Of course, the first episode of the variety show cannot only contain the "brilliant performance" of Team No. 1.

When the camera freezes on Feng Luo's near collapse, the variety show enters the intermission commercial break.

On the screen, two teams of people in strange costumes danced against a blue background, singing a very unpleasant song without any sense of rhythm.

"Fire Fire Martian...Electric Electrolyte...To replenish electrolytes, drink Martian!"

The boy who was about to swipe the screen to skip this advertisement spat out a mouthful of water: "Isn't this the company I work for?"

"No, what happened to those leaders that they put such rubbish ads on such an important variety show?"

If you want to advertise on Kuaiguang Group's variety shows, you may have to pay a huge amount of advertising fees.

In order to achieve the best publicity effect, it is best for the advertisement to leave a deep impression on people and at the same time make people interested in purchasing it.

But this... is really a bit too abstract.

The girl was also shocked: "Skip it quickly, it's too eye-catching... We are distinguished VIP members, so we won't watch any advertisements or anything like that!"

The two quickly pushed back the progress bar and started watching the second half of the first episode of "Secret Room Survival".

The first group had relatively strong luck and strength, and successfully resolved several crises. It was not until the last moment that they truly suffered a setback...

But it is impossible for other groups to perform like this.

The camera now came to the third group.

The third group is led by a first-line male star and was considered the most powerful group before the variety show was launched.

After all, almost everyone in their team has a mature and stable personality.

This kind of horror variety show obviously doesn't have real ghosts, so how could it possibly scare them?

"Don't save power, find as many clues as possible... Well, the choices made by this team are no different from those made by Shang Qianyu... Damn it!"

The boy who originally thought he could see the guest show operations and solve each crisis was shocked by the scene in front of him before he could even finish his words.

Several members of the group only separated for two minutes in the sports equipment room, but when they returned the same way, they couldn't find the way!

There is obviously only one way, but the way you come and the way you go back are completely different!

"What's going on? Why is the road missing?" The girl was also frightened. "I'm really watching a variety show, not a horror movie?"

"The secret room must have been moved. It's so exciting... As expected of the Kuaiguang Group, it's really willing to spend the money."

"I think the third team was a bit unlucky. They obviously made the same decision as Shang Qianyu and Feng Luo, but they were defeated because the secret room was wrong and divided."

"Now that they are split into three parts, some crises may not be solved at all."

The two of them looked down while commenting.

Sure enough, just as the young couple guessed, the people who were suddenly separated from their teammates were instantly panicked.

Then he was divided and defeated, not to mention losing a precious life. In the end, he was not able to join his teammates, but was taken to the toilet and locked in a cubicle.

During this process, celebrities who used to have a calm persona were frightened to the point of breaking their guard many times. When they were finally tied to the toilet and listened to footsteps, their persona completely collapsed.

The remaining two people were also completely frightened. Finally, after being reminded by Shang Qianyu's team, they went through hardships and reached the safe zone.

Unlike Shang Qianyu and the others, their flashlight power supply was nearly exhausted due to being delayed outside for too long.

The two people who lost their teammates not only had to take over the main mission in the taskbar, but also tried their best to find their missing teammates and rescue them...

Finally, in the desperate eyes of the two people and the faint screams around them, the first episode of the variety show ended successfully.

Looking at the scene that suddenly stopped, the boy jumped up: "Damn it, it's gone?! It's gone? It ends here?!"

What is the situation with the other two groups?

What will the targeted Feng Luo go through?

How can Team 3 rescue two teammates?

Who are the four moles? !

After watching the first episode, the young couple stared with wide eyes. They were obviously very engaged in watching it and saw a lot of content, but after it ended, they felt that they had not watched anything.

There is really too much to look forward to, but too little to air.

"This is only the first episode! Damn it, how many days do we want to spend watching this variety show?"

"It's over. I feel like I need to renew my membership for at least another month to watch it all. This month I'm going to be stuck again..."

"Is there any relevant forum for this variety show? Let's go see what other people think of it. It's really interesting."

"It seems that there is no official forum?"

"You're stupid! This is a program of Kuaiguang Group. You can definitely find it on their own forum. Go to Baopu and have a look."

The boy woke up from a dream, quickly took out his mobile phone and opened the Baopu app.

Since the launch of this app with a clean interface and few charging items, he has gradually stopped using many other rating software.

It is fair and objective, the community atmosphere is good, and there are basically no trolls. The key is that the content is very interesting...

It can almost be said to be the most ideal social app now.

After loading the page briefly, the two opened the rating page.

As expected, the first rating that came into view was about "Secret Room Survival".

Variety show "Secret Room Survival", score: 9.9, hot review: "If you didn't tell me, I would have thought it was a horror movie."

"Absolutely, I give it full marks." The boy commented without hesitation, "This variety show is really good to watch, and it can be seen that the program team put their heart and soul into it."

"I can only give it 9 points. In order to watch this variety show, I have to sign up for a 2-month membership. It hurts my body to death! It's just right. I'll deduct one point so that the show team won't be too proud!"

After scoring, the two clicked into the comment area below.

"Damn, this program team is really willing to spend money! There are movable secret rooms, various realistic props, walls with holographic displays everywhere, and floors with hidden mechanisms... The key is that they can make these props look amazing There’s a sense of atmosphere!”

"I feel like the Kuangguang Group can't build this secret room without spending hundreds of millions."

"Normally, when have they ever been stingy with money?"

"Ahhhh! I feel so bad for my brother, but why do I feel so funny when I see his expression, hahahaha!"

"Who is that artist named Zhang Wei? I feel like he has a bit of humorous talent."

"Really? I think it's really humorous for a small businessman to spend 8 yuan to treat everyone to dinner."

"You are not allowed to say that to Shang Zhuzhu! Look how happy she is eating."

"What does that mean to you? My sister Feng Luo is the one who has been targeted the most, right?"

"Sister 'Feng Luo' mentioned above, does she mean this [picture]?"

The comments on this floor seem to be screenshots of Feng Luo being frightened and deformed in the dormitory.

Netizens who have always been very hurtful not only cut out her ugly face this time, but also specially made it into an emoticon package with some text.

For example, "tactical transformation", "Transformers", "Welcome to Kuangguang Plastic Surgery Hospital" and other derogatory words.

"Help hahaha! Who wrote the words about this plastic surgery hospital? You've taken all the giant panda's bamboo shoots!"

"No, where is I, Feng Jiajun, and where is my true fan? Do you just watch your sister suffer like this? Yes, I have shown my cards, and I am very happy to see it, hahahahaha!"

"The people upstairs are all anti-fans! Oh, it turns out I am too, then it's okay, hahahaha!"

"Sister Feng can actually lift such a big iron cabinet with her bare hands! Good guy, I remember before that she had to ask others to unscrew the caps of her mineral water bottles!"

"Hahahaha, no, I have to save every expression of Feng Luo and Shang Qianyu in this variety show and make it into an emoticon pack, hahahahaha!"

"It's over. It's hard to take part in a variety show and get a black mark that can't be erased for the rest of your life."

Of course, fans who are deeply involved in the show are also indispensable for the melon-eating people who want to watch the show.

Just as Yang Ruoqian and Cheng Fei expected, some fans were indeed very dissatisfied and began to question the program team.

"Why did you target my sister Feng Luo? Why did you let her go upstairs alone? Why was it not Shang Qianyu who went up? Are you partial?"

"Why, haven't you seen that other teams are worse off? In comparison, didn't your Feng Luo get frightened at the last moment? His teammates are so close, what are they afraid of?"

"First of all, let's see if Feng Luo's contribution is the most flattering among the four. I think this is intentional by the program team. Whoever performs poorly will be asked to face the dormitory on the fourth floor."

"I didn't even say anything about my brother being kidnapped into the toilet. You Feng Luo took advantage of Shang Qianyu's meal and took advantage of Shang Qianyu's torch. You made no contribution and were taken away by a few big guys. What else is there to say? ah?"

"Uh, seriously, do you think it's so scary? It doesn't feel like an act. Will being so scary scare people out of their minds?"

"Don't worry, look at who the organizer is, it's Kuaiguang Group, and look at the rewards for this variety show?"

"Scared? Do you know how many artists are begging to join this variety show, but there is no way to be scared? They must have been angry beforehand. If you can't accept it, don't participate in this variety show."

"Some people's fans should not be too noble. They have to participate in a horror variety show and they are not allowed to be scared. Isn't it a bit too double-standard? How about just announcing that you have won?"

"One person is pink and the other is black, right? Did your celebrity say anything?"

"It's really interesting. Usually when you watch movies or variety shows, you can only see what others want you to see. This variety show is obviously different."

"My Kuaiguang Group focuses on authenticity."

"Your Kuoguang Group... has seen pink celebrities, but those who have never seen pink celebrity agencies, it is still a spectacle."

"[Picture], get out of the way, Feng Luo's fresh pictures are here! Hahaha!"

"No, are you all just for fun? Are there no people like me who also want to have fun in this secret room?"

"You put it that way, I'm really interested. There's no such exquisite secret room in the world!"

"It feels like it shouldn't be possible to play. The operating cost of this kind of secret room is too high. It's difficult to make back the money just by relying on individual customers. It will probably be dismantled after the variety show is filmed."

"Ah ah ah, the blood book Kuaiguang Group, a serious escape room player, don't demolish this secret room, at least let me play it, I will give it as much as you want!"

"I do feel that this secret room is very interesting. I feel a little sad if it is demolished like this... But it is understandable. The operating cost is very high. If you don't demolish it, you will only lose money."

"I suddenly felt a little envious of these celebrities. Although they were scared to death, they were playing the most awesome secret room in the world!"


The young couple looked at Baopu's ratings with relish, selecting the emojis that had been changed beyond recognition.

"The community is also very interesting, hahaha..."

The girl looked at the next few comments and suddenly said: "If, I mean if, the Kuaiguang Group keeps the secret room for a period of time after hosting the variety show, why don't we go and play it? It feels really fun and interesting. Immersion.”

The boy was silent for a moment, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly: "Then we have to save money from now on."

The girl was stunned: "Ah? Is it expensive to play this?"

"To be conservative, if you want to experience all the plots of a secret room of this size, not to mention playing for 3 weeks like a variety show, but even playing a castrated version for 1 week, the operating expenses are also very scary. I feel like one person does not have 3,000 yuan. Don’t even think about money.”

"Then the two of us add up to 6,000... It's so expensive. But I feel like it's not a waste to spend money to play once."

"Don't worry if you can't stay."


At the same time, Yang Ruoqian, who had returned home from get off work, was also sitting on the sofa, reading the comments on the Leopard app.

The first episode of the variety show has been released, and now it’s time to start collecting audience feedback.

We must find out what the audience is dissatisfied with about variety shows, and then increase efforts!

Anyway, the program team can adjust the intensity of variety shows in real time...

After reading the comments for a while, Yang Ruoqian was very discerning and found the few but extremely eye-catching comments among the many positive comments.

Sure enough, many fans expressed their dissatisfaction with the intensity of the variety show and felt that the Kuaiguang Group used too much force. There were even conspiracy theories that the Kuaiguang Group deliberately targeted a certain artist.

"Okay! This is the effect!" Yang Ruoqian was a little excited. This variety show indeed attracted the imaginary attack. "Unfortunately... the gap in combat power between the two sides is too big."

Judging from the current situation where fans from all walks of life are being completely besieged in the comment area, there are obviously more people who support the show team.

Although the variety show did not have unexpected situations like other projects, the balance of strength between the two parties was not well balanced.

"It doesn't matter, the variety show has just begun anyway." Yang Ruoqian glanced at the already dark sky outside, put down the phone, and smiled determinedly, "Now is the right time to increase the intensity of the guests."

Due to the scheduling issues of the variety show itself, it was impossible for Yang Ruoqian to copy the original rules and regulations, so he chose to have the program team work in two shifts.

With this in mind, Yang Ruoqian opened his address book and dialed the number of the program team. (End of chapter)

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