We can only talk about the promotional video after Yang Ruoqian comes back from abroad.

The prosperity of the Kuaiguang Group's industrial chain can no longer solve the problem, so it would be better to stay out of sight and out of mind, and wait until the long vacation is over before returning from outside.

Although high-speed WiFi is available throughout the private jet, it does not mean that Yang Ruoqian will not block everyone's information.

Anyway, he will never look at what happened in these seven days again.

Just when Mr. Yang was taking Chang Zhiqing on a trip, several tourists also came out from under the Kueiguang Building in Jinhai City.

"F*ck!" A person couldn't help shouting after leaving the elevator and getting into a rented car. "This is so cool! After so many years, after so many years, I finally felt the long-lost horror. Got it!"

As hard-core secret room enthusiasts, the two of them have played in many secret rooms across the country... But at the same time, their threshold for fear is also getting higher and higher, and they are becoming more and more familiar with various scary routines.

That initial sense of excitement becomes increasingly difficult to find.

Nowadays, many secret rooms are under the guise of hard-core horror, but in fact they are still the same old thing - even if they make many, many mistakes, the NPC will try their best to let the players experience the entire process.

Without the "life danger", the sense of immersion instantly collapsed.

But it’s different here at Kuaiguang Group!

The two of them really saw someone being dragged out and eliminated alive.

Although they have signed a contract in advance, if someone is eliminated in the secret room due to various reasons and does not experience the full content, Kuaiguang Group will provide a partial refund for this...

But for those who are willing to spend thousands of dollars to play this secret room, who would care about a refund?

It was so hard to get tickets for such a hard-core secret room, but it would be too bad to be refunded before the experience was complete.

Just because you were lucky enough to get tickets this time does not mean you will have such good luck next time.

If you fail to grab a second ticket within a year, or if you grab a ticket but are eliminated midway like this time, the loss will be heavy.

"Scream softer and don't be startled." His companion who was playing with him lit the car on fire with lingering fear. "I'm a little afraid that a headless corpse will suddenly jump up in front of the windshield." …”

"No, hurry back to the hotel. My hands are itchy and I can't wait for a column. How can a secret room be so fun? Hurry up and introduce more people to it. It will definitely live up to its reputation."

As one of the well-known players in the small circle of escape rooms, the two of them even gave Kuaiguang Group advice on building an escape room in the early stages.

Who knew that the secret room created by Kuaiguang Group was even more terrifying than what they suggested.

"Do you think we should ask Kueyang Group's Xuanfa for some money?" The driver joked, "The influence of the two of us is quite good in this circle."

"Come on, you still ask others for money. Do you think they will pay no attention to you?" The co-pilot yawned, "They don't have to worry about selling their tickets at all, so they still need us to promote them? They don't want us to ask for the copyright. The fee is considered good.”

"Let's find a place to eat. I think with such a good company running the secret room, a place to eat shouldn't be bad."

"The main reason is that it's not expensive." The man who had turned on his cell phone and started writing a column shook his head, "Logically speaking, a themed restaurant like this in a shopping mall with an IP would be very expensive. A plate of green vegetables will cost you 48. The restaurants under the Kuaiguang Group seem to be quite affordable."

"There are also expensive ones. I saw someone online posted the high-end menu list of that restaurant with unusual characters. If you just choose the more expensive ones, a meal would cost tens of thousands."

"You also know that the net price is expensive? I saw the ingredients, and they are not low in value. If they sell them at this price, they are basically earning a processing fee. To be honest, they are not expensive. In other high-end restaurants, the ingredients used will be different. Let’s not talk about it being so high-end, just the service fee and processing fee will be paid to you first.”

"This is the first time I have seen such a conscientious businessman."

"So how others can build a giant company in such a short period of time? This is the pattern. You see, it has almost everyone's favor."

"Hurry up and eat. I'm exhausted from running through the last level... By the way, if we come up with a guide, will it make the secret room less difficult?"

Even the two of them, "professionals" who have played almost all the secret rooms in the country, played until their last life before clearing the level. Can others withstand such intensity?

A guide might help more people get to the end of the secret room.

"Don't be shy, do you think we are playing the same thing as the "Secret Room Survival" variety show? This program team highlights a crazy person. You dare to publish a strategy today, and tomorrow he dares to adjust the secret room according to the key points in the strategy. Who? Whoever reads the strategy will definitely be unlucky."

"Then I still have to write, hahaha! Let them be unlucky. I can't be the only one to be unlucky."

"Go and eat, go and eat..."

At the same time, at a resort hotel that has hosted countless victims.

"I told you, Boss Yang is very generous." Yu Lanyun, who had just gotten off the plane, looked at his private suite, "We already said we had booked a hotel, but he still booked a room like this for us... If we booked it ourselves, we would have at least one room for one night. Is it more than 10,000?"

Gu Jiwen sighed: "Yeah, it's a pity that Yang Ruoqian has to travel abroad, otherwise we would have to ask him to take us out for a drink... Tsk, it's so honorable to have dinner with the boss of Kuaiguang Group in their property, and we'll spend the money Either way, the main thing is that it’s too face-saving.”

When Yang Ruoqian picked them up at the airport, he forcibly arranged a hotel, forcibly lent his black consumption card to the two of them, then went through security check on the spot to board the plane and travel abroad.

Shao Yiqi, a second-generation rich man, didn't bother to go out to play when there were so many people - he was also a senior executive of Kuangguang Group anyway, so he didn't have to crowd around at this time.

Of course, since we are old classmates after all, it’s okay to hang out in our free time.

"Tsk, that's all." Yu Lanyun put away his luggage, sat on the sofa and turned on his mobile phone, "I heard that the first group of people who went to play in the secret room have come out, let's see what they said."

The two of them had never played a secret room several times before, so they wanted to challenge such a high level of difficulty. Of course, they had to check the strategy first.

Although the ticket purchase mechanism of Kuaiguang Group is completely random, if you think about it, you will know that most of the people who are willing to grab tickets and eat the first crab on the first day of the long holiday will not have been exposed to the secret room at all.

This kind of person can only write a guide in an afternoon.

Yu Lanyun just typed in the keyword and already saw the corresponding column.

"Guang Guang's secret room strategy guide for the same style of "Secret Room Survival"! (First edition, exclusive to the entire network, quick reading for those who have grabbed the tickets, no reproduction without the author's permission)"

"It really does exist!" Yu Lanyun exclaimed, "People nowadays are so efficient in doing things. Take a quick look and write down all the key things."

Gu Jiwen also collected his things and came over: "Let me take a look, my memory is better than yours."


"First of all, the plot of this secret room is much streamlined compared to the variety show version... This is easy to understand. We will only stay in it for 3 days and 2 nights. In the variety show, it is a full three weeks, so the plot will definitely be much less."

"Secondly, unlike variety shows, the streamlined version of the secret room has groups, but there is no confrontation. The only differences between groups are the tasks. There is no limit on the number of people who can escape. As long as they escape, they will be considered successful."

"...We won't be scattered when we go in."

"Well, the sequence of the elevator buttons is 21421. After pressing it, you can go to the hidden level. There are many rewards and dangers. The specific strategy..."

"When you see the sports equipment room, you turn around and run. How far can you run?"


"Finally, remember to bring a change of clothes. Although the atmosphere inside is scary, the accommodation conditions are surprisingly good. As long as the underworld filters are blocked, it will not be inferior to ordinary five-star hotels."

Gu Jiwen nodded seriously while reading: "It's indeed a scary feeling. Fortunately, there are seniors who have overcome the danger for us, haha."

"Tsk, there are also accommodations, this is really good."

After memorizing all the key information, Gu Jiwen turned the column to the comment area: "There are many people in the comment area below. Are there so many people paying attention to this secret room?"

Yu Lanyun also turned on his mobile phone: "Let me take a look too... Wow, there are actually pinned comments from people who went to play together?"

"Let's see... uh, there were three days and two nights in total, and he was eliminated without even spending one night? Isn't this too tragic?"

"This guy is just looking for death! Look at his self-report, no one was chased into the toilet. Isn't this just looking for death?"

"Well, he said he thought this secret room was like some games. As long as he hides in the cabinet or the toilet cubicle, the NPC will instantly become a blind man and a fool. Let him go... Hahaha!"

"We definitely won't make this mistake anyway."

"We're going there tomorrow, do you dare to say you're not nervous at all?"

"A little bit, but it's okay. Don't we have secrets to pass the level? What are you afraid of?"

Just when the young couple was chatting happily, a message suddenly popped up in the classmate group.


The two looked at each other. Could it be a friendly reminder from Boss Yang?

They quickly opened the group chat.

What I saw was an old acquaintance wearing an abstract avatar.

Shao Yiqi: " @Yu Lanyun @Gu Jiwen, by the way, are you two going to some secret room tomorrow?"

Wu Zizheng: "What, you actually got the tickets? This is not fair, I demand a rematch!"

Shao Yiqi: "Didn't I give you a coupon? Go and eat it yourself."

Yu Lanyun: "Yes, do the rich second generation have any friendly tips for us?"

Shao Yiqi: "Just a friendly reminder. I just saw someone posted a column about escape room strategies... All I can say is, just take a look and don't believe it, at least don't believe it completely."

Gu Jiwen: "Ah?! Has this person been bribed by your company? Deliberately spreading false news?"

Shao Yiqi: "I'm not in charge of this business, and I don't know whether it's true or not. But I know the urinal nature of the people who work on the variety show team... Do you think they won't read this column? Do you think they can't adjust the secret room at all times? ?”

"Want to follow this guide to pass the level? Let me tell you, you are guaranteed to be tricked to death - it's not like you haven't watched the variety show. Even the official reminders obtained in the secret room may be manipulated. Will the cheats for tourists to play expire?"

"Although I don't care about this, you should still listen to my advice. It will help your life safety."

Gu Jiwen, who had just struggled to recite the entire guide, had no time to pay attention to his girlfriend's laughter, and was a little dumbfounded: "Ah? Then wouldn't my memorization of the guide be in vain?"

Shao Yiqi: "That's not the case. The program team will consider many layers. They may change these rules, or they may use some of them... In short, it means that you can't believe it all, and you can't believe it all."

Gu Jiwen: "It might as well be all fake!"

Shao Yiqi: "Anyway, that's it for the tips. I'll go to the filming site of "The Richest Man in Jinhai City" later and give them some guidance on how real rich people live, hahaha!"

"What is this movie about? I'm a little curious."

"Business secrets, you can't tell them."


At the same time, the filming scene of "The Richest Man in Gimhae City".

There are now only three pitiful people on the huge shooting scene - Guo Rang, the screenwriter who has worked numerous part-time jobs, and Shao Yiqi.

Guo Rang, who had always known the company's strict rules, wiped his hands with cold sweat: "Mr. Shao, aren't you at home on vacation? Isn't it not good if Mr. Yang finds out about this?"

"I'm not here to work." Shao Yiqi spread his hands indifferently, "Am I working on the crew? No, if not, then it's not my job. Since it's not my job, I'm here just out of interest."

Shao Yiqi suddenly discovered that sometimes only when he was not assigned to work could he work overtime in a reasonable manner.

This is also considered a reasonable use of company rules bug.

"What are you here for today?" Shao Yiqi looked at the empty set, "Have all the props and other things been purchased?"

Guo Rang scratched his head: "Not yet... However, Mr. Yang approved a lot of funds for us and told us not to use props. The real rich will just buy the real thing."

"I understand this!" Shao Yiqi slapped his thigh, "I understand it so well! Let me tell you what your protagonist's personality is. I'll just customize one for you."

The other party is also a senior executive of the company, so there is no need to hide the script. Guo Rang said directly: "Mr. Shao, the general situation is that the protagonist has obtained a huge amount of wealth, but he must lose it all within the specified time, otherwise he will lose it." You can’t get the rewards later.”

"Loss... you can't give it away, you can only invest it?" Shao Yiqi nodded, "I know a little bit about this, let's go, get in the car, I'll tell you how to act in order to show that funny nouveau riche feeling. "

Guo Rang nodded and got into Shao Yiqi's car with the screenwriter: "Can you please give me some guidance?" (End of Chapter)

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