The two exchanged glances with each other, and after exchanging tactics from a distance, they began to enter the venue in a first-come, first-served order.

Originally, according to the general rules in the entertainment industry, either the high-ranking person will appear first, or the high-ranking person will appear in the finale.

But in Kuaiguang Group, the principle of fair distribution is based on who comes first.

Filmed by countless cameras, 16 guests walked out of their respective doors one after another, clearly divided into four teams.

Chief planner and chief director Qin Xin was on the stage at this time, holding a microphone and nodding and smiling at the people who were already sitting in the guest seats.

The "atmosphere team" invited from the audience also gave out bursts of cheers at the right time.

Generally speaking, if it is other variety shows such as music variety shows, there should be many people standing on the stage at this time, acting as mentors or judges.

The backstage director's clip will also add some other people's "psychological activities" when the star enters the show, creating a wave of commercial bragging.

But here at Kuaiguang Group, all the industry's default rules have been broken.

With the exception of the lively atmosphere group, which is retained, everything else is very free-spirited.

"Welcome to Oriental July's exclusive title "Secret Room Survival"!"

"Then all the guests must be impatient." Qin Xin smiled, "I believe everyone already knows the basic rules. Now let me remind you of the most important precautions."

"You are a group of explorers who accidentally discovered that a demolished high school had reappeared in front of you inexplicably. Driven by curiosity, you decided to go in and take a look..."

"Please note that your friends have probably compromised with the weird people in high school. Their goal is to use your failure in exchange for their own escape..."

"There will be a lot of weird stories passed down by word of mouth in high school. This is the key information you can rely on to escape!"

"Weird cannot end your lives immediately, but you only have three chances to fail. Once you exceed the limit, you will be eliminated directly!"

"A maximum of 6 people can gather in places other than safety zones. If more than 6 people gather, they need to separate within one minute, otherwise they will encounter extreme incidents."

"Each person can only walk in the safe area for 2 hours a day. If they exceed the limit, they will be forcibly evicted and then exiled to a place in the secret room."

"Each team has a headset and a walkie-talkie that can communicate with other teams to exchange information. They can be used once every four hours and shall not exceed 5 minutes at a time."

"Each team has 3 flashlights, and the power of each flashlight is only enough for 4 hours. Please be sure to pay attention to the power distribution."

"The first phase of the secret room lasts for five days. During these five days, the guests will eat, drink, and live in the secret room. Please be careful with the resources you have!"

"Each team will enter the school from a different place. Only by working together can you find the exit!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone's face looked a little ugly.

The more people there are, the worse the fear atmosphere... But obviously, the program team did not intend to gather a large team of 16 people at the beginning.

This doesn’t even give you any buffer time!

Moreover, these rules may not seem like much at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find the deep malice of the program crew.

If you gather more than six people, you will encounter extreme events... This condition not only limits the possibility of guests forming a group, but also leaves an excellent way to trap other guests!

There will certainly not be enough light in the secret room, so it may not be difficult to hide someone secretly.

If a guest with ulterior motives sees a group of six people, follows them quietly, and then runs away immediately after an extreme event is triggered, the consequences will be unimaginable!

There is also an information exchange mechanism between groups. At first glance, it seems to be a compensation for not allowing group gatherings, but if you think about it carefully, this intercom device only has one earphone, which means that only one person can hear the other party. Information reported.

You know, there is also competition among team members!

Just by imagining, one can imagine how many people would tamper with the information of other groups without authorization to ensure their own escape.

What's more, there is also a competitive relationship between groups...

There is also the time allocation for the flashlight, which is 12 hours a day. Even if the secret room gives time to the safe zone and time to sleep, there will definitely be a gap of 1-2 hours in the middle.

What will the mole do when the light source is completely lost?

Feng Luo understood these rules in an instant and couldn't help but curse in his heart: "The person who designed this secret room is really ruthless!"

Who on earth could come up with such a vicious design?

The essence of most variety shows now is the exchange of can be spoofed, but within a certain limit, at least it will not destroy the characters of the guests.

But in this escape room, the character is really easy to collapse... If any disputes arise later, the program team will easily be besieged by fans who lose control and run away.

It can only be said that the Kuaiguang Group is worthy of being the Kuaiguang Group and dares to take risks that no one else dares to take.

However, these are things that the Kuaiguang Group and the program team need to consider, not the contestants, and they are not things that Feng Luo needs to consider.

For her, the most important thing is how to win the variety show beautifully while maintaining her personality.

Moreover, being in the same team as Shang Qianyu... is an advantage to some extent.

Feng Luo looked at Shang Qianyu's hand tightly in his pocket. If nothing else happened, it must contain key special props issued by the Kuaiguang Group.

Feng Luo didn't think there was anything wrong with this kind of favoring his own artists.

Kuaiguang Group spent huge sums of money to invite so many celebrities to participate in variety shows, build venues, promote publicity, and set up such good rewards... They are not here to do charity!

On the contrary, being able to compete relatively fairly for this resource was beyond Feng Luo's expectation.

After all, the Kuaiguang Group only sent one "member of the family", Shang Qianyu, and he happened to be assigned to the same "Team No. 1" as himself.

Feng Luo believes that relying on his ability to dance well, it will not be a problem to use Shang Qianyu's advantage to defeat other groups, and it will not be difficult for him to lead Shang Qianyu in the same group in the final ranking.

This little girl's status is similar to mine, but after all, she has less training...

As for the other two, a third-tier actor and a comedian whom I have never heard of, they are nothing to worry about.

With this in mind, Qin Xin continued on the stage: "Now, each group is asked to elect its own group leader. The group leader has a small authority - in collective decision-making, when the vote within the group is 2:2, the group leader will A final decision can be made.”

Upon hearing this, the four members of Team 1 looked at each other.

A few seconds later, Zhang Wei broke the silence: "Then choose one of the two ladies?"

If we want to rank seniority, the team leader can only be born between Feng Luo and Shang Qianyu.

But Feng Luo thought for a moment and felt that he couldn't be the leader - there was a mole in each group. If the leader was shot, the leader would easily become the mole's primary target.

As an inconspicuous team member, you can observe the team leader's decision-making to determine whether he is a mole.

So she found a perfect excuse: "I'm not involved in this kind of game. This is not a place where seniority is ranked. We still have to have capable people as team leaders."

Shang Qianyu shook his head violently: "I can't do it, I'm a coward!"

Seeing that the two big names refused so simply, Zhang Wei looked at Geng Fangyi beside him and asked: "Then choose between the two of us?"

Geng Fangyi thought for a while: "I have never played the horror room... have you played it?"

After all, it involves subsequent film and television resources and is not just about playing in a secret room. Geng Fangyi decided not to take advantage of this.

Zhang Wei shook his head: "I haven't played it either, but I have read some related novels."

"Then you should be the team leader." The other three looked at each other and agreed, "It's better to know a little bit than we don't understand anything at all."

After assigning tasks and getting the flashlight from Qin Xin, the four of them walked into their exclusive entrance.


The exit door behind him was slammed shut.

The room that was originally bright suddenly became dark.

Click, Zhang Wei did not choose to save power at the beginning. He directly turned on the flashlight and quickly looked around.

Several people found themselves in a rather small room. The mottled weathered walls, slow-moving clock, old and tattered chairs, rusty lockers and a few glass sheets made of frosted glass all together created a strange room. picture.

Six sets of tables and chairs were arranged in two rows and three columns, two of which had fallen over.

Zhang Wei, who was initially sure of himself, very carefully shone the flashlight above his head - the malicious intent of this program crew was quite obvious, and it was not impossible to arrange something scary above his head.

Except for an old fluorescent tube hanging with a white silk ribbon, nothing else was found on the top of the room.

"Is this the classroom?" Shang Qianyu asked while trembling his teeth.

"Yes." Feng Luo nodded, and she was a little scared at this time, "What are we going to do now?"

"Since our birth point is in the classroom, let's search the classroom first to see if we can find anything." Zhang Wei thought for a while, "No matter how imbecile the program team is, they will definitely proceed step by step and will not let us in at the beginning. We encountered a particularly huge problem.”

"All three flashlights were turned on and we split up to look for clues in the classroom. I felt that getting as much information as possible during the precious 'novice protection period' was more important than conserving power."

Shang Qianyu squeezed the 10 yuan prop coin in his hand, carefully took the flashlight to the center, and touched the hanging white silk from a distance.

After making sure that there wouldn't be any monsters crawling down Bai Ling, she got closer and started looking for clues.

"Why do you feel that Bai Ling's height above the ground... is difficult to hang a high school student? Isn't it too short?" Shang Qianyu muttered, and then decided to ignore this less important detail.

After slowly kicking away the crumbs of the seat underneath with his feet, a small paper figure suddenly came into view!

It looked so lifelike, as if a person had really been slapped and buried underneath!

From her perspective, the paper man seemed to be smiling vaguely at her!

Shang Qianyu was frightened and took several steps back, shouting: "Here, here, there is something under Bai Ling!"

Others who were still searching other parts of the classroom immediately stopped what they were doing and slowly gathered around.

Zhang Wei shined the flashlight towards the paper man.

"There is a line of words written on the paper...I, I will go and take a look."

Zhang Wei squatted down and read word for word: "The teacher hates people who don't hand in their homework before 17:00!"

Feng Luo was stunned for a moment: "Submit your homework before five o'clock in the afternoon? Is this a clue?"

Geng Fangyi turned off the flashlight in his hand, nodded and said, "Probably."

"Then what will be the consequences if you don't hand in your homework before the deadline?" Shang Qianyu's teeth were shaking, but he still asked persistently.

"This paper man is under the white silk... Isn't it obvious?" Feng Luo was sweating unconsciously on his forehead at this time, "The doors and windows here are completely sealed. If we don't hand in our homework, , a life must be lost!"

They have to live in a secret room for 3 weeks!

Will you encounter an immediate death crisis just after entering? !

What about the promised novice protection period?

Geng Fangyi swallowed: "Don't panic. It was just before 11 a.m. when we entered the secret room. It was still very early before 5 p.m. This classroom is so big. Can we still find no clues in a few hours?"

As soon as these words came out, Feng Luo and Shang Qianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, that’s relatively easy!

However, Zhang Wei, who was squatting on the ground, shook his head and poured cold water on everyone: "No! The time in the secret room should be different from the time outside."

After saying that, he went up to the stage with the flashlight in his hand and shined it at the top of the podium.

The second hand of the clock hanging on the wall beats slowly, and the hour and minute hands are pointing at 4:55!


"Five minutes?! We only have five minutes?!"

Several people almost jumped up - they thought they had plenty of time, but suddenly found that their death knell was about to ring!

"Don't waste time, turn on all the flashlights, and quickly find your homework books, paper and pen!"

Under the pressure of death, the big stars showed amazing efficiency. Without a word of unnecessary nonsense, they immediately began to rummage through the classroom.

More than three minutes later, with the unremitting efforts of the four people, they finally found the key props.

"I found the pen!"

"The homework book is here with me! Come and take a look!"

"Hurry up and see what the question is."

Zhang Wei placed the homework book randomly on a desk and opened it.

There was only a line of crooked red writing on it.

"Children, children...what is scary when read upright and ridiculous when read backwards?"

The moment they saw this question, the four of them were dumbfounded.

Asking about brainteasers at this time?

And there’s only one chance for trial and error?

"You... think about it quickly!"

"How can you imagine this thing just by thinking about it?"

Watching the time go by minute by minute, and when the hour hand was about to jump to the "5" position, Zhang Wei suddenly had an idea and took the ballpoint pen from Geng Fangyi's hand.

Swish, swish, five neat big characters were written on the homework book.

"Level 8 strong wind"

Almost at the same time, the time came to 5 o'clock.

ps: The setting of this variety show is relatively complicated, and the difficulty is about the same as writing a suspense short story. I have to look up some information... Recently, the background data shows that the reader data is flowing back very much, so I have to try to make it as interesting as possible, hehe. (End of chapter)

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