.

It takes some talent to successfully create an awards ceremony that dissatisfies presenters, winners, onlookers, and organizers.

Yu Jingyu: "...can I change it?"

"It seems it's too late." Yang Ruoqian looked at the time and replied.


After seven or eight minutes, everyone was basically seated and the awards ceremony officially began.

"First of all, thank you to Kuaiguang Group, thank you to Mr. Yang, thank you..."

"Our company is a..."

"Positive, hard-working and conscientious..."

"Lively, cheerful, enthusiastic and active..."


The host held a thick speech book, and after a series of long and hypnotic nonsense that made her mouth dry, she finally turned to the last page.

“Next, let’s warmly welcome the protagonist of this event, Ms. ‘Get up, watch the beauty and reward yourself’ to come to the stage to receive the award!”

All I can say is that he is indeed a professional host, and he did not laugh when he read this kind of thing.

"Let's applaud her!"

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