I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 276 I hope the official can increase the price

"All the concert tickets were sold out just 5 minutes after they were put on the shelves?" Yang Ruoqian looked at the data on the table and sighed with lingering fear.

Nowadays, most popular concert tickets are basically sold out in three seconds. The five-minute sell-out seems much worse, but everyone knows the secret...

Dragon Phoenix Legend’s concert tickets are completely free of scalpers.

In other words, all buyers are real buyers!

It was unexpected for many people to sell well to such an extent.

"Fortunately, I only increased the price a little bit. This is called foresight." Yang Ruoqian turned off the report, "Haha, I feel that a large number of them came here just for the so-called mysterious product purchase rights..."

I wonder what these people will think when they know that the so-called mysterious products are discs with slightly more exquisite packaging.

Are you afraid that you will jump up and curse?

Yang Ruoqian took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Spark Records: "Huang Wei, did the group's operations arrange work for you yesterday? How is your work going?"

Huang Wei: "Mr. Yang, we are still talking...but the cost cannot be reduced. Now the disc market is different from before. It has shrunk very badly. If the scale cannot be increased, the cost cannot be reduced. It may be necessary to More budget on your end.”

Yang Ruoqian was happy when he saw the news: "Don't worry, the budget is enough, you just talk about the numbers."

The higher the cost, the happier he is.

Huang Wei hesitated for a moment and typed: "Mr. Yang, in fact, we have done so much before and know some manufacturers. Although they are not well-known, the quality is okay and the charges are not high. There is no need to completely outsource."

When the company received the notice yesterday afternoon, it held a meeting in a state of emergency. All think tanks had an active discussion on Yang Ruoqian's order, fully exchanged each other's opinions, and gained many achievements worthy of attention.

To put it in simpler terms, we just talked for a long time and did not discuss the reason at all.

If the group wants to outsource, it can outsource it itself. What does it mean to leave it to them?

Could it be that... Mr. Yang wants to borrow the network resources that Spark Records has accumulated in the past?

I would like to ask if there are any cheaper manufacturers?

Yang Ruoqian: "No, just choose the most expensive one, the most famous one in the industry. Cost is not an issue, but it must be foolproof, you know?"

At that time, the 888 plates will not be sold, and they will all be lost to themselves, which will be another huge loss!

Judging from the current situation, as long as there are no accidents, or even major accidents, even if the box office of "Wandering Blue Star" can really maintain the level of "Black Robe Inspection Team", it will definitely lose money this quarter!

But...how is this possible?

"Wandering Blue Star" is Yang Ruoqian's imitation of "Magic City Fortress" with the greatest and most careful attitude.

Even if someone goes to see this movie because of the name of Kuai Guang Group, they will definitely shout that they were fooled, and the box office will definitely not be any better in the end.

The share of income from champion skins and the comprehensive income from various industries will definitely not be able to compare with the horrific expenses of film investment and aircraft operation in this quarter.

Under the premise of ensuring losses, according to the rule that 10% of the system's losses will be subsidized by 10% of the losses, of course Yang Ruoqian will raise the costs as high as possible.

Huang Wei had no idea what Yang Ruoqian wanted to do, so he could only reply mechanically: "Okay, Mr. Yang, I'm contacting you now..."

The problem of external ticket sales for the concert was almost settled. Yang Ruoqian closed Huang Wei's chat box and called Wei Ling again.

Now it’s time to ask the fans if there were any surprises with the group tickets.

"Boss Yang? Business hasn't been busy lately?" Wei Ling made a joke as soon as she answered the phone.

"I have been busy with your business recently." Yang Ruoqian also laughed, "I have good news for you. The tickets for the concert are very popular, and they were all sold out in one day."

Five minutes is also within a day. There is nothing wrong with Yang Ruoqian's words.

Wei Ling spoke in a relaxed tone: "Boss Yang, you are so humble...the news from the support group only lasted five minutes."

To be honest, even though the two of Dragon and Phoenix Legend have gone through so many ups and downs, seen many big scenes, and had successes and failures, after all, it is the first concert in their lives, and a little bit of nervousness and anticipation is still unavoidable.

Now that the concert ticket sales have come out, it is far beyond their expectations. It is impossible to say that they are unhappy.

"Support group?" Yang Ruoqian was stunned for a moment, "As a singer, you also join the support group?"

Generally speaking, this kind of group is organized voluntarily by fans. If you can invite the celebrity's agent or a staff member of the studio, it will be great, and it can be called "official"!

Is it possible that Wei Ling took the initiative to join this kind of support group?

Aren’t you afraid of being exploded by @’s mentality?

"That's definitely not the case, but we still have spies in those big groups." Wei Ling chuckled, "Sometimes the fans' behavior has to be paid for by celebrities, so try to avoid it if you can."

"Also, Boss Yang, the company has really helped us too much. It's completely unnecessary... If the tickets for this concert are sold at this price, we shouldn't make much money, right?"

After saying that, Wei Ling reiterated in a dumbfounded voice: "We two can really make money, why do we feel like you are taking care of us like you are taking care of children?"

The two have performed a lot, and they know that this income may not be enough to cover their performance fees and venue costs.

But the problem is...as long as they follow the default rules in the industry, they will definitely make money from this performance!

Mr. Yang, why do you need to do this?

Yang Ruoqian said seriously: "That will hurt the fan base. A scalper ticket can easily increase the price by three to four hundred yuan. They must have a lot of opinions."

"Boss Yang, you think fans don't have much opinion now." Wei Ling smiled bitterly, "There is not a single ticket on the second-hand market now, and there are not enough fan group tickets to sell. Many people have great opinions."

"They said that we sold the tickets so cheaply that they were sold out in a few minutes. Real fans couldn't buy a single ticket, and they couldn't buy them from scalpers. They didn't know how to spend their money..."

"Many people hope that when we sell tickets in the future, we can raise the price a little higher, otherwise there will be too many people buying and they won't be able to buy them. They also said that they are not short of these few hundred yuan..."

"Boss Yang, it's not just one or two fans who say this, but a large number of fans who ask for it. They hope that the ticket price can be set higher next time, or that some special seats with particularly high prices can be provided."

I hope the price is a little higher, and I don’t miss these few hundred dollars... and let’s get a special seat with a particularly high price? !

Good guy, today's young people are already so powerful, don't you think things are sold too cheap?

When there are scalpers, you scold the scalpers. When there are no scalpers, you scold the official ticket price for being too low to buy. How can I be satisfied with the service?

However, after thinking about it carefully, Yang Ruoqian probably understood the reason.

It is simply that demand and supply are too unbalanced, and the number of concert seats is far less than the number of people who want to watch the concert.

The stadium is only so big, so it’s impossible to expand the stadium just for a concert, right?

Even if the stadium can really be expanded, the range that the concert can cover is always limited. If the distance is too far, the sense of atmosphere will be lost.

To solve this problem, there is actually only one way - to increase the price.

Until the price rises to the point where some people give up buying, demand becomes lower and lower, balancing supply.

However, Yang Ruoqian had already known the organizer's considerations before. If the official ticket prices for concerts between different singers differed too much, it would probably lead to the organizer being supplied by fans of one party.

The fighting power of celebrity fans is a bit too strong, and it is unwise to provoke them.

So they can only rely on scalpers to increase prices to balance this supply and demand...

Forcibly selling at a low price will also offend those customers who are willing to pay a high price but cannot buy it at all.

Raising prices also offends people, and cutting prices also offends people. It's nothing more than so many celebrities simply lying flat and leaving everything to the invisible hands of the market.

Yang Ruoqian understood this truth, but he didn't want to change it at all. He said directly: "If I can't grab it, I can only blame my slow speed. How can I blame the low ticket price?"

"Where is it cheaper? The price has been the same for so many years. Let them sometimes look for their own reasons. Is it because wages have risen too fast in the past few years?"

"If there is no price increase, it is absolutely impossible to increase the price. At this price, I can't buy it and come back next time! Instead of complaining about the low price of the product, it is better to practice more and improve your hand speed."

"Okay, that's it. If you have any questions over there, ask me."

After saying that, Yang Ruoqian hung up the phone and lay down on the sofa chair.

In fact...it is difficult for Yang Ruoqian to decide the ticket prices for Legend of Dragon and Phoenix's next concert.

This loss is just a one-time deal and cannot be regarded as a sustainable business.

After all, everyone can see how popular the tickets for Dragon and Phoenix Legend were during the first concert. As long as the organizer is not stupid, it is impossible to hand over the tickets to the Kuaiguang Group to sell them again.

Unless the Kuaiguang Group builds its own stadium in the future and allows its own artists to perform at its own venue, then it can completely take over the rights to ticket sales.

But Yang Ruoqian currently has no plans to carry out major construction projects... As for the sports business, the system is not open yet.

Opening investment stadiums across the country just for the concerts of one's own artists will not be included in the quarterly profit and loss statistics.

"The business scope allowed by the system is still limited to the entertainment industry and its extensions, and has not expanded to the entire entertainment industry..."

"It doesn't matter. Although Kuaiguang Group has a lot of money now, its financial resources are really not big."

After all the calculations, there are only two works that have actually been put on the stage, and there are only four or five artists that have been produced under the banner.

There are many projects that can be developed in the future.

Thinking about it this way, it is indeed time to recruit another artist into the company. Shang Qianyu, a little fool, cannot lose much money at all...

Even if you are not careful, it may bring a lot of unnecessary profits to the company.

Fortunately, this time she was assigned to the crew of "Wandering Blue Star"...

"Just in time, I would like to ask the Human Resources Department how the recruitment of administrative secretaries is progressing. Let them help me find new artists."

While looking for Lu Shuyuan's name, Yang Ruoqian sighed: "I'm so busy. I've contacted three people in just this morning. Alas. As diligent as I am, the deposit in my bank card now is only a mere four hundred. Wan, is this ridiculous?"

"Xiao Lu, last time I asked you to help me find an administrative secretary assistant. How is the progress now?"

Lu Shuyuan: "Mr. Yang, we have almost found one. After preliminary discussions, we all think one of them is very good. How about I show it to you?"

Yang Ruoqian attaches great importance to this assistant who must be able to convey his meaning accurately: "Let's talk about it and take a look together."

An unprofessional assistant who even dictates the boss's decision-making without authorization is too hellish. Even from a comprehensive perspective, such an assistant may reduce the efficiency of some companies...

But from Yang Ruoqian's personal point of view, he really didn't want to have such a person jumping around in front of him.

It’s hard to say whether it can really cause problems for the company, but it’s true that it makes you upset just by looking at it.

It is really unnecessary to attract people who will cause trouble for you because of an uncertain loss of function.

Lu Shuyuan quickly sent a resume with a short introduction: "This person's name is Qi Mu. She has 3 years of experience in the industry. We asked her several questions and her performance was excellent."

Yang Ruoqian nodded while reading his resume: "Tell me the specific questions you asked."

Lu Shuyuan explained: "They are all specific cases that have happened in the company, as well as more classic orders that you have personally issued."

"For example, when we purchased a constant-temperature swimming pool... Qimu's approach is to detail the various costs, possible expenses, and expected passenger flow of a constant-temperature swimming pool, and then confirm the order with you."

"If you are sure, she will pass on the order word for word."

"If other departments have work to report to you, she will first check the authenticity of these reports and fill in the gaps at the data level. If there are no problems, she will hand them over intact."

"If there is a problem, she will submit the original report and the changed report to you..."

"Taken together, he is very professional, and I also have enough understanding of the entertainment industry."

Yang Ruoqian looked at Qi Mu's resume and nodded gently, feeling that this person was indeed good.

My knowledge is broad enough that I can present specific data as long as I propose an idea, and I don’t make my own decisions. Whatever the boss says is what I want...

No matter how outrageous this order seems, she will only report data, confirm, and execute three things.

It is indeed very worry-free and is an ideal administrative secretary assistant.

"Okay, I'm all in love with you then." Yang Ruoqian decided directly, "Send her an employment notice and ask her when she can come to work in the group." (End of Chapter)

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