I'm going to become a giant in the entertainment industry

Chapter 346: Stop some people and torture them

The seven-day holiday seems long, but the time of joy and relaxation is always too short.

Soon, a new working life began... Many people had to face the pain of working for seven days in a row after the long vacation.

Of course, in Kuaiguang Group, this kind of pain does not exist at all.

Seven days of vacation?

Seven days means seven days, and there are no days off.

Even if they really need to be transferred, it will be one day for two days, and employees will never be allowed to work for an extra minute.

Yang Ruoqian and Chang Zhiqing had just left the airport and were taking a special car to the company.

"Do you think that place is fun?"

Chang Zhiqing rolled her eyes at him: "It was fine for the first day or two, but in the next few days, won't it be just the two of us 'playing'?"

"After all, it's a vacation. What you want is to kill time." Yang Ruoqian said with a smile while controlling the steering wheel. "Or do you prefer traveling like mountain climbing or visiting historical sites?"

"Forget it." Chang Zhiqing was obviously not interested in this kind of travel. "I still like a more relaxed travel. I wake up naturally every day, lie down, and eat whatever I want to feel comfortable."

Yang Ruoqian drove the car into the underground parking lot of Kuangguang Building and nodded in agreement: "Yes, when I was a child, every time I had a holiday, my parents would take me to climb some mountain and see the sunrise..."

"I usually only have to get up after six o'clock to go to school. After finally taking a vacation, I actually have to get up at four o'clock. It's like a childhood nightmare."

"At that time, I was thinking that when I go traveling during the holidays, I have to sleep until I wake up naturally and do whatever I want."

Chang Zhiqing nodded: "Me too...I don't like climbing mountains the most. My parents didn't allow me to ride the cable car before. It was so scary."

"Alas, fellow-travelers!"


The two chatted and laughed as they walked into the office building.

As soon as Yang Ruoqian opened the door of the office, he saw the secretary packing various documents and busy.

Seeing how busy Qi Mu was, Yang Ruoqian asked casually while sitting on the office chair: "Is the workload too heavy? How about I find someone to help you?"

Qi Mu immediately raised his head and shook his head: "Mr. Yang, there's really no need. The workload is actually not very heavy."

The workload is really not big, mainly because there are a lot of strange things to deal with... It's really a bit too tiring.

In this case, it would be useless to find one more person.

Mr. Yang, who really wanted to recruit another person to come here for free wages, was a little reluctant to give up: "Really? If you have any difficulties, you must tell me! Recruiting a new person will not reduce your salary."

Qi Mu was a little dumbfounded: "Mr. Yang, I'm not that kind of person... I really don't need it. The work in the company is actually really easy."

"Well, if you feel tired, tell me immediately." Yang Ruoqian gave up the idea of ​​recruiting more secretaries with some disappointment, and then asked, "Do you have any work to report?"

Qi Mu packed up the files a little slower and said: "Mr. Yang, Yan Jinyu said before that you would discuss the decision about the game anchor with her after you come back. Now she seems to be in a hurry, you can deal with this matter first. "

"On the new movie side, the crew is handling it in an orderly manner, and the prop side has almost been solved. Your helicopter is not in a hurry, as long as it is in place within a month."

"When I arrived at the company, an employee told me that the official came to see us during the holiday. It was said that they wanted to ask us to shoot a promotional video. The specific situation is still unclear. I plan to find out the details later."

"The last is our company's entertainment awards... All the judges are now ready and are selecting the winners of all awards. If you also want to participate in the selection, I will notify the organizing committee."

“That’s about it for the big decisions that you need to make.”

Yang Ruoqian nodded and said, "Let Yan Jinyu and security team captain Zhu Qifeng come over."

Qi Mu was stunned and repeated in disbelief: "Mr. Yang, do you mean to ask the security captain to come to the office?"

Is there any strong logical connection between overseas company shares, games, live broadcasts... and the security captain? !

This is why Qi Mu feels tired - there isn't much work in the company, but she always sees things with no logical relationship like this, and it's really hard for her to deal with it.

No amount of recruiting more people will solve this problem.

The secretary complained in her mind and quickly calmed down - she must have just joined the company not long ago and has not yet adapted to the company culture.

Yang Ruoqian nodded and said firmly: "That's right, just call them two."

Qi Mu thought for a moment and then asked: "Do I need to call the person in charge of the live broadcast business for you?"

"No, this matter has nothing to do with the live broadcast." Yang Ruoqian shook his head, "They are only responsible for selecting which anchors are allowed to play this game. There is no need to call them for the details of this game."

Are there any strong correlations between the details of the game and the security captain...

A sweet smile appeared on Qi Mu's face: "Okay, Mr. Yang, I'll let them come over now."

After saying that, the secretary left the office with confident steps.

Ten minutes later, Yan Jinyu and Zhu Qifeng walked into the office one after another.

Among them, Zhu Qifeng, a gray-haired young man in his 20s, is still a little worried - the company is getting bigger and bigger, and he, a small security guard who joined the company when it was founded, has also been promoted.

Now he is the little boss in charge of dozens of security guards.

Currently, they are managing these people conscientiously to ensure the safety of Kuaiguang Group.

The boss suddenly came to look for me. Could it be that the company had been robbed recently?

Yang Ruoqian waved his hand and asked the two of them to sit at the desk.

He first looked at Yan Jinyu and asked: "The game that is about to be open for invitation-based trial play, does it have an age rating? Is it for all ages?"

Yan Jinyu told the truth: "There are some violent contents, so the age rating is 14+. Not everyone can play it."

Yang Ruoqian nodded clearly: "In other words, before playing this game, you must first authenticate your real name and go through some verification procedures, right?"

Yan Jinyu doesn't know much about games, but she still has some understanding of such policies. She nodded: "Yes, if you want to enter the domestic market, these procedures must be followed."

"Then I can rest assured. You can go and do the rest."

After Yan Jinyu left, Yang Ruoqian turned to look at Zhu Qifeng: "Uncle, you heard it too... After foreign games enter the domestic market, they need to make some localization changes. The request I give you is not difficult, just let you do it. Is it difficult to click on the verification process?”

It turned out that he was here for extra money again... Zhu Qifeng breathed a sigh of relief, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Yang, these things are not difficult, you just need to give me what you need."

After leaving Tianyue and working as a security guard at Kuaiguang Group, Zhu Qifeng finally felt what it meant to live a one-stop life.

Of course, if Yang Ruoqian occasionally needs something, he can also help with it, so it's not too tiring.

Yang Ruoqian knew that Zhu Qifeng was very reliable: "Generally speaking, in order to avoid scripts and robots, don't you have to pass a verification code before registering an account?"

The type of puzzle slider verification code flashed through Zhu Qifeng's mind, and he nodded immediately: "Do you want me to do that kind of verification code? No problem."

"It's that kind, but with a slight change." Yang Ruoqian smiled, "I think the verification types on the market are too difficult to protect against the ever-changing scripts, so I plan to strengthen it."

"No problem." Zhu Qifeng was still confident.

Seeing that Zhu Qifeng was confident, Yang Ruoqian turned his computer slightly - there was a photo of a traffic light on it.

Yang Ruoqian said eloquently: "I plan to use photos like this to do a set of verification procedures. For example, divide this traffic light photo into a 3x3 grid, and let the verifier select the part containing the traffic light option in these 9 grids."

"Of course, one verification is not enough. I also have photos of motorcycles and fire hydrants..."

Zhu Qifeng nodded slowly, indicating that he understood Yang Ruoqian's thoughts, but then he discovered a very serious problem. He pointed to the small antenna sticking out from the top of the traffic light in the photo, and asked: "Mr. Yang , then should pictures like this be selected?”

Yang Ruoqian looked at Zhu Qifeng with a mysterious smile on his lips.

A few days later.

On the Maoya live broadcast platform, Ruan Miner started the live broadcast amid the barrage.

And the title of this live broadcast is also very eye-catching: Today I will not play the league, but play a much-anticipated stand-alone game. There are only 30 experience places in the world~

The moment he showed his face, a lot of gifts started to be smashed.

"Come on, come on, what the hell are you doing with this warm-up? You're going to wait for me to death."

"Don't be tempted! Tour group enthusiasts can't wait."

"Sister Ruan, do you have any more invitation codes in your company? I have been waiting for this game for a long time. I can open the Super Emperor for you!"

"I'm so impressed by the rich guy who can buy it at the drop of a hat for 200,000 yuan."

"Nonsense, you don't even know what kind of circle Ha Ye is in, he really just lets you go."

"The amount of money he has given to the anchor has already exceeded that of one super king."

Ruan Miner casually adjusted the microphone and camera, and said: "There are only five of these quotas in the country, and they are all in the hands of our company... Four have been issued now, and the remaining one may be used by the boss himself and cannot be sold."

"And I just got the invitation, and I have never played before."

"Let's play!"

"Hurry up and start. I have never played this kind of group game online."


With much anticipation, Ruan Min'er opened the game for which she had entered the invitation code in advance, and entered the account registration page.

After entering the registration information, as usual, a verification interface popped up in the game.

Ruan Min'er looked at the verification interface and shook her head: "Nowadays, these human-computer verifications have really come up with new tricks... Please let me choose the part of the picture below that contains 'bus'? This is quite simple."

With that said, Ruan Miner quickly clicked on four pictures containing buses.

Just when Ruan Min'er was about to click next, she suddenly noticed with her peripheral vision that under these four pictures, nearly one twentieth of the tire was slightly outside the selection box.

After hesitating for a moment, Ruan Miner glanced at the camera and asked the omnipotent audience: "Should I choose this tire or not?"

The barrage immediately started: "Definitely choose it! The tires are obviously included in the bus."

"Definitely chosen."

"Maybe this is used to distinguish between humans and machines. Humans and machines may choose the wrong tire here, and may not choose this tire."



Ruan Miner looked at the barrage, and finally checked the tires and clicked submit.

However, after submission, the human-machine verification process did not pass, but a new picture appeared.

"Please select the option that contains 'traffic light' in the following pictures"

Ruan Min'er didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at this time. She smiled and complained: "This human-machine verification is quite complicated..."

As she said that, she framed the part of the traffic light including the telephone pole as she did before.

Then she looked at the slightly exposed black antenna and asked uncertainly: "This, this antenna, do you want to select it?"

Unlike the last time everyone made the same choice in the barrage, this time you can see that many people are expressing their own opinions.

"Don't choose."

"No, if you are asked to choose a traffic light, what does it matter if you also light up the telephone pole? You are not reviewing the question, right?"

"Isn't that pole part of the traffic light?"

"Then according to what you say, you can also point to the wires in your house and say these are electric lights?"

"You are sophistry. There are only traffic lights on this telegraph pole, so this telegraph pole must be part of the traffic light!"

"Go back to elementary school and study reading comprehension."


After looking at the barrage that she could no longer count on, Ruan Miner sighed and shook her head: "The netizens are really not good at it, so I have to do it myself."

With the experience from last time, Ruan Miner decisively selected everything he could choose this time and clicked submit.

Then there is the same picture again, but the prompt text on the picture changes to "Please select the part of the following pictures that contains 'crossing sidewalk'. If not, please choose to skip."

Ruan Min'er, who answered three questions in a row, was stunned: "Did I choose the right one or the wrong one? At least give me a hint. What's going on with just posting pictures like this?"

"Hahahaha! It's hard to stretch."

"The anchor is directly stuck in the first step of verification, hahahaha!"

"This human-machine verification is too anti-human, it's not my fault."

"Hahahaha! Do you think you won't be tortured if you don't play in the League? Don't worry, there are too many things in this world that can torture you."

Ruan Min'er sneered and rolled up her sleeves: "Isn't it just human-machine verification? I'm afraid of a hammer. I guess it's him who has more pictures or I click faster."

Under Ruan Miner's operation, the picture was selected again.

However, after loading for a while, the verification interface still does not close.

"Please select the tile containing the fire hydrant..."

"Please select the tile containing the stairs..."

"Please select the tile that contains the taxi... Please select the tile that contains the bicycle..."


"What the hell, who created this verification program?! Does he dare to come and verify it himself?!" (End of Chapter)

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