Even if you look at it purely with an admiring look, Chang Zhiqing's figure is completely indescribable - her waist is slender and manageable, her legs are perfect, if there is less, she will look like a bamboo pole, if there is too much, she will be too plump.

The rather gravity-defying tallness and the face that was recognized by the whole school as beautiful in college together form a visual feast.

Feeling the slight touch of silk on his legs, Mr. Yang reached out to help Chang Zhiqing, who was unbuttoning, take off her stiletto heels. He smiled and said, "Why don't you take off your shoes? Do you want me to use them as a handle?"

After being together for so long, the two have already become an old married couple, and this kind of joke can basically happen casually.

Sister Chang Zhiqing put her face a little closer: "I just like the way you act like a gangster but not completely..."

In this kind of matter, Yang Ruoqian is definitely not to be outdone: "Aren't you also a big talker? Your strength and words are at least two levels apart. When have you lasted more than ten minutes?"


The tightly closed sun visor prevented the blazing sunlight from outside the plane from finding a way to get through.

The plane suddenly bumped.

"Ding...there is airflow ahead, please passengers..."

Yang Ruoqian had a good rest last night, and the slight feeling of weightlessness directly woke him up from his sleep.

"I'll go, I slept so hard, I forgot to set the alarm clock!" Yang Ruoqian sat up from the bed, "What time is it now? You won't miss two meals directly, right?"

"Why are you so noisy so early in the morning..." Chang Zhiqing's dissatisfied voice came, "I set the alarm clock, so you won't miss the movie you have been thinking about."

After saying a few words, she turned over, pulled the fully charged mobile phone off the bedside table, and looked at the time.

"It's six o'clock in the morning Rome time, there's still half an hour... sleep a little longer, don't open the window." After that, she grabbed the thick quilt, lifted it up, and buried her face in it.

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, Yang Ruoqian heard her very slight snoring, and she obviously fell asleep directly.

"Yawn..." Yang Ruoqian paused for a few seconds, then still yawned and got up.

Anyway, he woke up, and there was only half an hour left on the alarm clock. It would take almost the same amount of time to brush his teeth, wash his face, change clothes, and order breakfast.

The bathrooms on the plane are no better than those at home. Not only are they spacious, there are two of them. Even if you are pressed for time, you can just use the bathroom in the living room alone.

Yang Ruoqian rubbed his neck, got up from the bed, went to the toilet to wash his face briefly, and even rinsed his body with water to prevent any trace of something wrong from accidentally being revealed.

Although the relationship between the two of them is public, it would still be a bit embarrassing if the traces of their tumultuous relationship were accidentally seen by so many people.

Secretaries, celebrities, partners, college classmates... It can be said that the entire social circle is outside. No matter how you say it, Yang Ruoqian is still a very particular person.

After cleaning himself and changing his clothes, Yang Ruoqian walked out of the bathroom, closed the door, and came to the coffee table next to the bed.

Here you can contact the flight attendant and have breakfast delivered directly to your room.

Just as it happened, the alarm clock set on Chang Zhiqing's phone also rang.

"What do you want to eat?" Yang Ruoqian glanced at the menu, "I'll order one for you too, so I won't eat outside."

Chang Zhiqing staggered and walked into the bathroom with bare feet: "Ah... whatever, don't use too much oil, just mainly fruits."

"Okay... let me order you a yogurt caviar and fruit platter."

I pressed the contact button on the side, and after a few seconds, the flight crew connected. The stewardess said with a smile, "Good morning, Mr. Yang. Did you sleep well this night?"

"Not bad." Yang Ruoqian stretched his slightly sore muscles and bones, "Have you made breakfast?"

"We are doing it now. Do you want us to deliver food to your room?"

"Send it over when it's ready." Yang Ruoqian glanced at the menu, "One caviar yogurt, one fruit platter, one fried salmon, one German sausage, and a glass of pure milk."

The stewardess said: "Okay, we will prepare it for you right now. It will take about ten minutes. Our lunch, dinner and dessert menu can be provided to you at any time. Do you have any needs?"

"No, just have something simple in the morning."

After all, it is a domestic eating habit. Eating cakes and desserts in the early morning is still a bit too greasy.

"Okay Mr. Yang, do you have any other requests?"

Yang Ruoqian turned his head and glanced in the direction of the bathroom, and warned again: "Knock on the door before coming in."

It would be quite embarrassing if I was caught changing clothes.

"Mr. Yang, don't worry."

"Okay, that's it for now."

"Thank you for your trust. If you have any further requirements, please feel free to contact me."

After being polite, Yang Ruoqian clicked the hangup button and then clicked the sun visor raising button on the side.

Sunlight finally poured in from the outside world and illuminated the room.

He casually unplugged the charging cable of his phone, opened the Xianyu app, and waited for it to load.

After finally going abroad for a full week, maybe I can buy some things to take back.

He doesn't plan to find a purchasing agent at Xianyu, but he can check out what's available in advance.

A second later, the page was all loaded. Yang Ruoqian was just about to enter keywords in the search box, but suddenly he saw something eye-catching.

"Huh? A limited edition autographed album by Legend of Dragon and Phoenix?!"

"What is this? The price is 19,999?! Why don't you go and grab it?!"

Yang Ruoqian clicked on the link in confusion, wanting to see what was going on.

[One copy of the pure gold version of the Legend of Dragon and Phoenix album (out of print, I personally promise not to re-release it), the album and tickets will be shipped together, ticket purchase records can be provided, the fixed price is 19,999, no bargaining is accepted, and no free shipping]

Yang Ruoqian looked at it carefully twice, and was a little bit dumbfounded: "What the hell, just snap up and buy it yourself, and you still want to be a second-rate dealer, right? Why would you be so stupid as to spend 20,000 yuan on something like this?"

“It’s only when it’s sold that there’s trouble.”

Just after finishing speaking, the purchase page suddenly refreshed automatically, and the product status changed directly to [Photographed].

Yang Ruoqian: "..."

No, does anyone really buy it? !

Can this thing really be sold?

Can the price be so high?

Thinking of this, Yang Ruoqian was suddenly shocked and broke into a cold sweat - fortunately, the decision he made at that time was to price the album at 888 to reduce sales without publicity.

Fortunately, he didn't have the guts to set the price of the album at a few thousand or even ten thousand, otherwise the money would have gone to the Kuaiguang Group again!

The price of 20,000 is just a bargain!

How many people are there in a Jinhai Gymnasium? If each person buys one copy, Mr. Yang is afraid that he will directly call the air ambulance service.

"What's wrong?" A few minutes later, Chang Zhiqing came out with light makeup. She glanced at Yang Ruoqian, who was sitting on the chair, his expression changing continuously, and asked curiously, "Have you seen any news?"

As she spoke, she took a new pair of lace-edged black stockings from the closet and put them on.

"It's nothing. Fortunately, I made the right decision, otherwise the company would have almost gone bankrupt again." Yang Ruoqian closed the Xianyu app in shock and complained.

At this time, Chang Zhiqing had already changed her clothes and bent down to pick up a high-heeled shoe: "Come on, given the current situation of the company, it is impossible to go bankrupt unless all businesses collapse at the same time... By the way, you saw my other Do you have any shoes?"

"That's the one who was the 'handle' last night. It seems to be on my side. I'll help you look for it..."

"You still say?!" Chang Zhiqing's cheeks instantly turned a light red, "Hurry and get it for me."


Chang Zhiqing had just put on her shoes when a soft doorbell sounded in the room, and the screen next to the table showed the flight attendant dialing in.

Yang Ruoqian reached out and pressed the connect button.

The voice of the flight attendant came from the speaker: "Hello, Mr. Yang, the breakfast you ordered has been prepared. Should I bring it to your room for you, or should you leave it at the door of the room and take it yourself?"

After looking at the clothes that both of them had changed, Yang Ruoqian pressed the call button and said, "Just send it to the room. I'll come and open the door."

"Okay Mr. Yang."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Ruoqian stood up and opened the door.

The stewardess pushed the dining cart in, brought the meals one by one, and introduced: "Paired with Greek yogurt and high-grade caviar, plus fresh berries, it is refreshing and relieves greasiness."

"It's salmon pan-fried in olive oil and lemon juice, served with cheese..."

"This is……"

Along with the food, toilet paper, Chinese and Western tableware, etc. were delivered.

After the introduction, the flight attendant bowed to the two of them and said with a smile, "Do you two need any additional water or alcoholic beverages?"

"No need." Yang Ruoqian didn't eat much last night, and after another night of strenuous exercise, he was already a little hungry. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, then I won't disturb you two. Please use it slowly."

The flight attendant pushed the dining cart and left the room, closing the door behind her.

The two sat opposite each other and chatted while eating breakfast.

Chang Zhiqing took a sip of the cold, silky-tasting yogurt and asked, "How is the movie coming out today? Are you confident about the box office on the first day?"

After asking, she picked up a tissue and wiped the yogurt next to the corner of her mouth.

Seeing this inexplicably familiar scene, Yang Ruoqian suppressed the strange feeling in his heart and replied: "Don't worry, we have a chance to win. Even if we fail, it won't have a big impact on us."

It can be called a movie called "Fortress 2", and it must be full of confidence.

In the past, when all kinds of good news were sent, Yang Ruoqian always felt uncomfortable while others celebrated.

This time it can finally be reversed.

Finally, I can enjoy a big meal, appreciate the sad expressions of others, and laugh at the system subsidies arriving in my account.

Of course... Yang Ruoqian still had to vaccinate Chang Zhiqing in advance.

"That's okay." Chang Zhiqing would hardly doubt Yang Ruoqian's words, and she felt relieved after hearing this, "Where is the Water City Film Festival? Is there any news? What award did we win?"

Yang Ruoqian put the last bite of food into his mouth and leaned back a little contentedly: "There is no news, but it will definitely not be a big prize... The symbolic significance is greater than the actual significance."

"Then you are still so brazen."

Of course, Mr. Yang would not say that he was looking for an excuse to spend money. He just made a random excuse: "It is also an encouragement. It is not easy for domestic films to win international awards."


After finishing their meal, the two left the room.

As soon as he walked two steps forward and reached the VIP cabin, Yang Ruoqian heard Shao Yiqi complain in a low voice: "Why is it so stuck?"


Yang Ruoqian was a little surprised that he didn't feel stuck after using WiFi for so long.

"Are you stuck?"

"Yeah, when I was playing CSGO, my teammates started shouting at me directly."

Yang Ruoqian walked away speechlessly: "...then you can just go on and take your scolding."

Today was counted as a day off, so it was okay to blatantly relax and play games.

However, the holiday is limited to employees of Kuaiguang Group. People at Chengyu Media are still required by Cheng Fei to maintain a minimum working condition, and at least have to deal with the things that must be dealt with before they can do other things.

The Internet on the plane is so smooth, and the office environment, dining environment and resting environment are all very good. How can we not take advantage of it?

As a result, two extremely strange atmospheres appeared on the plane.

Some people, represented by Shang Qianyu, were completely idle, with empty eyes, decadent and decadent in eating, drinking and having fun. If it weren't for the rules, they would have wanted to rush into the cockpit and indulge in the addiction of flying a plane.

All the equipment on the business jet is used in every possible way for entertainment.

People represented by Director An Zhou were on the other hand. Everyone was looking at their laptops and using the network on the plane to deal with various matters.

"We are obviously on the same plane, but we feel like we are in a different world..."

Yang Ruoqian complained in his mind and looked at the time. There were still two hours before the movie started. He simply took out his mobile phone and opened Landlords with Chang Zhiqing.

By the way, Shang Qianyu, who was so bored that he was starting to get moldy, was also pulled into the room.

After the two of them won hundreds of thousands of Happy Beans from a small businessman, it was finally time for the movie to premiere.

Cheng Fei also walked out at the same time and said: "Okay, okay, everyone, stop what you are doing and watch our new movie together, "The Wandering Blue Star"! This is part of the job."

The sun visor on the private jet slowly lowered, the large screen slowly rose, and a cinematic atmosphere gradually emerged.

"Ah... the movie is about to start." Shang Qianyu exited the Landlord room with some reluctance, "I also want to make another copy."

After all, she participated in the whole movie performance, and the entire plot was clearly understood, so the sense of surprise was naturally less.

It’s still fun to fight landlords!

Although the boss and his wife are very good at poker, she believes that she can make a comeback in the next game.

For this reason, Shang Qianyu has already recharged more than one million Happy Beans into the game!

Chang Zhiqing couldn't bear to continue to win against this little fool. She pinched her forehead and said, "Let's watch the movie first. There will be plenty of opportunities to play in the future."

Yang Ruoqian adjusted the direction of his seat so that he was facing the big screen, and squeezed his palms in anticipation.

If it weren't for lunch time in an hour, Yang Ruoqian would have just started eating.

As the starry sky on the plane lit up, the long-awaited picture gradually began to appear.


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