Xiao Liu Film Studio.

"Boss, it's okay. The number of views has reached a new high this time!"

Liu Bi stared intently at the background of his account and nodded gently: "No one expected that Shelter Company's movie could be produced so quickly... Fortunately, we worked overtime to get the manuscript out."

"Quickness is second, and the key is that they can take advantage of other people's promotions. The promotion team of "Pacific Rim 2" was afraid that everyone was numb, so they spent a lot of money, and the result was to promote other people's movies."

"They released a promotional video and a trailer, and they were preparing to warm up the movie, but the shelter company took advantage of this gap to shoot a copycat version. I'm so happy."

"A lot of people who don't know the truth were so stupid that they went to watch this bad movie. They also wonder why it was so poorly made and why it was a Chinese movie, hahaha..."

At this point, everyone couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere in the entire studio was filled with joy.

A few days ago, when the three of them huddled together to watch "Atlantic Rim", they had the same happy atmosphere.

This movie... the picture cannot be said to be bad, it can be said to be unsightly.

It's so unsightly that it makes people laugh.

A monster that didn't even pick out the corners of the picture rushed out of the fake sea and ran rampant among a bunch of plastic buildings - even the sharper ones can see a zipper on the monster's back!

After the city was destroyed for a while, a bunch of giant "mechas" made of paper shells and glue fell from the sky, trampled on several more "buildings", and then struggled with the monster. The scene was as fierce as a fight between elementary school students.

Whether it's a monster fighting a mecha, or a mecha fighting a monster, all the movements are weak and weak. Sometimes just a slight touch will fly hundreds of meters away, which makes people laugh.

As for the sound of the collision between the two parties, it was a small flaw like a recording of pots and pans being thrown on the ground, and Liu Bi was too lazy to complain about it.

But... no matter how good the quality of the movie is, its popularity is there, and so are the videos using it as material.

Liu Bi shook his head and said with emotion: "Since we followed the Kuaiguang Group, our income has skyrocketed..."

"Yes, with their speed of film production and profitability, not only the lower-level entertainment practitioners benefit, but also those of us who are film critics."

"It can be seen from the number of views that the audience really likes this kind of movie review video that has a program effect."


Jingle Bell……

The three of them were chatting happily when an old-fashioned mobile phone on the table next to them suddenly rang a harsh ringtone.

"Did someone call? Is it a work call?"

Liu Bi stood up with some confusion, picked up the phone and looked at it. It was a very unfamiliar call.

After thinking for a moment, he clicked the connect button and then clicked the hands-free button.

"Hello? This is Xiao Liu Film Studio."

A very sweet and professional customer service voice came from the other end of the receiver: "Hello, Mr. Liu, we are the headquarters of Kuaiguang Group. Are you available now?"

Hearing this voice, Liu Bi subconsciously wanted to hang up the phone directly.

Either selling insurance or promoting financial products!

But... after the words "Kuoguang Group" appeared, Liu Bi stopped his fingers from hanging up.

Kuaiguang Group’s phone number?

But doesn’t the boss of Kuaiguang Group have his own personal contact information? Why do you still need to make a work call?

This doubt had just arisen, and Liu Bi had the answer himself.

A large group like this must be divided into many departments and have many different businesses. It is very likely that the person who came to visit this time is only one department of the group.

Of course they won't bother their boss over such a trivial matter...

After all, he is the big boss who enjoys the food. Liu Bi's tone immediately became polite: "Oh! He is from the Kuaiguang Group. It's easy to talk to. What can I do?"

"It's like this. The group wants to invite three people to Jinhai City to discuss more in-depth value-added cooperation between the two parties in the future. Don't you know we have this honor?"

The three people in the studio looked at each other and saw surprise in their eyes.

Deeper value-added cooperation? !

Was this directly recruited by the Kuaiguang Group?

Although there was a certain degree of cooperation between the two parties before, it was limited to one project and one movie, and there was no long-term relationship between the two parties.

After adding Yang Ruoqian's WeChat account, Liu Bi never took the initiative to contact him - as someone who has worked in society for so long, he understands the value of this kind of connections best.

It is definitely a life-saving super rare resource.

Unless absolutely necessary, we will never use it unless we can.

Now...Kuguang officials actually came directly to the door?

Liu Bi felt like money was being dropped from the sky, and he excitedly grabbed the phone into his hand: "You are so polite, we are free, we are so free! Just tell us the time!"

The girl at the front desk glanced at the lines that Yang Ruoqian sent to her, and continued to read out with a smile: "How about tomorrow? We will take care of the three people's food, clothing, housing and transportation for the next few days, as long as you come over."

"Tomorrow, right? No problem, we'll get ready when we have time!"

"Okay, look forward to our meeting. What are you going to do next?"

"Too polite, too polite..."


Toot toot…

After repeatedly confirming that he hung up the phone, Liu Bicai clenched his fists excitedly, turned around and said to his colleagues: "What a surprise from heaven!"

Another colleague also nodded excitedly: "The official has contacted us directly. What kind of treatment is this? Will we be able to get a bowl of rice directly from Kuaiguang Group in the future?"

Even though they are currently doing film reviews smoothly, they actually rely entirely on the platform to make a living. A small change can easily destroy their jobs.

Moreover, the trend in the entertainment industry changes very quickly. If you fail to grasp the trend, it will easily collapse completely.

Once you get involved with a wealthy person like Kuai Guang Group, are you still afraid that you won't be able to grasp the trend of the entertainment industry in the future?

Even if you can't control the direction of the entire entertainment industry, you can at least control the direction of the resources under the Kuaiguang Group.

"But...Boss, we have a video to make recently. How can we make a video after we go to Jinhai?"

"What are you afraid of? We'll do it over there! If it doesn't work, just the three of us will show up first, and then you can continue doing it in the hotel. You two don't like to go out much anyway."


"Should we make a post? It's so honorable to be invited as a guest by Kuaiguang officials."

Liu Bi cursed: "What a fart... Look at our backstage, how many up owners have contacted us and asked us to help connect people with the Kuaiguang Group to say good things. Do you think I dare to agree?"

"We pretended to be dead in the background, and the front desk sent another message that the Kuaiguang Group invited us to dinner. Aren't we afraid of being attacked by a group of people?"

"If you pretend to be dead, just pretend to be dead. No matter what news you post, this matter must be covered to death!"

"That's right..."

"Mr. Yang, Liu Bi has agreed that he can come over tomorrow. How will the food, accommodation, transportation and travel be arranged specifically?"

Yang Ruoqian, who was always staring at his phone, felt relieved.

In the past, he would definitely not have cared about these two days and had to let others rush over.

But Shelter Company's movie production speed is really too fast. Yang Ruoqian is afraid that if he delays his work for a few more days, he will throw out a new movie and make millions, and Liu Bi will spread rumors. …

Thinking about it, it feels too outrageous.

When did it take life and death to prevent something like making money?

Yang Ruoqian thought for a while and replied: "Basic food, clothing, housing and transportation...Didn't we receive an interview group last time? How they are treated, Liu Bi and his group are treated as well."

It is important to let Liu Bi and these three people go through the pain that others have experienced again.

"Okay, Mr. Yang. What about the event schedule?"

As soon as the question was asked, Yang Ruoqian's mind flashed to the scene of Liu Bi making videos for bad movies like "Titanic 2" and "Atlantic" all night long.

Don’t you like watching bad movies?

Then let you see enough!

Yang Ruoqian gritted his teeth and smiled: "The schedule is very simple... As creators, we always need to share inspiration with each other. Find dozens of trash movies, find a luxurious little black room, lock them in, and let them Immerse yourself in how we find inspiration.”

"Of course, we won't waste their time. As long as Liu Bi and the others insist on watching bad movies at double speed in the dark room every day, we will give them 1,000 yuan a day as compensation."

"You have to watch it in a small dark room every day! You can't double the speed, sleep, or leave midway!"

Just arrange a Hongmen banquet for Liu Bi and let him feel the same pain as Mr. Yang.

After the bombardment of this wave of bad movies ends, let’s see how Liu Bi can post videos in the future and brag about the pile of bad movies.

What kind of purifier in the entertainment industry, what kind of outlet for all low-level artists...

I just wanted to make a bad movie, so don’t make trouble again!

These people who don’t know the truth must be allowed to see clearly the true face of Kuang Guang!

The young lady made a note of it, and then asked: "Okay, Mr. Yang, do you have any other arrangements?"

"That's all for now. I'll let you know when I think of it. Do you have any other questions?"

Generally speaking, when Yang Ruoqian asks this kind of question, it means the call is over, and he can hang up the phone with a polite "No more".

Then the front desk will inform the operation, and the operation will be responsible for the specific arrangements...

But this time, the lady at the front desk hesitated and didn't answer immediately.

Yang Ruoqian was keenly aware of this change. Without waiting for the front desk to say anything, he immediately asked: "Why don't you say anything? Is there anything else?"

The lady at the front desk hesitated for a while, then said weakly: "Mr. Yang...I, I have a suggestion, I don't know whether I should say it?"

"Just say it, Kueiguang Group doesn't have so many weird rules."

"That's it...you can actually find an assistant to help you make contacts in this regard. All you need to do is give the assistant instructions."

When she said this, the girl at the front desk seemed to have used up all her courage - before, she would have never had the guts to tell the leader about this slightly out-of-bounds personnel arrangement.

Yang Ruoqian was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled happily and asked teasingly: "What's wrong? Do you want a promotion and a salary increase? Is the salary not enough?"

When the girl at the front desk heard this, she denied it repeatedly: "No, no, Mr. Yang, you misunderstood... How can I have that ability? I just always see you answering the phone and arranging tasks in person. It feels a bit different from what you do in the TV series." , I’m just giving you a suggestion! Just think I’m talking too much!”

Although she envied those secretaries or assistants who had high salaries and could work directly with their bosses, she also knew that this job was by no means as easy as it seemed.

We need to properly handle a lot of things, make the boss's arrangements in order, contact all parties, help the boss make the most efficient schedule, etc...

It's definitely not just a beautiful woman in a TV series who just sticks it out.

This kind of work requires extremely high skills. A small mistake can easily cause huge chaos. At that time, I am afraid that I will be directly fired and held accountable, and I will not even be able to keep my current job at the front desk.

Unless they are rushing to climb into the boss's bed, no sane person would take the initiative to take on a job that he is not qualified for.

But Kuiguang Group...does not have such evil tendencies.

Yang Ruoqian nodded slightly: "What you said makes sense. I'll think about it when I have time. You can continue your work."

"Okay Mr. Yang!"

After saying this, the front desk hurriedly hung up the phone.

It's not that Yang Ruoqian hasn't thought about the assistant secretary thing, but in the past, the company didn't have too many things to do, so he just let Chang Zhiqing take on the role concurrently.

Later, the group grew bigger and bigger, and Chang Zhiqing had more and more work on her hands, and she gradually became unable to take care of so many tasks.

Yang Ruoqian himself was always busy with big projects. He was used to being a boss without a secretary or assistant in his previous life, so he forgot about this.

Now that I think about it, it is indeed a bit inappropriate for the boss of such a large group to do everything personally.

"Well... now that Liu Bi has agreed to come to Kuaiguang Group, he can publicize this matter."

"Send a signal to the outside world that Liu Bi Films has been acquired by Kuaiguang Group, so that his future videos will be less convincing..."

At that time, let the operation arrange more manpower, snap a few photos, and send them to the company's official Weibo B station account with a high-profile copywriting.

This is tantamount to "officially announcing" the relationship between the two parties.

Yang Ruoqian himself is a surfing expert, and he also has his own private Weibo account, Bilibili account, etc., but he has never been officially certified. No one knows that the person behind this account is the boss of Kuaiguang Group.

After all, Yang Ruoqian has no intention of becoming an Internet celebrity...

He still understands the reason why there are so many famous people - look at Shang Qianyu. He used to go out and hang out casually, and even found time to watch a movie with himself.

What now?

You have to wear a mask even when you go out, otherwise you will be watched and photographed by passers-by every minute, chased and asked here and there, making it difficult to walk.

Not to mention things like watching a movie with the boss of your own company. Scandals are flying everywhere every minute.

Those paparazzi didn't care whether Wen Ruoxiu was around or not, or how far apart the two people were. They just started a picture and made up all the content.

Although Yang Ruoqian's appearance is not a secret and can be found by anyone who is interested, basically no news about him has leaked out.

The popularity is not high, so even if the photos leak out, it won't hurt.

Yang Ruoqian had no interest in a life where he couldn't do anything he wanted and everyone was watching his every word and deed.

"It's almost time to get off work... Just go home and think about how you will torture Liu Bi and the other three tomorrow!"

Dozens of minutes later, Yang Ruoqian and Chang Zhiqing returned home together.

After casually eating, Yang Ruoqian picked up his mobile phone and began to search through the vast sea of ​​movies for the trash he would throw to Liu Bi tomorrow.

Yang Ruoqian had to screen such an important matter personally, otherwise he wouldn't be at ease.

"What are you watching?" Chang Zhiqing came over from the side and glanced at Yang Ruoqian's phone, "Looking for a movie?"

Yang Ruoqian turned the phone away and nodded: "Yes... do you want to watch it together?"

"Why are the ratings so low?"

"Low ratings are not a problem." Yang Ruoqian scrolled down the movies, "None of Shelter Company's movies have high ratings, so don't they still make money?"

Chang Zhiqing squeezed Yang Ruoqian's shoulder hard: "You are still thinking about work when you get home? At this stage of the group, some things can be left to your subordinates."

"Watching bad movies isn't all work." Yang Ruoqian hid to the side and defended, "Weren't you also in the bad movie challenge at our last class reunion? How fun?"

Chang Zhiqing thought for a while and felt that this was indeed the case, so she nodded lightly: "Okay, then you can choose a bad movie and let's watch it together tonight."

Watching it together... is not impossible.

It just so happened that Yang Ruoqian was not interested in the bunch of covers with rough workmanship and poor picture quality that made him not want to click on them at first glance.

Asking Chang Zhiqing to help choose movies, he could make her happy and throw this job away at the same time. It was a wonderful move that killed two birds with one stone.

Alas, after being together for a long time, everyone is skinny!

This is the feeling of childhood sweethearts, college classmates and an old married couple...

Yang Ruoqian pushed the phone over: "How about you come and choose? See which movie you are interested in?"

"Should I choose?" Chang Zhiqing took the phone and frowned slightly, "I'm not very interested in these..."

Yang Ruoqian, who didn't want to work, immediately encouraged him: "It's okay. When watching a bad movie, you have to watch it with the mentality of having fun. Just pick one that you like."

Chang Zhiqing lowered her head and remained silent, slowly flipping through the list of bad movies.

After a few minutes, she pointed to one of the thriller movies and asked, "What do you think of this one?"

Yang Ruoqian glanced at it and said perfunctorily: "It's okay. This cover suits your taste? Or do you want to watch a suspense-themed movie?"

Chang Zhiqing scratched the legs of the leading actress on the movie cover with her fingernails, and exclaimed: "No, this girl's legs are quite long, I quite like it!"

"...Old Chang, you are a little bit down!"

ps: Stop doubting that I can be a eunuch! My updates are still very stable! Reading the comments, there are so many people who are afraid that I will become a eunuch... (End of this chapter)

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