I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 330 Unprecedented grand occasion

Lu Shuyuan, who was called out from the office, got into the elevator with a confused look on her face and arrived at the floor where the viewing room was located.

Dong dong dong...

Lu Shuyuan knocked on the door of the viewing room, her tone and face full of confusion: "Mr. Yang, are you looking for me?"

She was confused at this time not because her boss was looking for her - after all, she was also a company executive. Even though many daily affairs had been handed over to Qi Mu, some important matters still required direct communication with her boss.

She was confused because she had clearly ended her one-hour daily movie watching time more than 20 minutes ago and returned to the office to continue working...

As a result, the chair was not even warm, so Mr. Yang called her back again?

This must have wasted at least half an hour of work time.

"Yes, come in." Yang Ruoqian's voice came from the viewing room, "The company has a very important task for you."

Very important task?

Lu Shuyuan, who had just opened the door, slowed down a little and felt a little uneasy.

Although Lu Shuyuan is almost the most senior employee of Kuangguang Group, joining Kuangguang Group almost when Mr. Yang started from scratch, and then worked her way from the front desk to her current position step by step, she still knows her position very well.

Compared with other senior executives, Lu Shuyuan lags behind in terms of personal hard power.

For example, Weng Ziqin, the operations director who runs the company in an orderly manner; and Shao Yiqi, Yang Ruoqian's true confidant, who has won numerous large projects for Kuaiguang Group.

One can handle so many things every day with ease and without making any mistakes; the other is completely worthy of the boss's brainwave - one of the huge cash flows of Kuaiguang Group is the shelter company.

Shao Yiqi strongly advocated the acquisition of this company.

These two generals have managed the successful projects of Kuaiguang Group in an orderly manner and are the ones who have succeeded.

The other helps Kuaiguang Group expand its territory and is the sharpest knife in Mr. Yang's hand.

But what about Lu Shuyuan?

She is just the director of the human resources department.

This title sounds very powerful indeed, but it only manages the grassroots employees and some middle-level managers, and it does not have much influence on the upper management of the entire company.

And many times Yang Ruoqian has his own ideas and will go out for school recruitment or social recruitment by himself. Even if Lu Shuyuan is in charge, the final verification steps must be left to Yang Ruoqian.

After helping Yang Ruoqian recruit suitable candidates time and time again, Lu Shuyuan gradually adapted to such a job.

I only need to screen out a large number of candidates and submit a variety of candidates to Mr. Yang, and he will naturally make the right choice.

But now, Mr. Yang said that he had to give himself a very important task?

What is an important task that cannot be performed by others in the company and must be left to her?

Although she knew that her abilities were mediocre compared to other company veterans, she had been in sales after all and would not give up just because of one task.

Lu Shuyuan suddenly regained the hard-working and challenging feeling she had when she first joined the company. She raised her head and said, "Mr. Yang, tell me!"

"Our company was recently invited to a workplace recruitment show. Do you know about workplace recruitment shows?" Yang Ruoqian asked.

"Don't worry, I watched some similar programs when I was in school." Lu Shuyuan nodded lightly, "Do you want me to represent the company on the program to recruit new employees of the company?"

"That's right!" Yang Ruoqian clapped his hands, "I have a lot of things to deal with in the company. Since you are the director of the human resources department, it is up to you to participate in this recruitment program."

Lu Shuyuan blinked: "Mr. Yang, you asked me to participate in this show. Are you planning to take the opportunity to promote the company's image, or do you really want to recruit your favorite employees on the show?"

In fact, judging from the current full recruitment mailbox and popularity of Kuaiguang Group, any talent that Kuaiguang Group wants to find can be recruited into the company within three days.

There is no need to go on any recruitment show.

If you want to promote it, Lu Shuyuan may need to find employees from the publicity department to work together to make some plans.

Shao Yiqi was originally in charge of the Kuaiguang Group's publicity. However, as the noise he caused became more and more serious and his "contribution" to the Kuaiguang Group became greater and greater, Mr. Yang had no choice but to transfer him from the Propaganda Department. Throw it to the project R\u0026D department.

"No need to do any publicity." Yang Ruoqian immediately waved his hand, "Just be a normal guest and go up to look for candidates."

Lu Shuyuan nodded: "Mr. Yang, what type of employees do you need to recruit? Are there any basic requirements?"

"The requirement...is to find someone who is very special at first glance." Yang Ruoqian couldn't directly tell him to find some crooked dates for him, so he reminded him tactfully, "It's the kind of shining point that is well hidden. Other companies No one found."

Lu Shuyuan was stunned for a while. She really couldn't figure out what kind of talent would hide their shining points in a recruitment program in full view of everyone.

Are there any benefits to doing this?

And it has to be something that no other company has discovered... It means that Lu Shuyuan can only take action when all other companies turn off their lights and refuse to accept this recruiter?

Only people who are not wanted by other companies can pass the primary election of Kuaiguang Group?

Lu Shuyuan was just surprised for a moment, and immediately retracted her unnecessary doubts: "Okay, Mr. Yang... If I find such a person, how should I further judge whether he should be recruited into the company?"

Hey, he is indeed the most obedient HR director!

It doesn’t even take much effort to deceive.

Yang Ruoqian showed a mysterious smile: "Just go against your intuition."

Now Yang Ruoqian discovered that if he deliberately looks for bad employees who meet his requirements, it can easily have the opposite effect.

Most of the time these people just look bad, or are incompetent in certain abilities...

After being recruited into the company, he immediately shined and stabbed Mr. Yang in the back.

Now, Yang Ruoqian highlights a random one.

If you choose one of the many eliminated candidates to recruit at random, there can't be any problems, right?

As a graduate of a top university, Mr. Yang firmly believes in the power of probability.

"He, your intuition is counter-intuitive?" Lu Shuyuan repeated blankly, feeling that Mr. Yang's words were indeed very mysterious, but she still kept them all in mind, "Okay, Mr. Yang, do you have any other requests?"

"That's all for now. I will arrange for someone to contact the program team for you. Just pack your things and prepare for the business trip... By the way, remember to take our company's private jet. If you want to eat on the way, just tell the flight attendant directly."

"If you have any temporary requirements, please feel free to contact me!"

"It's okay. If I have time, I might go to the scene and take a look."


"Your Best Job" program team.

At this time, the bored program staff were in a simple room, surrounding a projection screen monitor.

"Have the companies we invited responded?"

"Some agreed and some refused... If there are vacancies, we can invite other companies. It's not a big problem."

"That's right. Anyway, with a big company like Yuefu Group this time, the lineup is enough."

"Can you two stop talking about work? How long have we been working overtime to get such a little rest? Watch variety shows and don't always bring up things that are disappointing."

"Ah, ah, Xiao Shang, run away, my mother is going to cry because of your stupidity... Oooh, I can't bear to watch anymore."

"I always thought that Shang Qianyu had a silly character, but now it seems...it seems that he is really a bit stupid. It's hard to say."

"What's the point of watching little girls being bullied all day long? Come and see Zhang Wei, the comedian of this variety show!"

"Hahahahaha! The NPC pretending to be a little girl asked him if he wanted to eat candy, and he actually said seriously that this kind of thing should be said to a little girl by an uncle like him, hahahahaha! This person is too abstract. "

The program team of "Your Best Job" watched Kuaiguang Group's variety show and had a great time discussing it while eating snacks.

In fact, many of their employees have worked as staff of various variety shows. For them, most variety shows have lost their appeal.

When a hobby becomes a job that makes money, and when a hobby begins to exert pressure on people like a talisman, then the hobby is no longer a hobby.

Until they saw "Escape Room" by Kuaiguang Group.

Even if they know that the secret room is full of special effects and that the NPCs inside are all disguised, they still get goosebumps from time to time.

Whether it is the director in charge of photography, the designer who designs the levels of the secret room, or the field control who sits behind the scenes and adjusts the secret room at any time, they are all top-notch!

Every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, they will stay in front of their mobile phones or tablets on time, waiting for the latest episode of "Escape Room" to be broadcast.

"I have to say that this variety show is the most entertaining and fun I have ever watched in recent years."

"This secret room is really too realistic, and there are endless details... Kuaiguang Group spent at least three to four hundred million for this variety show!"

"It's all worth it. The agency fees alone are enough for them to make back their money."

A young and fun-loving employee found a chair and sat down, pretending to sigh: "Oh, just looking at the number of views, our program will be beaten by the other party... I still remember that Kuaiguang Group was still a super mini company at that time. Then I chose to become colleagues with you... Tsk, what a bad luck!"

"This episode has only been released for a few minutes, and the comments and comments are already like this, and they are obviously real people... I can only say that it is really amazing."

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, our program schedule is completely different from theirs, and the traffic will not be affected. Just look at ours."

While a few people were chatting, the screen suddenly went black, and the originally dark secret room was barely illuminated by a few rays of light.

"Don't talk yet, look, look, look, Yao Xuehong and his team seem to be in serious trouble."

"I saw it... I used to be a temporary staff member of a variety show. Let me tell you clearly, Yao Xuehong's all-round character was packaged by their team. She actually doesn't understand many things herself, tsk tsk."

"It's normal. Who among the people here hasn't worked in various variety shows? Stop talking and continue watching."

"What is this, a ghost hitting the wall? Why is the place different every time you go to and from it?"

"No, doesn't Yao Xuehong claim to be omnipotent? How could he miss such an obvious clue? I'm so angry!"

"It's nothing. If you were in that kind of atmosphere, you might not be able to do as well as Yao Xuehong."

While chatting, an employee was suddenly startled and shouted:

"Holy shit! This wall of flesh and blood behind the infirmary, this head and these eyes... I can't stand it. I'm scared even looking at it through the screen. If I go in, I will definitely be eliminated the fastest."

"Oh, it would be great if the secret room was not demolished. Our brothers would cover the tickets directly and let you experience the horror and weirdness of modern civilization..."

"Holy shit, this wall is still moving? Damn it, this face put together... my penis is going to fall off! This scream, and so many baby's public organs! Designed this thing You may have some problems with your mental state!"

As she screamed with emotion, the camera suddenly turned away, showing Yao Xuehong and her teammates running into the bank in a panic, chased by doctors.

Immediately afterwards, the camera showed Yao Xuehong, who thought she was safe.

Then, countless viewers from all over the country saw Yao Xuehong being taken into the morgue by a ghost pretending to be a teammate. They were so frightened that they sat on the ground and cried.

This look that could definitely be made into an emoticon made everyone stunned for a while.

Then bursts of laughter broke out.

"Damn it, you are really crying! My Almighty Goddess, why are you crying harder than Feng Luo last time, hahahahaha!!!"

"What the hell, you can actually arrange for a ghost to pretend to be a teammate, and then scare Yao Xuehong when he hides in the elevator and has no way out?! This designer is so malicious."

"No, this is Yao Xuehong, who has the most crystallized fans. How dare the Kuaiguang Group make people cry without giving any face? How brave is that?"

"It's not because of me... It's not like Feng Luo hasn't been arrested. Didn't she successfully escape by relying on her own ability and the cooperation of her teammates?"

"You tell this to other idiot fans, and if you try to reason with them, they will cheat on you. There's nothing to talk about."

“Recently, there have been more and more curses on the Baopu app...”

"It's normal. If the person I like was put into this secret room and forced to live for three weeks, I would also scold Kuaiguang Group."

"Well, most people are not criticizing the Kuangguang Group, but attacking each other... For example, Feng Luo's fans attacked Yao Xuehong for being fake, smart, pretentious and arrogant."

"The other side scolded Feng Luo for not having a ladylike image, etc."

"Once there is danger over there, the fans on the other side will gloat about the misfortune... Tsk tsk, on the contrary, the reputation of this variety show has been maintained quite well."

"Tsk, there aren't many people who dare to directly scold the Kuoguang Group for being nian...you have to pick the soft ones."

A middle-aged employee suddenly turned his body half sideways and asked uncertainly: "Hey, speaking of Kuaiguang Group, our program team seems to have been invited this time. Do you think you can invite us?"

"Who knows... I don't think it will come. They have no shortage of employees and no shortage of fame."

Only half of the words were said when an assistant hurried from outside and knocked on the door: "Good news! I just received the confirmation notice that Kuaiguang Group has agreed to participate in our show!!!" (End of Chapter)

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