Xia Xu has been feeling a little uneasy lately - they have felt guilty since the last time they called Kuaiguang Group, hoping to "operate" their film to win the "Cornerstone Award" but were ruthlessly rejected.

The final list of nominees for the Academy Awards has been released, and one of the film directors is an old acquaintance of Xia Xu.

The moment he saw the nomination list for this movie, Xia Xu called this old acquaintance and asked him if he spent money to operate it.

The answer was not at all beyond Xia Xu's expectation - the old fox made a call to Kuaiguang Group on the day he was put on the list, hoping to spend money to lock in the final spot for the award, not just a nomination.

As Xia Xu expected, this old guy was also ruthlessly rejected by the organizing committee of Kuaiguang Group.

Of course...it's impossible for them to ask these things themselves and give the clues to others in vain.

However, the effect is the same whether you ask yourself or entrust others to ask.

"It's over. It's too late to submit nominations. The organizing committee may have already chosen them."

Xia Xu laughed out loud when he saw the news from his old enemy: "Come on, our movie was among the first batch to be put on the list. We contacted Kuaiguang Group directly the first day we knew the news. It’s the same answer you got.”

"Lao Xia, how old are you, and you still compete with me for this award? Do you want to show some respect?"

Xia Xu was too lazy to answer this: "There are only five movies on the list. They are all old acquaintances. You can tell by calling them one by one. This organizing committee should really not collect money. They are really choosing what they think." The best movie of the year. If you think about it, the five movies on the list have very good reputation, box office and profit performance."

Several people are well versed in the entertainment industry, and they have a thorough grasp of the unspoken rules of awards like this in China. It was the first time they encountered this kind of company that did not follow the "unspoken rules" at all, and for a while they actually had some doubts. Difficult to adapt.

"The resources provided by this award are real. What does our box office and reputation have to do with the Kuaiguang Group? This award seems to be given out every year, and a lot of resources are thrown away... I also I thought they were going to sell it at a good price.”

Think about it, the best actor who wins the award can get a starring role in a film and television drama produced by the Kuaiguang Group for free...

The production team of the award-winning film will get the publicity and distribution resources of Kuaiguang Group next time...

Award-winning directors can even be specially invited to be the photographers of Kuaiguang Group’s films!

Even if none of these directors and actors, including Xia Xu, acknowledges the value of this strange organizing committee, for these awards, they still have to pinch their noses and post on major social platforms to thank the organizing committee for their " "Knowing people with a keen eye", thank Kuaiguang Group for their recognition.

As winners, they can't slap themselves in the face.

Compared with the value of the organizing committee, the value of these prizes is the real benefit.

"Tomorrow is the award ceremony. I hope I don't get nothing. I can give you some consolation prizes... The consolation prizes from Kuaiguang Group are also very generous."

Xia Xu laughed again: "Not to mention the consolation prizes, even the golden mop prizes are actually not bad from an economic point of view."

It is true that Shelter Company is a copycat and bad movie production company, but their recent original movie "Sharknado" series has received extremely high ratings online.

A nonsensical "disaster movie", from small town to city, from city to sea, from sea to sky...

Every one of them is jaw-droppingly bad.

The negative reviews and ratings are as ugly as ever.

But in the list of sequels that the audience is looking forward to, the "Sharknado" series is clearly on the list - the audience really wants to see how bad this pile of junk can get and how much the world view can be expanded.

From a financial perspective, it's not a bad thing to reward the Gold Mop Award winner with a resource about shelter companies.

"If my guess is correct, "Magic City Fortress" should be the definite winner. I just don't know if the people from the Yuefu Group can pull off such a shame."

Xia Xu glanced at the night view of Jinhai City: "It doesn't matter whether they come or not. I heard that if the winners don't come, Kuaiguang Group will sell the prizes directly on a second-hand sales platform... Being humiliated is It’s inevitable.”

"You said what they did was bad, they had to offend the evil stars like the Kuai Guang Group... The key is that they didn't make good movies, and they were caught out. Otherwise, they could just get a worst award and give it to them. Film and television works for Kuaiguang Group."

With the box office and reputation of Kuaiguang Group's works, Yuefu Group can't find a place to counterattack even if it wants to.

Giving a worst award to a film that has gained international recognition?

Or give the worst award to a movie that is basically locked in the box office championship of the year?

"Fortress" is the worst of the year, and many people agree; but to say that "The Wandering Blue Star" is the worst of the year is only asking for self-humiliation.

Xia Xu thought for a while and said seriously: "Actually, I think that if Kuaiguang Group holds this award for a few years, the public may really recognize their value."

Now in the entire entertainment industry, a company like Kuaiguang Group, which has an excellent film and television drama production team, has efficient publicity and distribution partners, independently owns social software with a huge number of users, and controls the right to evaluate other film and television works, is a company all over the country. Can't find one.

Perhaps in terms of the accumulation of artists and works, Kuangguang Group is not as good as Yuefu; maybe in terms of user monthly activity data, Baopu is not as good as Weibo... But Kuangguang Group can integrate them efficiently, and no one will go Restrain him.

If others want to hold an award with more generous prizes than Kuaiguang Group, several companies must join forces to have a chance.

But who is willing to engage in this completely loss-making business?

You must know that the Kuaiguang Group’s awards completely exclude its own films.

Who is willing to do this kind of thankless job, which is simply giving resources to outsiders at a cheap price?

"Actually, that's what I think... Well, what can I say? Kuaiguang Group has taken advantage of the right place and the right time. Think about it, we will be criticized by a group of unknown organizing committees in the future, which makes us speechless. Come."

Xia Xu didn't care much. Anyway, he didn't approve of other awards in the current entertainment industry: "What are you afraid of? Isn't there still Shang Qianyu as a judge? Isn't there also An Zhou as a judge? These two people... At least it held up the scene."

For a new A-list star and a director who has returned to the international awards for the first time in more than ten years, his status is indeed sufficient.

"What you said..."

The two old friends chatted and time passed quickly.

The next day, Xia Xu and his shooting team all dressed up in formal attire, got into the special car waiting for them downstairs of the hotel, and drove to the award ceremony.

Xia Xu put on his seat belt and sighed with emotion: "Not to mention anything else, Kuaiguang Group has done a really good job in welcoming guests... They also provided hotels and private cars to all the nominees."

"Many reports have said before that the reception level of Kuaiguang Group's guests is the best among the best. I thought it was an exaggeration... Now it seems that it is not an exaggeration at all."

"It was even so good that I was scared and tried too hard..."

"I'll take a photo first and post an update, saying that I have arrived in Jinhae City and I am looking forward to this award. No matter whether I win the award or not, I believe in the objectivity and fairness of the organizing committee."

"Hahaha, Sister Wang, did you compromise so quickly? Didn't you complain the most when you saw the award from Kuaiguang Group before?"

"Is it the same when someone else receives an award as when I receive it?" Sister Liu said firmly, "If someone else accepted the award, of course I would complain. Who knew I would have the opportunity to receive it today?"

“I’ve posted the news a long time ago, and I also @several members of the Kuaiguang Group official and organizing committee before posting. I hope they can see it and give me more impression points...”

"Okay, you usually look aloof, but now everyone is blinded by money, right?! If you say such things against your will, won't your conscience hurt?"

"I can't help it, he gave me too much."


These directors and actors had a feast before they even received the award. They didn't have to pay for the whole process. If they won the award, they would get a huge amount of resources... Even people with low emotional intelligence would be more or less. I want to praise the "Golden Statue Cornerstone Award" in the news.

If there is not even this most basic statement, let alone whether the Kuaiguang Group, which is expected to become a giant, will be dissatisfied, what will other big names in the entertainment industry think when they see it?

A few words of praise won't lose a few pounds.

The special car arrived at Kuangguang Building soon.

The originally bustling street was now filled with all kinds of vehicles. There were curious passers-by taking pictures with their mobile phones, and there were also reporters who had already received the news and were waiting.

If it weren't for the strength of the security brigade of Kuaiguang Group, many reporters might even rush forward to block the car with their bodies, just to get a set of photos as quickly as possible.

"Oh, what a grand occasion." Xia Xu glanced out the window, "The awards we participated in before didn't get so much attention."

"It's normal. Nowadays, things in the entertainment industry become hot as long as the words 'Ku Guang Group' are added. These self-media will not let go of such a good opportunity to gain traffic."

After chatting for a while, the special car slowly drove into the underground parking lot under the escort of the security team.

Several people opened the car door, adjusted their tuxedos, and then were led by the staff to the 15th floor of the Kueiguang Building.

As soon as they got off the elevator, several people were shocked by the splendor in front of them.

The lights at the top are colorful and gorgeous, giving the entire space a grand and luxurious atmosphere. The big red carpet covered the ground, and the welcoming girls on both sides held flowers and greeted them with smiles.

High-quality light music is played from the stereo surround speakers...

Even the steps leading into the venue were decorated with rose petals.

Needless to say, the decoration of the entire venue, various expensive but not dazzling decorations, fully embodied the word "artistic".

Compared with other award-winning venues that require a signature card, dozens of balloons, and a red carpet, the level is much higher.

"This, this is really..."

"What a big move. Let's not talk about the various resources for distributing the awards. Just hosting the ceremony itself probably cost them a lot of money."

"Perhaps this is the reason why Kuaiguang Group is successful? Don't skimp on where you should spend money."

"That makes no sense. When have you ever seen Kuaiguang Group save money?"

"...It seems to be true."

Looking at this decoration, many people secretly felt that Kuaiguang Group might really be making some big moves.

This award is definitely an important part of their strategy.

At the guest table, there were not only stars or directors such as Shang Qianyu, An Zhou, and Feng Luo, but also celebrities from all walks of life and important media.

Including Yang Ruoqian and Chang Zhiqing, both came to the award ceremony.

Other important partners, such as Chengfei and officials responsible for anti-fraud promotional videos, also have their own seats.

For some reason, Xia Xu subconsciously straightened his hair, and his expression became solemn.

When entering the venue, the welcoming girl smiled and reminded: "Hello Mr. Xia, the entire venue is live broadcast. If it is convenient for you, you can go in now."

Full live broadcast...

Xia Xu nodded: "Okay, thank you for letting me know."

After speaking, several people walked into the venue with their chests straightened and their backs straightened, and came to their seats with perfect smiles on their faces, waiting for the other guests to get ready to start the awards ceremony.

Except for the sound of footsteps and the mechanical sounds of other instruments working, the entire venue was as quiet as an art venue or a library.

In a corner, Chang Zhiqing looked at the scene of silence, with everyone staring at each other and smiling at everything, feeling somewhat horrified in her heart.

Isn't it just a self-pleasure award ceremony, so that you don't even dare to show unnecessary expressions on your face?

She picked up her phone and sent a message to Yang Ruoqian: "What's going on? Why do these people have this expression?"

Yang Ruoqian: "I don't know what's going on with them... Now I don't even dare to speak loudly."

Is this how three people become a tiger?

After everyone became serious, even playing house seemed particularly serious?

Chang Zhiqing asked again: "Why did you invite everyone from the Gaoyao Group? And those calligraphers... Do these people have anything to do with the awards?"

Because you can spend more money by inviting these people to come, and you can pay more for appearance fees...

"As for celebrities, please invite more. Doesn't this show that our awards are valuable?"

Chang Zhiqing added: "I feel like the Cornerstone Award is really valuable if you put on such a posture."

Mr. Yang, who launched a large-scale money offensive, just said "ha": "Impossible, these people are here just because of the awards and money. You see, after the award ceremony is over, the popularity of the awards will soon pass, and no one will mention it again. Get up."



More than ten minutes later, all the invitees except the Yuefu Group had arrived at the auditorium.

When everyone was afraid to show off their enthusiasm and the smiles on their faces were almost dead, the host on the podium who was responsible for awarding awards finally dragged Ye Ye's shining long skirt to the stage.

The guests who could hardly hold it in any longer breathed a sigh of relief.

The awards ceremony has finally begun!

At least the expression on your face can change!

The same doubt arose in everyone's mind - what's going on with these people around them? They usually don't take themselves seriously, but now they all act so seriously?

ps: Haha, I have received a lot of New Year's money from New Year greetings in the past few years, which is great! (End of chapter)

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