Shang Qianyu bit the flashlight and tried not to tremble in his voice: "We, are we stuck in the dormitory room?"

Why do you feel that the role of this so-called dormitory room is too limited?

You can only hide inside for 10 minutes, and if you are blocked by someone outside, you won’t even have room to escape!

What is the use of delaying death for ten minutes...

"Wait a minute." Zhang Wei glanced at the clock. "When it lasts five seconds, I will open the door immediately. We will run to our respective dormitories separately and lock the door after entering."

"If you get caught, think of it as covering up..."

Shang Qianyu's face turned pale, he bit the flashlight harder, and his voice was a little confused: "Weren't there four of us at the beginning? Why is it like this?"

When entering the dormitory building, Feng Luo disappeared.

During such a short period of time after entering the dormitory room, Geng Fangyi also had an accident.

Now even the two people who were still together at the end may have to run away separately!

A complete team will be broken into pieces within half an hour?


Just as the two of them were counting down the seconds nervously, a burst of electricity suddenly came from their walkie-talkies!

Is this, other groups calling them?

Anyway, both of them were moles and members of the same team. There was basically no possibility of backstabbing. Shang Qianyu directly picked up the earphones and clicked the answer button.

"This is Team 4! Repeat, this is Team 4!"

"Currently, our team has lost 2 people, one is missing, and the other is confirmed to be trapped in the infirmary. If other teams find anything, please help! We will pay you!"

"We are currently doing errands and got a key piece of information - the secret room is not only on the third floor! It also has a hidden fourth floor!"

"The fourth floor is very, very dangerous. There is no safe area, but it contains key props and clues that allow us to enter the next stage of the secret room."

"There are two known ways to enter the fourth floor. One is to trigger some unknown dangers in the secret room and enter the fourth floor at the cost of a life."

"The second is to enter the 4th floor through the elevator."

"Elevators are extremely dangerous, but we have not found out how to use them safely. We only know that the elevator cannot be used multiple times, so be careful!"

"That's it. Team 1, please convey the information to other teams!"

As the message played, the lights in the room became increasingly red, and the words "10 minutes" on the whiteboard even began to ooze red blood.

This was a warning to the two of them that their time in the dormitory room was running out.

However, the amount of information given by Team 4 in these few short sentences is very, very large!

First, it was determined that there was a huge danger inside the elevator.

Secondly, the elevator cannot be used multiple times, otherwise it will also cause danger.

"Ah, has Sister Feng Luo lost her life?" Shang Qianyu couldn't help but look at the clock and asked, "How are we going to save her?"

Just erasing the name may not be able to rescue Feng Luo.

Now that Geng Fangyi's whereabouts are unknown, he must find a way to rescue Feng Luo first.

Zhang Wei took a deep breath: "If you want to use the elevator, the faculty and staff ID card must be a necessary condition, but I don't think it may be the only condition. There must be other unknown dangers in the elevator."

"You may need to find fragments of the map and look at the back of the fragments to find out what dangers there are inside the elevator."

Shang Qianyu didn't dare to take her eyes off the clock for even a second. She asked again: "They said the fourth floor is dangerous, but there is very important information... What should we do?"

"We are all at the end of our rope now. There is no need to covet this opportunity. If we don't replenish our status, it will be easy for the group to be destroyed. Now we should find a way to rescue Feng Luo first, and then find a way to find Geng Fangyi."

As the two of them talked, time passed by minute by minute.

Shang Qianyu's nervousness also rose to the extreme: "Time... the time is almost up!"

"Open the door! Run towards your dormitory!"


The moment the door was opened, the red light in the dormitory room turned into white light again.

But outside the door it was empty.

There were no lurking ghosts or anything else.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a flashlight on the ground that had been turned off, both of them almost doubted whether Geng Fangyi had never been to this place.

The two people who almost ran away were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect this to be the situation outside.

"No, no one?"

"Then why was Geng Fangyi taken away?"

Zhang Wei did not dare to stay near the dormitory room for too long. He first walked into a dormitory, checked the safety, locked the door, then sat down and carefully reviewed what had just happened.

"At what point was Geng Fangyi taken away?"

Shang Qianyu tried to calm down: "It seems, it seems... when the lights in the dormitory room turned red?"

At that time, the lights in the dormitory room turned red, and Geng Fangyi screamed almost at the same time.

"That should be it!" Zhang Wei nodded, "Although this dormitory room can ensure the safety of two people, the side effect is that it will kill other people who were still in the corridor at that time!"

Shang Qianyu took out a torch and a walkie-talkie from his schoolbag. He was still worried about what happened just now: "I just said... there shouldn't be such a plot of blocking people in a safe house."

"This secret room is really full of pitfalls... But this mechanism is reasonable. Otherwise, if a bunch of people line up at the door of the dormitory room and take turns using it, wouldn't it be equivalent to a bug?" Zhang Wei nodded, "I Now I even suspect that the dormitory room itself may not be so safe. If it is used too many times, problems will occur..."

With the show crew full of malice, how could there be a safe zone to sit back and relax?

Shang Qianyu rubbed his sore calves: "I will summarize the information just now and send it to other groups."

Now it is at least certain that the dormitory is relatively safe when the door is locked.

There will definitely be dangers and accidents, but they won't be too big - no matter how perverted the show crew is, they can't really keep the guests awake all the time!

After sharing the news with other groups, Zhang Wei rubbed his head and asked, "How do you think we should save Feng Luo?"

Shang Qianyu thought for a while and said, "Shall we take the elevator and go to the fourth floor to find her?"

"We only have one faculty and staff ID card now. It's not yet certain whether people with faculty and staff ID cards can take other people to the elevator, but I think it's probably not possible." Zhang Wei shook his head, "I even doubt it. , the elevator also has a maximum passenger limit, it is easy for us to go up to the fourth floor together, but when we come down together, an accident may happen and the group will be destroyed together."

"If all four members of the team are in crisis, we may really be in danger of being eliminated."

Shang Qianyu grimaced: "Then how are we going to save Sister Feng Luo?"

"Just now in the dormitory office, we crossed out Feng Luo's name from room 404. Now she is at least out of part of the crisis and only has a chance to escape."

Shang Qianyu seemed to understand Zhang Wei's thoughts: "You mean, we need to help Sister Feng Luo create this opportunity to escape?"

"That's right...I have an idea now. Come on, let's move this small table together! You take the torch and the faculty ID card and go to the elevator."

Shang Qianyu didn't know what Zhang Wei was thinking, but he quickly stepped forward and acted according to Zhang Wei's wishes.

Soon, the two of them came to the elevator door with these things.

Shang Qianyu looked around fearfully and asked in a low voice: "What are you going to do?"

Zhang Wei pressed the elevator call button. Ten seconds later, the elevator made a "ding" sound, and the automatic double doors slowly opened after a slight lag.

Several light bulbs inside the elevator were broken, and the only one that still worked flickered, which was very scary.

"Press the elevator button and don't let the door close." Zhang Wei said as he dragged the small table into the elevator and let it lean against the door.

Then he pressed the ignition button of the prop torch, tied the faculty ID card to the torch, and pressed the number "4" in the elevator.

After doing this, Zhang Wei carefully walked out of the elevator and put the torch on the top of the inclined plate with his hand to prevent it from rolling to the outside world.

"No need to press it, let the elevator door close."

Shang Qianyu did as he was told, and a few seconds later, the elevator door began to close slowly.

Zhang Wei withdrew his hand from the inside of the elevator just as the elevator door was about to close, and the torch that lost support immediately rolled down.

But before he could fall out of the elevator, the elevator door had already closed.

Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief and said, "When the elevator reaches the fourth floor and the door opens, the torch will roll out. There will be the sound of the elevator door opening, a light source, and an identity card. As long as Feng Luo can see it, he will know what to do." …”

The flashlight in Feng Luo's hand must have run out of power now. A torch that can burn for 2 hours can not only point her in the direction, but also calm her down a little.

As long as she gets the staff ID card, she can enter the elevator and escape from the fourth floor unharmed!

The elevator has never been used before, and Feng Luo is the only user. As long as he has an identity, he can largely avoid the mechanism that triggers the crisis.

There was only one thing Von Luo needed to do - go and check when the elevator made the arrival sound.

Shang Qianyu held the flashlight with the last remaining charge, stared at the elevator door, and sighed: "I hope it works."

Soon, the scene fell silent again.

The two of them have done everything they can, and now they can only pray that Feng Luo will not fall off the chain.


After ten minutes of long suffering, the two suddenly heard the slight friction sound of the elevator machinery.

Shang Qianyu's whole body was lifted up: "Did you hear that? The elevator is working! Sister Feng Luo is coming!"

Zhang Wei's expression was very nervous. He took two steps back and made a gesture of running away at any time: "Don't get too happy now, maybe it's not Feng Luo who comes out of the elevator! We'll be there as soon as the situation goes wrong." Escape to the dormitory and lock the door!"

"No way..." Shang Qianyu said subconsciously, and the elevator door suddenly made a "ding" sound!


The two people waiting at the elevator entrance had their hearts in their throats!

Click, click, click...

The elevator door slowly opened.

What came into view was an indescribable creature with disheveled hair, a human head hanging in its mouth, and a bloody bedboard behind it.

"Ahhhh-" Shang Qianyu screamed, turned around and ran away.

Zhang Wei actually got it right, a monster actually came down from the elevator!

I just don’t know how poor sister Feng Luo is doing now...

After all, they had delivered milk tea together. Shang Qianyu still felt a little emotional when he thought of Feng Luo's current situation.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind the two people who were running away, with a hint of anger: "Wait! You two, don't run away, I'm Feng Luo!"

ah? !

Shang Qianyu paused, turned his head in astonishment, and looked at the figure wandering out of the elevator.

"Feng, Sister Feng Luo?"

After confirming that the person who came out of the elevator was not a monster, the two of them walked up carefully.

Judging from the tears on his eyes and cheeks, it was obvious that he had cried...

The bloody bed board behind him was obviously pulled down by brute force - Feng Luo's hands could not move freely at this time!

As for the head in her mouth... it had been thrown aside at this time.

Now Feng Luo's whole person revealed the feeling of a ferocious madwoman.

Is this... is this still the intellectual and elegant beauty star? !

Shang Qianyu and Zhang Wei looked at each other. When they thought that this scene would be completely recorded and put outside, they suddenly felt funny and wanted to laugh.

The eldest sister who couldn't even unscrew the bottle cap turned out to be able to escape from a dangerous secret room with her hands tied and the bed board on her back.

"What are you guys doing watching?" Feng Luo was so angry that he almost cried, "Come here and help me!"

The two of them hurried up and helped Feng Luo loosen his bonds while asking: "Sister Feng Luo, what happened to you?"

Feng Luo sat on the ground and said angrily: "What else can I encounter? At that time, I saw the fourth floor as soon as I went up. I thought about going into a dormitory to hide, but... it turned out..."

"Then I was tied up in the dormitory. There was an unknown creature wandering outside all the time. About half an hour ago, it suddenly disappeared. I guess it was something you did down there..."

"Then I saw the torch you brought over...I was tied up at that time, and I could only use brute force to tear off the bed board and carry it down. Otherwise, why do you think I took so long?"

"When I entered the elevator, I was caught by the monster within two seconds..."

Shang Qianyu glanced curiously at the head that rolled aside and asked, "Sister Feng Luo, what is this head?"

"It must be an important prop!" Feng Luo, who was finally able to move freely after being untied, felt as if he was having a myocardial infarction. "Otherwise, why would I try my best to bite it with my mouth to take it off!"

ps: Happy 2024, dear readers~ I present you with a new ghost story in the new year. Are you happy or moved? (End of chapter)

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