I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 339 Why are there so many people?

In fact, Feng Luo didn't understand until the end why the two NPCs suddenly rebelled.

Qin Xin invited the three of them to the podium and said with a smile: "Since you have found so many doubts about these two NPCs, why didn't you think about another possibility - that both of them have problems?"

"The one with the most suspicion is the bad guy? The one with the least suspicion is the good guy?"

"Actually, both of them have evil intentions. No matter whether you choose to throw those limbs into the altar or burn them in the fire, it will trigger a bad ending - you escape, but the weirdness in the secret room is also released. "

The more Feng Luo listened, the more strange he became: "Wait a minute, aren't Zhang Wei and Shang Qianyu moles? In that case, they should find a way to put things into the altar or into the fire pit?"

The hidden mission of the mole is to deal with the good guests and try to escape as bad as possible while triggering a bad ending.

The way to trigger the bad ending is to listen to either of the two NPCs. Doesn't that mean that as long as Zhang Wei does nothing, he can win successfully?

The last surviving four-person team originally planned to burn all the mission props!

Meaning, what they triggered was actually a good ending?

No wonder the two NPCs suddenly went crazy...

Zhang Wei and Shang Qianyu were a little dumbfounded - as the two insiders, they were calmer than the good guests, and felt that there was no need for the program team to deliberately put so many props on every limb.

You must know that these things are the key to escaping from the secret room!

So when others were not paying attention, they secretly removed all the props from their limbs, waiting to be used at the most critical moment.

Are these key props used to trigger the good ending?

They had worked so hard for so long, cheating other guests, and acting like a two-man wolf who killed themselves, but in the end, they suddenly ended up with a good ending that was irreversible?

What kind of reverse plot is this to turn the tide?

Qin Xin looked at the three confused guests, shook his head and said, "Yes, you triggered the good ending... You missed important information when you were in the principal's office. This information will tell you that the clothes on the body are It’s a real important prop.”

"So, everyone in our program team decided at that time that the good guys camp was basically finished, and it was impossible to achieve a good ending."

Qin Xin said and couldn't help but laugh: "Who knows about the inner ghost... Haha, because the inner ghost didn't get this information either, and they intuitively sensed that these props might have a significant effect, so they used them at the last moment. come out."

"So, the happy ending was forcibly achieved."

Feng Luo thought for a while and asked: "In that case, why isn't I the first place?"

Qin Xin handed the second place sign to Feng Luo and reminded: "Have you forgotten the rules of the variety show? What are the winning conditions for the insider? As long as there are less than 3 good guests in the end, it will be regarded as the victory of the insider camp. "

"But since the entire guest group reached a happy ending, and the guests who escaped in the end were both insiders and good guys, we decided that this variety show will be ranked according to the order of escape, otherwise it will be too chaotic."

Feng Luo glanced at the sign in his hand and nodded clearly: "I understand..."

Qin Xin smiled: "Then let's ask our award-winning guests to give their speeches? Let's start with small businesses first?"

Shang Qianyu held the third place sign, his face still a little confused: "Huh? Am I third place now? I feel like I haven't done anything... What on earth have I been doing these three weeks?"

Qin Xin's face stiffened and he decided to skip this little fool who might embarrass the group.

He walked up to Feng Luo and asked with a smile: "Sister Feng, will you also give an acceptance speech?"

Feng Luo, who had left the secret room, had now restored her original dignified and elegant image. She took the microphone very reservedly, with a perfect smile on her face: "I cannot win this award without the help of my teammates... Well, it would not be possible without everyone’s efforts.”

Originally, I wanted to say something about the situation, but thinking about my so-called three teammates, one was eliminated early, and the other two were moles who wanted to kill me at any time, so I couldn't say anything.

"I believe everyone has seen my performance in the secret room, but please don't misunderstand me, fans. People will burst out part of their potential when they are extremely fearful. Many of my performances are subconscious reactions of people's survival instinct. .”

"Finally, I am very grateful to the program team for giving me such an opportunity to spend an unforgettable three weeks in such an exciting secret room. Thank you all. I hope we can meet again on a program in the future."


Qin Xin nodded: "Okay, let's invite our biggest winner, Zhang Wei, to give his acceptance speech! Congratulations on winning first place. You now have an opportunity to sign a brokerage contract with Kuaiguang Group. At the same time, you can Starring in the group's next film..."


Not far from the scene, Yang Ruoqian looked at the screen and said to Chang Zhiqing beside him: "In fact, it seems that the biggest beneficiary is undoubtedly Feng Luo."

"Yes, I heard that many film producers are already planning to contact her." Chang Zhiqing nodded, "But whether she can take this opportunity to make a good film and stabilize her position is yet to be seen."

The traffic brought by variety shows may not be so stable. Many casual fans were attracted by Feng Luo after seeing his performance as King of Strength in the Secret Room, so the stickiness is not that high.

If there is no outstanding movie to retain these fans and convert them into die-hard fans willing to pay, then Feng Luo will slowly return to her original position after a period of time.

The flow has arrived, it depends on whether she can catch it.

"But she has nothing to do with us anymore." Yang Ruoqian shook his head, "The resource pack for second place is just traffic."

"Tsk, others really want to sign a contract with our company...how many times have they tried?"

Yang Ruoqian laughed: "To be honest, Feng Luo has outstanding personal abilities and has established her style. Signing a contract with our company may not be the best development for her personally."

"That's what I said..."

The two chatted and soon returned home.

This quarter is almost over, and it’s time to wait for the quarterly settlement. In fact, seeing the popularity of variety shows now, Mr. Yang also knows that this so-called plan to collapse the character design to cause fans to resent and boycott has basically declared bankruptcy.

Some fans will boycott or even criticize the show crew. Such voices have not completely subsided until now...

However, more fans will completely give up on themselves after breaking their guard, choosing to partially boycott, not seeing the suffering scenes of their own stars, and only laughing at the suffering of others.

This will have almost no impact on the ratings, except for the completion rate.

Even because of the escalation of the scolding war between fans, the popularity of the variety show has remained high, causing many people who don't pay attention to the entertainment industry to come in and take a look.

People are not fans of any specific celebrity. As long as they see someone suffering, they will praise it. Some even more evil people have sent emails to the program team to provide their inspiration for the whole person...

In short, in the end, the variety show attracted much more traffic than the fans who boycotted the variety show.

A week later in the evening, the third quarter of this year finally ushered in the settlement.

"What are you doing? Why don't you come in and sleep? Tomorrow is a long vacation."

"Wait, wait a few minutes." Yang Ruoqian lay on the sofa and casually said to Chang Zhiqing, "Come after watching this video."

He said he was watching a video, but in fact Yang Ruoqian had already brought up the system panel.

Maybe it was because he was numb, or maybe it was because he was skinny, but at this time, his mentality felt indescribably stable - the previous feeling of being eager for success and almost losing money was much lighter, and instead he had a mentality of having fun.

Let’s see how much money he can make from this random creation.

[The company's profit and loss status this quarter: 190674120.05]

[The company's profits are stable this quarter. The host held a "variety show", an option that has never been tried before, and achieved unprecedented success. It is worth celebrating! 】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the long-term mission: owning an office building that belongs entirely to the company! 】

[Long-term mission reward: In order to make it easier for the host to launch its products, the host company will obtain the right to pass international reviews of various programs and activities (provided that they comply with local regulations)]

[Congratulations to the host for completing this season’s optional mission: Entering an entertainment industry that has never been touched before]

[Optional mission reward: Considering that traffic jams may affect the host’s work efficiency and delay important trips, the system will reimburse the host for a private helicopter]

[Based on the profit ratio of 1/10000, the host will receive a commission of 19067.41, which does not meet the standard for the surprise prize. Please keep up the good work in the future! 】

[Rewards are being distributed...]

"Private helicopter..." Yang Ruoqian, who has already suffered from supercar maintenance, complained, "Can it be recorded in the company's name? Don't give me such harmful rewards again!"

This thing is simply not something he can afford!

Recording it in the company's name and recording it in his personal name are two completely different concepts.

The last supercar incident also ended Yang Ruoqian's fantasy of transferring his own assets to the company.

What's more, unlike a car, this thing is difficult to take action with.

"Haha, you gave me the reward and I didn't wait to mention it! Unless I find a buyer who can make the transition seamless, I will never mention this thing. This system is really unkind!"

As for the commission of less than 20,000 yuan, Yang Ruoqian simply chose to ignore it - anyway, he already had several million in deposits in his card, and this little money was nothing at all.

"This long-term reward is a bit interesting." Yang Ruoqian finished complaining and sighed heavily, "Is this encouraging me to enter the international market?"

Although today's Kuaiguang Group is not yet an industry leader, it is at least in the first echelon, and is the most promising first echelon to challenge the two giants.

In addition to slightly insufficient production capacity, Kuaiguang Group can be said to be at the top level in China in terms of film quality, reputation of celebrity artists, and various IPs.

But the problem... lies in the insufficient production capacity.

In terms of stars, there is only one would-be queen, Shang Qianyu, who can really hold up the scene. Although one movie is a hit and the other is a hit, the Kuaiguang Group only has two movies in total.

To put it bluntly, Kuaiguang Group will not only continue to produce explosive products every year or even every quarter as before, but it will naturally become a giant if it just sticks to its current family business and develops slowly for a few years.

All that is missing is the accumulation of time.

"So, are we ready to enter the international market now?" Yang Ruoqian smiled and shook his head, "It just so happened that we got the shares of a foreign game company. When the game is finished, we can give this game to our company's game anchors to play Play……"

There are currently two projects in the fourth quarter of this year. The first is the movie "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" and the second is the Kuangguang Entertainment Annual Award.

Thanks to the momentum created by Chengyu Media, although not everyone is aware of this award, most well-known celebrities and companies are already aware of it.

“I don’t have a clue about the international project yet. We’ll talk about it next year.”

After making preliminary plans, Yang Ruoqian scrolled down the system panel to see if the system had released any new tasks.

[Starting from the fourth quarter of this year]

[Current profit and loss status:...]

[The first long-term mission has been completed...]

[Now releasing Long-term Mission 2.0: Although the host company has made great achievements in every field, its accumulation in each field is not deep. Please ask the host to make at least one more topical movie, cultivate at least one second-tier actor and increase the company's influence in the entertainment industry (regardless of method)]

[Optional tasks for this quarter: Another year is about to pass, the host’s performance this year is remarkable, try to organize an event to summarize this year]

Yang Ruoqian scanned the tasks roughly and nodded: "It's almost all what I'm doing... Just because it's topical doesn't mean it can make money."

"Zhang Wei does have some potential, but we must carefully plan the route this time, and we cannot cultivate another Shang Qianyu 2.0."

"The last task, the Kuangguang Entertainment Award should be considered as a way to increase our influence."

The optional tasks are even simpler - Yang Ruoqian would never miss the opportunity to spend big money at the end of the year.

"The task is quite simple. I hope the rewards can be better. It's best to give me money directly and stop rewarding negative equity..."

After reading all the contents on the system panel, Yang Ruoqian stretched himself and went back to his room to sleep.

Tomorrow is the first day of the seven-day holiday, so I have to relax.

The next day, Yang Ruoqian and Chang Zhiqing got up at around ten o'clock in the morning and went to Qianda Plaza next to Kuangguang Building.

It happened that the people in the operations department were planning a new restaurant here, and Yang Ruoqian planned to come and try it out.

He knew there would be a lot of people during the long holidays, so he booked a private room in the restaurant.

Then, after finally squeezing through the tidal flow of traffic, Yang Ruoqian and the two of them plunged into the crowded shopping mall.

Although he reserved a private room in the restaurant, he did not reserve an elevator in the mall!

How come the queue for the elevator is so long!

Mr. Yang took Chang Zhiqing's hand and asked blankly: "Were there so many people last year?"

"No..." Chang Zhiqing shook her head.

"Then why are there so many people this year? Is there any relevant tourism policy here?" (End of Chapter)

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