I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 335 When the child is old, go out and find food by yourself

most? Worst award?

After saying this, everyone who was about to start praising Yang Ruoqian for his selfless contribution to the development and progress of the entertainment industry opened their mouths, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

"The worst award?" Finally, Shang Qianyu was the first to ask, "Who is the boss going to give the worst award to? Why should we give it to them?"

Yang Ruoqian said: "I think the memory of the Internet is a bit poor now. When watching a work, many people often ignore the dark history of the director and actors, continue to have all kinds of unrealistic fantasies, and then be Poison again."

"There are many bad movies that make money. If they had a different director and a different actor, they would not be able to sell such a high box office... Isn't it a bit wasteful to let such works occupy the already scarce resources in the film and television industry?"

"I think we need to deepen this impression and let directors who make bad movies and actors with poor acting skills have more scruples."

"However, we cannot judge this type of award based on subjective feelings. We must strictly rely on data, and the data must also be presented when awarding awards...Which work is the best can be subjective, but which work is the worst must be objective. .”

"I plan to name this award the Golden Mop Award... However, in order to prevent some people from deliberately making bad movies to win the award for profit, the trophy itself will not be as valuable as the Best Award."

Shang Qianyu thought for a while and asked another very important question: "But boss, if we give this kind of award to others, will they come to receive it?"

"It doesn't matter whether they come to receive it or not." Yang Ruoqian, who was originally awarded the grand prize, was not worried at all. "We can just award it to him. If he doesn't come, the seat will be vacant."

Even though she was used to the magical operations of Kuangguang Group and Yang Ruoqian, Cheng Fei couldn't help but feel confused at this moment. She asked: "Mr. Yang, you... uh, are you planning to set up a prize for this 'worst' award? ?”

"Since it is an award, of course there must be a prize, otherwise what would it be called an award?" Yang Ruoqian said with a smile, "The winners of these bad movies will all get a copy of the Shelter Company's film resource package! When it comes to bad movies, our Kuaiguang Group is also a Take good care of yourself.”

"If it's mediocre, it doesn't qualify as our worst candidate."

Imagine that one side of the awards scene is in full swing, with winners being interviewed holding physical awards, while the other side is empty, with all the prizes placed on the table, a funny scene.

The effect of the program is simply amazing.

Moreover, the effect of this program will not bring any profit.

Cheng Fei looked at Mr. Yang who was talking endlessly and suddenly clapped his hands twice: "I understand!"

Others, including Yang Ruoqian, turned their eyes and waited for her to speak.

Among them, Yang Ruoqian was most confused - what did Cheng Fei understand? He doesn't quite understand it himself, so how come others understand it?

"Mr. Yang's ambition is indeed very big... In fact, you have already been laying the foundation for the Kuangguang Entertainment Empire." Cheng Fei said with emotion in her tone, "No matter how good the work is, the evaluation will not be right. It’s also in the hands of others.”

"No matter how popular it is, it can still be said to be a commercial work, without depth, just to make people laugh."

"But if you only control the media, you can influence the evaluation power to a certain extent, but many people will also see that there is a shady story. The various awards in the entertainment industry are the best proof now - it has almost become a self-entertainment for this small circle. Awards for self-pleasure have no credibility.”

"Now, Mr. Yang is setting up his own awards to award films other than his own. He just wants to seize the credibility currently vacant in the entertainment industry market!"

"If Kuaiguang Group says it's a good movie, it's good; if it's bad, it's bad."

"Actually, the Baopu app itself has partially assumed this function, but it is still immature and unsystematic. It is limited to the public perspective and is not authoritative regardless of the rating."

"Now Mr. Yang plans to turn this influence into the official influence of Kuaiguang Group."

"An entertainment empire that involves live broadcasts, movies, variety shows, singing... all projects, and even has the right to evaluate. What a grand blueprint is this?"

"Even the production and evaluation of bad movies are included in these sections."

"If Mr. Yang succeeds, Kuaiguang Group will definitely surpass any previous company and become a true super giant in the entertainment industry."

"Maybe, Kuaiguang Group can truly enter the international market and compete with those global entertainment empires."

"Mr. Yang's vision is definitely not limited to the domestic market."

After Cheng Fei finished speaking, everyone in the viewing room was shocked.

It turns out that a small award is such an important piece of the puzzle in the grand blueprint of Kuaiguang Group?

Although this is the first time for everyone here to hear the words "grand blueprint", thinking about what Cheng Fei said and thinking about the development of Kuaiguang Group over the past year, they are convinced of it. .

Chang Zhiqing looked over in confusion: "Are you so thoughtful?"

Why can't I see that this person is so ambitious at home? Actually want to enter the international market?

Yang Ruoqian was also a little confused... Was Cheng Fei talking about herself or the Kuaiguang Group?

Why does it feel like she is describing a complete stranger.

But comparing her description with mine, it seems that judging from the results and facts, she is not wrong...

It was obviously a company that just wanted to lose money at the beginning, but now it has turned into a grand blueprint for a super giant in the entertainment industry?

If you are so frantic about getting a big prize for self-pleasure, will it turn into a boomerang that hits you in the end?

No, no, we can’t be led astray by Cheng Fei!

"What President Cheng said, we haven't thought that far yet." Yang Ruoqian calmed down and said, "This is just an ordinary award, nothing more."

"Mr. Yang is good at everything, but he is too modest!" Cheng Fei recalled the various cooperation between the two parties over the past year, shook her head and sighed, "When we first started cooperating, I was the one who doubted Mr. Yang's project, but Mr. Yang was confident Full, promise me profit.”

"Now, I have become more confident, and Mr. Yang has become more modest and prudent... This is the attitude of not being arrogant in victory and not discouraged in defeat."

Stop thinking about it!

The smile on Yang Ruoqian's face is almost unbearable - is it because he is not arrogant in victory but not discouraged in defeat? It is obvious that a series of successes have completely shattered Mr. Yang's original self-confidence of losing money, causing him to have to be self-confident every time he starts a project. Doubtful, this project is so outrageous, can it really still make money?

It is normal for people who are just starting out to be a little more confident. Once they have been hit enough by success in society, they will develop a modest and prudent character.

It has nothing to do with magnanimity, Yang Ruoqian just recognized the reality!

"Not to mention anything else, the boss's mentality, vision and structure are indeed stable." As a college classmate, Shao Yiqi gave a rare compliment, "When I was in school, others would give me awards. This time it is finally my turn to give awards. Someone else won the award, hahaha!"

"But, will others come to receive it?" Shang Qianyu, who finally managed to sit in the judging panel for a while, was a little worried, "Our award has just been established, and it doesn't have much reputation."

Cheng Fei turned to look at Shang Qianyu and said in a complicated tone: "Xiao Shang... you have been working in Kuaiguang Group for a long time. You have used too many resources of Kuaiguang Group. It is normal that you have no corresponding concepts in your mind."

"Have you not realized anything when you see so many first-line stars willing to destroy their own personalities in order to compete for the resources released by Mr. Yang in variety shows? Even if they are punished, they quickly post to clarify their thoughts?"

"The resources you have enjoyed casually over the past year, in the eyes of others, require all your efforts to have any chance of obtaining."

"Everyone can see your acting skills and the speed of your progress, but this resource is actually very, very precious. It's so rare that you can only find it."

"Think about it, the box office was good and you were the female lead in "Black Robe Inspection Squad", which won the international award; "The Wandering Blue Star" is almost guaranteed to be the box office champion this year, and you are also the female lead..."

"The goal of many actors in this life is to participate in such a work... As long as they can show the results of such a work and be stable in the follow-up, they can easily get the status of a first-line star."

"And you, as a fledgling actor, have won it twice in one year."

"Mr. Yang has also seen this situation, so he has only recently begun to spread the group's resources outwards."

"Small businessman, you have already received many, many bonuses. This is why you are so blessed and don't know how lucky you are."

Many actors can't get resources in their lifetime, but she got it twice in a year?

In fact, it is not that Shang Qianyu has not experienced setbacks - she has also been a group performer for a long time, struggled hard, and was forced to cry by Yuefu and Tianyue.

But in the end she met the Kuaiguang Group and succeeded.

How many others have had the same experience as her, but in the end they couldn't succeed no matter how hard they tried?

Shang Qianyu was a little shocked when he heard that. He looked at Cheng Fei and then at Yang Ruoqian: "Boss, it seems, it seems like this is really the case?"

"Uh... If you look at the results, that's indeed the case." Yang Ruoqian thought about his original intention of making those movies, and his tone was a bit complicated, "You don't need to be nervous, small businessman. These resources, uh, you wouldn't know if you didn't use them at the time. How many people come to use it?”

"Black Robe Inspection Team" is generally not favored by the market. This is because research was conducted before filming.

Judging from the results afterwards, this resource is certainly precious, but at the time, many people were not even willing to be the starring role.

If it weren't for the successful cooperation in the past, the director might not be willing to take on this job.

However, Xiaoshang didn't know these things. She thought about the resources she had consumed during this period, and suddenly felt a little ashamed: "Boss... I said before that I would accept some advertising to repay the company, but you didn't agree."

Is that repayment? That's your revenge!

Yang Ruoqian thought for a while and felt that the child was indeed old and it was time to leave home and go out and work hard on his own.

The main reason is that in the past, Yang Ruoqian kept Shang Qianyu in the company to eat resources because he wanted the 18th-tier star to eat garbage resources and successfully complete the closed loop of losses.

Now that Shang Qianyu is almost a queen, the company's resources are no longer garbage resources, and the original closed loop of losses has become a virtuous circle.

Continuing to completely bind Shang Qianyu to the group and only taking advantage of the group's resources and not external resources is already an outdated strategy.

Shang Qianyu's flow and ability will improve the quality of the group's resources, and the quality of the group's resources will in turn strengthen Shang Qianyu's flow and train her ability.

Now we should find another way out - Shang Qianyu goes out on his own and cooperates with other producers on behalf of Kuaiguang Group, and he might get a bad film; Kuaiguang Group is spreading its resources as much as possible as it is now, as long as it can If you are lucky enough to meet a bad actor, you can lower your reputation.

Of course, this was all done voluntarily, and Yang Ruoqian would definitely not force Shang Qianyu to make a bad movie on purpose.

"The past was before, and the present is now." Yang Ruoqian waved his hand, "But you don't have to accept advertisements. It won't be of much help to your career advancement."

"Oh, then Sister Wen and I will go outside to look for resources!" Shang Qianyu nodded, "Oh, I have never gone out to work hard before, so I am a bit nervous."

"When you go out to work hard, it should be others who are nervous." Yang Ruoqian corrected, "You have to have some idea of ​​your current position."

Shang Qianyu has a high status, but when he is not working, he clocks in, fishes, eats and sleeps after work. In the company, he is basically a street kid and has little contact with other people in the entertainment industry.

Most people in the entertainment industry can only rely on those few works and this variety show to analyze her.

In the eyes of others, Shang Qianyu is the most mysterious, terrifying, and difficult person to serve, and he is the signature of Kuaiguang Group.

Now that this sign suddenly appears, it will naturally make many people nervous.

Shang Qianyu sighed: "Oh, am I so powerful now!"

"Also, you have to remember that you represent Kuoguang Group. You are the face of the group, and the group is also your backer." Yang Ruoqian warned in detail, "Don't give up eating because of choking... You don't need to start from scratch. .”

Shang Qianyu nodded seriously: "Remember, boss."

"If you encounter something like what you encountered in Tianyue and Yuefu... do you know what to do?" Yang Ruoqian was deeply impressed by Shang Qianyu's previous tragic experience, so he still warned him uneasily, "Don't be stupid. If it's over, just tell the group directly and the group will help you solve it, you know?"

"Oh... I got it!" Shang Qianyu felt a little ashamed, "I wasn't bullied before when I was nothing. Who can bully me now?"


After chatting, everyone finally dispersed.

Yang Ruoqian and Chang Zhiqing also got in the car and prepared to go home.

Yang Ruoqian sat in the passenger seat as usual: "Well, we need to publicize the awards first, let Chengyu Media help us."

"When can you drive yourself?"

"Oh, it's almost the same for you and me!" Yang Ruoqian said perfunctorily to Chang Zhiqing, and then flipped through two pages in the address book, "Find a manufacturer to customize the trophy..." (End of Chapter)

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