I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 295 Can you expand your overseas business?

Almost at the same time that the movie was playing on the plane, Qi Mu's phone lit up. She glanced at the message, got up and walked towards Yang Ruoqian.

Mr. Yang, who had not yet recovered from the shock of "Wandering Blue Star", immediately looked at the secretary with the most vigilant eyes.

"What's wrong?"

Qi Mu smiled and said: "Mr. Yang, Liu Bi, the person in charge of Xiao Liu Films, just sent me a message, saying that he wanted to chat with you about "The Wandering Blue Star". Are you free?"

Yang Ruoqian thought for a moment, nodded and said, "I'll use my device to chat with him."

At this time, Mr. Yang still had a little bit of luck - he worked so hard and set "Wandering Blue Star" according to the standards of "Magic City Fortress", so he couldn't find even a single shortcoming, right?

From Liu Bi's perspective as a professional film critic, he should be able to find some flaws, right?

As long as we seize on this flaw and criticize it to death, we can probably save the movie's reputation, right?

Although it is already close to the end of the month settlement date, after all, there are still several days left.

If "The Wandering Blue Star" really takes off like "The Black Robe", it will definitely be a big loss if the box office has plummeted in the past few days.

Naturally, we should press it as low as possible.

After Qi Mu returned to his seat, Yang Ruoqian took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Liu Bi: "I have watched the movie. Do you think there is anything lacking?"

Liu Bi sent a reply almost within a second: "Mr. Yang! At that time, everyone had such high expectations for this movie. To be honest, I was a little worried. Now it seems that I am too lazy to bother myself."

Yang Ruoqian squeezed the empty cup in his hand: "...I want you to talk about the shortcomings. There is no need to flatter. Pick out some faults quickly."

He was too impatient now. "Wandering Blue Star", which had high hopes and was regarded as a loss-making giant, unexpectedly overturned!

But fortunately, there are only a few days until the end of the quarter, and the movie has just been released, leaving plenty of time to react.

Even if it is inevitable to become a hit, or even surpass the popularity of "Black Robe Inspector", it will take a certain period for the film's funds to be withdrawn.

Profits will basically be piled up to the next quarter.

To be on the safe side, Yang Ruoqian used the company's collective business trip as an excuse to use system funds to buy the current plane, which is worth hundreds of millions.

A movie costing 200 million and an airplane costing 600 million add up to a huge gap of 900 million. Even if other industries are struggling to make money, and even if the sales of YTG champion skins are full, the gap of 700 million can still be maintained.

700 million...

The domestic and foreign box office of "Black Robe Inspection Team" combined was just over 1 billion, and this cycle lasted for several months.

As long as the box office of "The Wandering Blue Star" can be slightly stabilized, Yang Ruoqian can still achieve the freedom of small wealth according to the current one-tenth individual subsidy for losses.

The key to whether we can stabilize the box office is publicity!

Liu Bi quickly replied: "Mr. Yang, actually from a completely professional point of view, there must be some problems with "The Wandering Blue Star"... But when I watched this movie for the first time, I couldn't notice many details. You may need to watch it a few more times before I can give you the most objective evaluation.”

Upon hearing this, Yang Ruoqian immediately raised his head and looked at Cheng Fei, who was walking towards him with a bottle of champagne in his hand. He spoke quickly: "Mr. Cheng, do you have the original film of the movie? Give me a copy."

"Of course there is." Cheng Fei nodded and took a sip of the wine in the glass. "I'll have someone send you one later."

"Okay, as soon as possible, I need it urgently." Yang Ruoqian nodded, "I won't drink any more wine."

"Mr. Yang is really..." As the deputy producer of the movie, Cheng Fei did not hide the smile on her face at all. "Before the movie was released, I was as calm as a mountain and leisurely strolling. Now that the movie is released, the response is good, but I have become busy."

For her, being able to participate in the production and distribution of two successful films, "Black Robe" and "Wandering Blue Star", has suppressed all doubts.

Even if we think about the worst, even if several consecutive movies fail to make a splash, the groundbreaking and commercial nature of these two movies alone is enough to give Chengyu Media a complete foothold in the entertainment industry.

In all of this, it can be said that Kuangguang Group accounted for at least ninety percent of the success.

Before "Wandering Blue Star", the lessons of "Magic City Fortress" are still vivid in my mind.

For the so-called hard science fiction film, the Yuefu Group sought out masterpieces from famous people, invited popular celebrities, and built publicity. After the results came out, the film was hit hard by both word-of-mouth and box office, and it gained nothing except losing all its money.

You must know that veteran giants like Yuefu Group are only stronger than Kui Guang and Cheng Yu in promoting new movies.

Yang Ruoqian dared to buck the trend and quickly started his own science fiction work after "Fortress".

Trust your own judgment, don’t be frightened by market feedback, and focus on your own content creation...stay calm before the movie is released, and make quick adjustments after the movie is released based on the content you see and market feedback.

This is why Kuaiguang Group has such good benefits and such short working hours, but it can still burst out with such great vitality.

There was obviously such a good working environment on the plane, but Mr. Yang insisted on giving everyone a holiday.

On the other hand, at Chengyu's side, everyone is obviously working against time and does not stop until the movie is released, but the efficiency is not as good as that of Kuaiguang Group.

A year ago, Kuangguang Group was basically a small player in front of Chengyu Media, and its scale of assets and cash flow were not at the same level.

Even if it is a cooperation, Chengyu Media is in an absolute leadership position.

But now, one year later, Kuangguang Group has long been on an equal footing with Chengyu Media, and there are even faint signs of surpassing Chengyu Media.

Just like Kuangguang Group is not only cooperating with Chengyu Media, Chengyu Media's business cannot be limited to just one company, Kuangguang.

After the results were released, many film production companies approached Chengyu Media for promotion.

But most of them failed to recover their capital, and as the publisher, Chengyu Media only made a small profit.

This kind of cooperation with Kuaiguang Group explodes again and again, which is basically rare in the industry.

What's more, both "Black Robe Inspection Team" and "Wandering Blue Star" have the potential to be released in the second part!

The subsequent development of these two huge IPs has countless hidden values.

There are some things that we should learn from the Kuaiguang Group...

However, partners are partners, and some business secrets cannot be shared...

For example, Cheng Fei has never been able to find the reason why Kuaiguang Group is so creative and the company is so dynamic.

The team of analysts in our company who specialize in analyzing Kuaiguang Group doesn't seem to have analyzed much useful information.

Maybe we can get a glimpse of it during this group outing.

Shang Qianyu was very satisfied with his performance in the movie. He came over and echoed: "That's why the boss can be so successful!"

Yang Ruoqian has heard this kind of heart-wrenching remarks too many times. He responded with a few words of hum and ah, and continued to send a message to Liu Bi: "You don't need to go to the cinema to watch it. I will give you the original film of the movie later. Just look at it and quickly find more shortcomings and summarize them, do you understand?"

Seeing this news, Liu Bi couldn't believe his eyes: "Mr. Yang, you said... you will directly give us the original film at this stage?!"

No wonder Liu Bi was shocked. The movie has only been released for a few hours now, and countless film review bloggers have rushed to buy tickets in advance to watch it in the theater.

Not even just bought a ticket.

In order to be able to make movie review videos as quickly and best as possible, many bloggers even bought several tickets, and some secretly used their mobile phones to record videos, just to watch the movie over and over again.

This is to prevent the film reviews published at that time from being too low-quality or too flawed and being caught by serious audiences.

Moreover, if you are caught by the audience, the most you can do is curse a few words and lose some fans. As long as there are no problems of principle, you can deal with it by pretending to be dead for a while.

Not a big problem.

The most terrifying thing is undoubtedly one - if the evaluation of "The Wandering Blue Star" is not objective enough, it is very likely that the Kuaiguang Group will directly take it to court with a complaint. They can randomly arrange some accusations. Even if they fail to win the lawsuit in the end, it will be enough for them to drink. It's the pot.

The name of Kim Hai Pizza Hut is definitely not for nothing.

Most of the last batch of people who dared to make random comments about Kuai Guang Group's movies have not been able to calm down until now.

Now even if someone gives them money to let bloggers hack "Wandering Blue Star", they still have evil intentions but no courage.

But Yang Ruoqian has now directly authorized the original film to Liu Bi in advance!

This means that Liu Bi does not need to buy tickets anymore, and can go directly back to his studio and focus on the movie detail by detail.

Play it backwards if you want, watch it as many times as you want...

What a huge advantage this is?

It’s good if it’s close to your thigh!

It was true that he was visited by children in the zoo, frightened out of his courage in the haunted house, and brainwashed by bad movies in the private theater.

It's not enough to get a contract with a very high salary, but you can also get the original film of the movie in advance!

And judging from the current situation, as long as Liu Bi does not commit suicide or deliberately anger the Kuangguang Group, he will be able to get the original films of all movies produced by Kuangguang in the future.

No more getting up early to go to the crowded movie theater!

"Yes, remember to look for flaws in the movie." Yang Ruoqian kept repeating this extremely important thing, "Don't live up to my expectations of you."

Liu Bi was a little strange when he heard this: "Mr. Yang, should I help you summarize these flaws and hand them over to you, or should I edit these flaws into a video and post it online?"

Seeing Liu Bi being so cautious, Yang Ruoqian hit the keyboard angrily: "What are you sending me? Of course, make it into a video and post it online! You'd better contact your bloggers who also do film reviews, so that They also followed your content and made a film review criticizing "The Wandering Blue Star"!"

It seems that this person's understanding is still a bit insufficient. Next time, he must be invited to Jinhai to let him experience the warm hospitality of Kuaiguang Group.

Why can't you understand this little thing by yourself?

Liu Bi was silent for several seconds: "Mr. Yang... are you sure? Now that the movie has a good reputation, it is the time to promote it! From now on, the reputation of "Wandering Blue Star" can be so good. In fact, besides the movie factors are also important.”

Yang Ruoqian was keenly aware of the meaning of Liu Bi's words: "You can speak more clearly. Have you discovered some problems?"

"I only watched the movie once, and I have to watch it several times to find out the flaws." Liu Bi replied, "However, "The Wandering Blue Star" was able to gain such a good reputation when it was first released. What's more important is its milestone significance. .”

"You have done a very good job with your film release strategy - many viewers have not yet gotten over the anger against "Fortress", and you immediately threw out "The Wandering Blue Star", which is of better quality... In contrast , maybe a movie that originally only had an 8-point rating can reach a 9-point rating in the eyes of the audience."

"Furthermore, the special effects of "The Wandering Blue Star" and the science fiction content of its design are very attractive. There has been no domestic film that can compete with it before. As long as the quality is up to standard and not ugly, the evaluation will naturally be very high."

Speaking of this, Liu Bi secretly sighed at Yang Ruoqian's power.

Not only in strength, but also in strategy.

Perhaps many people gave up after seeing the failure of "Fortress", thinking that it was too early for domestic entertainment to shoot science fiction blockbusters, and did not want to make the same mistake again.

But Mr. Yang was different from others. He was keenly aware of the tiny opportunities and made a heavy bet.

It finally worked!

This is the vision of top investors.

Now, after the film's initial success, Yang Ruoqian has gone against the grain and has not hesitated to give out the original film but also to quickly make a video pointing out the shortcomings of the film...

Is this also a marketing tool?

Liu Bi immediately realized that he seemed to be a bit nosy.

Since Mr. Yang asked himself to do this, he must have had his own considerations and must have gone through multiple deliberations.

It may even involve the commercial secrets of Kuaiguang Group.

Although I have signed a contract with the Kuaiguang Group, I am still an outsider, so it is normal that I cannot elaborate on some things.

"The other party withdrew a message."

"Mr. Yang, I'm sorry that I'm too talkative. I'll make a video for you right now. I'll make sure it's out before tomorrow, okay?"

Yang Ruoqian was just thinking about making up an excuse. Seeing that the other party was so forthcoming, he immediately nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, not bad, I will give you a bonus after the video is made!"

After urgently assigning the mission to the propaganda outlet, Yang Ruoqian breathed a sigh of relief.

Judging from the current situation, although it is impossible to achieve the goal of huge losses this quarter, medium losses can still be achieved.

As long as the smear video is released, it will affect the box office to some extent, and at least some people will be in a wait-and-see state.

Even if this part of the box office will eventually go into his own pocket, as long as he can delay it for a few days and not make it this quarter.

"It's time to think about next quarter's business."

Yang Ruoqian thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the secretary: "Qi Mu, are there any industries in Europe that can be invested in?" (End of Chapter)

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