I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 319 Why do some people dislike single-person dormitories?

At this time, the "Secret Room Survival" program team was in the director's room at Kueiguang Building, and the staff in charge of the night shift were watching the screen all the time, making real-time adjustments to the secret room based on the guests' behavior.

Before today, Kuaiguang Group had never seen anyone working the night shift!

The group has also set regulations for this precedent - first of all, the workload of the evening shift is the same as that of the morning shift, and it cannot exceed 8 hours a day.

The second issue is wages. As long as employees work during non-normal working hours, even if the working hours remain the same, their wages will be three times that of normal hours!

So something strange happened at Kuaiguang Group - the night shift is not a popular job, but the registration office was overcrowded.

The pressure of competition is extremely high, and not just ordinary people can’t get this opportunity.

The employees who got this opportunity were all very energetic and did not dare to do anything lazy, for fear of being dismissed for various reasons.

Ding ding ding…

While everyone was busy, the phone on the desk rang.

"Xiao Liu, go answer the phone!"


"Who called us so late? Mr. Qin is not here, and we can't make decisions on many things."

There is only Qin Xin as the chief planner. He goes to work during the day and is naturally forced to leave work at night.

Without Qin Xin's approval, many major decisions cannot be made by employees working the night shift.

"Answer the phone first and see what the other party wants to do. If we can solve it, we'll solve it. If we can't solve it, we'll write it down and show it to Mr. Qin tomorrow."

The employee known as Xiao Liu had already picked up the phone and said politely: "Hello, this is the "Secret Room Survival" program team of Kuaiguang Group. How can I help you?"

Then, a very familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "I'm Yang Ruoqian, how about the food for the night shift? Is there anything that needs to be specially customized?"

Xiao Liu was so frightened that his hands shook and the phone receiver almost fell to the ground.

"Yang...Mr. Yang! The food is very good...very good! Please wait a moment, I will ask the leader to answer the phone!"

Mr. Yang? !

The attention of everyone in the office was attracted.

The leader who originally asked Xiao Liu to answer the phone immediately stopped what he was doing, walked over in three steps, and signaled with his eyes that Xiao Liu should go to work first.

"Good evening, Mr. Yang, haven't you rested yet?"

"You're welcome." Yang Ruoqian just chatted with people as usual, "How's the show going? How are the guests doing?"

The temporary person in charge is very professional: "The time settings inside and outside the secret room are different, so it's not time for the guests to rest yet."

"There are still two guests who have not reached the safe zone and are waiting for rescue, but judging from the current progress, it should be soon."

"Our current plan is to have the guests be divided into two groups and live in dormitories, and some events will be randomly arranged for them in the evening."

At the beginning, the grouping was divided into two male guests and two female guests to facilitate the distribution in the dormitory.

Yang Ruoqian asked a little strangely: "Why are there two people sharing a dormitory? Is the room not enough?"

A little cold sweat broke out on the temporary manager's forehead: "Don't worry, Mr. Yang... Our office floor is very high. In order to facilitate the arrangement of special effects and props, the floors and walls are actually very, very thick."

"As long as we make the ceiling thinner somewhere, we can easily get an extra floor... This is the fourth floor where the secret room is hidden."

"For such a big venue, the room must be sufficient."

Yang Ruoqian asked again: "Since the room is enough, why do we need a dormitory for two people?"

The temporary person in charge was so confused by this question: "Uh, Mr. Yang... because some incidents will happen randomly in the dormitory at night, the two of them can solve these incidents better and take care of each other. .”

"No, no, no, your thinking is wrong." Yang Ruoqian said in a very serious tone, "You only saw the surface, but not the core!"

Seeing that Mr. Yang, who is considered a legend in the industry, came to give him guidance in person, the interim person in charge immediately solemnly said: "Core? Mr. Yang, can you explain it more carefully?"

While asking questions, he held the phone receiver between his shoulder and neck, took out pen and paper from his desk, and prepared to take notes carefully.

What Mr. Yang said will definitely have great positive significance for future work!

This is something that countless people cannot pay to listen to, and now they can listen to it for free!

Yang Ruoqian said: "Have you checked the academic qualifications of the guests we invited?"

Educational qualifications?

Does this have anything to do with academic qualifications?

Is it because of this unusual way of thinking that Mr. Yang is so successful?

The temporary person in charge was stunned for a moment, and became even more convinced that he had too much to learn, so he said seriously: "I have checked them all. The ones with the highest academic qualifications are graduate students, and the ones with the lowest qualifications have come out to work hard in high school."

"That's right." Yang Ruoqian clapped his hands, "Think about it, these guests are all people who have experienced at least three years of high school life, and have experienced the days of eight people crowded into a small room, waiting in line to go to the toilet and take a shower. "

"Some people who are unlucky may have had many conflicts with their roommates. What are these? They are all painful memories."

"The guests have been frightened for a day and are already exhausted physically and mentally. Please don't embarrass them with the number of people in the dormitory. Let's change it to one dormitory per person!"

"Who hasn't had the dream of having their own dormitory when they were studying? Today the program team will help the guests realize this dream and make up for the regrets of their student days!"

The temporary person in charge, who was ready to listen to the instructions, had a blank look on his face after listening to Mr. Yang's speech. His hand that wanted to take notes seemed to be out of control, and he couldn't write a word.

In order to allow the guests participating in the variety show to make up for the regrets of their student days, they were all separated and placed in the dormitory, allowing them to face the crisis alone...

Uh, why does it sound so abstract and nonsense?

If another person had said this, the temporary person in charge would have scolded him for talking nonsense, but the person he was talking to now was Yang Ruoqian, the man who single-handedly created the entire Kuaiguang Group.

Mr. Yang must be right, it’s just that his level of understanding is not up to the mark.

"Okay, Mr. Yang, we will make arrangements according to your requirements." The temporary person in charge said, "Do you have any other requirements?"

Yang Ruoqian thought about Baopu's comments and decided to proceed step by step first, and then adjust the layout based on feedback after the second episode is aired: "No more for now, let's arrange it this way for now."

"Okay, Mr. Yang, if you need a live broadcast, we can synchronize it with you."

"Please record the video for me and send a copy over."

"Then I'll send it to your work WeChat..."


In the secret room not far from the program group, Shang Qianyu and others were not as relaxed and relaxed as Yang Ruoqian.

"You can come up now!"

Feng Luo's voice still echoed in the stairwell.

Just now, they asked Feng Luo to walk upstairs along the footprints on the ground to eliminate these footprints so that they could go up with them.

As a result... it was true that Feng Luo went up, and the footprints disappeared, but just when they were about to follow him upstairs and meet Feng Luo, there was a sound of moderate movement.

When Zhang Wei led the other two people upstairs, they only saw the notice board marking the second floor and a long corridor.

As for Feng Luo...it was as if he had never appeared before. No matter how they called, there was no movement.

"What, what is going on?" Shang Qianyu has never encountered such an evil thing before. She was so frightened that her breath was a little unsteady when she spoke, "Didn't Sister Feng Luo just come up? Where is the person?! This is not the place! Is it really haunted?!"

They watched Feng Luo walking up this road, and they could even hear her talking not long ago... but just ten seconds later, she completely disappeared? !

This is really weird!

Geng Fangyi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and reminded: "Sister Feng Luo didn't take the torch... The power of the flashlight in her hand may be used up."

"...What should we do?"

"Let's explore the dormitory building first and find a way to find Feng Luo."

"But now we don't even know where Sister Feng Luo is! We don't have a clue at all!"

Zhang Wei used the flashlight to shine at both ends of the corridor, and after making sure there was no danger, he said: "I think the NPCs in the safe area will not be targeted without aim. Do you still remember what the canteen owner said before leaving?"

Shang Qianyu recalled: "He said... let us be careful on the fourth floor of the dormitory building?"

The three of them were silent for a moment.

After a while, Geng Fangyi looked around and said cautiously: "Did Sister Feng Luo accidentally go to the fourth floor?"

"...we are inseparable." Zhang Wei said as he walked forward, "Let's find a safer dormitory as a base first, and then find a way to find the fourth floor and rescue Feng Luo."

Zhang Wei has not forgotten his identity as a mole, but it would be detrimental to him to pass the level if the team is reduced in number now.

At this stage, Feng Luo still cannot be given up.

"But how are we going to find the fourth floor? I feel like we can't get up to the fourth floor through normal means." Shang Qianyu glanced at the dark corridor and took a step back subconsciously.

"Let's find a safe dormitory first. I think it should be closer to the corridor for easier retreat, but not too close to avoid becoming the first target of attack. What do you think?"

Geng Fangyi nodded: "No problem... I just don't know what the rules of the dormitory are. If everyone can gather together, the danger will definitely be much less."

"Impossible." Zhang Wei walked to the door of a room, wrote down the house number "206", and shook his head, "You will know if you look at the grouping of the program team. A maximum of two people are allowed in a dormitory."

"I wonder if there is any way to visit the dormitory..."

"First check if there is anything hidden in the dormitory. Don't let others fail to save us and we will be in crisis again." Zhang Wei took the flashlight and shined it into the house.

The three of them slowly searched the toilet and under the bed, and also removed dangerous items such as mirrors.

They have seen the show crew's madness before - if they can make eyebrows grow on a wall, it is not impossible to hide something behind the mirror.

"Ah, this is a double dormitory. It should be similar to what I guessed. It is a room for two people. Geng Fangyi, please shine a light on the ceiling..."

"Nothing. This dormitory should be relatively safe."

"Then lock the door first..."

At this moment, Shang Qianyu pointed to the rusty iron cabinet not far away and reminded: "We haven't searched the cabinet yet."

Geng Fangyi glanced at the cabinet and laughed twice: "The size of this cabinet cannot fit even a child, let alone an adult, right? I feel that danger will not come out of the cabinet..."


"Not necessarily." Zhang Wei touched his chin, "Under normal circumstances, there must be no room for people, but that's just a general situation. We can't use general conditions to speculate on this too vicious secret room."

"Under normal circumstances?" Geng Fangyi and Shang Qianyu were both stunned. "Under normal circumstances, wouldn't this cabinet be able to fit the next person?"

"Well... think about it, if you use a machine to crush a person into paste, can it be poured into a cupboard like a liquid?" Zhang Wei still stroked his chin. He was pretty good with it. A simple calculation using the mathematics and physics knowledge.


As soon as these words came out, Shang Qianyu and Geng Fangyi both looked over with shocked eyes.

Let’s not talk about how Zhang Wei figured out whether people in a meat-filled state can be put into a cabinet. Just this sentence itself and the environment they are in now are terrifying enough!

The secret room, which was not so scary at first, suddenly became weird.

Especially the cabinet that was not originally considered a threat...

After a few seconds, Shang Qianyu said in a trembling voice: "I will unlock the door first, so that if there is something wrong in the cabinet, I can run away immediately."

Geng Fangyi, as the person who has contributed the least among the three and is not a high-ranking person, hesitated for a moment before carefully walking to the cabinet.


The cabinet doors were opened one by one...

Zhang Wei and Shang Qianyu, who were standing at the door, did not dare to blink and kept focusing on the door of the cabinet.

It wasn't until the last cabinet door was opened and there was nothing inside that the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough... I'm scaring myself."

"To be honest, the gap in the door of this cabinet is so big. If there was any glue, it would have been all over the floor."

"The main reason is that the program team is too malicious and dare not fail to guard against it."

"Close the door quickly and let's discuss tactics."

Shang Qianyu, who focused all his attention on the cabinet, nodded and used his right hand to try to close the wooden door of the dormitory behind him.

However, Shang Qianyu pulled hard twice, but the wooden door remained motionless.

"What's going on..." Shang Qianyu turned his head strangely, "Is it stuck by something?"

Then, she saw a bloody, pale arm clutching the door handle.

A pair of empty eyes stared at her.

While the three of them were focusing on the cabinet, an indescribable monster had quietly come to the door of the dormitory and came behind them!

"Ahhhhhhh!!! Damn it!!!" (End of this chapter)

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