I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 328 The Almighty Goddess was scared to tears?

"Who?!" Yao Xuehong's heart trembled, and even her voice was a little distorted, "Did you hear, who, who is behind?!"

The remaining three guests were stunned for a moment, and then they all reacted - there were only four of them in total, where did the five voices come from?

Where did the last speaking voice come from?

"Behind!" the guest in charge of the rear blurted out, "I remember the sound came from behind me."

After saying that, he suppressed his fear, turned on the flashlight in his hand, and shined it behind him.

They saw nothing but darkness that couldn't even shine a flashlight into.

But not only did this not make the four of them feel at ease, it actually gave them a feeling of fear in their bones.

It was as if the sound that was so close just now was made by some ghost.

Danger was already hovering around them, but they couldn't find even a single sign!

This situation is like knowing that death is slowly approaching, but not knowing when it will actually come.

What's even more painful is that all four of them feel that they can run and have hope.

The only thing more terrifying than complete despair is that there is still hope.

If they had been completely trapped and captured and tied up by ghosts, it would actually not be that scary. At most, they would be a little uncomfortable.

In the current environment, even a breeze would make them tremble.

Yao Xuehong forced herself to calm down and not let any timidity appear in her voice: "Don't panic at this time, analyze first! The more panicked we are, the easier it is for us to fall into the trap set by the program team!"

"We must remember that the program team cannot design a trap that will kill us. There must be a solution. We must calm down and find a solution!"

Yao Xuehong had now become the backbone of the team, and everyone looked at her with fear.

"First of all, let's confirm where the danger lies." Yao Xuehong glanced at the nearby infirmary and took two steps forward to make her field of vision wider. "Everyone repeat what they just said. ... There must be some important information in what the fifth person said."

Yao Xuehong was the first to say: "What I'm asking is, where is the place ahead."

The first guest immediately replied: "I answered the infirmary."

The guest standing behind Yao Xuehong also said: "I'm asking why there is a retro fence door elevator in the infirmary..."

The guest at the end of the team who was in charge of the rear also hurriedly followed: "I suggest that everyone go to the infirmary to take a look, because we have a faculty and staff ID card that can take at least one person to the elevator."

After checking all the information, what the "fifth person" said was ready to come out.

Yao Xuehong tried hard to recall the scene just now, speaking neither too fast nor too slowly: "I remember that the voice appeared behind me... It meant that we should go forward and not look back?"

The "fifth man" is definitely not a friendly NPC. Since his voice appears at the back of the team, it means that it is definitely no longer safe behind him.

According to general logic, the entire team has also traveled back and forth on this road several times, and it is impossible to repeat it without any crisis.

"So, is there a way out? In the infirmary?" asked the leading guest.

"Yes..." Yao Xuehong was not sure, but without other information, she could only make this judgment, "It seems like this."

"I still remember what he said, let us remember the rules of the infirmary behind the map and not break the rules." Another guest also calmed down a little at this time and glanced inside the infirmary through the cracked window at the door. , "How do you understand this sentence?"

After asking, the entire team fell silent, and the entire secret room fell into a deathly silence.

Because this is really a very unsolvable problem.

If you listen to the advice of this "fifth person", you might fall into its trap - how could there be such a kind-hearted NPC in this secret room to warn people before a team is about to enter danger?

But if you don't listen to its opinions at all, or even interpret everything it says in reverse, it doesn't seem right.

After all, the protagonists and supporting characters in many horror movies turn a blind eye to the hints on their faces due to various disbeliefs in evil, leading to their final demise.

The program team was able to create such a secret room in the underworld. They must have watched a lot of horror movies, so it is impossible that they did not know this routine.

To put it bluntly, there is still a serious lack of information and we cannot make reasonable judgments. We can only rely on guessing.

"We must have missed some key information along the way..." Yao Xuehong turned off her flashlight, "I don't think you can believe everything it says, nor can you disbelieve it entirely. Unfortunately, we don't know which part is true and which part is false. Fake."

"It only gave two pieces of information in total. I think one is true and the other is false." The guest in charge of the rear also came to the vicinity of Youguang Medical Office and extinguished the flashlight on his hand.

Yao Xuehong analyzed carefully: "We have just confirmed that it is dangerous to go back... So, the other piece of information should be true?"

"In other words, we should follow the rules on the map regarding the infirmary?"

"Not necessarily. There may not be only one reminder about the infirmary. We still can't take it lightly."

The four people's eyes immediately focused on the strange map.

"Infirmary: The infirmary does not have a morgue and is far away from doctors..."

Just two simple reminders, but they caused four people to face difficulties.

"This... I feel that any of them may save lives, and I also feel that any of them may have pitfalls."

"Yes, the doctor may be a fatal NPC, or he may be a friendly NPC; the morgue may be full of dangers, or it may be a safe house. How do you tell the difference?"

"Well, didn't a team already explore the entire infirmary last week? They didn't find any morgue... Moreover, this is a school infirmary. The existence of a morgue is weird, right?"

"Furthermore, I think we can't just look at the rules of the infirmary, but also the rules related to elevators... If this elevator is placed here, it cannot be just a decoration."

"But this elevator is too old. It still uses a fence door...it doesn't look like a modern product."

Something with such a severe sense of fragmentation appeared in a strange building, and Yao Xuehong's uneasiness became even stronger.

"No matter what kind of elevator it is, the elevator code must have some reference value."

"Well, don't use it multiple times. You need to bring your faculty ID card when you enter. A faculty ID card can bring up to two people into the elevator. There should be nothing else."

As soon as he finished speaking, a giggling child's voice came from not far away: "There should be nothing else! Nothing else!"

The female guest who was holding the back of the map in her hand and analyzing the intelligence carefully was so frightened that she asked, "What, what the hell?"

Yao Xuehong tried hard to maintain her persona, resisting the urge to scream and run away, and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

"When did this wall get so close to us?!"

"No...why are there so many uneven bulges on the wall? When we came here before, these walls were very flat."

Yao Xuehong unknowingly forgot to maintain her perfect smile and sweet dimples. She fumbled around her body twice, found a flashlight, and shined it directly on the wall.

"This is not a bulge!"

Those bulges are clearly heads!

"Those heads, I think I've seen them before...are they students from this school? Are they all gathered on this wall?!"

"Just now, was this wall talking?"

The four of them subconsciously took two steps back and shined flashlights up and down the wall.

The twisted and bloody heads were squirming and crowded together. Several heads shared some organs and the eyes were about to be squeezed out. It was a shocking scene.

Suddenly, all the heads on the wall turned around and stared at the four people, their rotten mouths opened, and sinister voices came one after another: "Okay! Sting! Eyes!"

The sound was obviously not loud, but the enduring sound caused Yao Xuehong to suffer from brief dizziness and tinnitus.

By the time she recovered, the wall was only four or five steps away from her!

Several twisted arms slowly began to appear on the wall that originally contained only heads, waving and rushing towards them!



"Run! Enter the infirmary!"

Several other guests did not have Yao Xuehong's idol baggage. After seeing this scene, they could no longer suppress the fear that had been buried in their hearts for a long time and screamed out.

Yao Xuehong's face turned pale, she turned around quickly and rushed into the infirmary.

No matter what danger there was inside the infirmary, it would not be more dangerous than being captured by this wall of flesh and blood.

The four of them scrambled to get into the infirmary. As soon as they locked the door, they heard waves of unpleasant squeezing sounds of flesh and blood.

The entire flesh wall is directly attached to the door of the infirmary!

A few seconds later, the already shaky glass shattered into pieces, and several heads and arms that had been crushed into half a paste squeezed in through the gaps and rolled twice towards the team's position.

"Hoo...ho, ho!" Obviously they only ran a few steps, and the temperature in the secret room was not high, but several people couldn't help but gasp, "Here, it's not safe here! Run forward quickly, be careful. Check if there are any steps, and remember to slow down if there are steps!”

"Huhu... what is that place in front... the isolation and disinfection room?"

The isolation and disinfection room is to walk into a sealed room, wait for the entrance to be closed, and conduct full-body disinfection before opening the door to the inside of the room.

This kind of equipment is generally found in relatively high-end laboratories or hospitals.

"It's this kind of sterilization room, and it's a retro elevator... This infirmary is full of dangers." Yao Xuehong resisted the urge to breathe heavily and said, "We must get closer to each other later and we must not be separated anymore. , were defeated by each one!"

When they entered the secret room in the first week, they failed to resolve the crisis at the initial level, resulting in four people being separated and two losing their lives.

Now it seems that the space in the infirmary is not very large. As long as you stay vigilant and don't get tricked again, you shouldn't be separated...

Just as Yao Xuehong was thinking this, the door of the disinfection room suddenly closed with a very heavy sound.

Immediately afterwards, thick smoke filled the room, blocking most of everyone's view!

At the same time, barely within sight, a doctor wearing a white coat and holding a syringe filled with green solution pressed his face firmly against the entrance.

"Don't run! You are sick! You need treatment!!!"

A frightened voice came from in front of Yao Xuehong at the same time: "The door in front is open, run!"

Yao Xuehong, who was already panicking, didn't want to think too much. She clutched the staff card and flashlight in her hand and ran forward with her teammates.

After regaining her vision, she found that there was only one teammate left beside her.

"We are still separated... I know there is nothing good after losing sight."

The teammate running in front said casually: "Let's go quickly. They want to separate us. They have to find a safe place to hide first."

Under the constant pursuit of the terrifying doctor from behind, the two of them were quite panic-stricken and ran to the elevator door.

"Want to get in the elevator?"

Yao Xuehong heard more and more noise coming from behind. She gritted her teeth and took out her faculty ID card from her pocket: "There's no other place to go..."

The teammate didn't waste any time and reached out to press the elevator call button.

The old-fashioned elevator descends very slowly, and opens and closes even more slowly...but the doctor's roar from behind can be clearly heard!

Yao Xuehong was extremely anxious. She looked at the ferocious-looking doctor approaching with a needle and kept pressing the door button with her finger. She was almost ready to curse.

Why isn't this broken door closed? ! !

Looking at the slowly closing fence door and looking at the doctor getting closer and closer, she felt the emotion of "emergency to death" for the first time.

Finally, at the moment when the doctor ran over, the elevator door finally closed and the elevator finally started to start.

No matter how frantically the doctor slaps the button, the activated elevator will never open again.

"Huh..." Yao Xuehong, who had narrowly escaped death, turned around at this moment and glanced at her teammates who were squatting in the corner of the elevator breathing heavily, "Go to the morgue. The doctor has confirmed that it is dangerous. The morgue is supposed to be safe. of."

"Okay, let's go to the morgue."

"Hmm..." Yao Xuehong nodded and turned around, but suddenly a bad intuition arose in her heart.

She thought for five or six seconds and suddenly realized the source of this strange feeling.

No, this voice feels strange and familiar at the same time. It doesn't sound like my three teammates!

Familiar, familiar...

Wait, this voice is the voice of the "fifth person"! ! !

Yao Xuehong, whose whole body was cold, turned around stiffly.

A pair of black eyes appeared directly behind her at some point.

The scary monster wearing her teammate's costume chuckled: "What's wrong? Aren't you going to the morgue?"

Yao Xuehong sat down on the ground, and tears instantly flowed from her eyes: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh number so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so nor-masulsingping THE basis basis-breathing basis," (End of Chapter)

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